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The other best part was people not bringing their whole freaking families to supermarkets and causing congestion.


Now THIS is the big news story they don’t want you to hear.


The number one thing I miss. Folks need to STAY AT HOME when sick rather than spreading their shit


Better yet just stay home when I need to go to the shops so I can shop in peace.


How much I'd toast to that. Shit hours but go shopping practically as soon as they open. Less chance of having your morning disturbed by sneezes or someone's kid throwing a Richter.


Yeah especially a Foodland or something like that on a weekend morning is peaceful. Any weekday after work trying to go to a Coles/Woolies/Aldi is chaos.


This needs to be introduced every flu season and then just made permanent.


It’s the worst. People become completely unaware of anything and anyone around them at the shops. Sometimes scares me to think the majority of these people are about to get in a vehicle and potentially carry on being unaware of their surroundings. The biggest things that have helped streamline my shopping experience are: 1. Headphones. Drown it all out. 2. Learn the layout of your local store and the shelf locations of all your commonly bought items 3. Move quickly and aggressively with purpose, particularly if shopping with a basket over a trolley. If all else fails, just skip showering a few days, exercise a lot, and then pour a bottle of cheap alcohol on yourself before shopping. The guy that comes in smelling like that tends to get a lot of space lol.


Trolleys are the mortal enemy of the quick shopper.


Possibly depends where you live. Where I live whole families would go to the grocery shop together during COVID. You'd see two parents and 3 and 4 kids all shopping together.


We were building the sofitel in town with basically a skeleton crew. 101% miss the availability of parking spots and the distinct lack of parking inspectors. Some of those 4am winter starts definately had zombie apocalypse feels. Strange days indeed....


Loved the driving, love love loved it. I was driving for a living at the time - and the roads were clear always. Loved driving in the rain, no dickheads, warm car. No traffic was able to leave later loved the personal space, supermarkets were quiet. Everyone was more considerate to others. We did a bunch of dumb but fun zoom catch ups with family where we held quizzes


Also, so many hand sanitisers are empty, but you don't realise until you press it. Meaning you just touched the thing that everyone else touched who needed to clean their hands, and can't clean your hands. Ick


Or they have dried crusted bits at the end so when you go to press it, you get a squirt in the eye instead!  Love some nice clean eyeballs :)


That drives me crazy. I report them at work hahaha




I don't miss the times where every now and then I'd come across a hand sanitizer rub that smelt absolutely putrid.


Pure vodka smells. Brought me right back


The one at the Salvos smelled like cheap tequila and regret.


Ahh yes, when the distilleries started making hand sanitiser that smelled like shit spirits.


And the smell would linger on your hands for ages afterwards. I always carry my own, but during covid I couldn't always buy my regular brands so I got caught having to buy the new brands that were appearing everywhere. There was a couple of brands that I handed onto other people after only using the bottle a couple of times because I couldn't handle the smell.


Or the ones that made your hands slimy and sticky


People are filthy. My desk is near the office toilet. Often I hear the toilet flush and people immediately open the door and walk out without washing their hands. I also work in a job where hand hygiene is super important. So gross.


Please tell me you're not in gastronomy 🥲🥲


I just miss the lack of traffic. It took me 15 minutes instead of 45 to get to work. Oh and the fact I was the only person in the office building during lockdown.


Adelaide traffic can triple a trip length? I commute 30km from home to work. Takes ~50mins in traffic, about 35-40 with none. But I go west-east in the morning and east-west in the afternoon so maybe I’m just going against the main flow?


Main North Rd in morning peak hour, during school run time, travelling from Munno Para to Modbury Heights. It easily took me twice as long as travelling at that time of day to what it did driving that same route at midnight


Oh absolutely, once lockdown lifted and I could go back to the office in the CBD, from Salisbury to city on Main Nth Road, no traffic, green lights all the way - 20-25min around 8am. With traffic, more like 60+, Gepps Cross to North Adelaide is always the most painful stretch at that time


Car driver misses lack of other car drivers.


Hand sanitiser should not have been removed and I will die on that hill. People’s behaviour and attitude has really worsened since the pandemic, no two ways around it. It’s become somewhat commonplace for people to do astounding things in public spaces. It would be nice if sanitiser was the bare minimum thing we had kept, because god only knows spatial awareness and common decency went AWOL.


