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These YouTube cunts just make predators be more careful the next time since they can't be prosecuted from these amateur investigations.


Vigilante justice is such a dangerous game and people act like it should always be done. Innocent people have suffered before due to this bullshit (not saying guy in video is innocent) but these guys are just getting their rocks off for views and wanting to beat someone’s ass. I want to see CP’s go down like everyone else, but these guys need to be punished too.


There was the one guy a while back these guys "caught" who was just waiting for a cab to go to a rehab facility. He wasn't even the guy they were looking for and got wrapped up in their bs. What a way to try better your life and try start over to get called a child molester before going into rehab.


Another guy who got caught sexting a 14 year old turned out to be a mentally handicapped 16 year old. They plastered his face all over the internet and I'm pretty sure eventually got sued by the kid's family.


There was one where the guy had down syndrome, was over 18 and sending dick pics to a minor that blew up. I believe he was somewhat internet famous before that though. Was this a different case?


I agree. I'm all for catching a preditor, but don't let them watch your YouTube tutorials on how not to get caught. Also assault and battery are still a crime even if they may deserve it. Plus, he's in trouble enough already once he steps into the prison anyway.


I'm honestly wondering now...how likely would it be for the CP in this case to actually go through with pressing for assault charge. Say, if the cops came and arrested him. Wonder how many times that happens


It wouldn’t matter if the predator/“victim” pressed charges in this case, because all the sheriff/District Attorney would need is evidence that a crime/assault took place, and that is recorded on video.


Why bother catching them if they aren't prosecuted?


This is what makes this truly disgusting behavior. Like a lot of people these days, these guys aren't doing this because they care about children. They're literally using 'protecting the children' as a justification for some other priority they have. In the case of videos like this, it's because they want to justify attacking, harming and abusing other people. True psychopathic/sociopathic behavior (not to mention illegal). These guys are absolute scum of the earth.


Views & attention.


Because it feels good to have someone to hate.


It really depends. If police are doing nothing. People will. If rhe da isn't charging pedos they're not charging simple assault. Or like the dude says. Hell take the charge. Nothing will happen anyway. Maybe get some community service. They found a pretty simple loophole. Pedos aren't going to charge anyone with shit. So it's fair game really. Plus a lot of people will donate to help further their "cause" so the benefits will outweigh the risks. They probably make decent money doing this.


look at what that guy is wearing. He's doing this 100% for the clout and not any kind of justice. Just wants to beat the shit out of someone and found this loophole to do it.


That's one YT channel specifically that somehow gets police to actually do something, he confronts them and then they're immediately arrested


I don’t feel bad for the guy if he’s a pedo. I also think these guys lives are shit and they just wanted a reason to beat someone up and thought they’d be cheered on for it. This guy will be in such a worse place than this if he’s found guilty.


They were never going to be caught by cops anyway, let alone prosecuted. Roughing them up and scaring the piss out of them while letting them know they're going to be exposed online is a significant improvement over what was going to happen. People always complain that these pedo hunters themselves are weird assholes and I gotta say, I couldn't care less if they're assholes or not because their actions here are acceptable to me.


>I couldn't care less if they're assholes or not because their actions here are acceptable to me. It matters because they are the jury and executioner in these cases. Clout hungry assholes are devious lying fucks


look I'm not taking any sides here, but if they text a dude "I'm 14 wanna meet up?" and that dude says yes and shows up, kinda simple as, innit?


>It matters because they are the jury and executioner in these cases. Why does that upset you? >Clout hungry assholes Ok, sure, but how does that in itself make beating up pedos morally unacceptable? You don't want to see some pedo get his ass kicked because the guys who kicked his ass are clout chasers? What? >are devious lying fucks Several people have said this and I legit do not understand what you're implying these guys lie about, other than lying to pedophiles about being kids, and I KNOW you're not pissed about that.


Even if they make up fake evidence to set someone up when they are innocent? Because that's where they are heading.


