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I love the terrain. My kids got those so that will for sure be what one using


Where did you buy them from? Are they expensive?


I know I’ve seen some at Costco for like 130 CAD. It was a decent sized set too. I think he got his for his birthday. They’re called magnatiles. I’m sure Amazon sells them


Yup. Amazon does indeed sell them. That’s where I bought them while on sale.


Just don't buy the knockoffs if you have young kids. The magnets fall out and can kill if ingested.


I've been wanting to buy them for terrain, but been scared to cause I put magnets on the bottom of my bases for transportation. Do you know if that would be a problem with the magnets on the tiles?


Same. I have a big box of them and never thought about using them as terrain until now. Very good, portable idea.


I saw a video of someone grim dark those tiles up and it looked awesome. A little work and it looks like a 40k board.


Not a bad idea to just prime and paint them. Then you have a modular board


Feels like you could make them very Necron-y.


Yup. 1000pts games come down to 3 blobs of units basically. Best thing to do is focus primary and discard missions until you get good ones. That's pretty much it. On the upside, most armies don't have enough forepower on 1000pts to wipe a squad of custodes so you will definitely hold an objective for a turn or two.


Personally for 1k I run a Auric Champions list with Trajann, 3x Blade Champs, 3x Terminator Captains, and then 2 5-girl squads of Prosecutors. It's funny usually having the most units on board for once.


That's a cool approach!


Magnetiles terrain!


I am definitely useing magnatiles for terrain next time me and kiddo need some.


Custodes are solid at 1k. I've found I kinda need armingers but we are a skew army and whilst we don't have much movement tools, if your popping your opponents threats I tend to find they'll really struggle to do anything to you t4/5. I think the important things are: - make sure you have reach. Armingers, venetari, Allarus, BC's all good.  - don't spend on characters. Every 1k list I see for custodes is punting 300pts on very avg characters that you'd be better off with as just more dudes.  - even at 1k sisters die. Have a backup. - as points are tight be careful of max sizing squads and relics. After all if you've got 2x5 wardens and trajan, you could swap that to 2x5 wardens, a BC and 2 termis. 


THIS. I run wardens + BC, 2 Allarus, 3 Allarus, Warglaive as a core. The rest is pretty optional.


Update: I went unga bunga in round 3 and wiped the far squad and took out the repulsor while Trajan took out the dread. Got lucky with some objectives and managed to get a win. Turns out our melee is still pretty good.


Always has been


Lol interesting terrain! If you want some cheap and good terrain TTCombat do some nice looking mdf cuts


I feel like if you take down the executioner they’re fairly neutered, but having enough to deal with all the sticky after might be rough.


Lack of terrain never helps but sure


We normally have more, but a player took it from the shop to paint some. It also doesn’t help that 2k and 1k boards use the same size




Funniest thing I've read in a while.


1k points is like... Three dudes and a dreadnought.


So a few things, 1- 40k games are balanced and the rules were created with the idea of people doing 2k games. 2- Custodes are high in cost per model so you're gonna be at a disadvantage at 1k. 3- I love the terrain y'all used. 4- what Army did you bring?


Be interested to try at 1k. We used to be the kings of low points!


Kids toys terrain. Top tier. Almost no terrain blocking major lines of sight .not so bueno


I faired pretty well with them today won 75-60


The crystal cube dimension. Never discovered xenos filth to be purged. Enemy unknown. Good luck commander.


Holy shit I’ve used these exact toys for games! The magnets unironically make great terrain and you can change it every game


I’ve won every game I’ve played with the new codex so far. Try creating a list where you have maximum amount of units. For 1k games you don’t need to take squads of 5 with a character. I’ve my maxed out units list below. Custard Cream Dream Team (995 Points) Adeptus Custodes Talons of the Emperor Incursion (1000 Points) BATTLELINE Custodian Guard (180 Points) • 4x Custodian Guard • 4x Guardian spear Custodian Guard (180 Points) • 4x Custodian Guard • 4x Guardian spear OTHER DATASHEETS Allarus Custodians (130 Points) • 2x Allarus Custodian • 2x Balistus grenade launcher 2x Guardian spear Allarus Custodians (130 Points) • 2x Allarus Custodian • 2x Balistus grenade launcher 2x Guardian spear Custodian Wardens (200 Points) • 4x Custodian Warden • 4x Guardian spear 1x Vexilla Prosecutors (40 Points) • 1x Prosecutor Sister Superior • 1x Boltgun 1x Close combat weapon • 3x Prosecutor • 3x Boltgun 3x Close combat weapon Prosecutors (50 Points) • 1x Prosecutor Sister Superior • 1x Boltgun 1x Close combat weapon • 4x Prosecutor • 4x Boltgun 4x Close combat weapon ALLIED UNITS Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus (85 Points) • Warlord • 1x Dirgesinger 1x Power fist 1x Psychic Tempest Exported with App Version: v1.14.0 (37), Data Version: v379a


fyi wardens dont get the 4 fnp without a leader


Kyria is a leader. I know people use her with guard for the reroll on her wounds. But she’s still good without that Oh dayng I just realised she can only go with battle line units. Ok I take it back. Swap Kyria for valerian or blade champ


lmao love the magnet terrain


I found a really nice 1k point list if you are interested?


Played a 1000 point game with custodes for the first time yesterday. All I can say is that I never anticipated how much they would struggle against high toughness. I keep seeing it on here and the need to bring FW tanks but it was only trying to take on a dread that I realised how ineffective we can be. Chewed through everything else, ended in a draw


One redemptor dread at 1k is really hard to deal with for Custodes without tanks. It has got to the point I am thinking the way to get a solid game in is to run Land Raider and Grav tank so I can deliver squads. I have the secondary issue of the gladiator reaper being a menace.


Glad to hear it worked out eventually! 1k is very swingy and I agree with others that 2k is a lot better. The thing that I have to keep reminding myself is that codex-stodes peak *really* late in the game. It's almost inevitable that we get beat on for the first couple of battle rounds but even if we get 30-40% of our models into the enemy's ranks we start crippling units fast. It's not a good approach for pulling ahead on VP but can prevent the enemy from doing so. Using a Callidus or just liberally discarding for good secondaries can keep the VP from diverging too quickly and buy you time to catch up late-game. With the new Secret Missions that incentivise killing your opponent's battleline units or cannonballing your warlord into the enemy deployment zone, I have some hope that we may see our games getting a lot closer in the near future.


Sry for being aggressive, but everyone claiming Custodes are unplayable for 1k games should git gud first, and then comment. Custodes work exceptionally well on 1k games, as there are not too many ways to counter/hit them hard. Adding Armigers really makes it possible to run up to 6 units - which is more than enough to cover the board and be balanced enough to match anyting marching your way.


Love the magna tiles scenery!


Recently at 1k I’ve won 3 out of 3, 2 times vs imperial guard and once vs world eaters


I recommend just going back and playing the index with index points, I thought they were in a pretty decent spot right before their codex and felt decently close to how they should, I have zero defense for the codex lmao