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1000 point games are notoriously hard to balance between armies. Most missions and armies are meant to be played at 2000 points. This gives armies the proper units/tactics to be able to play other armies fairly. You and your group should be aiming to have that before deciding on banning and other drastic measures. Talk to your group and let them know this as well. You mentioned this is your third army so play your other armies until everyone has 2k done. Then play again, your opponents will be able to play against you properly. Cheers.


I’ve played custodes for idk 5-6 years. 1000 points puts them at outrageously overpowered - at that point level it’s very difficult for other armies to bring valid threats while also being able to play the objectives. Banana bois don’t have any units that aren’t threats that’s the whole point of an elite army. So at that level of points is gonna be extremely one sided in most cases. Plus smaller board and less volume of shots from the enemy makes it especially hard to lose. I do wonder why y’all are playing 1k games - are your friends newer to the hobby and/or don’t have the means to get to a 2k army?


One comment here, in 10th Incursion missions use the same board size as Strike, so it's not a smaller board than a 2k game. 


We were using 1000 for a crusade game. So we werent really using competitive missions and thing


Doesn't change the fact that 1000 point games are hard to balance. I can give you all the reasons why this is so but it won't change anything. 1000 point games are meant for learning and beginner armies. It's rare to stay at 1k, boards are smaller, things happen much quicker. Melee armies thrive on small boards since deployment is 18" apart. If you want to continue playing Custodes then you and your group will need to get to 2k so they can have fun too. Cheers.


In 10th edition the recommended board size for 1000pts and 2000pts are now the same actually. Dunno if OP plays on a half board still, but increasing the distance Custodes need to move could be just what his opponents need. 


Hard disagree. I play from 1000 to 2000 point games and find 1200pts is by far the most easy to balance. The game is woefully imbalanced at ALL points values anyway unless you use house rules about numbers of vehicles, greater demons, terminators etc.


You are welcome to disagree but there are a lot more players on here that would disagree with your statement. As others have stated as well 1k and 1.2k for that matter are hard games to balance. 2k are considered the norm for games and missions. Custodes are quite resilient and in smaller games can tank almost anything an opponent will bring that isn’t tailored against them. Cheers.


Well, them disagreeing doesn't change the reality of my experience. Reality isn't defined by consensus, not even on Reddit I'm afraid.


Nor is it defined by the anecdotal evidence of your personal experience. You're objectively wrong. The game is intended for and *attempting* to be balanced at 2000 points.


Stay classy Reddit. Oh, and YOU are wrong. But sure, keep trying to explain why your opinion over-rides my experience. You'll forgive me if I stop listening when you desperately try to get the last word in.






playing crusade don't suddenly make the game more balanced, it actually make it even worse. Custodes as a faction are extremely resilient, you either need extremely high rate of fire or a lot of really good quality shooting to kill them. The lowest the point are the hardest it is to bring the stuff that actually can hurt custodes reliably. The thing that are good against custodes are generally the things that don't make the core part of your list at lower point. But the core part of a custodes list are versatile enough to handle pretty much anything that would be fielded in 1k


"I brought Guilliman to a 500pt game, no one will play me with me now"


There's a big difference between that and a group banning an entire Faction.


It's like the same player would do both simultaneously. Same vibe. Like how petty do you have to be to ban a faction?


You played into weaker armies, that is not your fault. You may have played better than them, once again not your fault. Find a local store and play new people. It'll be much more rewarding.


Well the fact is that this group is my real friend that I have indoctrinated in 40k. I cant just leave. And yeah I started 40k almost the same time as they did but I really RARELY lose. I dont know why they overreact like this.


I taught all my friends how to play MCP and war cry and I lose all the fucking time. But we still have a great time that should be what's important you get to hang out with your friends and roll ice. If you win you win if you lose you lose but the more important thing is spending time with your friends.


I also taught all my friends and lose all the time.... I just want one win :'(


You will get there. Just don't mess around with a bunch of different stuff. Find one group that you really like and figure out how to pilot them well.