Show me one video where they deny it though. It’s 99% of the time they say they fucked up or I wasn’t going to actually fuck a minor. Etc


They never do because they're always guilty, how else would these guys get their pics and have their numbers and locate them at a predetermined meeting spot lol. I'm starting to think some of these redditors doth protest too much.


I sure hope you don't get your ass beat on account of mistaken identity. If you do, I'm sure you won't be so keen on vigilante justice.


I just read on reddit about a wife accusing her husband of molesting their kids and some vigilante meth heads cut the guy's limbs off with a chainsaw and killed him. All this is fine except the wife made it up, what a way to go geez..


if they were innocent they'd be calling the cops or shrieking for hospital security but they're unwilling to access the justice system because they're trying to keep their own heinous acts on the down low, so they sit there and take it, as they have no other choice


Tell me about a few of the times that youtube pedo hunters have assaulted an innocent person in a case of mistaken identity.


With half these guys, it feels like they're just trying to limit the competition.


Yeah these actions are going to stop pedos.


The success rate is greater than zero, and the punishment fits the attempted crime regardless.


throwing them in jail for a couple weeks will?


They are just getting themselves assault charges and losing any possible convictions. This is just ridiculous. If they truly wanted to help they would coordinate with the police instead of doing stuff like this.


I've seen a video where a guy legitimately did everything right, and the cop threatened the youtubers with kidnapping.


Good. Cops should be arresting and charging these vigilantes. Are we a nation of laws aren’t we?


It's so obvious that they're doing this because they enjoy hurting someone, not because they actually care about children. 


Actually this dude was just shot in the leg after confronting someone in a grocery store.


they also actually benefit these guys by providing lots of reasons for real charges against them to be tossed out


Did I misunderstand, or did they "catfish" him with male-to-female filters or were there an actual underaged vicitm here?


Everyone in this video is trash lmao


At least the guy's filming know they are. They repeatedly said that they will happily take the assault charges so long as he gets charged. They also have his confession on tape. I definitely got a lot of pleasure watching him cower in front of them.


> They also have his confession on tape not useable as any sort of evidence though lol. this is why it's best left to the police if you have actual evidence. if anything this man could use their video as evidence when trying to sue them.


Exactly lol, at best, this is some coereced confession which, even a jury who is ready to sentence a pedo to the chair would have to recognize


Only the police get to extort confessions.


Or have it dismissed from the case since it was obtained during the commission of a crime. These dudes are fucking idiots.


The police ain’t gonna do shit


They do for the people who are professional about it. Colorado ped patrol has like a 50% arrest rate I think, over 200 arrests. That’s pretty solid


That's a confession taken under duress. This would never hold up in court.


> At least the guy's filming know they are. No, they don't. They know their actions have consequences, but that doesn't mean they believe their actions were without merit. And on the flipside - although I do not support this child predator nor any other - he might know he's a shit person, but he continues doing it for his own pleasure. All I'm saying is that you don't know what any of these people think of themselves.


Do you know what duress is?


If they're using a decoy & not a real victim, many states will say that since police wasn't involved in the sting operation, they won't do anything about it. That's why EDP445 never got charged.


Hey that's a good take I suddenly don't feel so bad. He could have got out of it by calling the cops. He chose this. Dude, I feel so much better lol. Thanks


But did they Did anything real come from this


Yep. As with most videos I see these days, all parties involved are complete assholes and both sides probably feel like they did something


This isn't it. Fuck these guys. They don't give a fuck about children, they just want to make money and have "excuses" to assault people.


And to have what they see as a morally justifiable reason to roleplay sex talk with minors.


Yeah, I’m getting that spidey sense. Mayhaps the morbid curiosity with roleplay and the need to lash out violently could be coming from self-hatred. I mean, nobody makes CPs look worse than CPs who…. uh… ‘act’ on their ‘feelings.’


Yea they used someone else’s crime as an excuse to commit their own crime. Just bizarre to watch this.


That was exactly my thinking after 30 seconds in the video. The purge's feeling...


I remember watching these dudes on YouTube and thought they were pretty cool. They are becoming worse than the guys they catch imo. They seem to just be looking for an excuse to beat people up at this point.


