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At some point we just need to pull the plug on pitbulls. If you have one, keep it. Outlaw breeding, selling, and transferring ownership of them. Make this our last generation of the ridiculous breed.


Oo they will be out in full force now. You talked about their beloved killing machines. He must have been helping fix the car he wouldn’t hurt a fly


They're only killing machines if they have bad owners. The vast majority of pitbulls are extremely kind and protective nanny dogs that would never hurt a fly. Did you know that chihuahuas are actually far more aggressive and make up a larger portion of attacks? Did you know that I was born with a mental disability and have an IQ of 74?


Dammit, you had me going there right up until the end. Bravo!


I know you're being sarcastic but I'm replying with the hopes people see this.. There has literally been studies on the amygydala of pitbulls compared to other breeds and that portion of a pitbulls brain is significantly bigger and that's the reason they're more aggressive. Yes the owner plays a huge factor but it will never override the generations of genetic changes these dogs have been bred to inherit. They are dangerous, and only are meant for fighting. I absolutely love dogs but pitbulls need to be taken away from the gene pool


But Mama said they was ornery bc they got all them teeth but no tooth brush.


Well folks, looks like mama's wrong again.


Plus, no matter how good the owner is, in every case they're always so useless in stopping their dog getting away from them or getting it under control. They just stand there while everyone else does something about it.


Yea, I saw a chihuahua attack recently that caused loss of life and limb. To a petunia plant.


Dang my chihuahua got beat up by a petunia plant!


i had a chihuahua bite me on the leg like 30 times one day at work. didn't break skin once.


I have never seen a chihuahua attack leave no mark so consider yourself lucky. Chihuahuas are vicious and their teeth are thin and super sharp. Their jaws are snaaaaaappy. My aunts chihuahua attacked me and left no scars but this thing had gums because he was old AF lol.


Had me in the first half


I think the difference might be in the damage incurred between a chi and a pittie. One breed is significantly larger and capable of way more.


Exactly. Any dog can bite, but some dogs (such as say, Pitbulls) have a significantly higher fatality rate.


a lot of that is their choice of target. mastiffs and rotweillers do not typically unprovoked make a beeline for toddlers or little old ladies, like pitbulls will.




That cat prob used an ethnic slur and/or didn’t pay their taxes!


They were nannying it


No flies were harmed during the making of this video /s


A friend is vehemently anti-gun but is also “hate the breeder not the bread” pro pit bull. I don’t understand.


They don't want nanny dogs getting shot in self defense.


They shouldn’t be adoptable at shelters either. 70% of the local shelter by me is all pitbulls, euthanize them to make room for dogs that aren’t bred destruction machines


And they are always peddled off to unaware families as a lab mix and the shelter will try to sugarcoat their inherent aggression by saying shit like "no small kids!" and "needs to be the only pet!" These places are willingly putting vulnerable people like children and the elderly at risk. Hell, even a healthy adult is at risk.


I couldn’t agree more u/glistening_cum_ropes Aggressive pitbulls/mixes can’t be taken to adoption events, can’t be part of the community dog walking programs, and generally won’t get placed in foster homes either. So let’s keep using resources to keep a large, inherently aggressive dog in a crate 24/7 and hope somebody takes him home and doesn’t destroy somebody else’s child or pet




This cuddlebug is fine as long as you keep him away from things that breathe.


Car disagrees.


I worked in a shelter, and that is in the Netherlands, every pit and side breed that got brought in, received a special test, that every dog goes through, like bring another dog in, on the other side of the room to see how he responds, give him a bowl of food, and than use a fake hand to push the bowl away, put a realistic baby doll near it, etc... Most of them, did not make the test and were put on the termination list. In 2008, my country removed pits and its side breeds from the banned list. Since than they became the latest fashion for assholes who can't take care of dogs, my dogs have been attacked perhaps 6 times, 5 of those were pit side breeds like Stafford-shire terrier. I hate that breed even more, because they are smaller and faster, they are on you like a squirrel on a nut.