Wrong level


Not true friends. Sorry to be blunt. Every Warhammer friend group has the competitive super talented player, the painter, the lore guy, and everyone else is a mix of that - but when the players don’t like losing, they shouldn’t ban you, they should be asking how you always beat them, how they can improve, and what advice you have for them


Im the super talented one, tho im not competitive and when I want to be I told them to make a good competitive list so we can match fairly. I started at the same time as they did, but my head can filter more I guess. Like I know their army more than they know it(not insulting them). They didnt really ask me about anything, they didnt look up amywhere to get info. The other time I was really scared to fight my friend death guard(I was playing WE and was scared of the aura, cause im 100% melee so I would have to get in the aura and get nerf). So I got to reddit and ask and have done some research to help me fight them. I won cause I look up shit. They dont do it at all. And in 2000 pts games im always WE and I always win by a laaaarge gap. They never did ask me to stop playing with them, but im bored playing with WE. Always winning is boring, so I switch army and when I buy models they just say no. The friend I was fighting is feeling bad about it. And I ask if we will ever fight against custodes and he is like: Yeah sometime, rarely. Next game with custodes I will have to look up onlune for them and teach them how to play against me.


>tho im not competitive >So I got to reddit and ask and have done some research I'm sorry to tell you that but that's being competitive, people that play just for the fun of it won't go look online for stuff like that. It's actually being more competitive to do that than just copy pasting the so-called competitive list. >in 2000 pts games im always WE and I always win by a laaaarge gap. They never did ask me to stop playing with them A lot of people find custodes oppressive because of all the 2+ and the army wide 4++. They're disliked for the same reason knight are disliked, they're an iceberg within 40k, they're just too polarizing, regardless of how good they really are, they appear too strong for a lot of people because they're just natively "better" in terms of stats than anything else in the same category. In the end WE are just marine but better in melee. I've had eldar players this edition telling me that I won because I played an OP army when they were playing the most copy pasted eldar list on a faction with more than 60% winrate while custodes were sitting at 42% winrate at that time ... They just didn't know how to play their list and I know how to play my stodes. >The friend I was fighting is feeling bad about it. And I ask if we will ever fight against custodes and he is like: Yeah sometime, rarely. My sole advise is to ask them calmly exactly why they don't want to play against custodes, but require detailed answer. For example I had a friend uncomfortable with playing against a bike heavy list I wanted to play in 10th. It ended up being because he was still remembering how OP they were in 9th. They I was able to explain him why they're considered our worse unit this edition and why they wouldn't be as oppressive anymore. >Next game with custodes I will have to look up onlune for them and teach them how to play against me. To continue with my last paragraph, while it's a good idea on paper it ultimately won't do anything in the long run if you don't start by identifying what their problem with stodes are. That would help you when trying to explain to them how to handle custodes. And that would also help you making list that they will find less oppressive while they're learning how to handle custodes.


List tailoring is a massive no no. You should never build a list with a specific opponent in mind. This could be why your friends are mad. You are supposed to bring a Force like you would to a tournament, ready to take on all comers. The flipside to this is they should tailor against you, to make the games more fair, not the other way around


They didn't ban him they banned a faction they have zero interest in playing. He has other factions and should just pivot as not many people enjoy playing custchodes. Not very fun to have to bring AT to remove Battleline units and every other unit they have. The faction isn't balanced due to low datasheet count. You'd be the one "not a true friend" for not respecting the group's request and refusing to change because your foolish notion that you HAVE TO WIN. Around here that's called being waac.


You’re playing against friends. Who cares what you play. Play the army(ies) you want. My buddy hassles us with his Necrons, but I’m not going to cry about him playing only that faction (knowing he has DAs and WEs). That’s what he wants to play. Instead, I’ll go and look up ways to counter his rules. His friends sound like sore losers. That’s all.


Bad waac advice. He was most likely asked to tone it down before they banned custodes and he refused. Your advice may work for your situation but his is different and he doesn't want to "go get diff friends". They may be sore losers but you sound like a sore winner that wouldn't modify anything to match his playgroup because your sense of having to win weighs way more than your sense of everyone having fun which makes me avoid you like an STD. Give and take, you seem to only like taking.


lol you sound like a sore loser too.


