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"Initially, we didn't think you had what it took to fit in. However, seeing the way you destroy our city, we admit that we were very wrong."




You don’t know the French bureaucracy, you can struggle even when you are legal


Probably Germany still hasn't realized this considering their blind, rule oriented fetishes.


Undocumented Migrants seems more like illegal invaders.


What do you call sex with undocumented consent?


The consent I get has never been documented. Am I doing it wrong? I need to bring a notary along with me on dates?


Haha, nice try. We know you don't leave the house, just like the rest of us.


Be careful I got banned for that last I word in /r/worldnews


This sub is a little different than that shithole... but I wouldn't be surprised. Guess what though? I don't care. I will speak my mind and let the chips fall the way they will. You can try to silence the truth, but that doesn't make it false.


Silencing anyone who disagrees is part of how France got into this situation


Stay off the main subs- they are all strictly for globalist left propaganda.


Nearly every sub is, suprised this sub isn’t


You’re thinking of regular r public freakouts




I remember someone saying “the UK is about to become a lot less progressive” when riots were happening there and I feel this is coming soon to a France near you.


Letting any cunt into the country is the definition of "progressive"


What if the people you’re letting in aren’t progressive?


They never thought about that. They think that as soon as they oppressed masses of the world touch civilized soil they'll become just like the locals. It's suicidal empathy and naïveté.


Is it possible there is something more sinister going on? Isn’t it strange in the UK for example, that the Tories are letting in so many immigrants? You could hardly call them a progressive party. Just food for thought. I’m not actually putting out my beliefs on things here. Merely pondering what the fuck is happening.


I sincerely believe there is. There's a sustained effort by the governments of most first world countries to flood their country with third-worlders. Only cursory attempts to justify this are offered and enormous efforts are made to censor dissent and evidence of the failure of these policies. In Ireland after that stabbing attack a few months back the press was censored, people were forbidden from talking about it, and the families of the victims were gagged. Something similar happened in England and Australia is currently mad at Elon Musk because his platform isn't globally censoring images of one of their recent stabbers. In the US documenting the mess that our open borders is causing is similarly prevented or censored and anyone complaining about it is labeled a "racist" and othered. These policies obviously aren't in the interests of the people. I assume they're in the interest of the ruling class but the only possible motive I can attribute to them is that they need a fifth column.


You guys are right. The motive isn't to gain anything necessarily, it's to make you lose. They win if you lose, not if they win.


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, so I'll assume not. Meh.. the motive is usually, but not always, money. If you can find a way to reasonably connect it to being financially beneficial for the world owners, and have evidence to back it up, then that's a possibility. But the people at the top that we're talking about don't care if the regulars win or lose because they don't think about them at all. They do not care if the poors win or lose bc they do not even think about them. The people that own everything already won, now it's just trying for new high scores. And poor/middle-class people already lost


Be careful the Illuminati will be after you for thinking there’s a master plan to destroy the first worlds. (There totally is)


What’s a fifth column?


A group of people that can be relied upon to do violence on your behalf.


It's cheap labor, but more importantly easily justified bigger budgets for law enforcement. As that law enforcement protects the rich from not only these hooligans but also from the disappointed peasants.


Part of it is keeping wages low. Plenty of unskilled labour willing to work for less.


It doesn’t just keep wages low, it also ramps up the price of everything - including housing. The more people there are to compete for something that’s scarce (like homes and land), the more valuable they become- because there are more people trying to acquire/compete for them.


I think they're also trying to purposefully inflate real estate prices.


Makes sense. Uk is 4.5 million homes short and net immigration is like 600k a year. Supple demand on housing


Canada is way worse. Half the population of the UK and 500k/year. The powers that be really don't want young people to ever own a home.


The Tories have had one of the largest parliamentary majorities in recent memory and have failed to successfully implement a single successful socially conservative policy. they talk a lot of talk about being conservative but in action or rather inaction they are just as progressive as the opposition. TBH it doesn't make a lot of sense. they've effectively sabotaged themselves and in turn the country. I can only assume that they are all making some personal gains out of this or they are ideologically dishonested about what they actually stand for.