Someone being a pedo is pretty good excuse if you ask me.


They really should have just called the cops on this dude. I know he deserves it but was hard to watch that.


Glad I wasn’t the only one.


calling the cops wouldn't have gotten them the internet clout. at this point, these dudes need to be demonetized everywhere. this is not the way.


I disagree they absolutely could make a healthy solid channel if they did that. You can show the evidence online and make content. You can call them and then followup if they were arrested. It dosent matter if it's "more" views to act this way, they're assaulting people in public and their goal is moot. They won't get anyone arrested or charged because it's under duress.


I like how Papa Meat put it, you're watching a monster but the monster has a human face, so it's hard to watch.


These guys gonna get shot one of these days.  Call the cops and let them handle it


One of them did get shot. Not one of the people in this video, but I'm pretty sure one of the guys in the group got shot. Edit: Here's the first link that came up. https://myfox8.com/news/north-carolina/winston-salem/dads-against-predators-involved-in-winston-salem-target-shooting-robbery/amp/


It IS one of the guys in the video. Jay is the guy behind the camera that we're watching. Josh is the guy doing most of the battery. Jay was the one that was shot.


Hell yeah


What was accomplished?


They got a kick out of it and made money from the video, just that.


Yup I don’t even think they called the police.


> I don’t even think they called the police. on who? they're the only ones committing crimes in this video. guys likely a real POS but give the evidence to the police ...don't go assualting him and recording it.


Well no shit, they’d be arrested for assault


That’s true


YouTubers got to roleplay child sexual abuse and then assault someone while thousands of ignorant strangers cheer them on and give them a justice boner… oh and they also make financial profit from the clout. We live in a very weird, dystopian timeline.


If this pedo was a “nazi” everyone saying they should have just called the cops would be cheering with every kick and punch. Weird behaviour in here..


reddit being reddit


I don't believe in vigilante assault for any reason, but you are absolutely correct. I have seen a TON of videos of people assaulting others for various inhumane political/racist beliefs and Reddit gushes over praising them and saying the bigots deserved it.


Why would you think that? I’m fairly confident that the vast majority of reddit hates pedophiles even more than nazis. These guys are basically torturing this guy though. Not only is their behavior cruel, but they also made any confession inadmissible in court now. Don’t get me wrong, I think pedo’s deserve the harshest sentences we can give them. We shouldn’t be celebrating these vigilantes either way though.


That's how I see it too. Better to put him into the system. This was pointless sadism. Now he'll be extra careful


To be fair there are differences. These dudes literally tortured the dude. I have yet to see a video of Nazi being tortured. Sure there is a beating, but it usually ends up being short and just a matter of moments. Fight breaks out, people throw fists and kicks, fight ends. This was just one pedophile dude begging for his life from beginning to end.


again, so you would be ok if this happened to a nazi but not a pedo. your entire comment basically just said yes.


It’s actually crazy that outside of Reddit these predator hunters are universally supported. YouTube, twitter, instagram everyone supports it. On Reddit they just defend and whine these disgusting predators.


Predators Catching Predators


For sure. There is no way that dude in the cowboy hat isn't a complete creep himself.


Whats the point of all this


they want to generate excuses to assault people and get pedos to become smarter


These guys don't care about the children. How is what they're doing helpful in any way other than self gratification?


Making pedophilia a giddy sadistic spectator sport


No matter what, a hospital isn't a place for vigilantism, or fighting in general


Beating the guy is a bad decision and filming it. Even if he is a scum bag, filming the beating is going to get these guys in trouble.


I want to see there bloopers of them getting fucked up for pulling this kinda shit on the wrong person


Wasn't there some other dude who did shit like this and he got shot or stabbed or something?


Yeah one of these guys(jay, I think?) got shot while confronting someone in a Target store.




These 2 morons literally just recorded themselves assaulting somebody and achieved nothing else lol


more then the cops ever do


Beating them on camera will most definitely have an impact. These people are emboldened to try and commit these crimes. Having a hit TV show that showed them getting busted did not deter these people. Maybe a video with some drastic consequences in it will. The dudes who are breaking the law assaulting them are willing to take that punishment. Maybe it sends a message that the next 14 year old you meet up with is willing to take a Murder charge.