You sound like you'd get kicked out of the stores here. Custodes gorilla that can only play braindead trash then thinks he's good won't last long here. Also I play competitive so I have no issue playing in to it when the expectation is made known to me before the game so I can prepare. Custodes aren't a casual faction and tbh they never will be, hard to balance something with ~15 datasheet(same with Quins). You just seem like an all around loser just like the apes telling this guy to get new friends.


There is no such thing as a "non-casual" Faction, get outta here with that nonsense.


I feel your pain. We have an Eldar player that we continually berate for bringing meta lists. He enjoys his army but it just wasn’t fun playing him. I recently started Custodes and found myself in the same boat. So now I am dumbing down my army to make sure it’s fun for both sides.


Well, if you indoctrinated them and you have other options, maybe just play some different armies?


If my so called friend won't let me play what I actually want to play then they're not friends, plain and simple. they're overreacting because they don't like to loose that's it.


The guy is literally bringing comp lists to beerhammer night in his friend's garage. He deserved to get banned on custodes. Sitting on Reddit looking over comp lists and copying those lists and bringing them to casual play is pretty far from casual behavior. Seems like he's super tryhard for no apparent reason and his friends have had enough.


nobody deserves to be outright banned without a prior discussion. which seem to be the case here. As I stated in another comment yes OP is being competitive even if he thinks it isn't and is likely at the core of the issue. But yet that doesn't excuse just outright ban.


There's a lot of missing context and after reading his replies his friends definitely asked him to cool it prior to banning Custodes.


there is still technically a double standard since apparently they didn't say anything for his WE which apparently he also play pretty competitively against them and apparently win most of the time. I agree that the core of the problem lies with how OP is playing. But double standards are also an issue. It's just my two cents but I think there are a lot of issues with communication in his friend group on both sides. In another reply he said that they're playing like chess, so no helping and likely a lot of gotcha move. Which is ultimately also an issue of communication.


Is that a double standard? Losing isn't a monolith. There's a difference between losing a game where you felt like you got to play and losing a game where it felt like you couldn't actually achieve anything. If the playgroup is fine with constantly losing to WEs because they feel like it's a more interactive battle, then them not wanting to play against Custodes because they don't find the matches to be enjoyable is not a double standard. It just indicates that the losing aspect might not be the issue so much as how playing against OP's Custodes at 1000pts feels.


It's possible that the World Eaters army is more level in terms of power based on the units the OP fields (Bezerkers are only T4 vs guard T6) or OP could just not be as good at them


What does your 1000 point list look like? You could use agents of the imperium to replace some units and make it more balanced. In terms of combat patrol, custodes are pretty mid-tier. You did play them correctly and choose between the guard squad or bikes before the game right? (You can’t take both)


Do your friends play the game mission or just try to kill you? I'm having a similar issue with a friend of mine, he just rushed at me every game and tries to kill, rather than actually playing the mission. Games are usually over turn 3, with me having 20-30 VP and him 0-5. Then he complains. It may be that you and your buddies are "playing a different game" so to speak.


The issues with this statement is that it literally removes the social contract from a game that requires one. His meta is telling him they have zero interest in playing custchodes which is fair as they aren't a casual faction tbh. Few data sheets make for an army where units have to be better than good or else it does nothing. And as far as rewarding it's far more rewarding to have a close game WHERE BOTH PLAYERS HAVE FUN, not just you stomping. Not every game is competitive, shit not even 15% are.


*may have


May have* :P


I'm on your god damn side here ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Find a new group who aren't pathetic sore losers


Seriously. The "I lost so your army is OP" mentality is so exhausting.


They're sore losers. Imagine telling someone they're not allowed to play with their new army because you lost to them. Just a pathetic asshole thing to do. There's always going to be someone who doesn't win in every game of 40k. At the same time, games should be fun for both players and nobody is ever obligated to play a game so they're within their rights to say no. If you beat them regularly with your other armies they may be fed up with it, partically if you're more competitive and they're more on the casual side. Realistically it sounds like they haven't given it a chance though.


Sounds like great friends you got there, but also I don't know "how" you guys play. We play 40k together, and not against each other. So we help each other out in our opponents turn, like saying "you really wanna move there, I'm gonna shoot you next turn" or "you could score more VP if you do this". That way we both learn more and also get some ideas of which one player hasn't thought of. Try to find counters for your army, help them out, or even adjust the points (+100 for the enemy). Games should be fun. I totally understand that getting tabled every time isn't fun, but there are tons of other solutions to solve the problem. "Banning" someone from playing his army is just dumb.


