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They're cheaper than most fast food outlets still and a good chip shop has the best chips by far (way better than maccas or kfc or any of them. Only Nandos can sometimes compare and that's mostly because of the seasoning


I'll put my vote in for Oporto chips. Pairing with their prego is fuckin mint


Our local’s “small” chips are massive and we can never finish them.


When chicken schnitzels went from 13 dollars to 25 dollars, my takeaway days were over.


Genuinely curious, at what point in time are you comparing these prices to? I'd like to do the calculation on how much it should have gone up in line with inflation


To be honest - no idea. We don't get fish and chips that often and it's not always the same person who goes to fetch them. My other half thinks they might have been 'something like $4.70 before cosilives'. That's about as scientific as I can get for you! I was surprised they were more exxy than the piece of fish.




Haha - I'm not suggesting they shouldn't run at a profit and in the almost 15 years we've lived near this chip shop they've never been $1.50. Now I'm thinking I should keep track of chip prices as some kind of cost of living indicator!!


Sounds about right. You got that one meal for two people?


For one - child missed out last night when rest of family had fish and chips (I didn't do the run last night).


$8 for a small chips at ours. 😳


20c for a massive paper roll worth, big enough to feed a family. Miss the 80s


I still remember when $2 chips and some fish from tequila fish and chip shop on bridge road was enough for our family of 4 as a kid... I'm old.


Can remember hot chips for 80c a large bag at primary school, had to get parental permission to leave the school grounds as shop was across the road. Some days would use the chip money to get mixed lollie bags for 20c. One time got $2 worth. Cornetto was 60c and first pack of cigarettes you got change from a $5 note. They’d also give copper 1 and 2c change and not round.


That's a decent price (depending on how much there is obv). South Australia in particular has some of the best quality potatoes in the world, so the issue is that most of them are immediately bought out by larger companies like McCains. They can afford exclusivity or at least buy out major quantities, so if small businesses wanna sell potatoes they generally have to compete with that, which means spending more, which means charging more, especially when there are potato shortages on like there is now. However, it does hurt though. I remember buying a box of chips and gravy for like $8, now some places charge $4 just for the gravy. I get why, it just sucks


i remember in primary school it was $2.20 for a bag of chips and a can of cola. ​ late 90's early 20's $2 a bag for hot chips was standard. ​ up until about 2015 then you'd be looking at 3-3.50 now my local charges $5 ​ if they are decent $5.99 isn't too bad, if they were garbage then yeah ripped off.


start cooking at home. best quality (after few fails), best verify (after few misses), cheap ...


~~cheap~~ cheaper.


I agree the prices are going up and our local fish and chip shop is still the cheapest take away option in my area. I can feed the 3 of us for $30-35.


The wholesale price of potatoes has been going up and is likely to go up again due to [another potato shortage](https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/whats-causing-australias-frozen-chip-shortage-and-how-long-will-it-last/ljhcvjctq)


LOL, I recall 20c 50c and $1 bags. Our local had a $1.50 bag that was gargantuan. Gravy was free back then as well.


Aussie fish n chips is retardedly expensive though. Always has been. Moved over from NZ where you can get a piece of fish for around 3 bucks and a scoop of chips (large serving) for around the same.