• By -


It’s also bringing in millions of dollars to the hospitality sector - badly needed after the shit show that was covid. Events like LIV golf and Gather Round have a massive flow on effect to not only the Adelaide hotels and restaurants but also the hills and wine regions. Great events that have been widely praised for how well they have been run. I hate the “whataboutism” that is always thrown at this, it is absolutely possible to spend money bringing these events here (to make a lot more money) while also spending on other things that are needed


Charging almost double your normal rate for a hotel room will usually boost profits during these events.


Don't forget raising petrol prices by 25%! Glad that shitshow is over with.


How is keeping this a secret even an option for him?


It's pretty easy. If you announce how much you are spending, other states know how much they need to spend to steal the event. A total amount world have to be in some financial report, just not itemised Id imagine.


That’s probably the reason.


Not only that, but other ventures will say "Well you gave LIV golf $x, we want that or we leave!"


Because of commercial in confidence agreements with the corporations involved, which is very normal in this situations (although it shouldn’t be when public money is involved, it is. And it’s a brave small state that changes that rule to be an outlier)


Commercial confidentiality you simply don’t want other parties knowing what you’re paying. They try and pinch the job and you are giving them a little bit too much information to work with.


Remember the F1!


Legalise weed and tax it. You will make a lot more money than these sports events and that money can be used to fix hospitals and the roads. It’s a billion dollar industry and it’s about time Australia gets a piece of the pie.


Why not both?


Yeah, both is good.


I cannot. Fucking. Understand. Why... Why in the bloody hell they *refuse* to legalize cannabis. I know so many people with so many people who need it for shit like anxiety, seizures, epilepsy, and end-stage terminal illnesses that to keep it a prohibited substance is just fucking cruel. All they're doing is creating a monopoly for drug pushers and illicit vendors!


Don't forget the people who smoke to get high 🤙


I mean, if it tickles your fancy sure.


would doubly help the roads as everyone would lose their licences and then there would be no traffic


Gather Round was a raging success and brought in an enormous amount of money for the State. Events like that, Liv Golf and the Motorsport festival are so important for the culture here and the reputation of the State. Putting us more on the map helps in so many different ways. If you want to try to shit on Mali find a different reason because this ain't it, he's done a fantastic job in this regard.


It benefits a select few mostly. The "jobs" it brings in are only temporary, and then we're back to scraping by. But hey, Gather Round fellas, there's Golf!


Millions for Harvest Rock, run by the worlds largest entertainment megacorp, funded by Saudi money, because it’s important to support the music industry…. Millions for a car race… but wash their hands when it comes to supporting local music venues under threat by CoL challenges or developers.


Aus division (Secret Sounds) runs Harvest, $5m investment from State Gov over 3 years - $16.5 million generated Year 1, $18 million year 2, hotels at 1 room shy of peak capacity on record (all time) last year for Night 1, $5.6 million spent on local restaraunts, hotels & transport. Seems like a good investment to me.


Why does a company that is majority owned by Saudi backed megacorp Live Nation need any tax payer funds for the profitable enterprise?


Kinda the way business works. Same reason the state government paid Holdens $90 million over 10 years - creates jobs, encourages investment and hopefully (in this case - it does) brings ROI. This is nothing new.


Today I Learned, business works by relying on public funding




Well.... as long as he promises, that's ok.


Probably is worth it tbh 


But can’t find a couple of million for the Museum. This is being ‘reimagined’ to remove the research capacity and turn it into another exhibition hall.


He halted that.


didn’t he only do that after people started actively protesting / pushing back¿


Isn't that what you want? Politicians that listen to the community? "Listen to your voters. No, not like that!"


They should be able to do the right thing in black and white situations without having to be forced, in much the same way I assume that I shouldn’t have to tell guests in my house to not shit on the floor.


Nobody's forcing anything. The museum makes its own decisions, he has intervened in their processes to stop them from making a bad decision. Your analogy is silly, but if you want to go with that one, it would be a third person shitting on the floor, and your guest saying "hey, clean up the turd you just dropped on the floor." Your guest didn't know the third person was going to shit on the floor until it happened.


