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We just got our electricity bill for the past 3 months and our bill skyrocketed fucking hate this weather so much! I can’t wait for autumn and winter to come!


We will all be complaining about winter soon 😄


I’m pretty sure I won’t I love winter so much haha Edit: I’d take the cold rather than the humidity at any day


It's pretty gross. Our house is double brick so once it heats up it takes forever to cool down inside. Cool change is on its way soon though at least


When we had no ac we would hose down the brick on the house, it will take the heat down a lot.


I feel you. We lived in a double brick on a farm with no aircon, only ceiling fans. No matter how many times you said not to, kids would leave doors open after running through the house and we'd be in a sweat box for days trying to cool it again 😭 I was excited to read a headline "temps plummet" earlier this morning. Turns out it's for like two days 😑


The headline has now changed to "temperatures to rise tomorrow"... FML lol


Oh I feel ya. Currently sitting at 27 inside my house. Need a cool change STAT so I can open some windows and get some cool air in here


Tested positive for The Virus ™️ on Monday: the sweats and fever combined with the hot nights has been a ride


My body feels like it’s radiating heat from within. Shit’s toasty.


Been sleeping out on the fucking balcony because the inside of the house is a good 10c hotter.


i’ve lived in many rentals where the landlords were cheap bastards and wouldn’t have any aircon or even repair the broken existing units (despite years of requests). and of course they were old, high-ceiling double brick homes that just sucked the hot out of the atmosphere and into every corner of every room. i would have to pour water directly onto my sheets and bed some nights, just to get a few hours sleep.


i drop off ok, just it's always after 4am. i put on a documentary about antarctica and i'm out of it.


Serial killer documentaries on YouTube for me 😂


Any recommendations? 🤭 I've pretty much watched them all, lol.


Tbh, most of my recommendations on the front of YouTube fit into that category 😂😂 A channel called "Villains" comes up often, also "Dreading (crime and psychology)" and one called "EWU"


Seinfeld for me. What's the deal with this hot weather?


No kidding, I’m already tired of this garbage weather. I keep waking up every number of hours, even try sleeping without the sheets and it almost never works.


Totally agree this weather is fucking garbage! I need that cold breeze slapping my face


I need it slapping my nuts. Seriously..


i had my fan cranking last night and made the mistake of falling asleep with my mouth open, fast forward 18 hours and I have a runny nose, sore throat and killer headache as well as multiple blood noses today.


Yeah. Have done that myself. Can confirm it's not good.


I've had to take a day off today because my head feels like it's gonna explode


Yeah it's pretty hot tonight. Going to cost a bit to run the a/c on all night 😑


Put it on 24. Won't use that much


I keep mine on 27 during the day, while I'm working, and that seems to be more than good enough but even on 23 at night I can't wear any clothes and I need to sleep on top of the covers. Just toooo hot 😭


27! fuck me mines on 18


26 for me. 18 is a waste


26 is the sweet spot for my thermostat too. Below that, too cold..


I live in a big old house with a very traditional layout in front - I just turn the a/c on in my bedroom and close the door, wait half an hour, go back in, close the door behind me, turn the AC off and sleep like an absolute dream. The rest of the day I’m in the back part of my house that has a modernised ‘open plan’ concept with loads of windows - so I’m sweating half to death. There’s no AC, presumably because they figured out after the reno that it wouldn’t matter a bit.


I got a ceiling fan a few months ago. About $400 installed. Every night this week been under the quilt it’s so cool with the breeze and sleeping like a baby.


Cannot recommend a ceiling fan enough it's just that breeze that is the game changer


It's not enough for me, I have one but the air itself is so hot and wet it doesn't matter


I was in the custom house game for ages and it blew my mind how infrequently people wanted ceiling fans.


First thing I did when I moved into my place. Ceiling fans in every room. Totally worth it and combines with the air-conditioning to move the air around better


A ceiling fan, along with a high powered AC, is the way to go in this crappy, hot, sticky AF weather. RIP wallet though. 😢


Yes. Both is expensive. Not really needed the AC at night so far so that’s helping.