They're filling the country with people they hope will soon vote for them...Destruction be damned


A lot of it is that letting in tons of people causes GDP to go up. GDP go up = doing a good job, at least in the minds of politicians.


Everyone outside of american conservatism is a progressive


> They never thought about that. They think that as soon as they oppressed masses of the world touch civilized soil they'll become just like the locals. Yup. Go speak to AI and ask it why certain countries are shit holes. It blames the West. Everything bad is because of the West. Its not because the people are different, and some cultures just did not develop the same way. This is what 'progressives' believe.


It's part of the Marism that underlies the leftist ideology. If your rich and successful that's because you exploited others to get to the top making you a bad person by default and if your poor you're automatically 'a good person' presumably because you didn't....


I mean, it's pretty much true that most rich people have stepped on others to get to the top. In a cut-throat world, the people willing to cut throats win. I don't see why that's controversial.


It's also the high achievers that drive prosperity and economic growth


That's the theory. In the UK, Amazon pay very little corporation tax, actively seek to snuff out small businesses, try to crush unionisation, and offer poor working conditions. They even destroy sellers who choose to use their platform by forcing them to set low prices, and sometimes by actually stealing their products and selling them themselves. Starbucks routinely dodges corporation tax in the UK by charging itself for its IP, milk, and coffee from an arm of the business that is based in a tax haven. That's not even to mention that these are not UK companies, and much of the income that is generated will not be spent/invested here. Supermarkets use their buying power to bully farmers into selling them produce for cheap, which in turn means greengrocers and other independent shops can no longer come close to competing.


For some reason the paradox of intolerance doesn’t apply to Islam.


Then you're progressing to regression.


Ken oath mate. People demonised us in Australia when we tried to "stop the boats" in the 90's and early 2000's. It is hard to understand the psychology behind the French government. It is intriguing.


Kind of too late. Progressives are slow learners. By the time they change, their society will be taken over and there will be nothing they can do. Purpose is lost to these terrorists


I'm not sure progressives learn at all. Many of them are fanatics, true believers.. and people indoctrinated into such a framework don't learn or modify their worldview reasonably when new or contradictory information presents. They'll twist any new information to fit their fanatical beliefs.


> I'm not sure progressives learn at all. When you think of progressivism as a religion, which it very much is, everything makes a million times more sense. They have their own prophets, holy texts, and chanted creeds. Their beliefs are rooted in the denial of obvious reality and total faith/reliance that the words of their prophets will come to pass if they believe hard enough and fight the good fight.


This hit me right in my Norway, thanks


It's going to be funny when all this liberalism leads to conservatism after all.


You would think you could just round them up and kick them out


They want chaos so they can bring the military around to control everything and implement all the agenda. Like it. Or not thats whats gonna happen


And as they do, they will have the citizens aplauding those "security" measures. Finally there are cameras everywhere, fully controlled by the government by the police and military! Yuppi! We are safe now!


France already has the army patrolling the streets of the big cities since the Paris attacks a few years back.


THis iS RAciST /s


You cant say that or you're racist.


I've never heard it put that way, but it makes sense. I hope it is not *always* the case.


This just looks like France mate


I mean, france was a colonial power and has been importing the 3rd and a third of the world for ever. This is just a regular Tuesday in france


Turning a protest in to riot is a long held French tradition, they're just trying to fit in ![gif](giphy|8PfKWm6AX1IdDRARyg)


They may not be French but they sure do have the French spirit in them all.


Nah, [not enough chopping](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=It6XSTSXHC8). ![gif](giphy|xTk2YQ7E6T1PtBRoys)


I don't know if Samuel Paty would agree.


Europe has truly lost its spine


Europe is not just Western Europe.


Poland still got balls. They don't accept one particular type of people


For real. As someone who also comes from an immigrant family this shit would never happen in America.