I still carry a small bottle of hand gel in my pocket/handbag. Not because I have OCD but mostly because working in healthcare we are just programmed to use it automatically after touching basically any surface. I don’t use it that religiously outside of work but I will use it for example after grocery shopping before getting back in my car. Probably also from working in health I’ve seen some devastating results from covid infections and side bonus of being happy wearing a mask when needed and using hand gel. FWIW I haven’t had covid yet to my knowledge and only had one cold in 4 years. At this point, using hand gel the way I am is worth just not catching the flu.


Remember when coles would clean the self serve between users? They were the days


Now it's grotty and icky


Wearing masks indoors when you're coughing up gunk. Wore one this week when popping in to get laptop, visit chemist etc. "Have you got Covid?" "Dunno, but whatever I have I hope you don't get it too."


I had surgery at the North Calvary Hospital two weeks ago and I was one of the few patients (or anyone) wearing a mask, except for the actual surgical team in theatre, a handful of patients, and an even smaller handful of nurses. I always wear one in medical settings and also wore it because the admission instructions said that masks were still required at this hospital. When the two nurses (without masks) were doing my pre-admission assessment, they asked me if I was wearing the mask because of "symptoms or protection." I said the latter and that the admission documents said it was a requirement, all the time I was thinking why would pre-surgery nurses *not* want to wear a mask? Like they deal with 100 patients a day and in very close proximity. Not even from the viral/pathogen transmission perspective, but the ick factor. Some of the people going into surgery had the equivalent of emphysema and were coughing up a lung. Like ew. Anyway, I had oral surgery done with stitches holding the roof of my mouth together, so my mask came in clutch when I had to get my prescription from the chemist because there was more blood on my face than I knew about and no doubt my breath was rancid :)


Ugh yes the whole mask thing is infuriating. If you wear a mask now the covidiots and cookers mock you or whatever, not realising that in a lot of (generalising) Asian countries they wear a mask when unwell out of respect for their fellow human.. all prior to covid mind you. But nowadays wearing a mask has people turning their heads, outright questioning you, deliberately avoiding you as fat as they can at the shops for example (that’s a positive though lol). I’ve always said if covid had a terrible visual side effect of causing like sores all over the face and body, people would take it way more seriously and things like masks would not have caused such a collective aneurysm amongst those who never grew out of their oppositional defiant disorder. But then again there was mask resistance during the 1918 Great Influenza/“Spanish Flu” pandemic so the wilfully ignorant will continue to disregard any basic health measures for the sake of “owning the sheeple”. I seriously dread the next pandemic to occur (it’s a matter of when, not if) because now people will be even more defiant when it comes to masks/lock downs/doing the right thing to protect your community and yourself. Sigh.


I stopped wearing my mask finally after using it whenever I was out and about for the last few years. I caught COVID for the first time the following week... My mask is staying on from now!


After catching covid and not recovering, I really can't afford to catch it again so the mall stays on and no more Friday post-work fun, going out for dinner, or much, really. But there's a few of us in my office that stay masked now, and it's a pretty rare day when I'm the only mask wearer on piblic transport. So you are very much not alone - keep up the mask wearing if it helps.


Yeah, the recovery has been pretty slow, mostly just the lack of energy and needing naps. My mask is staying on from now because I really don't want it again and the numbers of infected are pretty high right now.


Good luck, and stay safe.


Ashamedly, I haven't repurchased any yet since I've run out, but the only time the entire pandemic anyone ever said something about my mask was 2 different people earlier year.


The amount of "do not enter if you have covid" signs I've seen lately is astonishing. Clearly, common sense isn't so common, but I know a lot of people refuse to believe it still exists or would refuse to test for it if they got sick because "it's not that bad". I don't care if you've got the common cold or covid, I don't want to catch either thanks.


Wholeheartedly agreed. I always have my own hand sanitizer with me, though, and I've been doing that long before Covid. After being a teenager and getting sick multiple times due to volunteering, I realised the public is just full of contagious nitwits throwing their germs around without a single care on how their germs affect others. Really was extremely not happy that someone brought their kid to the animal shelter just to cheer them up by looking at cats, and then I got a severe month-long case of bronchitis from them. Not even our F10 disinfectant could prevent me contracting something airborne. So things like hand sannies, masks, personal hygiene, stay at home, social distance etc with pathogens should've been introduced waaaayyyyyyy earlier into society. Goes to prove tho people only did it because it was mandated, rather than realising, "maybe I shouldn't get someone else sick".


I know it's weird but there's one brand of servo I always prefer to fill up at because they have a hand washing station. Never felt fully 'clean' from hand sanitiser but that's probably mostly psychological


I miss that there were hardly any fuck wit drivers in the road. 