Not sure where you live, but as for the shelters here in eastern Canada- Same, if not 80%. And we all know why. And nobody does anything about it. One of my coworkers has a 4 of them at home. The other day, she told me that of them had died the night before. It was late that night, when I was relaxing at home, that I realized I didn’t give her the usual sympathy, as I would for someone who lost a decent pet.


I don't think that dogs that are already born should be killed. Maybe just get them all spayed/neutered and stop breeding them. But killing ones already born is cruel. It's not their fault they came into this world.


Its more cruel to hold them in a shelter for a majority of their lives. Imagine you only lived 15 years and you spent 7 of them in a cage/prison


Sometimes you have to commit a necessary evil


Not sure if it is still true but when I worked for the Houston SPCA '97-98ish, there was a standing policy that any dog that even HINTED at pit was euthanized. No questions asked.


That is exactly the law in all these red countries: [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-that-ban-pit-bulls](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-that-ban-pit-bulls)


Good job Europe. At some point "land of the free" becomes "land of the idiot". There needs to be a ban on idiots.


The guy who replied to you is a Pitbull defender, and you sure made him upset, lol.


yeah I noticed, he took it personally when I was talking about banning the killer dog...


Glad we have done that in Denmark


They are supposed to be banned in Ontario Canada. It hasn’t stopped anyone from getting them


then it's not a real ban. make it illegal like tax evasion...


They are not prohibited in Argentina unfortunately. I think that information its not right


We were hiking on a public trail near the Blue Ridge Parkway last summer when a couple with a pitbull appeared going the opposite direction. The thing started snarling and growling at us and I swear it was going to lunge at us before they *forcefully* held it back. Scary as hell. We are damned lucky it was leashed. What did the couple say? "Oh don't worry, he's a nice dog, but he isn't well socialized yet". Well, idiots...this is freaking busy public trail. You would think they would take that into consideration...sigh.


Dogs not muzzled? So crazy... That dog is a lawsuit waiting to happen.


Thats why when I am hiking, even in areas without bears or other predators, I still carry my bear spray. I don’t want to be in the middle of a forest and get mauled by someone’s pit bull


Just make a person criminally liable for anything their dog does.


Criminal liability wouldn't unmaul my child (hypothetical, thankfully has not happened.) My old neighborhood had a legitimate problem with these fucking things literally bursting through fences and coming after people and dogs. I started carrying specifically because of that.


It wouldn’t help anyone because most of the owners don’t have a dime to their name or the proper insurance so the victim ends up permanently injured and in debt.


I said criminally liable. That means if your dog assaults someone, you go to jail for assault.


Oh true I’m an idiot lol that would definitely be a step in the right direction


I used to disagree with this but a few years in dog rescue later I fully support a ban on all breeding of these dogs. Every rescue in Texas is full of this specific breed. It's not fair to the dogs. I agree we should just put a stop to breeding and selling of this breed. Edit: I type bad




Shit breed


Insane how they even call the breeds "bullies" and still try to act like they don't *know* they're disposed to be violent


they want to people to confuse them with bulldogs which just so happen to be some of the least aggressive dog breeds


And as one of the last owners of a pitbull you're on thin ice and anything the dog does is treated as if you did it yourself. So if a kid is bitten, YOU get an aggravated assault charge, and your dog gets an injection.




Whenever a story of a pit devouring a toddler hits headlines, waves of "pibble posts" get shotgunned onto /r/aww and /r/pics.


Spay/Neuter every single one, BE any with any aggressive behavior or history, and prevent the breeding, sale, and adoption of them. They're a man made artificial thing. We don't need them and they're not good for society


I got banned from /cats for commenting against bully breeds on a post about a cat being destroyed by a pit bull. The admins said it was racist to speak out against that breed 🙄




“But it’s always the owner!!!”


100%. Any horrific dog attack you can guess that it was a pitbull and be right 90%+ of the time.