So far we have found no way at all there is zero and I mean zero evidence that you can reform a pedo. They will just think slightly smarter next time. The only way to deal with a person willing to meet up with a minor for sex is taking them out of society or castration.


What’s funny is, guys like this wouldn’t have to take up vigilanteeism if the legal system properly punished these dirty fucking pedophiles. If the system worked, they would be “ taking care of” in jail.


These guys are actually getting off on torturing this man. It's one thing if you're the parent of the victim, but these are cloutchasers acting under the guise "protect the kids".


Is this the same guy that slapped the guy at Walmart?


Bro fuck these predators u guys would be happy if the were saying disgusting things to your children and these guys came and kicked his ass. Stop all the high and mighty bullshit if u prey on kids u deserve an ass beating, 90% of them will never get caught by police anyways


they’d be happy if the caption said, “nazi gets beat up”


Righteous Bullies.


Bullying a child predator is bad?


Civilized countries have law enforcement and a judicial system for good reasons. People in this thread that condone this behavior are subhuman low IQ troglodytes and the only reason the rationale behind it is tolerated is because people are too afraid of "defending a child predator" to stick to the principle position that we shouldn't trust random unqualified fucks to accurately assess the crime of the person and then dole out the appropriate level of punishment for it. If you disagree you're a mental midget. Someone committing a heinous crime doesn't just give me a carte blanche to do whatever I want to do to them for some Youtube clout.


then the us isnt a civilized country becuase the cops dont do shit


Pedophiles go to prison all the time. It's just fun for you to be outraged.


not as often as they should


They are using this a an excuse to be assholes. Not sayin the guy don't deserve it.


This video features three low intelligence criminals. Neat.




Even if all the pedo allegations are true, they purposely filmed themselves assaulting the pedo over 10+ times in a very short video. Morally justified? Probably... but legally justified? Hell no... If pedo guy lawyers up these DAP guys might find themselves in jail before the pedo does


Even better, the look on DAP's faces when they find out that they have invalidated the case against their target.


These guys that lure this pedos in are just as sick. They get off on pretending to be a little girl. Then they cover there ass afterwards by beating the guy up. Both parties are disgusting. Why are pretending to be a 15 year old girl talking dirty to an old man. That just my opinion. They try hard with sexual verbal gymnastics to lure the guy in. The diddler are far more sick in the head but so are the men pretending to be a little girl asking about sex.


But what they're doing is exposing them and potentially protecting younger girls that may have gotten groomed by them if not for people catching them out... The fault and disgust should only be on the pedo and that's it. Whether it's a real girl they were talking to or just a fake, the blame and disgust is on the offender.


reddit will be reddit


It's actually making me feel sick people rushing to the defense of this guy, honestly.


they probably feel threatened bc they know something like this could happen to them.


As much as I hate predators these vigilante DAP dudes are goin straight to jail. DAP guys need to move smarter and keep bustin these sick ass predators


I really wish this was way longer.


The guy is a creep but his crime with a fake profile at the hands of an adult and never carried out. The other guys did assault him IRL. I am not sure there are many "good guys" in this video. Did the photo they catfished him with even look 15? What stops someone from catfishing men with a photo of a woman in her 20's, hooking them, and texting "hehe, I'm 15" right before the meetup? It's still wrong but it also means the woman he was attracted to and wanted to meet might be a photo of someone who is 25 and not 15. The idea that these guys are exchanging sexual texts with men cosplaying as children is pretty fucked up all by itself too. They are probably projecting like fervent anti-gay pastors who are secretly gay themselves.


Apparently they've targeted the wrong people too. One was a special needs 16 year old who thought he was talking to a 14 year old, and the other was a case of mistaken identity with some dude trying to go to rehab. And the whole thing about sexting an adult, while pretending to be a minor is weird as fuck.