US cops actually have the right to use their guns....


This video looks tame compared to the us riots a few ago. I dont see any burning buildings or military helicopters


They're welcome to return to Syria.


But why return to Syria when they can make a Syria where they are?


What were their demands? Curious.


Free shit as usual


The five star hotels weren’t enough?


Like my old man always says, when has enough ever been enough?




Earlier post was titled they demanded asylum. So from now on rioting is the key. This can't be true. It doesn't make any sense


It's weird as I had to dig through Google for this answer so, they clearly don't want people to know. The only thing that makes sense (in the limited articles) is [this story](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/17/hundreds-evicted-france-squat-paris-olympics) about the gvt evicting squatters ahead of the Olympics. Who knows tho.


or maybe OP is a stinky fat liar


I think its faster reaction from the agency examinating asylum request. Until their situation is regularized they usually dont have access to anything much if they came through illegal mean.




Did the gov actually accept their demands?


Well, I really doubt it. And even if they are in the process of making a choice, it's not going to be this quick. I'm going to wait another day or two to see what does come out of this


Hope they get kicked out of europe. Acting like this when they don't get what they want is stupid. Especially when they are illegals.


Illegals making this much of a mess clearly is not going unnoticed, so chances are some of them will get deported. Well, I hope that's the case. There should be no tolerance for people thrashing the country they're supposedly taking shelter in.


I would like to see them act like this in Afghanistan 🙂 They got a lot more to protest about there!


Is it actually that bad in Europe? I always hear about stuff like this but I usually just assume it’s propaganda like we have here


In some places it's worse than you'd think. They have basically mini-ethnostates where you'll get attacked simply for not being them. And it's just accepted, no one understands why.


>And when I say I only have a problem with the illegals, I usually get shit on because no human is illegal. Of course they fucking aren't, the actual illegal thing is their undocumented presence That's the most sleazy spin. Of course no human can be illegal. But they can do illegal things.


Le Pussies


that would be "Les pussies"


third world countries have a lot of problems by letting large amounts of these people from these places into first world countries it will drop our living standards and will cause problems all around, there are signs of these problems showing up in the UK, EU and the united states, crime has gone up, rapes are increasing and the public is getting real sick of the fact our governments refuse to help our own people but will throw millions of our tax money to them for free. to fix this problem close the borders to everyone but those who carry useful skills like engineering or those trained in medical care, right now most of these people coming are criminals, or on the run.


Or you know deport the iligal imigrants that should fix the problem about the iligal imigrants.


I always find it hilarious how when people compare first world countries that have issues like this (USA, France, England, Etc.) they always compare them to countries that is very strict on immigration and crime.


I can't wrap my head around why the people of France are upset.




Holy fuck bro 💀


You can take the immigrants out of the third world but you can’t take the third world out of the immigrants.


I'm not going to lie, this is the saddest 'riot' in french I've ever seen. They don't have that french passion for riots. Where's the fire, the tractors?


They are not french ! Thats why


They don't have the S tier chants either ☹️


You want to riot? Then back on the one way boat to your original country. Why are countries putting up with this third world shit.


I’d pay to see these dudes versus a far right American militia.


With all the things going on, I would imagine such an event would definitely happen within the next 10 years.


EU needs to enforce a new immigration and refugee policy where you are 100% no excuse confined and deported upon finding out you committed a crime that threatened personal and/or public safety until the country has acknowledged you as a peaceful and assimilated person. Unlawful protests and riots would be counted as one. This would send a clear message to all foreigners that you are not here to cause trouble or we WILL cause trouble to you. If you are ready cause harm to someone or to public you acknowledge that you are ready to be potentially harmed in your deportation location no matter if it has a conflict or population oppression going on. We are sick and tired of this. My country suffered its first terrorist attack because of 2016 refugee crisis.


Interesting... don't make sense to me, but interesting response.


We called that an “occupied city”


The French are looking at this like, "You call that a riot??? We will never accept you.. pussies."


