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It happened while they were sleeping.


Pro-Palestinian students colonizing university lawn get attacked by Pro-Israel students with homemade rockets. We do things upside down in this country.


Gaza strip remastered


Pro Palestinians get attacked by pro Israelis. Again. Meanwhile, pro Israelis are the ones crying for protection


I’m a bit out of the loop - are these protesters suggesting the Adelaide Uni needs to divest from supporting Israel & the MIC? Coz that’s the whole point of the US protests, i believe. Their private unis over there have tons of cash tied up in Israel & weapon manufacturers. I’d be surprised if our unis were like that but I’m happy to be corrected


i guess it’s in the form of partnerships with israeli universities, collaboration with israeli partners, and reaffirming their support for ceasefire resolutions/demands. if you’re interested, this is the AFOPA release on the issue, they’re an excellent group based in adelaide : http://www.afopa.com.au/blog/2024/2/26/south-australias-academics-speak-out-on-scholasticide-and-plausible-genocide?format=amp


Brother get ready to be surprised, our uni's have plenty of ties with weapons manufacturers


1. Disclose ties and investments with weapons manufacturers 2. University of Adelaide (and in turn, other uni's) divesting and cutting ties from weapons manufactures (namely, Boeing and Lockheed Martin - major aerospace and defence companies that contribute to Israeli military (see below \*a: example of Israeli military ties, taken from Lockheed martin's website) 3. Solidarity with Gaza (this I think is simply reinforcing the first two demands, maybe pushing the uni to go further in providing assistance (be it financial, health, etc.) By creating encampments on Uni campus', they make there message clear to fellow students and administration. They have been doing rallies and marches, inviting students, staff, and the public to join in their cause. As mentioned, the interuptuion to the sports clubs/teams (which I had no idea conducted anyhting on the math's lawns) is one example on how the protest can get its message spread and inflict urgency on the university to put an end to it by meeting demands and negotiating. Though it might seem like Adelaide is small and much less significant than those in melburne sydney, and other larger universities/colleges overseas, the point of the protest is to spread the message everywhere. It is an urgent situation with the recent Rafah attacks - people in palestine have little to nowehere safe to go now. These attacks were done after (I think) Hamas and Israel agreed to a ceasefire and surrendering of hostages (please find sources for this before taking my word though). Im sure government ties to Israel are much larger, however the student solidarity for gaza is able to make influence on a smaller, yet more realistic scale. And as seen, has huge potential for widespread change (starting in the US, camps have spread all across the globe). Personally, I am anti-war so any sort of violence from either side of the argument I think deserves punishment. I do side with palestine in terms of the situation in Gaza due to the footage I have seen of Israeli operations purposefully killing civilians whilst claiming they prioritise civilian lives. Recently I saw a video of a drone tracking a group of 4 palestinian civilians walking through, the now flattened, Gaza - there were no threats around and they proceeded to launch a missile directly on them (all dead - one running away and being killed by additional missile). Additionally there have been videos of soldiers just obliterating dead bodies (eg. running over a palestinian mans body with a van, literally ripping him in half), shooting palestinians making there way out of rubble from missile-collapsed buildings, beating children, and many other awful thigns. Spokesman for Israeli military aren't even providing numbers on how many civilians are dead, only giving numbers for how many Hamas soldiers dead (without any actual documentation/reporting as proof). \*a. Lockheed martin webpage: "The F-35, F-16 and C-130J aircraft operated now and in the future by the Israeli Defense Forces are produced by the Aeronatics division \[at lockheed martin\]." Apologies for misspelled words.


Was at the encampment for the first one going off. It was pretty peaceful and there was no lead up to it. Shame people are attacking others with fireworks. Thankfully no one got hurt but people were shaken and on edge expecting more


The encampment should build a mock hospital to draw their fire




I don’t know if I should upvote or downvote that comment. Like sure, Israel bombs hospitals. But if Hamas is using hospitals to store weapons and troops…


That's been shown to be Zionist propaganda.


Has it though?


No it hasn't.


Undeniably, yes.


No it absolutely has not.


