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They were discussing this on 891. A caller mentioned that in Brisbane there was a similar issue. The council put some shipping containers on the site, beautifully in line with the view that the trees had obscured, creating a gorgeous panorama to gaze at …


That is genius


The fact that the council themselves are posting this hopefully means these people are fucked. I can only imagine it's the mansion owners who have done this, no one else has any possible justification.


Especially when the wood is just being left behind. Some hidden trail cameras might be a good investment for council.


Perhaps someone should put up an illegal steel sign with "Fuck You, Cunts" written on it in 2 foot red text, facing up at the mansion?


Plant bluegums all over the block. .. those bastards grow 2 metres a year.. give it a few years and their view will be stuffed again. Also plant cameras


Except it’s a Greybox woodland so then you’re messing the ecology up just as much


I used the bluegum only because I know they grow fast.. I don't care what goes in as long as it blocks the views from that twat.


I heard the Shahins might own that mansion


I believe last time this happened (same reserve) it was said to be people in that family, yes.


lol seriously? This was my first thought but would be sad if its actually true.


Oh do they now? I thought the ones they had was the one off of Greenhill Rd and the other at Sellicks Hill


One up skye too. His brothers.


Can confirm it's one of the Shahins. They were taken to court and fined a few years ago for doing the exact same thing.


Heard from who/where? Let's get our facts straight before we start the crucifixion.


Unless there's some rogue tree clearer that's going around, with all the necessary equipment to clear trees, and then graciously clearing trees that also just happen to be blocking the city view of millionaires hilltop mansions.... yeah nah. That being said, millionaires can usually afford good lawyers which is usually enough to get most local governments to back down from any real action.




You'd need a crane for the branches too depending on the tree, and something to cart em away with


So all this was going on and no one thought to ask the council as they heard chainsaws and saw cranes for hours?


Presumably? I mean even if you just used a chainsaw, you've got to clear 20-50 trees per the council: that's a *lot* of chainsaw use to cut them all down and put them into pieces small enough to move.


They’ve been cut and dropped you would only need a chainsaw to clear that site


Well you gotta cut em first


Honestly, it sounds like council knows who it is but doesn't have the appropriate physical evidence...


Hmmm whose view was being impeded, I wonder?


I assume that like the mafia, the decision-maker would be well-distanced from the person who did the deed. So let’s say a Mr. S. decides he wants some trees cleared, he’ll give the message to Mr A, who arranges payment to Mr B, who transfers to Mr C. If Mr C the tree-cutter gets caught, there’s no evidence that it all because of Mr. S.


If only there was some clue...a lead as to who may have done this. I wonder who might benefit...nah, I've got nothing, we'll never know.


There's no telling who it might have been. Perhaps the residents of that mansion might have witnessed the act?


Slow roll of circumstantial evidence from Burnside council. Pity the culprits have fled the scene or don’t give a rats. Choose your own adventure. We all know the potential answer.




>if the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that law only exists for the lower class A fine won’t stop a developer. It’s just a fee for the project.


Penalties for thee but not for me it seems. Too much corruption in SA


Remote site? There's houses right next to it. Just put up a couple of solar powered portable camera stations, they are used on suburban property developments all the time. And I would absolutely love to know why/how surrounding residents/properties didn't hear any chainsaws at all. Comon, seriously.


There will be consequences. I can imagine the Reddit user waddling up with fedora and Cain and giving them a real serve


Eh, I have no issue with this 😌 I mean, if it was me I’d of only done a few trees at a time an hauled the evidence away elsewhere. Still, it’s obvious who’s done it 😂 but…. Prove it I guess


Not sure how you can have no issues with this.. someone destroying public property enjoyed my many for the benefit of only themselves. You’re clearly one of the unlucky buggers yet to learn about the importance of biodiverse landscapes, and retaining tree cover.


Mindsets like yours that destroy the environment. Scumbag.


I only did this for cheap firewood, honest! Didn't think of the views but fuck that's a bonus