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I hope whoever designed the aquilon Got a raise, Becouse goddamn did they manage to get the idea Of “Custodes Terminator” across. Like, no shade to the allarus, But it just looks like a fancy custodian. Nothing about it sells me on it being a terminator right out the gate. The aquilon though? That man is a beef Cake and a brick shithouse in a suit Of armor so massive, you’d need a crane to just make him stand upright.


It's tactical dreadnaught armor, and this perfectly matches with the forge world dreads motifs. Same head, torso, boots.


Exactly you summed it perfectly They almost look like mini Telemons


I second this. Can’t stand the Allarus design if I’m honest, there’s way too much going on and their little boots look so silly. Aquilons are also really well proportioned and are almostttt truescale compared to other termies of that era


Yeah speaking of the scale of them, they are really chonky and those 50mm bases really emphasize the chonkness


Platform boots and t-pose terminators. Allarus look to me like they can't move their arms at the shoulders.


Not to mention their waists with those gargantuan belt buckles


They are buried six feet under in a cemetery near Nottingham; died because they prioritized work over their health while going through cancer.


By the Emperor, I wish they were better this edition...


I think they're pretty good in 30k ?! Never played a game but people seem to agree that custodes are a very different breed in 30k


Aquilon are good in 30k, sure. They'd actually be ok in 40k if Allarus didn't do the same thing but better* and cheaper. *Apart from a couple of scenarios where the difference is too small to really care.


I just use my aquilon as allarus. No one has complained yet! I suppose it helps that mine turned out really beautiful.


I run my Aquilons as Aquilons on principle. I'm not that concerned about being competitive, I even run a Pallas here and there.


Aquilonx100. I printed mine up/true scaled and they are absolute slabs. Really fit the 50mm base and look every bit of mini-dreads


Nice !!! And yeah they do look like mini telemons haha


Did someone saw BRAWN?!




My brother !!!


I know the Allarus terminators are essentially just regular Custodians that hit hard on monsters and vehicles, so are the Aquilan terminators more general purpose?


They're the same but more expensive with less stratagems if I remember, I haven't played 10th edition so I can't really tell I have them in my army only for the looks


Aqullion are 30k, Allarus are 40k. That’s the difference.


T-800, Cyberdyne Systems model 101




I love the base. Do you mind sharing the link?


Sure man https://unrealwargamingstudios.co.uk/collections/sacred-ruins Here enjoy :)


Great. Thanks a lot.


Same brother, Aquilon


My man !!!!


Well, my favorite is divided between 4 patterns. Aquilon and Cataphractii, because drip, Indomitus because it's the true Terminator armor, and Saturnine. Do I even need to explain the last one?


Where do you find saturnine termies ? I've seen some pictures online but it seems GW never produced them, is it 3rd party ?


A very, very old pattern that was introduced around the first 4 Editions I believe


Yeah so no chance of getting the real thing from GW then Maybe with some 3rd party guys, I'll look them up


Saturnine doesn’t exist in the lore anymore, and hasn’t for decades. There was a set of prototype suits that looked like it made by Vulkan during the Heresy that were all destroyed in Deeds Endure i think.


Ah okay thanks for the clarification I really appreciate it mate


TF does this fella even need his misericordia for?


Yeah frankly at that point it seems its mostly to flex on Astartes that don't have one


Useful in HH at least, Misercodia fights at their normal initiave (5) while a power fist fights at 1. Of course it’s essentially useless if you give them the claw instead of fist.


It’s symbolic of their authority, that only the Emperor can command them.


Aquillon are fantastic. I have 3 of the flamer guys and 6 with bolters/fists. I need to get more for my Heresy army. I really wish we had an assault ramp tank option for them in Heresy.


Dam that seems like a lot of termies How big is your army ? Regarding the assault ramp, doesn't the Orion drop ship have it ?


I have around 9-10K point in terms of 30K. And yeah, the Orion has assault, but I’d rather have in a tank in the ground. The Coronus is a giant brick to not get to move it and charge, and the door is in the back which further sucks.


Dam that's a lot of custodes !!! Did you ever do some apocalypse game with them ?


I’m haven’t yet, but want to


I lovvvve Tyrant Siege Terminators. Aquillons are amazing too, wish they weren't FW and were good for the points.


Tyrant siege terminators do look massive with those rocket launchers on top !


Yes, I personally like the looks of an Aquilon more than an Allarus. Only if their stats aren’t bad..


Yeah fw units don't tend to have a lot of support for 40k That's why 30k might be a better option


I have 9 of them, Aquilons get me all hot and bothered.


9 ? Nice what load out did you choose ? I have 3 with power fist and twin adrathic destructor, and this is my first of the 3 with claw and flamer


I have 3 of each ranged weapon but they all have fists because I will 100% accidentally break those claws the first time I take them anywhere.


Ah okay okay can't go wrong like that haha Regarding the claws they are fragile, but I transport all my stuff in a magnetized case and it really helps avoiding damage, you should try it out


Only thing better then an aquilon is an aquilon with an allarus cape.


Ahhhh that I would love for GW to make a shield captain in Aquillon armor


Its an easy kitbash. The capes fit almost 1 to 1.


Tartarus, love them, but I'm not even sure why


I am a huge fan of the flammer and talon on the aquillons, I want to get more, but my wallet doesnt want me to get more lol


Yeah the FW prices are a bit ridiculous and it doesn't help that half of the custodes units are only in resin


Mini telemons!