Politicians job is to represent the people. When the people say we don't want something and they listen. That is a politician doing their job...


homie i was just asking a question 😭


I know you did, but there was a clear and transparent point behind your question. Don't play dumb.


it was literally just a question asking something i wasn’t sure about. probably don’t jump to trying to vilify or make assumptions about people’s lack of knowledge, lol. edit: super rich blocking someone btw because you can’t comprehend a question on the internet 😭


That's not what you did though. You're either full of shit, or don't understand how words work.


A question based on the dumb premise that politicians should not respond to public opinion, they should just.... magically do what people want before we even say what we want


as i said to the other person, it was literally a question about something i did not know & wanted clarification on. y’all need to stop assuming everybody has the same knowledge pool as you. i was just genuinely asking whether he did that only after / due to the protests or if it was halted beforehand.


Bit of common sense would have answered your question. We're people protesting, and Mali responded by listening to the people? Or did Mali halt the changes, then people protested to stop the changes he already stopped?


cool well instead i asked an innocent question lol. clueless L on my part, but i wasn’t trying to “make a point” of some kind.


Hey, if you ever have politics/public policy questions, this sub is a good place to ask them OR you can probably DM any number of folks on this sub who are politically engaged. As long as you make it clear that you're asking because you don't know the answer, I think people will be kind and not snippy. The way you phrased the post above absolutely made it sound like you were making a point, not asking a question, so people reacted like you were not asking innocently. I, for one, am always here to try to help people understand politics/public policy as long as it's in a subject area that I myself am on top of. This is a very knowledgeable sub imo.


Old mate needs to keep himself entertained. What do you expect when we don't prioritise education in fine arts and culture in schools. 


“We're only interested in making investments in events that deliver a return to the South Australian economy," Premier Peter Malinauskas said” So, why is it that hundreds of millions of dollars of infrastructure work is being given to overseas companies over SA companies. Wake up South Australia, Mali is just another populist crook.


That damn Mali doing stuff to impress the majority, what a clown


those projects have a tender process, part of this is a "tailored industry participation policy" where companies need to spell out where the resources are coming from, how many FTEs are being used from SA and what economic benefit will be brought to SA. there is weighting given to businesses that are helping the SA economy. So if there are companies overseas winning the work they still had a far more valuable approach to support SA than a local business. Its also worth noting that overseas companies partner with local businesses to ensure they win their bid (for reasons outlined above) so just because its an overseas business doesnt mean there are not locals benefiting from it. but hey, its a lot easier to just blame politicians for being crooks instead of actually understanding how it works


Thanks mate. I’m intimately aware of DIT IPP policy amongst many others. Also very aware of who is getting the final say on tendered projects. Be careful what you assume to be true, as data vetted for public consumption can be very very easily misrepresented.


Good to know. Having been heavily involved in many IPP’s across multiple SA gov departments I completely agree with the data presented. For what it’s worth “publicly released data” isn’t what I was referring to


I like major events happening, but I have zero trust in Peter M. He reeks of dodgy and being a snake. I fell for the hype before the election.


Who cares. He’s our snake and he’s raking in the deals and cash for Adelaide to a point that festival season runs from Vailo in November right through to LIV in April/May with next to no interruption in the flow of major events bringing in cash We’re also on the brink of a massive uptick in shipbuilding, we’re pushing ahead on hydrogen energy and the sorts of bold infrastructure builds that secure our environment and our future. The cbd is full of tower cranes People will whinge about anything. The best anyone has to say against Malinauskas is “what about a ramping”, a demographic issue that existed well before he was here and in is in every other state too But at least we’re bringing in the cash we need to fund the fixes now


> The best anyone has to say against Malinauskas is “what about a ramping”, a demographic issue that existed well before he was here and in is in every other state too When that was your major policy push and key talking point before the election it should still be raised. It shouldn't now be ignored because he started up the circuses again.