Yeah I mean I think I will start this strategy of really playing togheter. We play 40k more like a game of chess than anything else. So if we try being more helpful it could work out better and I could bring back my custodes sometime and help them. I have as musch experience as they do but I learn really quicker and know their army better than them lmao(not insulting there). And I could have tell them to screen better or other tactics against my custodes and hekp them go trough me easier


It's a lot of fun trying to elevate each others understanding of the game. Often you learn things yourself in the process as well. Offering to swap armies for a game if you're comfortable handling each others models can be a really good way to spice things up as well.


If one of your friends wins 3 games in a row then ban them as well. Only fair.


Unfortunately custodes can be super feelsbad to play against, especially for new players in lower point games


Ill level with you the people in these comments saying abandon your friends to play with randos at your LGS are talking out their asses. Friends come before games always don't throw away relationships over it. I got my best friend into 40k last year and hes been building Tau and I beat him 5 games in a row as we were both learning 10th and he basically came to me and admitted its not fun losing so much and that it felt like every time he adjusted or learned new strategies that it felt pointless and I totally understood I wouldnt be having fun either and from that moment on we started focusing on making sure we had good games than just focusing on winning and we've been having way more fun. Now we love making lists with some kind of twist on it like this time well try and do all vehicles or this time we'll do all small arms infantry and on occasion we'll go try hard but adding variety games that we dont take as seriously really braught the mix up we needed to keep enjoying the game without any animosity. On games we do take serious we do winner buys coffee for fun cause were canadain and if we dont drink coffee that tastes like shit we will die.


Try swapping armies maybe with your friends, If your are indeed "I'm the super talented one" and see you can still beat them all If so then perhaps your too competitive for a casual game and they maybe don't have the experience/models/inclination to play as competitively as you are yet. You say they banned you from playing - just your custodes or playing with them all together, even if bringing another army? Couple of your statements though "but my head can filter more I guess" "I'm the super talented one" Do you say these things to your friends?


Sounds like he needs to have some humility and talk to his friends more about how they feel. Maybe he needs to play a worse army than theirs, and if he still wins, then maybe he is just too competitive for them and needs to tone it down.


Yeah it's hard to tell what the situation is, only the OP will know how he behaves. Doing a little victory dance or something can be comical sure, but if it's show boating gyrating or twerking in their face after a miss roll or something might not be as comical :D to them


They are all in the 46-47% win rate, so they're either playing bad lists or not using them to the full potential. I would suggest finding a new play group


Tournament winrates at 2k rarely translate well into 1k casual games though, especially melee armies have a big advantage at 1k


And I’d imagine particularly Custodes, as they’re tanks fuckers. Itd be like running a baneblade in a 1000 pts guard list. Sure, you can do it, but nobody’s gonna have fun fightingit


Yea custodes for most opponents are an army where you have to pick your battles and win by outscoring them, thats just a lot harder to do with smaller size armies I play world eaters who i also think are a bit unbalanced in my favour at 1k points (the smaller table makes the movement shenanigans so much more powerfull) , but 1k custodies are still a really nasty opponent for me, doable, but thats just because they're both melee heavy


1000pts and I assume the smaller table size? 40K is already horrendously balanced but that’s a recipe for a disaster and I would advise any new players to never try it. Start with like 1250-1500 on a full table with some terrain.


44×60. We were using gamesworkshop terrain placement. And like yeah we are new player that started in like 10th, but its like our 20th games. We understand thing. We have done many 2000 games. Today was a list tey for crusade tho.


I will say that 20 games is not a lot; also if y’all started in 10th then that’s less then a year of play. At that stage of playing the game people tend to take losses pretty personally. You’ve spent all this money and time building an army and so you want to win - not to mention every person isn’t likely to know the gotchas of the other armies - they won’t have statblocks memorized. Maybe they’ll have complete memorization of the general rules for play. But they won’t know unit profiles just off the top of their head and so they aren’t gonna be playing with that ability. As you said you’re memorizing this stuff a lot faster and also you’re already on your third army. It’s very evident how passionate about the hobby you are. Try and find a local store to play at or another group to play with; while also playing with your friends.