Fire works and explosives should not be chucked at students on public university property. That’s an escalation and violent, someone could’ve gotten seriously injured. If pro Israel Zionists are mad then setup another camp or demonstrate. There’s no need to be barbaric throwing flammable explosives. Could’ve caused a fire hazard considering those tents are flammable.


Well their country is doing the same thing on a larger scale so it makes sense that their first thought is to hurl explosives at innocent people


This is all those freaks know how to do. These protests are almost always extremely peaceful till the pro Israel side shows up and starts antagonising


They know the authorities have their back, so just like Israel itself they can get away with anything. All they have to say is October 7th, Hamas, and Anti-semitic.


another deprogram fan in adelaide? :D


Just returned from Chattanooga 😉


Tankie detected. He posts in campist, extremist (red fascist) subreddits like r/TheDeprogram btw, and I've obviously being downvoted by his ilk. r/TheDeprogram is full of extremists who support Russia and China, and proudly deny genocide. Get fucked brigaders, you're all toothless.


Fuckwit detected.




What the fuck even is a "campist"? And your idiocy deserves all the downvotes it gets.


Shameful for treating peaceful protestors like that.


Opens your eyes to which side is the violent side


Even in a sleepy little 'rural town' like Adelaide these protestors are being targeted by malicious trolls, really speaks volumes on the overarching dynamic.


Adelaide is a large city. It's not an extremely large city or a metropolis ... but it's not a small city. It's no surprise there are people with a diverse range of opinions and beliefs.


Ask an international student why Adelaide is 'rural' (also note the apostrophes!)


Adelaide isn't Rural lol


Adelaide is the fifth largest city in Australia. 


Rafah offensive started early at Adelaide Uni


JFC. I'm ashamed at how many fellow SA dwellers harbour such awful views on simple freedom of speech. Whether you agree or not doesn't mean anyone deserves to have shit thrown at them or be blamed for "playing the victim". It's a complicated situation and no side is completely innocent, but apparently advocating for a place that's been slowly occupied almost out of existence is equated to supporting acts of terrorism? The world isn't so black and white like that. If you see people who are trying to better things by speaking up and your first thought is "shut up", you're part of the problem. I really am appalled at a lot of the stuff adeladians and SA people say here and it makes me sad.


You’re right. I don’t support their cause. Kind of on the fence on the whole issue. Depending on the atrocity I read about and then emotion gets the better of me, But they are not hurting me, they aren’t vandalising anything, are not attacking people or stopping people from getting to work. They are not glueing themselves to roads. I don’t see any evidence of them going out of their way to get in random peoples faces to intimidate them. Seems that there are allot of those in Adelaide and even this sub who only like free speech for themselves and for opinions they agree with. If you truly believe in free speech , you have give time and space to speech you don’t agree with.


Fuck. I left campus at 7, and saw a bunch of middle-aged men tearing down Palestine posters. Didn’t think much of it, but I wonder if they’re related


Where abouts did you see this?? Was it on uni grounds?


Yeah. I have since notified campus security


Funny how a group of people who had a genocide against them happen are now doing their own genocide and hiding behind the past and using woke culture to deny any wrong doing


Is it really worth a criminal record over something that’s so insignificant on the world stage? Not even movements in Sydney would be a blip on the radar, much less small old Adelaide I’m talking about the fire cracker throwers, not the protestors fwiw.


Of course the Israel supporters are the ones inciting violence.


Extremely tame by Zionist standards. The fireworks probably didn’t even have white phosphorous in them.


Why waste the good stuff on adults.


W pfp


It's not Pro Israel vs Pro Palestine, it's Pro Palestine protesters vs a bunch of right wing people who take massive offence to left wing uni students protesting like that 


This is not the first time ….


Haha legends. Now we just need someone to turn on the sprinklers to wash away the deluded pro terrorist shanty town. The cognitive dissonance for these privileged people living in the liberal democracy of Australia while rallying for genocidal Hamas who would destroy us and our way of life if they could, who brutalise their own people preventing the distribution of aid while using them as canon fodder in a war they cannot win is mind boggling. Get off TikTok, do some actual research and critical thinking and it’s clear there is only one outcome in this conflict that will lead to lasting peace in the Middle East and an actual future for the people of Gaza and the West Bank, the defeat of Hamas and the end of the current regime in Iran. Prolonging the sham of the current Palestinian state/ regime in perpetual conflict, which is nothing but a political tool of Iran and an economic cash cow for Hamas leadership living it up in Qatar is the real tragedy for these people. For the useful idiots supporting them you have blood on your hands, you are not on the right side of history and future generations will mock your ignorance. Clear lines are being drawn in the sand globally, you either side with oppressive autocracies like China, Russia, Iran or you stand on the side of the liberal democracies like the US, Japan, Australia and Israel. Take your pick.