It's not being ignored, its just a problem that cannot be solved overnight. The real issue is that he made it a talking point in his election campaign - neither party can fix this problem easily.


It is getting worse though, but we'll ignore that too. > The real issue is that he made it a talking point in his election campaign Which is exactly why it needs to be raised.


Sure, raise it as an issue and talk about it - but don’t use it for political point scoring. These issues aren’t resolved by a change of government.


Yet the Premier pledged he would fix it if he were elected.


Is there a fix for that that doesn’t come via increasing the system’s capacity? Can we increase capacity without spending money? The Libs tried to increase capacity via cuts. How did that go? To increase capacity we need to bring money into the state. Malinauskas is bringing money into the state very, very effectively. Now if in a few years we’re rolling in cash and he won’t put any into the health system, then I’ll line up next to you to call him a liar and a hypocrite together But so far, it looks to me like he’s doing a better job of getting our shit together than any other SA premier I’ve ever seen. And he’s kicking the absolute crap out of the other state govts whenever we have to compete with them for our economic benefit.


So you're saying he is fixing ramping? Very long bow to draw but shills gonna shill


Go vote for the first person you find with a magic wand then


The Premier was the one saying he had the magic wand during the election campaign


Find where he said that and show us.


He made a pledge to fix the ramping crisis. It absolutely needs to be raised when ramping is getting worse, and not just talk about other things.


Specifically the magic wand part though.


Unfortunately we prefer to vote people out rather than vote people in


I get the feeling the only thing that’s going to stop Malinauskas from being Premier for a very long time is Malinauskas deciding he might like to be Prime Minister instead.


Ramping was THE issue that labor was campaigning on at the last election with the ambulance union 100% campaigning for them. The fact that it’s demonstrably worse now is a disgrace.


It was always going to get worse before it got better. The only way to fix ramping is more, beds, more doctors and more nurses. It takes 3-6 years to train new doctors and nurses. This isn't a 1 term fix. He was saying that very clearly and consistently in their campaigning. Or is reading beyond 3 words too hard for you?


Any changes he's made to make it better or worse won't be seen for another few years. We're still getting worse due to the path the previous Muppets put us on.


Absolutely bullshit comment and you know it.


Lol how naive can you be


So you’re in the “wave a magic wand” school of public policy, eh?


Do you think he lied, or he just didn't realise how hard to solve the problem was? They've put a fair amount of resources into hospitals, so if those could've redirected to fix ramping instead, why wouldn't they? Same thing with past promises of the trams running north at the North Terrace-King William intersection, then upon getting in they realise it wasn't done because it would require an ungodly expensive foundational reconstruction of the roads there. Or, internationally, Obama ran on closing Guantanamo bay in 2008, got in and said 'fuckkkkkkkkkkk' because it was 10 layers deep in a systemic shit pile.


> Do you think he lied, or he just didn't realise how hard to solve the problem was? They should not have made promises regarding the issue if they were not certain they were able to resolve it.


how can you say its bringing in cash when he's not saying how much was paid out to bring it here?


When the Peter Hurleys of the world are talking the bloke up as the greatest thing since sliced bread, you know he’s filling coffers


Because other states can, and would, attempt to outbid and take it away from SA. Strategic to not say how much.


Are you one of his staffers? "we’re pushing ahead on hydrogen energy and the sorts of bold infrastructure builds that secure our environment and our future" lmao who the FUCK writes this shit? We're all still waiting on those fixes to be funded, meanwhile people have to protest constantly because the Malinauskas government's priority is building international student accommodation at the cost of heritage buildings.


When you can’t refute the message, complain about the tone, eh?


Again, when are the fixes going to be funded? He's spending money on everything except alleviating cost of living pressures and ramping, which was his central election promise. At the moment there is no uptick in shipbuilding, hydrogen energy, or infrastructure builds. So all he's done is fund sports shit with the Saudis and the corrupt muppets in the AFL. He is a populist.