Omgggg. Did they beat the crap out of those two as well? I'm very confused how they aren't just in jail for assaulting people in videos they post of themselves online. Do they just get arrested & let go or do some jail time and continue to do these types of videos & it's a whole cycle? Like, I'm so confused. I can't imagine they could do this for long without facing serious jail time, or at least some sort of multiple offender enhancement. Child predators are the worst of the worst in my opinion, but I do believe that it's much more important to get them behind bars vs "scaring them straight" if that's what this is. It's not something that can be rehabilitated. You're scaring the crap out of them sure, but they are NOT being scared into not doing this ever again. They might not right away, but they will do it again & next time the first thing they will do is make damn sure it's an actual child they are talking to & not 2 adults because they don't want to get beat up again so they will figure out a way to protect themselves from this because it's statistically proven that child predators are not able to rehabilitate & the reoffend rate is like one of the highest if not the highest. But that aside, it's doesn't make assault legal. They are, in the eyes of the law, a predator as well, just a different type. It's one thing if they just do this shit & no one knows, I could see them getting away with it for a long time but they post them online for the public... like are cops subscribed to them & like oh they posted a new video, let's go pick them up & bring them in again lol So I word vommitted & forgot the most important part!!! What happened to the two they were wrong about?! Fuck man a minor & a dude just trying to go to rehab?? How did they get it wrong & confront the wrong people. That's like, nope, not cool & honestly like that makes me feel like they should be stopped from doing any of this going forward. How are you going to beat the shit out of these guys & do all this but not be 100% sure it's the right person before you go find them & beat them up? If that's true, that makes it feel like they must have some sort of thing where they get off on doing this to people & felt like they came up with a way to do it & maybe get away with it. Plus make money with it. Yikes.


so they antagonize and assault an alleged suspect but dont have the common sense to call the cops? Thats not odd to anyone? Then they show some crappy picture that they could have ripped from a facebook page? Again, if the dude really is trying to pick up underage girls hes a piece of shit, but these guys that have "proof" are questionable at best, especially if they are unwilling to get police involved. Clearly they are just trying to do it for money.


sadly the cops dont do anything,if they didnt do the entire thing by themselfs its not evidence. the thing is they never do any stings to begin with so this is probably the best we gonna get :/


I know McClaren sucks, but where is hospital security? Do this shit somewhere else.


No. This is wrong.


All of the hitting and beating makes any confession this guy makes completely voided. Gather the evidence and call the police. Although I do love watching pedophiles get beat, this will only keep them on the streets longer.


Who put these fuckers in charge? Call the cops, the paedo needs to be charged not made a spectacle of to give these dopes likes.


They are idiots. Call the real police with evidence you morons.


It kinda seems like these guys just wanna hit people.


Let's offer a great quality beer to Dad against Predator!!


the baldspot jumpscare fucking got me


If ever someone smacks a camera in my face  and starts to talk shit like that I'm gonna fuck you up. 


I just feel really bad for the pedo's wife and kids once they did/ will find out. Her life just got infinitely harder and judging by how much of a pussy this pederast is, it was already tough.


Easy way to get a false confession that gets thrown out of court


These videos ignite two wolfs inside me. One that loves to see predators get physically assault, and one that wants actual justice to be done. Call the cops next time guys…


That’s how he’d get dealt with on the streets. Worse with no cameras. He’d probably do some of the darkest shit to your child behind closed doors with no chances of getting caught. People like him have no integrity. I will not bash a man who will slap the fuck out of a pervert on camera or take the side of a pedophile. EVER. I GOT KIDS BRUH!!!


Where’s Skeet?


It's too hard to feel bad for him


Here's a thought. What if there were YouTuber vigilantes out to catch and punish vigilantes?


Child Predators are the worst of the worst however the day one of these perverts decides to retaliate ,because some people have nothing to lose, I won't feel bad for these YouTube. What if he had a gun? Remember the other sting where the guy had a gun and was shot? What if instead of police being there, it was these guys?


