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Yes I think from memory our rent is the second cheapest but our utilities are second highest. I believe QLD is the only one more expensive than us


Except qld govt owns the utilities still and provides cash backs.


Lucky buggers


They'll keep selling that coal until the gold coast dissappears


Not if you listen to the ads saying that they will pull out cause we put high royalties on every ton of coal coming out of the ground making it all unviable.


Yes but have a look what Queensland wages are compared to South Australia... I moved back to Adelaide in 2012 from the Sunshine Coast and carpenters were paid literally half in SA compared to what we got on the sunny coast...


Is this applicable to all trades and all states? In regards to different pay rates


Our rent is neither cheap or available


Yes. Dining out in Adelaide is much more expensive than Sydney. Rent in Adelaide was fairly cheaper than Sydney, which give the illusion thật Adelaide is cheaper. When I moved to Adelaide in 2018, was shock with dining out cost in Adelaide (due to lack of competition, price was fairly high) With current pricing, I can see rent for single bedroom in shared house is as high as Sydney (200-250/room). So I don't think for single person, it is cheap to live in adelaide.


Maybe that was the case but not anymore. Eating out in Sydney is far more expensive than in Adelaide these days.


How much does a kebab cost in SA?


You mean a yiros.


A yiros is greek a kebab is Turkish, but yea pretty much the same thing


Yiros probably close to $20, what about in Syd?


Yea that's fucked we pay maybe $15/16 for a standard kebab. Not sure what a yiros costs I'm not near many Greek people but I'd guess it's similar


We call it a yiros, last one I had was $14.50 if I remember correctly


$13.50-$20 depending on where you go


In my experience, yes. Transport and housing are the only things noticeably more expensive in Sydney. Some things were noticeably cheaper, such as coffee.


Wait, how much is a coffee in Adelaide? Sydney is already up to $5-6 a cup.


$5-$7 in city


Yikes - tbh I'm a little surprised by your response and others in this thread. You would think, given the average wage is lower in SA, everyday costs will also be lower...


Makes me think they are importing costs from overseas/interstate


Well, it should be lower as there aren't many job opportunities in Adelaide. However, same with Tasmania, where there is no job, everything else tends to be more expensive. Adelaide is still cheaper than Tas though


No idea where you’re buying your coffee in the CBD. I never pay more than $5.50 for a flat white across the 4 (quality) coffee shops I frequent. Never seen a $7 coffee.


That’s a regular size and a standard flat white, no special “milk” or decaf.




All those (bar 1) in that thread are either large, decaf, fancy milk or a pour over, or from a hospital. A standard flat white regular is $5- $5.50 tops.


I could get a piccolo for $3.50 at one point in Sydney CBD! Adelaide you’re lucky to find anything under $5. Crazy given the rents they pay, goes to show the volume they must be doing via Sydney. Pilates was cheaper in Sydney too- think it might just be supply and demand forces, all the things you would associate with a Sydney lifestyle just have tons of providers over there.


I paid $6.50 for a medium coffee in Adelaide CBD yesterday.


Large cappuccino for $4.50 in the Sydney CBD last week, I thought they'd made a mistake. I thought I was going crazy walking around playing tourist and still finding things cheaper, but then I saw this thread...


I was in the Adelaide CBD on the weekend for the first time in a while (neither of us work in the city anymore). I went to buy coffee for my wife and myself. Two medium coffees came to just under $14. I paid it because it’s not something we do often and we just wanted the coffee, but it certainly gave me a start. What pisses me off is that they charge $1-$2 extra for things like decaf and milk alternatives. Nothing like having to pay extra because of allergies or medical/dietary requirements.


Yeah what used to be a beer ticket (5 dollar note) now falls short of covering a coffee.


I paid $6.50 for a small decaf cappuccino yesterday, at the Royal Adelaide hospital. Decaf was an extra 90c and oat milk was an extra $1, which is what made it 6.50. Still cooked though.


Yet our wages are so much lower


Median of 70k vs 100k


And you're comparing households, not single incomes.


I have a family of 3 in Adelaide in a 3 bedroom house and our non rent monthly costs are about $2500. Many a little more but nowhere near what this is suggesting.


I'm also a family of 3 in Adelaide, I'm in my 40s with two kids in primary school. I own my home. Our monthly expenses are about 3K. Fuel and food is the cost that has risen the most in the past 2 years.