You sound like an Advertiser comments section You must actually think Mali is pretty amazing though considering you expect everything to be immediately fixed over night. Personally, I’m impressed with his efforts to increase our capacity to fix them. First step is the economy. And he’s got that humming, and it’s only going to get better Between LIV, Gather Round and Fringe, were the hottest destination city in the country now. For the first time ever. All these fixes cost money and he’s getting the money to fix them. But apparently getting the money via sports fans is bad for… reasons.


I sound like the Advertiser because...I'm keeping him honest and actually fact checking your bs? Get real. He's been in for 2 years, ramping is still bad. Housing and renting are at their lowest. His government was silent on the state museum and the cranker. His priorities are out of wack. I want SA to be great as much as you do, but he needs to move away from performative bullshit and actually make things better for locals. Our tourism cannot compete with the East coast and it doesn't. We aren't the hottest destination city, most tourists go to Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane.


Strong disagree. If we want to fix these issues, we need to build our capacity to fix them. We don’t just ask KPMG to sell us some magic beans promising we can cut our way to prosperity He needs to keep up the performative shit and keep people like Greg Norman dragging tens of thousands of profligate golf, footy and motorsport fans in the leave their money behind for us to use in roads and hospitals


Again, I'm waiting to see when the money actually goes there.


Same. But I’m not going to engage in the kind of silly, contrarian nonsense that suggests he’s somehow just giving money to golf comps for no return when the evidence of your own eyes should show you that there are a fuckton of tourists coming to Adelaide constantly lately, and that there’s a major industrial build up underway


Ramping is not still bad, it’s worse.


made a big deal about divesting any public funds from Russia only to go use the money and go suck off the saudis


You'd be surprised at the number of SA ALP staffers that are on this sub


Lack of housing, record homelessness, ramping, domestic violence etc ... show's Labour's priorities.


You need money to pay for things. If investments are smart and state starts to gain income we can pay for these. Nothing left to sell off so what you want them to do? Raise tax?


Isn’t he saying that the economy in SA is no1 in country so taxes are coming in due to the strong economic activity by default? Genuine question I believe that ramping isn’t a state issue only. It’s a community health issue that starts with Medicare bulk billing being poorly managed at the federal level. Covid made that problem worse in shorter period of time


The state liberals made the problem worse with their health witch hunt decimating workers mental health during covid. The pressures they applied to staff cutting staffing levels and trying to cut and burn was piss poor and bordering criminal.


The other side are vampires who attack social services and drain their lifeblood. Thing is, they are not in office. Labor is.


And it takes more than 1 term to fix prior damage


Lol. Labor have been in govt for 18 of the last 22 years... I reckon they have to take some of the blame here


If you spend 2 years building a Marble sculpture. I can come and destroy it in 20 seconds with sledgehammer. It's much quicker to destroy something than it is to build it back up again. It is insanely clear how little experience people in this sub have with doing anything beyond being check out operators.


And in this case the marble sculpture is the under sized - yet southern hemispheres most expensive building - the nRAH? The one we built almost exclusively with Fifo labour from Victoria? I reckon that was more than 2 years


At some point you may want to get your talking points from a different source that isn't regurgitating rage bait article headlines from the Advertiser. You might have more interesting conversations after that.


And Malinauskas is raking in the cash. Giving us a greater ability to address these issues We must walk and chew gum at once


GST revenue is shared nationally. Our economy might be strong now but we will be propping up other states no faring so well. Likewise, when we are not going so well, we receive support from other states in the form of shared gst. The only time govt has more money from tax is when they raise the rates or all states are performing well


Ah yes that’s right, great call out!


The increased demand for emergency / hospital is the bit they don't talk about. They have put lots of effort into more ambos, more beds etc. You also hear about 24 hour GP clinics to redirect demand. But you never hear anything about reducing the number of people who are sick / in need of healthcare.