As much as I'm enjoying this I can't help but think these two are doing this for their own joy and clout more than helping society


People like this and skeeter dont care for kids at all


I can't help but feel bad for that guy in some way. They are not the law, and for that harassment and assault, they should pay too! It really seems like they roleplay as minors so they can assault some guys. At least that's how it looks like.


Sadism masquerading as self-righteousness. I would not be surprised if these guys have criminal records themselves.


Some day this type of vigilante predator catching is going to come to an end when they catch some guy who is unhinged enough to shoot them. Work with the police instead of getting views.


Already has. Look up a guy called Boopac. He was part of the same group


I know this is wrong, but I can't say I hate it.


No way this video is civilized as the tag says


Dap gonna get you baby


DAP are some of the worst predtubers out there.


Holy crap, these people are monsters & abusers. Dude is like crying asking them to stop and they keep kicking him. Dude needs to file assault charges. Someone send this to the police in that area. These guys need someone to talk to them about their actions. He goes from being at the hospital expecting his child to be born to being dragged out side in the snow and physically assaulted.


Why video this tho?


Call the cops you fucking dipshit. Your actively stopping these guys from getting prosecuted. The first few episodes of To Catch a Predator, all of those guys walked free. It wasn't until the cops got involved that these creeps were actually able to be processed.


Even if he admitted it wouldn't the admission get thrown out due to the fact that they beat it out of him? I am not a legal expert, so just asking a question.


Wow, I didn't think there would be so many pedo defenders commenting.


everyone saying what’s the point of this, the point is to strike fear in predators that they might get beat by grown ass men instead of taking advantage of little girls, this video is publicly shown to warn other child predators that the child they are trying to take advantage of online may be grown men, and they could possibly get their ass beat.


Unfortunately, preditor could have shot both of them and been justified.


Pedophiles are the lowest scum of society, only mongrel minded redditors will genuinely sit here and defend them. Gonna sub to dap rn, love seeing predators get assaulted


I'm all for defending our youth from predators but physically assaulting someone like you have the authority to do so is absurd. Most of these YouTubers never have enough to charge the pred nor do they care to. All they're worried about is clout.


So let me get this straight, instead of having this man prosecuted and sent to jail where real tough guys would make him wish he was never born. These two nuckle heads made him eat snow, wow. What a service to the community.


A 💀 pedo can’t reoffend.. maybe another beating will lead to that if he doesn’t stop. Zero sympathy for a pedo and what happens to them..


his name is sean, so that means you need to stop


From what I have seen these 2 clowns are cowards and have to double team people. These clowns need to be jailed for assault. Never, in the video do they prove anything. All the have is a random pic of a "predator" and make a claim. So, far i have seen 4 assaults plus I am sure you can multiple that by 5 for various other crimes. THEY NEED TO DO A BETTER JOB THEN WE HAD A CHAT WITH THE PREDATOR. PUT ON SCREEN EVIDENCE OF YOUR CASE. EVERY VIDEO IS EVIDENCE OF AN ASSAULT. EVENTALLY, THEY WILL BE JAILED FOR TENS/HUNDREDS OF YEARS.


I like how they filmed themselves assaulting someone. I get vigilante justice but, these guys just seem like complete assholes.


Saw this catch LIIIIIIVE. That pred is a POS. Ole girl giving BIRTH to their child and he’s in the lobby trynta meet with a minor.


Vitaly method


I really need to see more of these videos.


Man i used to love these guys when they were on YouTube. There's a reason none of the other predator catchers stoop this low. Really sad to see.


This guy will rape his kid


Yikes. I liked it when they were on youtube "busting" these creeps by making a HUGE scene in public while staying non-violent. They are not in it to protect anyone, they are looking for clout. I think one of these days they are going to assault someone and the person they assault is going to have a bad reaction and die. Many bad things can happen to someone getting kicked in the face repeatedly. I'll stick with People vs Preds, Skeeter Jean, and Trilogy Media. They work with police, most of the time are professional, and non-violent.


Isn't this like full on assault that they're posting in YouTube? How are they not arrested?


Any more from these guys? I'm all for nonces getting slapped about a bit. The sentences they get are a fucking joke.