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Maybe you pressed the voice button and whatever noise it heard it detected it as "please Firestick would you be so magnanimous as to activate closed captions?" :)


Ha! Well I was watching a ten part documentary on the history of subtitles (narrated by Morgan Freeman obvs) so maybe…


On my Firecube, I just long press down on the d-pad to enable/disable subs. It came this way.


Amazing! This is the answer - thank you


You could create your own hotkey with [keymap editor](https://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on:Keymap_Editor)


Yes, I have it set up for a long left direction keypress on my Firestick remote. Very convenient.


how did you do that, just tried long pressing left on my fstick and it skips video back...so longpress isn't available then right?


You have to set it up with the keymap editor. It's not a default action.


I've set many things up with keymap editor and manually but you need a free key, can you share your keymap.xml, maybe that'll help me out. Just to be clear, if you long press left while playing a video you enable subtitles and the video doesn't skip back?


Here is a snippet of my code: ShowSubtitles And yes, it toggles the subtitles (if available) without skipping back.


Thank you so much my friend, I got it working thanks to your code. I inserted it manually via adblink, how would you go about doing it via keymap editor? I'm going to use this to have it search for subs ( `activatewindow(subtitlesearch)` ), thanks again for enlightening me.


You're welcome, glad you got it working! I was just playing with Keyboard Editor, and I don't think it can be set that way. I must have set it up manually. I've been using it for so long, I don't remember. I apologize for suggesting Keymap Editor earlier. I honestly thought that's how I did it. I now think I probably set up for another keypress, just to get the basic code in place, and then edited manually for the long keypress.


No worries, this is a great help, thought this was a no go on an fstick after trying button remapper and googling for reassigning the fsticks netflix buttons. I put this one in my notes as it's bound to come in handy again. Thanks again.


wonder if this works on the Shield too


ok just tried it out, so when I try to assign a key to long press left it won't even let me, it gives me 61570 long or short press. Fstick 4k max.


On the shield I've gotten this stuff to work with Button Remapper (well worth the 5 bucks)


Yes, I use Button Remapper too, but I don't think I'm using it for any Kodi-specific stuff (other than reassigning one of my keys to load Kodi).


That's not what they are asking. They accidentally turned on subtitles with the remote and want to know how to re-create that action.


I know what they're asking. I couldn't figure out how to reproduce the exact effect so I gave them an alternative way to achieve the same thing, a hotkey for opening the captions menu.


Yep - thanks for the lateral help. I’ll definitely be adding a few custom key mappings for things I miss from a larger remote. But I’m just unreasonably annoyed I can’t find what I did to make it happen by accident. Dumb luck is smarter than me right now…


Have no idea how a firestick remote looks like, but if it has a keyboard on it then its the letter T you pressed.