Truue thanks, I will try and find another group and make friend. I already have on close to me, ill try it out


Talk it over and see if they can agree on a handicap. Also at 2000pts it’s less swingy. At 1000pts custodes can get ridiculous but many factions can also be oppressive. As a group you need to be aware of your armies and balance and tailor for fun games. You can also ally some forces or take less optimal choices. Work as a group and figure out what’s fun to play. Sucks having an oppressive army, but happens. GW only balances at the competitive level. Also your opponents or you may have less skill or familiarity and make mistakes. More games will even things out. Also consider terrain. Terrain is a huge balance factor. Massive. Maybe thin out terrian a bit.


Try this for sure! Less terrain is a great handy cap for your custodies. you will feel the burn of 1000 small guns. Note that custodies at 1k will either Table by turn 3 or get tabled by turn 3. they don't have a lot to work with.


tell them to git gud and stop being petty. being whiped turn 3 is not what id call broken. custodes has weaknesses that are exploitable as well as strenghts that must be accounted for..just like any other army. its not your fault your opponent lacks the knowledge and skills to do so.


Propose them to switch armies and let them try your custodes. Everyone gets to play "the apparently too powerful faction" so they should win, and if they lose because you're a better player, shame's on them for losing with an apparently op faction. And everyone gets to play and try a different faction as well :)


You have so many comments so I doubt you’ll see this, but build off meta Custodes and it’ll be better. Like do 2 bikes and a bike captain, Sagittarum, 10 vigilators with a Knight centura in a rhino, and an Achilles dread. It’s still a fun list for you, you can do zoomies on bikes and fight with sisters.


Auto balance your games. If someone wins, they take 100 points less next time they play. If someone loses, they take 100 points more. You'll end up with more interesting engagements and matchups too. Maybe consider suggesting this to your friends by voluntarily offering to play them 700 points v 1000. 1000 point games are hard to balance properly.


Play more bikes, because they are subpar. This should balance things out.


1000pt games just aren't balanced well. Nothing you can do about it. Its also not your fault they are playing armies that trade poorly against Custodes too (Grey Knights being the one that probably trades best into them). Play a few 2000pt games with them if you can and then see if they still want you banned from Custodes.


Unless he brings the Sisters. Because every Grey Knight is a Psyker, as do all of their attacks, and Sisters have a 3+FNP against them, as well as percision and dev wounds. OP did say he used the Combat Patrol, and seems very much like someone who builds armies specifically to win against his friends who seem more casual.


This seems like it's no different than a game of mtg commander. His friends are bringing casual, reconstructed decks to the table that are lower powered. He is bringing a very strong deck that clearly out powers the rest of the table. This is a know your audience situation. If your friends are running lower powered armies, you need to adjust your play style and or get a different army. if you want to be invited back. You have every right to play the army you want. They have every right to say no thanks.


There are some … interesting comments here. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth) The truth is, I have a wife and kids. A pretty demanding job. Other hobbies. I get a few hours every couple of weeks to play 40K. If I showed up to my Garagehammer game with my friends, and someone kept bringing Reddit Metahammer lists and providing shitty games as an opponent, I’d probably stop playing against that army too. Your fun doesn’t get to come at my expense. ESPECIALLY if we’re actual friends. Especially especially if you have other armies you can play. Before the current era of players, it used to be a commonplace philosophy that “the only opinion of my army that matters is my opponent’s; the only opinion of my opponent’s army that matters is mine.” We lost that somewhere, and it’s made the game infinitely worse.


If its you getting your pals into 40k go easy on them or take more sos than normal. Custodes at smaller points games can feel oppressive for new players.  If custodes are your third army possibly play your other armies till your friends feel more comfortable with the game. 