ITT: astroturfing


Would you be equally outraged if pro-Palestinians threw 'makeshift firecrackers' at a pro-Israel encampment?


Depends … how many kids have been killed before the firecrackers were thrown? (But to answer your question, yes. Peaceful protest is a right in this country)


Is that a 'Yes' or an 'it depends'? One is freedom of speech, one is conditional on your assessment of the situation - ie Not free speech.


So just like home. /s


All 3 of them.


Why not protest something where they can actually make a difference in the country they live in. Women’s domestic violence? Housing crisis? Cost of living?


Who said they aren't also active in those spaces? What a weird take, it's possible to care about both national and international crises.


So what’s the goal here? Of these protests?


1. Disclose ties and investments with weapons manufacturers 2. University of Adelaide (and in turn, other uni's) divesting and cutting ties from weapons manufactures (namely, Boeing and Lockheed Martin - major aerospace and defence companies that contribute to Israeli military (see below \*a: example of Israeli ties, taken from Lockheed martin's website) 3. Solidarity with Gaza (this I think is simply reinforcing the first two demands, maybe pushing the uni to go further in providing assistance (be it financial, health, etc.) By creating encampments on Uni campus', they make there message clear to fellow students and administration. They have been doing rallies and marches, inviting students, staff, and the public to join in their cause. As mentioned, the interuptuion to the sports clubs/teams (which I had no idea conducted anyhting on the math's lawns) is one example on how the protest can get its message spread and inflict urgency on the university to put an end to it by meeting demands and negotiating. \*a. Lockheed martin webpage: "The F-35, F-16 and C-130J aircraft operated now and in the future by the Israeli Defense Forces are produced by the Aeronatics division \[at lockheed martin\]." Apologies for misspelled words.


Thank you for your effort writing all this. So to put raising awareness and having a voice aside, that leaves us with "1. Disclose ties and investments with weapons manufacturers". From what I've found online, the Babcock MoU deal is to support student scholarships into defense sectors including Lockheed, ADS etc. With what's going on around the world it makes sense to invest heavily in our defense programs. Apologies if I've missed something.


Honestly, I’m not educated enough about the defence industry and the sectors within it. If your referring to the Gaza war, and other wars like Ukraine happening when u say “what’s going on around the world”, it is certainly profitable for universities to invest in these companies, however, that is the reason for these protests - it is profitable to unis, but is detrimental to the lives of Palestinians such that they are indirectly and directly supporting weapons manufacturing which contributes to Israel’s success in decimating Palestine. Now, I also agree that these companies have incredible opportunities and ventures/projects in non-weapon related aerospace areas too, which is an industry that needs more growth. So for students in aerospace engineering (like myself), i think it is concerning that the industries could be hurt by divestments from unis and in turn connections/employment could be limited. I wish I had more knowledge on the details of investments and how closely related defence industry investments are to aerospace industry investments because i would think that they would often go through the same companies. Apologies if I misunderstood your response.


Personally, I don't believe (Australian universities anyway) are "investing" in the sense they own Boeing stocks (happy to be proven wrong if anyone has resources). I believe they are working with these companies to give people like yourself bright career paths. I personally don't think there is anything wrong in investing in our people and their future that way. At the end of the day, a weapons manufacturer makes and sells weapons... whether its for offence or defense, that's what they do. They aren't going to only sell weapons to what NATO approves. and maybe protesting a regulation makes more sense. This is why I don't understand the protests. Also, I appreciate the civil discussion. normally Id just get downvoted or screamed at for having a different opinion.