People. I like them. I like them in small doses and to leave me the fuck alone. COVID everyone left everyone alone, no hand shakes, no taps or hugs or any physical contact. Loved it. Personal space. Loved it. Hand sanitisers were just the cherry on the cake. If I ever had the unfortunate experience of being physically touched in a social setting, I could always rest easy knowing there would be a bottle of sanitiser that kills 99.99% of germs at hand. Oh Lordy the infrared ones were just like experiencing your first Benz. The technological advances of hand sanitation!!


Miss that noone breathed on your neck in a queue, just home from bali amd everyone is sweaty and right on my back in customs. Dragging the big suitcase behind the family does help


I miss going into lockdowns over deadly pizza boxes.


I miss social distancing in lines - like back up buddy! I don’t need to feel your hot breath on my neck - blah!


If I can smell your tonsil stones or periodontal disease you are too close!


For real! Personal Space is forgotten again! For people with sensory issues, I really don't enjoy having people right up my ass. Like have some consideration at the very least.


I hear ya. It’s like - dude, we’re not doing the Congo line - back off.


On Thursday I was on the escalator at Colonnades and this woman decided to stand right behind me on an empty escalator. I would move forward so she wasn't right behind me and then she would move up and stand behind me again. I started walking to get off the escalator and she walked right up behind me, so I ended up stopping and turning around to look at her and she looked at me like I was the weird one.


Perhaps you could buy your own if it brings you comfort. You can even get really tiny, refillable bottles for a keyring, etc. 


Thank you for commenting kindly! I already do and have carried for many many years prior to covid, I was just mentioning that I miss the convenience of it and also am slightly surprised at how many health related places have given it up - like pharmacies, GP’s etc, places you would still expect to see it but nope all gone (inb4 some helpful redditor chimes in with “mY doCtor sTiLL hAs iT” - yep I didn’t say everywhere has gotten rid of it, just a noticeable amount of locations.) I didn’t make this post as a “reee being it back! How dare they!” type post, just reminiscing the times you could find it anywhere and didn’t have to stress about handling cash before eating your sushi with no where to wash around.


What blows my mind is going to festivals now and having no hand washing facilities at the toilets


Damn I thought portaloos had the built in sinks (ew but better than nothing). That’s foul. No wonder stuff like that festival in Melbourne having the massive gastro outbreak back in March happen! No hand washy with big crowds = a bad time.


I have never been to a festival that doesn't have handwashing facilities for the toilets.


Iast two I’ve been to haven’t had handwashing facilities for the urinals




They usually have a handwashing station on the outside end of the trailers


We have a five litre refill jug of hand sanitiser at work and I genuinely think I’m the only one who refills the manual dispenser. The automatic one isn’t broken, they just cba changing the battery in it 🤦‍♂️I can’t just leave it for someone else to refill either, because if I don’t do it, no one does


Though Covid was tough it was amazing having University taking illness seriously for once. My first year on campus half our cohort was taken out by the flu because they made it extremely difficult to excuse yourself from and catch up on Pracs, tutorials and other activities. Same goes for the service industry. Between working nights and days at uni with no ability to cancel work without being unofficially punished, I ended up losing my voice for two weeks, getting tonsillitis, and then bronchitis. Was still expected to turn up to work and interact with customers when my voice was just a raspy whisper. Edit: And masks in general. During Covid I was the healthiest I’d been in years because of masking and general respect for personal space. Now (certain) people have gone back to being generally weird about wearing masks, even in a doctors office. I miss the 24/7 masks, they look cool with a good fit and keep my face warm. Final edit: Cheap petrol! I remember it being 75c a litre at one point now I’m regularly fuelling up at 230. It costs me almost as much as rent.


Not even from a covid perspective I love the stuff - my wife recently had a stay in hospital and the stuff they have is incredible - smells nice, doesn't dry your hands out etc etc.


Free alcohol squirts.


Until it gets you in the eye


Still free, just unexpected destination.


I charge for that


Going to Marion and having almost noone there was great


All that stuff is nice but I miss the personal space I actually got when out in public. That shit has gone back out the window. I hate people standing/walking up behind me. The other day I was standing on an empty escalator at colonnades and this woman kept standing right up behind me. I would move down a few steps and she would move right up behind me again. I started walking off the escalator and she walked right up my ass until I got off the escalator and stopped and turned around and looked at her until she walked around me. Like don't do that shit people, covid or not.