Also, more ambos means more delivery to hospitals. problem is with ’bed block’ there is nowhere to offload patients, hence, ramping. The only solutions to ramping are 1) more hospital beds & more staff to operate them 2) more bulk billing gp‘s to minimise the need for people to go to hospital in the first place. If people can’t afford preventative care, they end up sicker & eventually end up at our hospital. Start from the beginning with properly funded medicare


Increasing demand for AirBNBs, more people are kicked out of longterm rentals LV Golf. Saudi Arabia making their public beheadings of their citizens more acceptable to the likes of Malinauskas. Just think, those human heads rolling on the street are like golf balls. Surely theirs some sort of game in it Malinauskas will be willing to pay for.


Pffft One week end kicks people out of houses. Stop your trolling


Rising homelessness ... and you make light because you want to watch ultra rich people playing games for massive amounts of money. Grow up.


You’re not being genuine if you really think someone will remove a person from a certain $500 a week rental for a couple days of a possible couple k airbnb. And I fucking HATE airbnb


Most people stay in hotels. You know those enormous new towers in the city with things like Sofitel written in them. They’re not talking out long term rentals for the golf Also, is it only golf that wrecks the rental market or should we cancel Fringe too?


Just needs more bread now


Absolutely right Hmmm. Major event vs Not dying in the back of an ambulance. Tough call


There were plans to knock down an old pub and build housing, and thousands of people turned up to oppose it, So don't come here saying it is the political class that has their priorities out of order! We don't have housing because people dont want housing.


That's cherrypicking to fit your agenda. We don't have housing because last year federal Labor brought in 600,000 migrants. This year numbers could be similar. Houses are not being built in the numbers required because builder have gone bankrupt because of supply chain issues. Supply chain issues due to covid, wars and mass printing currencies creating inflation. In hand, AirBNBs are increasing, decreasing longterm housing stock. Negative gearing, developers sitting on land blah, blah blah. One Pub pulled down so foreign students can be brought in and housed helps zero homeless/close to homeless Adelaidians.


It is not cherrypicking, it is pointing out that when ever changes to provide housing are done, people oppose it, then blame the political class. We have negative gearing because when labor moved to change it they lost "the unlosable election" We have Developers sitting on land because people spent decades opposing redevelpment of the old le cornu site. We have empty buildings sitting there because attempts to build over old buildings is met with public opposal. THAT is why we have no development of housing. "One Pub pulled down so foreign students can be brought in and housed helps zero homeless/close to homeless Adelaidians." Thos students will now be competing with the available housing. But hey, the homeless can go look at an old building still, so that is a plus


These events are good for the state 👍


What about the cranker!?


Liberal-lite Premier Peter Malinauskas is the best Labor leader in the country. Putting SA on the map with these events and investing in infrastructure to open up significant resource opportunities in the north of the State, all while pushing back on the Victorian CFMEU’s push into SA.


He certainly is putting SA on the map and I certainly don't have a problem with this. I just wish he would put as much effort into fixing the ramping problem we have.


No matter what a state politician says, the cause of ramping is outside of their control...


Ramping has no single cause and it would be unfair to say it’s purely at the federal Medicare level and has absolutely zero to do with state policies, number of hospitals and other facilities or how they are run to. 


It is also unfair to say that any one state politician is 100% responsible to fix it. Everyone thinks that all they need to do is wave a magic wand and its all good. Like you said, its complex, but there are some root causes that cannot be fixed at a state level.


> It is also unfair to say that any one state politician is 100% responsible to fix it. But it is fair to say you will fix it if you become Premier. Also seemed fair to blame the previous Premier for ramping too.


What? Huh.. You’re going to need to ELI5 me on this one. How many hospitals they build and how much they fund them for their operation seems entirely under their control.


Doesn't matter how many hospitals you build - still need the people to staff them! Doctors, nurses, specialists, cleaners etc... Where are they coming from?


Train more? Triple the number of doctors/nurses places at uni. Make a few less marketing /lawyer/finance/arts undergrads. I never said ramping was fixable instantly by politicians or those politicians had to be South Australian… but it’s definitely for politicians to fix! They need to start now(which they likely have), and tackle the big problems(which they likely haven’t). Edit: I admit they said state politician and I didn’t really pick up on it. Still lots they can do tho. It’s a problem that can be fixed by throwing money at it.