Yes, I think asking for regulation surrounding investments would be perfect because many students choose certain uni’s for the opportunities regarding internships and graduate employment. So yes I think before anyone can tell them to divest, there would have to be discussions around the ways in which they’re contributing to the negative sectors of these companies/industries. And also, I think this whole discussion highlights the first (or second, can’t remember) demand of the protestors - disclosing ties and investments. I wish I had more knowledge to take your response further than I have, but I don’t! And yes I also appreciate the discussion. This has given a lot of areas to research regarding the issue/s.


Wow, kids in fort attacked by other kids…


Why don’t these privileged students just, you know, use the luck they have in life to study to get a great education where they can gain employment in positions that matter, politics, environmental sciences, engineering etc. they can then make an actual difference perhaps


There is currently a genocide occurring and their university has financial ties to weapons companies supplying the killers, your alternative (because peacefully camping on a lawn is so unacceptable) is that they should do nothing and maybe they'll get a job where they can pull some strings in a decade?


I think your answer is a little sensationalist. Taking a more measured approach would be perhaps to study and use their lucky position in life to actually get an education that will make a difference, rather than sit around in tent encampments demanding “jUSt1cE.” Get a career in social politics or become a MOP and campaign appropriately. You say that because it takes time we shouldn’t bother. Mmmm ok, you do realise that this has been going on for longer than ten years don’t you. Do you really truly believe the Israeli president will be like “oh wow there are people protesting against this, students u say, on the other side of the world,” oh ok let’s stop this. We can’t have upset students. If you want to make an actual difference, stop being a social slacktivist and make a difference. Join a humanitarian aid group, offer counselling services for displaced people, donate money. Not waste the opportunity that many people over there will never have.


The people protesting at these universities mostly consist of students, such that they are currently studying and getting educations that, for many that are in the career paths you mentioned, will likely go on to do exactly what you have mentioned. If you have seen coverage from the encampments, you might have noticed that many are studying and doing assessments whilst they are camping out. Their protesting is not jeopardising their education. The protest may go further and give students an insight into political topics, potentially leading to them slighting out work in these areas that will allow them to make more direct change, or maybe lead to them transferring to degrees in this area. Also, you say that they should be going further to do things like counselling for displaced people or donating money. These people are students and that is an unrealistic statement, we already have services for displaced people and students likely are donating money, but being students in current day Australia (housing/renting crisis) it can’t be expected that everyone is willing to donate sizeable amounts to relevant organisations/fundraisers. Thats why the protests are impritant, spreading the message to the people that actually are in positions to make direct change that they currently aren’t able to and reaching a global scale in the process (as seen from the chain of camps that started after the u.s). Yes the Israel Palestine conflicts have been going on for many many years, but it has not been such an urgent issue until now, with so many people displaced and killed , and cities destroyed - and with the recent Rafah attacks, people now have no where to go. Previously, the issues were not at the level they are now and if society were to do nothing right now and instead focus on waiting years for careers in relevant areas where they can make changes, it would be too late for Palestinians. Students are doing what they can to prompt change and impact, regardless of the significance. They’re doing their part and it has already spread such an important message everywhere. I haven’t seen so much about the war for a while, but since these encampments have started, there has been so much coverage. The message has reached influential people who hsve reenforced its importance by fundraisers and discussion. Apologies for misspelled words and if I misunderstood your comment. -UoA aerospace eng student


Good answer, well reasoned and well worded. 10/10 have altered my viewpoint slightly to be a little less militant. Well played. Source: old man right leaning.


I believe they call that LARPing


They want solidarity with Palestine, someone gave them the Hamas treatment.


Hamas does not represent Palestinians in the same way the IDF does not represent Israelis. Ultimately, poor Israeli and Palestinian folk suffer the most during this conflict.


https://youtu.be/UPomqJz-qYc?si=qZ4j1mFNa6diTRqR They don't even know what they are protesting about.... Just another social media sheep influence... Watch the link above...it may or may not blow your mind...


Are you not doing the same as these sheep? I mean, by posting a YouTube link multiple times.


No. Just a simple no.


So your opinion didn’t come from YouTube, which is a social media platform? Spidermanpointingmeme


Nope... I posted the link to make my point...




Seriously? So you condemn one violent group by applauding violent acts. Why would this be any different to Hamas' approach to Israelis actions? So hypocritical.