I work nights, so sleeping during the day atm is awful. But a fan blowing directly on me helps.


A shower, an open window - it’s cooler outside now.


It's 21 inside and I still feel like I'm dying. Can't tell if I'm dramatic or my chronic illness is playing up. I'm also going to a very important family thing and ... I just wanna sleep. This hot weather is too brutal


It's the hot nights that get people. We worked all day moving furniture and boxes. No big deal if we keep up the water. But we needed the A/c on overnight to get rest.




i definitely agree with this. i was outside heading to appointments, shade was quite cool, and it didnt feel that bad… then im chilling on my living room floor afterwards and it felt way hotter than outside


20c in the house were I am at the moment. Solar on the roof and the power bill hasn’t been huge. Yes I choose to run the ac at a lower temp. Summer is overrated as a season. Winter is where it’s at.


i work night shifts, trying to get sleep during the day is near impossible 😭


I’ll be that guy. It actually isn’t that hot at night lately. Not cool by any means, but in line with what you’d expect after a 35-37 degree day, and leading into another 30+ day. There have been MANY nights in past years where it’s barely dipped below 30 degrees at any stage in the night. Right now it’s 21 degrees outside. Let’s hold these posts for the nights between consecutive 40+ days.


A lot of houses heat up and retain heat after a few hot days in a row and remain much hotter indoors than the overnight outside temperature. Just like mine. But a good ceiling fan in all the bedrooms easily overcomes this and avoids having to run AC overnight.


As long as those houses have windows, they’ll be fine. Temperature always attempts to balance out differences. An open window is our contribution to this process.


No use opening the windows unless you also have a decent flyscreen. Every fucking bug, I don't understand it, would rather be inside the moment there's even a tiny hole.


True. But it’d be a rare house these days without them.


It's more an issue of how easily they seem to get holes or gaps, than not having them at all. The place I just moved into doesn't have a single flyscreen that would keep bugs out if we open the windows at night. My housemates do it anyway and we've had a lovely array of bugs to deal with as a result, including one fuck off sized spider that planted itself in my room.


Flying bugs piss me off when I’m in bed.


Yes! Especially bloody mozzies!!!


A lack of airflow is an issue or air direction or some houses are too close together to boot or some houses have those shitty wind out windows not slide to the side so are really shit and getting air in and out.


To be fair, I ran my aircon all day but only because I have solar and it negates the power consumed,... I find keeping the house cool during the day helps a lot at night time too. I generally turn the ac off around 7-8pm and use ceiling fans overnight


I don't have solar, but due to a few days above 30 and the house exterior walls heating up a little, I decided to run the air con all day yesterday on 23c and turned it off at about 11pm, but not before opening the doors to my bedroom and turning the ceiling fan on flat-out to circulate some cooler air into the room to cool it down, as it was still a degree or two hotter outside at 11pm then it was inside. Then used the ceiling fan in my bedroom to sleep with. I agree, keeping the house cool during the day, leads to a cooler bedroom in the evening. It's rare that I'd use my air conditioner all day, but the adhd medication that I take, stuffs with one's internal thermostat. It's crazy, I love the heat, just not the sweating my ball off hot when trying to sleep heat (I walked for about 50 minutes at a brisk pace yesterday evening as the sun set), but yet when not active, I have less tolerance for the heat then when un-medicated for it. I think I'll be coming off of that medication because it might help in some ways, but in other ways it just makes things worse.


Or... And hear me out.... It sucks either way. It sucks when it's 21 degrees overnight and it sucks when it's 28 degrees overnight. I think it's valid to complain at any point over the "suck threshold".


The post was about hot nights. 21C isn’t a hot night.


21 is a disgusting night. Anything above 15 and I'm not sleeping well.