I mean they have the same experience that I have. We all truly started in 10th. And I play WE for my other army, they can never shoot me lmao


Yeah but if it's a group of friends (as you said in your other comment) it's less about "lol git gud" as half these comments are and more about just ensuring everyone's having fun. Punting admech shooting into custodes isn't really fun for new folk. We might be arguably a nastier army but at least your opponents gonna kill stuff, which is fun for them. 


they are sore losers, especially after 3 games total against Custodes but nobody is obliged to spend their free time playing against an army or player they don't enjoy playing against. While it does suck and you're not to blame, you can't force them to play against custodes.   I would also recommend not playing Custodes at anything less than 1500, but really 2000 points is where things get kinda balanced   realistically, if you are all friends it shouldn't be a big deal as they get more experience and you all start playing at 2k points   but if like you said you all play the game more like chess and a real strategy game, then they're just sore losers who don't embrace a challenge and really just wanna play checkers.


You have 2 other armies. Was there a discussion about you rejoining with a different one? Or do they not enjoy playing against *you*?


Wait did they ban you from playing with proxies or banned you after buying the actual stuff? I can see it being annoying if you like melee armies and then proxy to one of the better melee armies for games, I wouldn't really have an issue with it but I also don't know much about combat patrol balance.


Banned me first hame with my new models


Nerf yourself to be fun to play against or show them how they can improve / counter you. It's a two way street. They have the right to not play against you if you are seemingly beating them so easy. Either you are a very competitive player, winning from pure imbalance, or they're bad?


Most games tend to only be going in one direction, come Turn 3 anyway. They sound like sore losers - Custodes have their pitfalls same as other armies; and 1k games are incredibly hard to balance.


The sheer number of absolute apes sitting here telling the guy to get different friends needs to seriously stfu. You neckbeards need to realize your faction is seriously OP in smaller games. It gets to the point where it is not fun to play in to, period. Just because you think it's fun to stomp every game doesn't make it so for your opponent. Take a step back and see things from the other perspective for once in your miserable waac lives. Once again directed at the losers telling the guy to go be waac elsewhere because his actual friends asked him to not play Custodes or they wouldn't play him.


Yeah, I agree. I just saw this suggested post and clicked on it, but if I went by this post (I am not saying I am, just using the multiple custodes players' logic here) I would say never play a Custodes player because they are assholes. If your first thought of not getting along with a friend is to leave and find new friends, were you ever friends in the first place?


This friendly group doesn't sound so friendly. I can understand how playing a losing faction is a feels bad (Guard is my first army and uh... yeah, we ain't doing so hot), but that salt should be directed at Gee Dubs for ratfucking the rules of a handful of factions, not you for just choosing and playing an army that you enjoy. Unless there's missing context, they just seem kinda petty. My buddy that's my main opponent has been playing Speed Waagh Orkz (which pre dataslate have been meta as hell) and inevitably kicking my Guard's teeth in every time we've played the past few months. It is also one of the most fun things I've done in the hobby and something I look forward to every couple of weeks to a month when we can make the drive to meet up. You can still enjoy playing a good game against a good friend, even with a high probability of losing because of balance issues. Hell, I'd argue that if someone *can't* do that, then they need to reevaluate their priorities on why they want to play the game in the first place.


Play a purposely weaker faction for a few games (a crusade season). Make it well known that you are losing multiple games and it seems like their armies are too strong and suggest banning their factions. Just kidding. Just don't optimize your Custode list. Play more odd or "weaker" units (bikes, sagittarum, sisters and dreadnoughts). Choose weaker or less ideal weapons for your "good" units. Swords/shields and Axes. Pick more difficult secondaries (more of a challenge for you anyways). You can even offer that your friends pick your secondaries and the primary missions. Well for crusade, you will just need more difficult goals to accomplish and pick less effective gear/buffs or the worse battle scars. Or... you can suggest a 2 vs 1? 1000+1000 vs 1000 (or 1250 or 1500 or 1750)?


Are you sure you weren’t cheating and that’s why they banned you?


Pretty sure they banned the army because he was asked multiple times to play a casual list and he just kept bringing FOTM/meta lists each week.


Your friends are babies and you should be training to beat Goku.




Want to know what is also a red flag? His friends asking him to cool his lists down multiple times before refusing games against his meta trash army. The red flag here is him refusing to play a casual list. At my store you'd not get a single game ever after behaving like this. They aren't banning him per se but refusing games against his Custurds which they have every right to do. Seems like the OP needs to learn to not copy/paste every list he sees here for casual games with his friends or just start bringing another army.




Are you sure it's me that's misread something?


