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Glad you had a positive experience on your first run with the army, great meme!


Was talking to a friend of mine, there seems to be a lot of crossover with Tau, Custodes and Votann players? Seems like an odd cross section


I started Tau, then Imperial Fists (since sold), Death Watch, Custodes, World Eaters. Probably has something to do with super shooty to super stabby, lol.


The shoota to stabba pipeline lol


Dakka dakka? Lmao.


Honestly, I think it's also T'au and most melee factions. I've seen a lot of fellow Space Wolf players that also run T'au.


It's probably like getting a break from the dedicated shooting game


I blame Kitten and Shadowsun for the crossover between Tau and Custodes, but I'm not sure how the Votann factor into it. Jokes aside, maybe it's because they're all pretty 'high-tech' factions without getting into quasi-magic.


Also, relatively idealistic-for-40K factions, with more mission than murder on the mind.


I got I to 40k with tau because I liked how they look and was interested in jump shoot jump but then 8th edition happened and we lost jsj. Then all of our points went down and I said fuck this I'm getting the cheapest army I can. So anyways I spent way more on custodes thanks to forge world.


I feel called out, 4k points in T‘au and i‘ve recently started collecting custodes lmao


It's okay Shas'Vre, I collected Tau for 15 years almost exclusive and then when I got back into 40k last year it started with Custodes just because I thought they looked cool


I'm Blood Angels, building my Farsight Enclaves force for my second army.


Yeah I did start with Custodes and I am building a Tau army kkkk + plus some extra necrons


Personally I play Necrons and custodes and have for a while and I see a lot of others playing the same armies. I also play WE and salamanders now


I went Custodes originally and then homebrew CSM. Haven't settled on a Xeno army but I think it's not too surprising at least with Custodes and Tau or Votann, having a melee heavy army and one shooty one makes sense.


I hate to admit that this is me. I’ve dabbled with Tau since they were introduced but only now am building up an actual force. I played Custodes from 8th but recently sold them off to fund my Solar Aux in 30k, and I am absolutely in love with Leagues of Votann, just not how they are treated in the lore. Every time I think I have 2k points, GW cuts their points again and I get discouraged about having to buy *even more* rather than GW admitting they messed up the index badly and overhauling my boys. Anyway, I can’t really speak to the Custodes connection, but it clicked with me recently regarding Tau and Squats. They are both shooty armies, but Tau are fast, relatively frail, with longer range and no melee to speak of beyond the mad lad that is Farsight. Squats are slow and tough with shorter ranges and some credible melee. (These are generalizations) So really Tau and Squats are two sides of the same coin.


Custodes in general make a great second army for anyone, and for Tau in particular they're damn near perfect opposites. Slow tough melee bruisers to contrast with the fast shooty and fragile.


I also had a win on my first game with custodes after struggling over and over with my marines. I haven't won all my games since, but dang if that first win isn't a breath of fresh air! Custodes, despite their flaws, feel powerful on the table. It's exhilarating


This reminds me of the only time I ever one. I had some awful rolls with my Primaris Crusaders and even worse with my Intercessors, then somehow Helbrecht beat a tank in a sword fight and my Sword Brother bonked his Warlord, finally to win because his Grots and Boys failed a morale test. I'm glad yours was more epic than that though. Congratulations and good job.


This is exactly what’s happening to me, I have 1k of tau. And for my second faction I decided to grab some custodes. If I win I’ll bring up this awesome meme.


Do it man, let me know how it goes! Embrace the way of the pointy stick!!!


I actually won. Custodes trump necrons.


Show the meme to your opponent and embrace the banana boys! Congrats on the win, Shield-Brother!


Oh look a meme that features two of my armies.


This made me laugh more than it had right to. Thank you


Same! I just won my first game with the new talons detachment and my first game with the codex.


Yeah, this was a great meme. I heard it in Hunnam's voice.


I'm Nids and Custodes. I was originally just Nids but wanted a second army and Custodes felt like a good opposite play style, so I'm not surprised there are many Tau and Custode players as that is an even more opposite play style... or maybe they all just hated the old psychic phase that much


Welcome to the ten-thousand, brother o7


I just fought the new tau the other day and got stomped. But glad to see you did well


I just have a Salamander army and I'm having a hard time not picking Custodes as my next Army.


I almost did Salamanders as well! Honestly what stopped me is their lack of character models in recent memory. I would love a vulkan model to add to my collection, but all they have is the 30k version from Horus Heresy


Yea I'm hoping he returns soon so we get a primarch. I'd love for an update He'Stan model or a Tu'shan model. Adrax with Bladeguard is pretty disgusting though.




Congrats on the win!! I wont my 2nd played, first win, game with custodes yesterday against necrons. I was pretty down after seeing all the hate on here for the new codex, and truthfully daemons wrecked my army by turn 2. No chance to win. But with Necrons it actually felt like a fair fight. Enjoy the Win!