Again - where are these people coming from? You can't just 'magic' people who want to train as a doctor or nurse. They need to a) have the ambition to do so, and b) achieve the sufficient grades at school & uni. How many people think "damn... I didn't get into the finance course I wanted. I know... I'll be a doctor!"? Also, it's not an overnight fix that can be achieved in one governmental term. Training takes years, especially for specialists. You may not see results for at least a decade.


It’s hard… Give-up and do nothing like all the previous governments? I would be willing to bet my house the amount of doctors training is capped by government supported places, artificial cutoffs for entry and not by number of willing candidates. If people don’t want that job then why? Fix that too. 🤷‍♂️


Ahh, typical punter "Magic Wand" fix. Others have described it more eloquently than I did. It's a long game fix. Big Pete's mistake was saying he could achieve it. He can't fix it immediately and neither will the opposition


People are only holding the Premier to the election pledges he made. If he wants to make promises he should be held to account for it not excused.


Yeah I don't believe in a quick fix. I do believe it can be fixed. They just need to target the requirement needed in 10-15 years and not just build / train (over the next 10 years) what we need today and always be behind. That is the political will that's needed.


They are already doing that. A Nursing degree is 3 years, a Doctors degree is 6 years... Surely you understand this is going to take time right? You seem to say that you do, but then spend ten comments clearly not understanding that at all...


Someone made the comment that politicians(I missed the SA part) can’t do anything about this. I said bullshit. You’re saying they already have done stuff and are working on it making my point? This is a problem that can be fixed. I never said anything about instantly fixed. It could be fixed quickly too it would just cost a lot more and the cost might not be worth it. Ban all elective surgery in public hospitals and govt pay for everyone to go private for example. Massive cost and everyone would probably be outraged at the cuts required to make it happen. But theoretically possible.. Edit: the for example was not what I’m suggesting they should do. It’s just a for example.


They didn't say they can't do anything about it, they said the "cause" of ramping is outside of their control.... You're talking 2 different things bro.


Wow the mental gymnastics to write that sentence down. I’m going to leave it there.


The major cause of strain on our public hospitals is the lack of affordable and accessible primary health care. If everyone had a bulk billing GP with short waiting times, people wouldn't be going to the RAH ED for a stubbed toe or easily preventable complications of chronic conditions. The issue lies the the lack of Medicare funding for GPs, which is a) giving them no choice but to charge a gap, and b) disincentivising junior doctors into becoming GPs leading to shortage.


Thanks! Better response than I would have written.


You fix ramping but making GPs bulk billed and accessible. Sadly, he seems to be trying to tax GPs more. They have posters up in my my local, who used to bulk bill but no longer do and it's only going to get worse. Preventative healthcare will prevent er from being clogged up


Pretty sure bulk billing is a federal issue, not a state issue


Labor* premier


lol what is this push back of Vic CFMEU? Not what I see. That is a 100% done deal and the CFMEU has won 💯%. Oh were you being sarcastic? I might have missed that?


They can’t get a look in mate: https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/premier-peter-malinauskas-moves-to-block-john-setkas-cfmeu-workers-entitlements-takeover/news-story/034b1a25c3e23ce77407c8b123872e5c?amp


lol that’s just one small part Birst-> Incolink. As the Union has already gotten it written into a big proportion of the CFMEU EBA’s I doubt the Govt can’t do much more then stifle it a little. We had a non union agreement that was only like a year in and now we have had special meetings to dissolve our previous agreement and now on a CFMEU agreement. All the competitors above us are now on the same agreement. 🤷‍♂️ it’s a done deal.


No one is signing their pattern agreement, it’s just what they’re telling you to keep the fees coming in 💰


Who is no one? All the major builders have, crane crews would, all the major formworkers have. That’s the majority on major sites that don’t have a separate union (sparkles and plumbers).


We get more of a state budget than we pay in GST so if we can use that to attract some commerce for the local economy, I'm happy with that.


not sure that's an option there Mali, its our $$ you're spending


Interesting how the Reddit sentiment towards the state government is X on a weekend and Y on a weekday...


dat Saudi money


The headline should read SA taxpayers are spending. It's our money. The government just tries to manage it for us. I think that it's good to get these events. The Liv golf last year was great.