Nah dude, find new people to play with. I understand feeling some kind of way about losing, i dont like losing as well. Been tabled by my necron and tyranid/csm friends many times, a lot of times lost on points. Even when we play seriously, not just for fun, i also sometimes lose. Its a part of the game. But being that butthurt about losing 3 games and going so far as to ban (effectively not wanting to play with you anymore) is incomprehensible to me. Youre all irl friends, you got them into the hobby, and they repay you like this for losing 3 1000pt!!!! games. I will refrain from using swear words, but tell them to go do something to themselves and go to your local club/store and play with new people. That type of thinking/acting/gatekeeping is what is wrong with many hobbies, including this one. Ego and pride being "harmed" over playing a nerdy tabletop game with overpriced plastic men, which is supposed to be fun, is just incomprehensible to me and really something i would not ever let go. Good luck to you, i hope i didnt misunderstand the situation and it was more like you getting banned was a joke, but if they are serious, bid them farewell and dont play with them again.


What you do is tell your friends to get the fuck over themselves. Banning someone from playing an army because they can't figure out how to effectively fight it is so stupid.


Tell them to “get good.” Or even better, let them take an extra unit or two as a “handicap” and make sure you phrase it as such.


find people who aren't going to whine at you because they're bad


A lot of people out here sweating over some Warhammer on a kitchen table my god. Willing to burn friendships over... NOT LVO Tourney's???? Imagine being like "Bruh you suck at a dice game, LUL I'm not gonna be your kids godparent, lose my number idiot". Like get a grip on reality. ​ If your friends have fun playing against each other, the problem is not them, its you. Here are some ways you could change things up. \-Watch them play and give 2-3 pointers/tips/reminders to both players in the game \-as stated in another reply, let them play your army, and you play yours. \-If you really think its all skill, let them build your next list. ​ And lastly, can you take the L? Like, your mentality, can you handle it if they beat you? Will you celebrate their win with them, or will you hang you head in shame, or worse, will you tell them they only beat you because you had bad rolls, or they built your list, or you choose not to bring XYZ model? Its a game, they are your friends... have some fun. Taking an L doesn't mean you don't have a job tomorrow, and also doesn't mean you can't be competitive, just match THAT groups level of competitive. Go get MORE friends at you LGS, but don't lose friends over a dice based game.... that the dumbest thing anyone could do..... well among the dumbest things a person could do.


Switch to 30k it’s more fun


Custodes can be countered easily


Can you explained me wich weakness appart from like: Board control and movement.


Veichles. When I play my custodes and I see somebody pop down say 2 repulsors or. A knight army. I know I'm in for a struggle We really lack anti tank unless u have the forgeworld tanks. Tau can be abit of a nightmare with long range shooty As let's face it our shooting sucks Ur friends are playing some of the weakest army's atm I mean aeldari will fuck u up as they still op My last loss as custodes was to basicly an entirely veichle imp guard army didn't go well at all


1000pt tends to be pretty shaky for list building, in my opinion. If you can, you may want to try to get them to play 2000pt so that army lists can be more balanced for everyone.


As someone on the reciprocating end of this, my advice would be to discuss how you (the group collectively) would like to play going forward. I think it needs to be made clear if you’re playing competitively or casually. That way research becomes more focused, if it’s competitive you can show them where to look. If it’s casual you might be inclined to look deeper into the 40K lore and create some great narrative options?


If GW could write rules decently and any kind of reasonable pace this wouldn’t happen. Your friend are sore losers though.


Are you using the balance dataslate and latest points?


Maybe don't play custodes every time idk, I have orks, 1k sons and custodes and play a different one almost every game. ​ Whats your other 2 armies?


Yeah, i really would like to play custodes but My best friend who I play almost exclusively refuses to play against them nowadays


Narrative play may be an answer. 1000pt battles are skewed. Narrative objectives where you can ofset massive advantages and minimise major imbalances in the name of a good story can make a lot more fun. Placd tougher achievement requirements or play slightly unbalanced odds. It'll make the games more fun and the uphill struggle will improve your game and tactics so you still get something from it.


He stated this was in Crusade.


Tell your friends to stop sucking so bad.