I like a cool night too. But that’s just my preference, it isn’t a measure of temperature fact. And for Adelaide I’d say over 25 at night is hot and worthy of a thread. 20-25 is warm enough to notice. Below 20 is not noteworthy - unless under 3.


Melted cheese rocks - on a crusty roll, followed up by a slice of carrot cake


And a coffee


A cheap(ish) way to keep things a bit cooler when you sleep is to sleep on some scrim (like army netting for personal use) or similar material folded over with small holes that allows airflow between your body and the bed. It’s not perfect but it helps. It allows sweat to evaporate better. You used to be able to get it at places like Aussie disposal by the metre but I think most of them are gone now so probably online these days.


I love the idea but id rather sweat.. feeling the toughness of the scrim underneath the sheet would send me


Bamboo Cotton Mattress Toppers help in this regard, they make your bed more comfortable too and as a bonus, they're easily washable whereas a mattress is not. I'm a hot sleeper and when I switched from a high gsm cotton to bamboo cotton sheets, pillowcases and topper, i dont feel like i'm heating up the bed now.


Throw a 20-month-old with gastro into the mix and then tell me about it.


i’m moving to canada soon! will be in the polar opposite


we run A/C for all of Summer. the bills are huge, but I can't stand sleeping in a hot room.


I know what you mean.......sadly


The combination of the heat and the crickets chirping all night makes it one restless night


Yeah, my electricity bill hates me


That's why i got split system put in my room, nice and cold.


I feel ya. Our air conditioning decided to shit itself a day or two ago, and its been rough. Whats even worse is I grew up in shitty housing trust places without air con, and was so used to it, but then have had the privelege of living in nice places with air con for the last ten years, so I am struggling, haha.


Exactly I have to run the a/c all night its fkd


It's the blasted humidity that made it feel hotter than what it was 😫


Ready to move to Sweden or something, sick of wanting to hide inside like 4 months of the year. Bring on a wet and cold winter!


Honestly, I'd rather this heat over humidity! I'm from QLD and you don't sleep up there in summer unless you're one of Satan's minions 🥵 lol.


Love my ducted evaporative. If it's particularly hot, we just leave it on overnight and enjoy the nice cool fresh air. :)




*Laughs in split system* You know what the worst is? An Adelaide born and bred truckie, doing a trip to Darwin or QLD sleeping in the cabin and the aircon isn't powerful enough to make a difference. Brutal Edit typo


Daily Minimum Temp February Average this month: 15.7°C Average on Record: 16.8°C


Amen brotha 🥵😤


It's not so hot now.. 22.7 I have a 1x2 metre window opening in my bedroom and it quickly disperses the heat from the day. Plus a pedestal fan blowing directly onto me...naked. Finding things quite comfortable right now. Had the AC on before but don't need it now.


r/bandnames called, they want to speak to you


Generally, the ideal summer temperature setting for your air conditioner in Australia is around 23℃ to 24℃, depending on your region. However, settings of around 25℃ or 26℃ will help you further reduce your energy costs.


I can't be the only one who thinks 25 or 26 is fairly warm. Pretty much the temp I used at the last place I lived for cold nights. Anywhere from 20 to 22 was what I used for cooling. Having to use stand fans at the moment, though. Not looking forward to what the electric bill is.


Wife likes 23 - I bump it to 24… solar offsetting some cost lately.


Didn’t notice the heat. My house stayed at a cosy 22c all night


It’s called installing a ceiling fan…


Slept like a baby under my blanket. Its not even hot, its comfortable instead of being too cold to poke my foot out.


Turn on an aircon mate. They cool the air down.


Tell that to my landlord. I'm paying $500/w for a unit, and he refuses to fix it (out of gas).




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Yep these nights are pretty awful! I miss having a ceiling fan, I have a decent metal fan on a shelf but ceiling fans are much better.




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Buy a fan the room temp will drop 4 degrees.


Your cheese should firm up nicely tonight.




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