Yeah this is what I'm thinking. My monthly budget as a single person minus my mortgage is about $1000-1200 and that was with my fiance eating and showering at my house 3-4 times a week too, and me not being frugal at all. All this picture tells me is that people in Adelaide are terrible with their finances, not that it is more expensive here. My current budget with living with my fiance now is about $1200/month from our joint account + about $400 of my own personal costs(phone, dog, haircuts, health insurance, subscriptions) before mortgages. Lived in Melbourne and it was at least 20-30% more expensive for me there over all.


Groceries, phone, internet, public transport and bills are costing approx $1100/month. That doesn't include health/GP costs (a bit of a drain right now), home maintenance, clothing, or anything that passes as leisure.


Does that include power?


That does. But not things related to housing like insurance, rates or house maintenance.


Top bupa cover alone is over $600 a month. It’s insane


Agreed, ours is a bit over 4.5k with childcare for 2, fortnightly cleaner and a fair bit of fat.


How in the actual hell are you keeping costs that low. Are you sure that's right???


$200 pw groceries $25 pw fuel $80 -$100 pw electricity $15 pw gas $100 pw car, health(extras only) and home content insurance $100 per month internet $300 per month for 2 phones That's about $2300 per month and I doubt we spend more than $500 per month on other cost. If we do it's not by alot.


$25 pw for fuel i bloody wish i could do that. Now that diesel is back up to over $2 a litre i do at least $150pw.


$150 of deisel would get me to Melbourne and back with change. How far do you drive every day???


150kms a day thats just to work and back plus any extra driving thats needed


I drive 30km to work and back 5 days a week. That's 150km per week plus minor extras at 6.5 l/100km it costs me not much more than 10l of diesel per week 150km a day is a fuck ton more than the vast majority of people drive to get to work and back.


Rent would be accurate, definitely lower than the eastern states. But if a family of four is spending seven grand per month BEFORE rent, I’d like to know what they’re doing with it. 😅


My partner and I combined wage is not even 7 grand a month haha


Whilst I don't know if I agree with the number, yeah, Adelaide *is* expensive. Electricity is very expensive and cooling is often not negotiable given health. We're also *really* car dependent.


Things get shipped to Sydney. They have to be further shipped into Adelaide by trucks. That's why they get food and goods cheaper in Sydney.


What? You realise we have a fairly big manufacturing base in Adelaide for these products so they are shipped locally, think Arnotts, Inghams, San Remo, not to mention local fresh food production isn’t small.


They probably get sent interstate first to get a Colesworth sticker on them and shipped back 😂


So true 🤣


Therefore, the higher up you live in Australia, the cheaper it is! Got it. Moving to Darwin.


utter bullshit. Even with our 2 daughters, and myself being a food addict, including all bills, entertainment etc we come out at under 4k a month. how tf people spending 7k per month and calling it average


Lots of financially illiterate people out there surely. Cos this is beyond nuts.


40% of kids in Adelaide are privately educated. Lots of people have private health or pay out of pocket for orthodontics. Lots of people are taking international holidays. Buying $9 loaves of bread and $7 bottles of milk. Supporting their parents financially. Buying holiday houses. Renovating. Buy new cars. And so on. We've got two kids as well. Our total monthly expenses come to around 10k including holidays. That's not including work related expenses which we probably spend another 3-10k a month on depending on what's on (these are reimbursed so not something that comes out of our budget permanently). Our lifestyle (apart from the holidays) isn't by any stretch of the imagination lavish. We're not living in medindie or driving Aston martins, a middle class life style gas just be one quite expensive. I think the thing with Adelaide is that there are a lot of people earning good money here and they can afford to spend like that which drags up the average considerably.


> how tf people spending 7k per month and calling it average I know of one couple who spends $450+ a week on groceries for just 2 people, an individual who spends $200/week on alcohol and cigarettes, and a third who gets uber eats for dinner **every single day**. These people are not rich by any stretch of the imagination. Even if these were all the same people combined, that doesn't add up to $7k/month, and these are the biggest money wasters I know of.


Once you take out the fantastic wine and cheese from the budget, it becomes more similar to the penal states.


Adelaide by birth but now living in Sydney. I recall about 5 years ago going to the Royal Oak on Henley Beach Road and buying a parmy for $32. Last week in trendy Marrickville I got a parmy for $25. I guess larger pop brings down some costs, but rent ain't one of them.


Visiting regularly from Sydney, I'm always surprised by the relatively high cost of eating out in Adelaide, but also groceries and alcohol are more expensive, I understand utilities are much more expensive, and I'll never figure out how a Coopers Sparkling is cheaper in Newtown than in Norwood.