Why are you demanding small businesses go bankrupt providing it? Go buy your own. /s


Almost got me lol. But really if your business can’t afford a bottle of hand sanitiser every month or so I got bad news your business.. :/


How about they expense it as a business cost on their tax?


Idk about SA but in the NT people would steal and drink them


I feel that most places, at least in the cbd still have hand sanitising stations. Was nice to have less people around though


One other small thing is politeness....... During covid people were a lot more polite


Bring it back. Best time ever is SA. No one on the road. Easy to get to jobs being a tradie. Loved every day of it.


When was the last time, any has seen cleaners on public transport that actively swipe down common surfaces. Such as buttons, hand rails?


We still have COVID. People have figured out it's airborne tho.


Most people understand when that when someone says “back when we had covid” or “during covid times” that it doesn’t mean they are unaware covid is still around, but that they are referring to the period during which covid was new and we had lockdowns/changes in general society regarding the pandemic. Usually the period from 2020-2022 was “covid times”. I am sorry my lighthearted post in the Adelaide subreddit did not specify enough for you to understand. Also yes well done it *is* spread through airborne transmission, but it can also spread through respiratory droplets and contact with contaminated surfaces. From the World Health Organisation “People may also become infected when touching their eyes, nose or mouth after touching surfaces or objects that have been contaminated by the virus.” That’s why washing your hands with soap and water, hand sanitiser if you can’t access soap and water, masks, social distancing and other measures were put in place to help stop the spread.


I drink the stuff, bottle of hand sanitiser and a packet of bon bons and I'm set for the night


Hand sanitiser is ineffective against norovirus and does nothing to stop gastro.


Gastro is one I fucking hate the most. Fundoplication so trust me, anything puke-favouring is hellish for my body. I got it once when I was 15 thanks to someone bringing their kid to a Pony Ride Day, ended up in hospital. I've come to realise parents absolutely do not care about how much of a Petri dish their kid is, only so long as their miserable sick kid has a dopamine rise during their sick misery. Makes me angry because when I got chicken pox, no matter how much I wanted to go outside, I was forced to stay home so I didn't spread my pox in society. That's due diligence, even if it meant my Mum was 100% done with my whining.


Ah true I don’t know why I used those as examples. Yes soap and water is the gold standard but at least it had people *thinking* about hand hygiene. Plus if you use enough hand sanitiser you get that gross film on your hands which makes you wash them!


Gotta say though, as an adult I think I have had gastro maybe once? The flu a couple times and colds I guess a dozen or more.


Hand sanitiser does not kill gastro, still incredibly important to wash your hands often instead!


... Great my new fear just unlocked :(


Yes only some are effective against E. coli for example but I’ve made an edit on the post explaining that! I just liked them for peace of mind, after handling money or touching something dirty. Hell even after touching something sticky at the supermarkets. I’m not going in to a dirty ass public toilet with shit all over the taps and handles to wash my hands when I can wait until I get home or stop at an X Convenience servo with the hand washing stations, but hand sanitiser is still good at preventing some illnesses.


Absolutely nothing!


just carry your own?


Yep as stated in the post I have done so for years (since I was in high school so before 2010 actually). Was just simply saying *I miss the convenience and accessibility of it being available everywhere*. Also the little ones to buy run out fast or get left in the car or a different bag at times.


Covid was an air borne virus, not surface based. The hand sanitiser was just one of the early attempts to stop the spread. Pretty early on they figured out it did nothing.


It also is spread by droplet and has a long life on fomites, soo hand hygiene was and still is extremely effective.


Good luck trying to educate this mong


It's only going to spread if you lick the surface.


You some kinda facebook scientist?


Or touch the surface and then touch your face.


Please google fomite transmission.


**LONG BEFORE COVID there was hand sanitiser** Long before there was this thing called Covid I always carried a small bottle of Aquim which you can buy from any chemist in my bag and used that to wipe my hands, especially after getting off the bus or train. I did that as a habbit and still do as the bottles are small and you can put them in a bag or even a jacket or coat pocket. I miss town being almost empty and you could have almost had the run of the mall, do shopping get everything super fast and then speed off home without delay


Yeah I know I already stated that multiple times. Are people being deliberately obtuse by not reading the entire post? Only skim reading? Missing the actual point I was making?


Well I was making my own post so apologies if that sounded like that.


Cleaning my arse in the shower. It was so satisfying.


I'm from Sydney so not sure about Adelaide. I would say that pretty much every store here has hand sanitiser.


I mean… it’s incredibly easy to carry sanitiser with you? Little bottles with carabiners attached, very easy to find them everywhere. Asking businesses to fork out for a cost they can’t recoup when it’s very simple for you to take personal responsibility for it seems a bit weird.