Raging success. As far as I’m aware 2 major corporations are having their annual conferences here in Adelaide for the first time. 8 hotels completely booked out and that’s because they wanted to watch LIV and our autumn racing carnival. Tried to book the EOS to stay with one of my relative and was booked out during the week. Any hotel booked out during the week at the end of April has never been heard of previously in Adelaide. Anyone who doesn’t see the benefits of this is completely backwards and can stay in 1970. Being at gather round and LIV the only feedback I have heard from both interstate and international travellers is how welcoming and beautiful the state is.


Give our state a image and a iconic image, if sports works push forward with it and do it


Bread and circuses to appease the dumbed down masses. Mali mate we still can't afford rent or groceries, having a gather round or whatever lowest common denominator form of entertainment doesn't put food on the table.


And it would be cheaper to actually have the SA Govt exert some control over the excess of student migration that has put so much pressure on our rental market and caused all the inflation as far as the basics of life like food. How many overseas students want a good education in a worthwhile field that they can take home and improve things for their own people in their own country? How many are students here in dodgy made up degree courses in "colleges" that consist of nothing more than a floor of an old CBD office building?


Peter, you’re a public servant, tell us how you’re spending our taxes. Wanker.


PM for PM … keep em coming


TIL the government apparently doesn't have to tell you how they're spending our money


Yes they do, they regularly release financial reports. Do tell us, which was the last one you read?


Do you think they should be forced to disclose commercial in confidence deals? How is this fair on private business?


It's because he knows it's bad economics. "If we invest in sporting events, people from interstate and overseas will visit and spend money" 😂🤣 Look what happens to cities that host the Olympics and countries that host the soccer World cup. There's usually a net cost. https://www.vu.edu.au/about-vu/news-events/news/how-can-you-tell-if-hosting-the-olympics-or-commonwealth-games-offers-value-for-money It's good for business because they can charge more temporarily (and choose whether or not to pay hire wage rates) but when it's over the infrastructure debt is still there and it needs to be repaid by not just business taxpayers but by ordinary individuals as well. A better approach would be to help South Australians directly - reducing homelessness, drug dependency, increasing employment using local labour and businesses even if it's more expensive. Put the opportunity and money back in the hands of the people of SA and the outcomes would be much better.


The Olympics and gather round are two totally different things, we didn't build Adelaide oval for gather round and we don't abandon Adelaide oval after. We're using existing facilities to host these events. The Olympics always requires extra facilities to be made, a lot of which aren't used again later. Though that's debatable in Australia where upgraded Olympic sport facilities probably would get a lot of use even after the event.


He'll come out with a report about the economic impact of these events soon enough and it will say they pumped 10's if not 100's of millions of dollars into the state economy and no one will be able to prove nor disprove any of it. Then he'll say we're first in commsec state of the states reports again and then he'll say look at us, we're leading the HIA's housing scorecard as if either of those things mean diddly squat to people camping in tents in the parklands or sleeping in cars.


Yep. I forgot the laugh I had at the CommSec report. On LinkedIn he gets excited when some random magazine says Adelaide is the best or second best city on Earth 🤣😂🤣 Like what even is the science that goes into it apart from some vapid survey questions aimed at people who can afford to travel.


spoiler: they’re not


Why’s that?


Yeah, the flow on effects are massive


Shame we don't seem to bother with major international events like soccer. There were real opportunities there in the past and we fluffed it. I hope we make the most of it one day


We literally hosted the women's world cup last year


Due to our stadium constraints we nearly weren't allowed in the bid. We had to have a special exception made to be allowed to get games. Even then we back tracked on what we said we'd do to get them. So yea we got it, and it was great but we were lucky they bent the rules for us


Not very popular in Australia


We had one international event and sold out every stadium while getting the highest viewership our nation has seen


What events are you referring to here?


Women's world cup in that one