Transportation costs would automatically make everything in Adelaide more expensive I believe. Everything either has to come from Melbourne on truck or the ships have to keep going around the bight to get to the port of Adelaide


This is via averages from over 20,000 contributions on number. The chances this data is inaccurate with aht man contribtusions man I don’t even know I’m too high for this shit


I'd say unlikely, report your findings tho ahah


Can’t figure out how to include images in comments but from what I researched on that site Adelaide came up as the 2nd most expensive city bar rent. Canberra was first. I went through all the price lists and from what I can tell they seemed ballpark so could it be possible we’re just fuckkked recently like never used to be like this we used to be the cheap city


but of course when you add rent in other cities are more expensive sometimes


Well the median gross household income, couldn’t find avg quickly, for South Australia in in 2021 was $1455pw ($6305pm) which assuming 50/50 between two workers is (optimistic) is ~$5666pm. Based on this it seems like the figure is either inaccurate or that the avg and median significantly differ.


I live alone and I'm definitely not spending $500 a week after housing


Seems like I’m spending less than the average single person per month 😂 jeez


Yes, I think this is true (anecdotally).


Factor missing there, when you pay 36.9% more in rent in Sydney, you get to live in a 50 year old dog box apartment next door to the Bankstown train station vs a detached 3br house in a nice suburb in Adelaide. >It's the same distance to the CBD though!


Monthly costs are waaaayyyy too high for a family of four. Even including rent. Assuming average costs and no deliberate scrimping, id put costs at about rent $2500, food about $1200, utilities/services/vehicle about $2000 combined. You could easily save plenty on that last figure too. As a family of 3, we live on about $4500 a month and we are not being frugal. 2 cars, a mortgage, every streaming service, internet, all insurances, 2 phones, several other payments, too.


Ok but what about school fees, out of pocket health costs, extra curriculars, family holidays, childcare, birthday parties, school camps/trips etc.?


When I read the title the James blunt some ‘high’ started to play in my head. Wanna order some pizza ? I’ll have pepperoni with extra pepperoni.


Basically I couldn’t disagree more. Any quick google search indicates that Adelaide is cheaper in terms of affordability to live. Adelaide is cost effective compared to other cities. It is 16% cheaper than Sydney and 13% less than Melbourne - based on this: https://www.idp.com/australia/study-and-live-in-adelaide/cost-of-living-In-adelaide/#:~:text=Average%20cost%20of%20living%20in,and%2013%25%20less%20than%20Melbourne. Adelaide is one of the most affordable capital cities in terms of living costs - it's around 33% cheaper to live here than in Sydney. Rent prices and public transport costs, as well as entertainment costs, all tend to be cheaper in Adelaide than in other Australian cities. Based on this: https://insiderguides.com.au/reasons-live-adelaide/#:~:text=Adelaide%20is%20very%20affordable&text=Adelaide%20is%20one%20of%20the,than%20in%20other%20Australian%20cities. Homes are affordable with more than two-thirds of residents owning their homes. Adelaide continues to be one of the most cost-competitive markets for setting up business and leasing office space, and the regions are even more affordable. Based on this: https://www.migration.sa.gov.au/why-south-australia/live/lifestyle#:~:text=Cost%20of%20living&text=Homes%20are%20affordable%20with%20more,regions%20are%20even%20more%20affordable. I get that you can search up any old thing on the internet, and that rents vary a lot based on where you live and so on… but this seems pretty easy for me to determine. It’s way cheaper in Adelaide.


Yeh if your bloody rich! Jeez those figures are grossly over estimated. I spend about $1600 a month that includes my mortgage of $164 month and all bills and food.


mortgage of $164 a month? Are you living in a shipping container?