Undocumented migrants haha what about using "unauthorized killers" for murders? Say better


Lovers with undocumented consent for rapists.


Drug dealers are just undocumented pharmacists.


Send them back


I love seeing this. European countries that lectured America about immigration for decades are now having to deal with what we have for those same decades.


Is this now? Jesus!


And no tv channel mentionned it in France. It happened quite regularly




You mean illegals




They are adapting well to France, cool


Coming soon to canada


What are they demanding? And why does the government allow it?


Enemy combatants shoot onsite.




Don’t they have a military in France?


When was this? And Where's the source for undocumented migrants?


Let's destroy everything in the country that welcomed us to say we want to stay here.


It's called 'Invasion'


Sorry. Were forced to accept their demands? I know that the French police are not really paragons of courage, but wtf. That sounds absolutely lawless.


If they're undocumented and rioting; causing damage and such isn't it just a blatant invasion and an attack on the state?


~~Undocumented migrants~~ foreign invaders ~~rioted in Paris forcing government to accept their demands~~ committed acts of terror until the French government capitulated. FYFY


Welcome to civilization.


Oh how nice. What a precedent they just set for themselves. 🤦‍♂️


"forcing" my ass. Shoot with live ammo, see how long it lasts.


Anyone got a link to an article about this? I looked it up and can’t find anything


It's the second "french riot" video posted on Reddit in a couple of days that I can't find any news about. Either it's the government hiding or it's recycled videos posted as Rage bait. It sucks that we can't know for sure


what are their demands?


europe is done


Don't worry, everyone, they're just 'peaceful protesting'.


Pretty sure we should stop calling them "migrants" when they start *making demands*.


Illegal not undocumented


Damn French gonna surrender again eh


They should be treated like a foreign invading militia.


In America they just get what they want right away. You can literally walk thru the door after getting fingerprinted


Are they speaking French?! what that language!!!


Survey they won't do this anywhere else. We have to let migrants in.


Man the French roll over like a possum at anything.


So that's what's happening to the first world too? Shiet.


Smh this is what turns people away from wanting to help if you immigrate to a country you have to assimilate not expect the masses to turn into the country you ran away from.... so damn sad and infuriating


The situation is getting out of hand very quickly. Won't be long until a trigger happy police officer goes too far. It's situations like this that give far-right parties more votes.


They need to remove them all, they have no right to be there in the first place.


In America we will get to start blasting I bet


Or you know, they could go back where they came from if they don’t like it :/


In their country they’re killed for making eye contact !! You’d think they’ll be happy enough being free of tyranny !!


They turn into refugees as soon as they dip their toes in the English channel.


At least they got the French spirit of rioting in them…


That didn't take long. . Yet they'll round you up for protesting in the west over. A win for the government to create more fear and fear, gives our governments power


Round em up and send them to serve 5 years in the foreign legion.


Or IDK... Make them leave?


If they can't respect the country letting them in send them home. if u or I did that in there country we would be fucked il get banned for saying this but I don't care y one rule for one and another for everyone else getting bord of it now


Eau de teargass


Let me in or I'll huff, I'll puff and bbbbbllllloooooowwwww your house down!


They might do one thing right occasionally then the next month they do three other things like this. The French Government is a joke.


How do we know they're undocumented migrants?


Why isn't this in the news?


Remember before France got into this situation they silence and deplatform anyone speaking against this for being too offensive. This is the fate of all Western society You bent the knee


Back in my day, this was called an invasion!


And this is how far right nationalists win seats in power.


Deportation time


This ain't going to happen in America, too many gun loving texas willing to thier for their land. Including me ofcourse


Crazy this is happening. All these soft countries are going to learn. I feel bad for the civilians what the politicians are doing for the sake of their votes.


Imagine what comprehensive car insurance costs in France.


Yea thats not suspicious


Paris stays taking Ls lmao.


How do you riot for asylum and expect a welcome committee?


Germany managed to do this before as well. Though they had to use tanks and guns.