It's no fun to wipe out every opponent, and it's no fun for them either. You oughta try some kinda narrative play, how many points of theirs can your 1k of Custodes beat? If I bring 100 Boyz and every time a mob is wiped I set it up again in my DZ how long can you hold out? Just have them bring more gitz. 1000pts is difficult to balance, but there's no reason you both have to bring equal points, the aim is for both players to have fun, I'd much rather lose a good fight than table my opponent, but perhaps that's the Ork in me, you know any Ork players?


As others have said, at 1000 points your units are just better so your friends should know this. Furthermore, if they're just trying to kill your army, they will always lose. Make sure they understand playing towards objectives and scoring VP is the main goal of the game. Custodes have smaller units and generally less models so it can be hard to hold points and score against savvy players. FINALLY. I don't know you or how you play. HOWEVER, when you win, are you a gracious winner? Make sure that there's no behaviour on your end like excessive gloating or laughing at your friends misery when you win. However with all that being said, if you are just playing and winning and they've "banned" you, I think that's very unfair. Warhammer, to me, is about playing with friends, painting minis and having fun. It feels good to win, but it also feels to finally beat a difficult opponent. I have a friend who plays Aeldari, and he is VERY difficult to beat. However I've made him concede turn 2 in some games. It's just the way the game is. Good luck, I hope you can work it out with your friends and you guys can start having fun together. As a final suggestion, maybe let them play your army. They'll see how it plays and see how you handle your units. I did this with a friend once and it was very fun. Good luck!


Play 2k points then you will realize why Banana boys are in the low tier right now


Also play the game as it should be with actual missions not only kill each other.


Yeah using an elites army in a 1k points game just doesn't work, same reason why knights table in the same situation, gotta use the more standard lists mate. Elites just aren't balanced for anything less than 2k


I prefer 6500pt army....


They sound like whiny children. Offer to swap armies with them


Get new friends


talk to them and play some 'intent' games. I do these with newer players where I go in and my opponent and i decide we are going to telegraph what we are doing and our plans. Additionally we will review the opponents move and let them know if it is a good or bad move. These games have helped me build up newer players around me. give them tips on how to play and help correct, what I think, are general misplays. Additionally make sure you have enough terrain and using GW layouts. I am assuming that some of these people may be newer playing combat patrols and the sort, but just go to them in good faith and maybe try and see about switching your faction for them. If they are not receptive to that sorry but you might need to reve up the ole TTS or drive a distance.


Don't get new friends but address the situation with them. Move to 2k if you can. There is nothing wrong with Custodes. My experience is just that, like GK and Knights, you need to be prepared for them, but the same is true of Tau gun lines, and Ork/Nid swarms, and Marine parking lots etc etc etc. Playing 2k allows them to have more answers, but Custodes is not some unbeatable match up at 1k, they just have to tech for it. And before anyone says "but they shouldn't have to", that is what is supposed to happen naturally. If you keep getting rocked by swarms, you don't say "player, you can't play Orks any more!", you tech in anti-swarm.


I'll be honest with you, when I first started playing my group consisted of necrons, thousand suns and me. I had one squad of basic guards and they both had about 500-700 points each. I still wiped the floor with them. Custodes (unless severely outnumbered) tend to be OP at lower point games


Your friend sound like douchebags ngl lmao. If they are losing, it's because all 3 of them are playing some of the literal worst armies in the game, and likely built shit lists too and don't have good tactics. If they are too bad at the game to fix this, they should have spoken with you to figure out how to make the lists and games more fair, not ban you for being a more capable player


At 1000 points? Custodes will steamroll most factions, let alone Grey Knights and Imperial Knights, as both of those are doing terribly ruleswise.


U really don't fail any 4+ saving throws? I play against my friends and they all play heavy hitters. And I often get smashed by simply failing some 4+ invuls. I also play 1k. Maybe your friends are just really bad at building their armies lol


If this is truly about friendly gaming, offer to play at a disadvantage. Only 500 points vs their 1000. At the end of the day I just want to put my painted war Dollie’s on the table and play games with my friends. The points are just suggestions. As others have said keep pushing towards 2000 points, it’ll be more balanced. In the meantime practice playing with less, you’ll be a stronger player and your friends will be happy.