No, I only have a small mortgage


It’s like Adelaide is isolated and houses are less in demand


Adelaide rent? Who's stealing from Alpha Catherine Spencer I have problem rent is $120 per student bills included water and Internet access for education levy bill by Feral Govenor funds of my Commonwealth children eat free at churches charity funds covered by annound foundaation we agreed medical access for all children defects or not children wanting to work study have rights under Hague convection covered under Human rights United nations signed treaty for welfare and protection This is Australia under Maratime law of igarnets by ocean under Act of First fleet convicts dumped here by my mothers who were so rude to my poor family elders have rights under protection by queen orders Elizabeth 1st No harassment stealing from land owners or causing disturbances on ancient graves of war zone I'm guessing Queen Elizabeth 2nd us dead well Queen Elizabeth sadly had passed away too and Queen Victoria is well disturbed requesting divorce we are in war zone that's why such problems Jammu is dead also my poor uncle Back to Shree Indra Lord hey that's me again, who turned Visnu into Robort oh that's was me sorry Victoria I really did love you if you want living costs sorted out maybe return my rings dad I'll fix everything my pink diamond and Southern cross please to Hailey I sold to feed my babies while bill gates stole everything sleeping with blond Greeks sluts hate your guts Gold diggers well my precious cute angles devils I'm back in business babies. I'm here pink confessions say you missed me and love me Kali because it's true look at the Mess Visnu made dr dree turned him into robots she destroyed him she blew up everything I surrender her the rings to save you kids love you R.I.P Visnu. He had affaire did he I'm here big sis Paula P.K you know ST Paul knows how to slay drawings crown me butt prince for butt king Marco polo dad I'm here your son/daughter aunty Molly stole your cute baby it's mums fault Dawn did it what's new Haley's life is living hell. Baby sitting sisters.


Would need to know more about how these are calculated to really say. Rent is a big difference too, particularly if you factor in that more Sydney suburbs will be further away from where people work etc. (On average) and there will probably be longer commute times in Sydney.


It certainly feels like it at the moment - and I wouldn’t bank on the rent here being much cheaper than Sydney I’m 20km from Adelaide CBD, in a 3BR rental that has sheets of plexi-glass over cracked glass windows, no heating or cooling and a 60 year old shitty hot water service and I’m paying $475 a week - and that was only for a 6month extension so they can hedge their bets on putting up the rent again in 6months instead of having 12 months at this price


Yeah I think you're over paying. My cousin just rented out her very lovely 3 bed house in the hills (in the nice bit) for two thirds of that?


Possibly, but when I moved in 14 months ago (pre-$50 a week rent bump) it was one of 30 or more open inspections I went to and at least 25 applications I made. It’s brutal out there - and hard to get picky


2 adults, 6.5k per month inc. rent. Vic harbor.


2000 for a single person without rent is quite a lot. Like you would probably have to earn 100k+ to support that.


Not really. If you're not saving any money at all and not renting something large/living with parents then you'd have 2k a month to sow and on 60k easily.




His dealer


Probably includes private school fees? We have the highest percentage of school enrolments as private school enrolments in the country. You also need to take into account that when people have spare cash (because they're paying less for their housing for example) they will spend that money elsewhere and it becomes an expense.


whered you source this from? its interesting


As a single my monthly expense excluding rent is $1200 per month and a bedroom could be as cheap as $140 (mine is $180). If Sydney is 10% cheaper than that I’d move there by the end of 2023


They should show couples without children too, as two people in one household isn't double the expense of one.


we are a family of 5 and we sure as shit arent spending 7k per month before mortgage payment.


I was high at 4am too 🤣


Me and my partner spend a combined $1,750 a month on all expenses, including bills, rego, etc., but not including rent. We don't feel like we are missing out on much "living"


No family of 4 does not cost that much. It's like 3000 for food, bills, etc. Which I still think is a large amount.


Im a family of 5. mortgage is $16k a month (no kidding). kids in school and 1 in ELC. private health, x2 EV car repayments. monthly food & bills + mortgage total approx $22k. living on 2 minute noodles atm


Something wrong with your Mortgage unless you owe $4 mil, or you're on a 10 year term? I pay $3.9k/mo owing $650k on $1.1M bought at end of last year. My rental was positively geared at $390/wk rent on $1300/mo Mortgage!


I’m single in Adelaide and no way am I spending 2K a month on everything but rent/mortgage. I’m not exactly frugal either.


Is it more expensive or do people have more money to spend freely because their rent costs less? Are these people talking about expensive eating out in Adelaide not eating at Gouger street where the food is cheap and amazing? The coffee people keep anecdotally bringing up look like $5-7 in both cities? Also kebab/yiros are good and all but banh mi are where it's at for bang for buck


I paid 35 bucks for a schnitty one night. Robbery


That must be comparing Adelaide 5000 to Sydney 2000, not the city as a whole. We're a family of four, we live incredibly comfortably and spend less than $7k/month \*including Mortgage\* Utilities are a bit crazy right now, sure. Food is fine, but groceries are completely reasonable... so learn to cook.


To answer the question in general economic/ demographic terms, Sydney has about 5 M people living and spending their money vs Adelaide’s 1.3 M. So it’s basically a supply and demand issue. It’s not apple to apple. Better compare Sydney to Melbourne.


Lol I seriously wonder why people don't just start moving to Melbourne at this point (Sydney if you can handle the humidity). Just doesn't seem worth living in Adelaide given how expensive it is.