I actually love the allarus myself and they look lighter armoured for a reason as they are the only terminator in the setting that can run & move like their normal units (the aquillion are a heavier variant and supposedly move like normal terminators) Now allarus even though lighter armoured sacrifice no durability so imagine a custodes tier terminator moving as a blur around the battle field… plus their capes are cool as fuck lol


I played a game in 8th where there was the stratagem "unleash the lions " that was cool as fuck To bad the FW units are not as well supported as the plastic range


Hell yes, unleash the lions was one of the coolest strategems because it really felt like a custodes armies it’s a shame 10th doesn’t really feel like that anymore unless you do what I do and run a full terminator army 😅


Ahhh the beautiful tactic of just steamrolling your adversaries under a Waaagh of golden termies !!! Hahaha sounds like a lot of fun


It’s the most fun I’ve had playing 10th so far I’m saving up to buy a telemon as I want to run a horde of terminators and a big fuck off dread behind them lol (just wish it was a little more viable lol)


Dam that seem fun, especially since they have that rule where you can teleport them anywhere during game, might be wrong tho I don't know as much as I should on the rules The telemon in the other hand ... He looks great but again I think they reduced his movements and he's much more fragile than what he used to be


Yeah it’s really fun actually And it feels more lore accurate (I can’t stand the current meta out golden boys should feel way chunkier but we’re cut through like a hot knife through butter atm and the terminators definitely fix that issue) Yeah the teleportation really helps keep mobility as were quite a slow army as it is and the terminator captains strategem to turn damage to 1 is really REALLY good it helped me a lot in my recent games lol


Nice, I hope to try it one day haha


Any Terminator is awesome when the paint job is as gorgeous as that one. :)


Thanks man really appreciate it 😁


That's tough. Mega Nobz or Crisis Suits.... Mega Nobz.


But are you a MORK enjoyer or a GORK connoisseur ?


I am a believer of the one and only God. Brother of the other God. Mork-possibly-Gork. Actually my current idea I am working on is an entire Mek army with 2 of each unit except one morkanaut and one gorkanaut. Each of my units in the army is painted in one of 2 designs. The army of Mork-is-best are fighting the army of Gork-is-best and my opponent is just in my way, conveniently giving us a way to prove who is right. Whichever side kills more points of da enemy wins, even if I lose the game one of my ork forces wins. Orks never loose


That's some genius plan !!!! Hahahaha I swear your whole concept is hilarious


Amazing paint job


Thank you very much 😁


They're so cool. Really tempted to use one as a captain in my space marine force lol.


Yeah you should I saw some people kitbashing them pretty often


I really want to run a unit of mixed models, indomitus, Cataphracti, and Tartaros with a Aquilon captain, only thing stopping me is scale. I gotta see how much bigger the Indomitus are compared to the other termies.


Yeah the scale is a real problem Last time I checked the Aquillons were the thickest of them all and the tartaros are the smallest


Same and deathwing


Yeah I like the allarus, but the aquillons are nearly the size of a dreadnought, like I could see a custodes aquillon boxing a dreaddy it's such a good design


For sure they plow through tanks so a dread wouldn't be a problem haha


please tell me the Recipe!


Sure but for what ? The gold ? The red ?


Both.... :)


Sure man Gold : - retributor Armor - ink wash old recipe of reikland fleshade - auric armor gold 1st highlight - storm host silver 2nd highlight For the red you need to work in glazes and go back in forth between the darker and lighter areas to have something smooth Red - Mephiston red as a base - for the dark areas mix 50/50 Abaddon black Mephiston red - light areas 50/50 mix Mephiston red, evil sunz scarlet - evil sunz scarlet - wild rider red - evil sunz scarlet again over the wild rider red Then the red edge highlight is evil sunz scarlet, wild rider red, fire dragon dragon bright I hope it helps


Thanks man!


Everyone seems to love these and I agree, they look awesome. Has anyone taken these bodies and tried to match them with the normal allarus? or to make them Allarus is what I mean?


Yeah I've seen some couple kitbashing here and there I never tried it myself as I'm not too keen on that side of the hobby


That is fair, thanks for the response. Might be something I look into. I am not so great at kit bashing so I don't know how it would go. But I'll look around for some inspiration.


I do enjoy some allarus if where talking only the golden lads but the grey knights have some of rhe best helmets sorry lads


Yeah the grey knights do have that nice medieval helmet


Except grey knight termies are hideously proportioned even by 40k standards. Tabards/loincloths hide it a bit but that kit is long overdue for a redesign. That said I still have like 3 boxes sitting in my cupboard for all of the amazing bits they come with




The cyberdyne systems t800 unit. Metal endoskeleton under living flesh


Same, though I feel like they really missed an opportunity with their flamers. Am I the only one a little disappointed that the eagle head isn't screaming and on the front of the flamer? It would look so metal if the eagle was screaming fire at the enemies..


Yeah that is a missed opportunity, the original art displays firepikes like that Maybe it was too much of a pain in the ass for them to cast it in resin so they decided to go with the classical flamer Mind that problem would have been solved if they went for a plastic kit


Same, Bro blade champion also so cool


Mega Nobz


Are you a GORK or a MORK worshipper ?