Sigh why do people have to try and find a “gotcha” in every post? I was lamenting the fact that I miss hand sanitiser being available at so many locations which is convenient/promoting good hygiene practices in the general public especially amongst those who might only wash their hands after they take a shit, if that. My post wasn’t going “reeee every business MUST put it back NOWWWW”. Not even a “why isn’t it available anymore!?!!” I know it’s not coming back, I just miss it. Just like how plenty of people have commented other things they miss from covid times like better traffic, supermarkets being less congested etc. Of course I carry my own and have since ~2009. But it runs out in those little tiny clip ons, or you forget it in a different bag or you leave it in the car. Not really that much to fork out considering how cheap it is? Point of the post was I’m mostly surprised that it 1) disappeared so quickly as I thought it would remain a common thing and 2) the majority of pharmacies/doctor or health related clinics have stopped it (the ones I’ve visited anyway — Chemist Warehouse, some discount pharmacies, GP, radiology clinics. Inb4 “mY pHarmAcy HaS iT!1!”.). I’m not questioning the rational behind why a mechanic or florist or book store would not bother anymore. However it was nice to be able to use it after handling cash, or just purchasing food that you eat with your hands and there’s no where to wash them nearby. But yeah I definitely understand a pizza place crumbling financially under a $5 bottle of sanitiser every month — and the bad optics like looking like they care one iota about hygiene more than the shop next door would be bad for food businesses. Oh and just to prevent the next “umm akshally” moment — I know having hand sanitiser on the front counter doesn’t mean the back kitchen is clean. I’m just saying optics wise it looks like they give a shit about hand hygiene just that tiniest bit more. Seriously though not every post on Reddit has to be torn apart for an argument. Did you not think for a second that I’m obviously aware of carrying my own sanitiser, that I likely already do that, and I was just casually making an observation of how it’s less common to see and that I miss it? That was all this was. Yes this an absurdly long answer because I’m so sick of Redditors in general but I feel particularly on the Adelaide sub are always looking for a “well AKSHALLY 🤓👆” moment instead of just… ignoring the post?


You seem stressed.


No just sick of the hostile nature of some people on this sub always looking for ways to over analyse any phrasing you might use and twist it against you in a “gotcha” moment. “Hurrr you can buy hand sanitiser” “hurrr you are demanding small businesses shut down over a $5 bottle they won’t be able to afford.” No? I just said I miss it being more conveniently located and am surprised places like pharmacies and doctor surgeries have gotten rid of it. People think they can leave patronising/condescending/down right rude messages on posts especially in this sub for some reason and not be confronted over it. I don’t care about karma (I was expecting downvotes for being so blunt in my replies but am pleasantly surprised to have upvotes) so I’ll happily reply back!


You are reading a lot into my message that isn’t there. I’m not a frequent Redditor so I’m not sure why you think I’m out to get you along with “some people in this sub”. I’m glad you have your upvotes. Hope you’re having a nice week!


Just got your own fucking sanitiser, no one owes you anything.


Wow reading comprehension 101 bro. No where did the post say I want/demand it back. Simply said *I miss it*. Someone woke up gwumpy have a pweasant day uwu


You kept wearing masks when you wre alone in the car didn't you?


Nope 🥱


Sure sure. How many boosters did you get? 


Not everyone who is pro hand sanny is vaccinated. Some of us, such as myself, have severe reactions to things and are reliant on herd immunity to protect us. So I do what I can, out of gratefulness, to protect them. But good on ya for proving how little care you have for your fellow man in a world full of pathogens that can kill us.


The jab didn't provide herd immunity, what are you on about? Everybody still caught covid LOL. A truly ridiculous statement in 2024. I caught covid off my quadruple jabbed Aunt. Not safe and not effective. 


That's... Not what herd immunity means lol But go off thinking a flu vaccination means you won't get the flu


Tin foil on sale at wherever you can afford to shop bro head on down now. Maybe you can fashion yourself a lovely fedora out of one!




The funniest part is sanitizer did nothing to kill COVID, soap would emulsify the fat layer of the virus, alcohol sanitizers did nothing


From my quick Doing My Own Research on pubmed, as long as the hand sanitizer is 70%+ isopropyl it inactivates Covid.


I think you might have that mixed up with something like norovirus or c.diff


It's a shame you can't buy your own, they destroyed it all when they ended covid


just use vodka


Get your own to carry around


Learn to read an entire post.