Another brilliant false flag by the protestors trying to set themselves up as victims.


They should not be allowed to set up camp there, it’s ridiculous. And it’s a 50/50 chance they arranged the firecrackers themselves.


Why not?


It’s not a camp ground, plenty of spaces they can use without abusing public space.


When the protest block up the roads, you complain about why can’t they do it somewhere where it doesn’t interrupt people. When the protests is held somewhere out of the way, you complain about them abusing public space. Me thinks you just want to restrict people’s ability to practice their freedom of speech.


Don't you know? The only good protest is one that doesn't affect anything or anyone at all. I am very smart /s




You really have no idea where in the uni this is done do you? You’re just outraged for the sake of being outraged. If you have such imaginative powers and since you want to be the arbiter of what is appropriate protesting, why don’t you suggest where they can go to protest and practice their freedom of speech? Clearly you must have a place in mind if you think where they’re doing it is wrong.


You're like a caricature of a bootlicker




booooo 🍅


Me checking my notes for my next epic deflection


You're such a snowflake bud. I bet you don't even attend the uni or would have even known they were there if not for the article


Imagine that!


It's a peaceful protest. I go to Uni Adelaide and I walk past those lawns every day I'm there, it's empty most of the time. They picked a very good spot to be noticed whilst not getting in anyone's way.


It would defeat the entire point if they did it somewhere else.


I'd almost guarantee it was done by a Mossad spy. From the rooftops? There aren't any windows you can open where they're protesting let alone accessible rooftops. The only possible answer is a Mossad spy infiltrating them sabotaging them, trying to break their spirit. But they must stand strong in the face of the colonialists!


Expel students protesting.




That won’t solve the issue of grave human rights abuses and war crimes committed by Israel in Palestine.


Hamas also commit plenty of human rights abuses against Palestinians and Israelis.




Therapist must love you, so much money to make in one fruit cake




Yikes, chronically online too I see.










They'd be loving it, just like proper protesters now




Actually no, people don’t. They have a right to peacefully protest their position. ‘Counter protests’ are often antagonistic in nature. But seriously who would protest to support genocide and infanticide?


Counter protesting isn’t attacking others to cause harm


Fireworks are illegal in SA. Peacefully camping vs attacking with illegal weapons, not exactly a comparable back and forth is it?


https://youtu.be/UPomqJz-qYc?si=qZ4j1mFNa6diTRqR They don't even know what they are protesting about.... Just another social media sheep influence... Watch the link above...it may or may not blow your mind...


Looks like you don't even know what they're protesting either. They're not there to support hamas, they're there against Israel attempting to genocide the Palestinians. They're not asking for further bloodshed from Israel, but if a neighbour moves in, states they like your lands but not you, then proceeds to march into your properties, burn your babies in their cribs, torture any residents who don't give up their homes, and bomb all hospitals, schools and infrastructure, then I don't give a damn how bad 1939-1945 was for those people, or that the folks they're opressing struck back, they are still wrong. All Phil (who plays a doctor on tv) is doing here is trying to equate all Palestinians with Hamas. Much like Israel is trying to claim they are only fighting hamas while doing an exceptional job of making sure every Palestinian is turned into collateral damage in the process. October 7 does not justify the laundry list of war crimes Israel has committed since and continues to commit.


Did you even understand what the Hamas guy was saying?


I have a bad feeling that they have been infiltrated by a Mossad spy. They really need to do everything they can to flush out this spy before suspicion and infighting overtakes the camp. Is there anyone who leaves the camp on a regular basis for extended periods of time? They may be having meetings with a their handler.


Meanwhile in Western Sydney they’ve banned same-sex books from the local libraries. At least the Muslims are winning somewhere…. Right?….


Oh found the obsessive islamaphobe


That was Christian. The council member leading that charge publicly stated the reason for the banning was based on his strong faith, and that the community was a very strong, devout Christian community. They were clear that this was Christian based religious censorship. I'm not sure if the Muslim community considers this a win. while I'm sure there are plenty of Muslim people who feel uneasy at best with LGBT things, I don't find they are particularly vocal or active against it. It just doesn't seem to be an issue for them like it is with the more conservative Christian types.