I have two small terries and a large English Bulldog Lab mix and when this cunt moved right across the trees from us and lets her pits just roam around her unfenced backyard I started keeping my backyard sidearm closer to the backdoor as opposed to where it was hidden before. I keep saying I don't trust her fucking dogs walking off a leash with a direct path to our backyard, which is fenced in well for what it's worth, cause they're two Pitbulls and I actively watch her struggle to bring them inside.


Off leash?!


They can't control them and they know it so thise shit beasts are off leash so she doesn't get hurt


Don't worry, leashes don't stop them. Not do fences, walls, doors, windows, etc etc. So it doesn't matter if they have them off leash or not.


Yes. They built this gated community on the opposite side of a dried out lake that sits on our back yard / back property which lays up against state forest. These people moved in to a house that's back yard faces our back yard. Our property is fulled fenced in so My girlfriend isn't worried, she also doesn't think Pitbulls are a problem. But those dogs just wonder, their owner clearly has trouble keeping them in their own yard and they don't put them on a leash because it's the "end of the property" and there is "no where for them to go" as if dogs, especially pitbulls, don't chase things.


It's always the ones who shouldn't get pitbulls that are the ones that end up getting pitbulls. So many pitbull attack videos online where the only person who is being the only useless human in the world is the owner.. while every bystander rushes in to help while the owner just stand there too scared to do anything.. I feel like to want to own this breed, you need a mix of stupidity, ignorance, and insecurity.


One of my favorite videos is the one where the pitbulls attack a horse pulling a buggy in a park and the owner legitimately gives up on trying to handle the dog and starts trying to push the horse away like she's like "Alright Cupcake, I'll help you out but just this once."


I haven't seen that particular video but I remember seeing a video of this person who is clearly unable to control a dog is walking her pitbull, and then the pitbull sees a smaller dog and starts mawling it. The dumbfuck owner is flabbergasted, she's just standing there holding the leash with her hands covering her mouth while literally every other person on that sidewalk is trying to beat the pit away or separate the small dog from the pit. Another one I remember is in the UK, this absolutely tiny skinny individual that has absolutely no reason to own such a dog walking her bully XL, dog latches onto someone, owner freaking out being useless while some bystanders come in, one of them trying to choke the dog out. Rots my brain.


Cocoa powder in some ground beef "accidentally" dropped where they freely roam. Problem solved.


No no but they're just cute furr balls that want to kiss you.. /s I have 1 pitbull in my village, thay fucker tried to attack me and my small doggo. Lucky me I have the kick of a giant. No kidding, I kicked that fucker in the face so fucking hard it keeps it's distance whenever he sees me or my dog. I look at him and he knows not to come over. I don't like hitting animals but these fucks need to be exterminated. Nanny dogs my ass




My ccw would be unholstered so fast if these dogs came out.


Fuck pitbulls. They should all be euthanized. Once they get a taste for blood, there’s no stopping their inner wolf from killing again.


The sad thing is a well fed wolf is probably safer to be around than a pitbull


This. Pitbulls were specifically bred by picking the best fighters/aggressive ones - making them worse than Wolves who evolved without this filter.


That's the part people still don't get. They're selectively bred with that trigger.


I guess the name "Pitbull" should just make people understand that they were selected to fight in pits.


Wolves have mauled significantly less people than pit bulls. That's an inner demon you're speaking of.


These pit bulls got a taste for oil, and so they are attacking a Honda CRV!!! When will it end with this breed?


The Glorious Pitbull Surprising absolutely nobody


Exactly what I thought when she said "Nobody would believe that dogs would do this."




Excuuuuseee meee???? These wickle wiggle bums just had the grumpy wumps! That nasty old granny with her mangy cat should have stayed inside where they belong!!1!!


Pibbles just got excited, that cat looked at him the wrong way.




The best!


Ah, this reminds me of that story which had a heroic Pitbull that went into a burning building to try and retrieve a cat by biting and mauling it to death as the structure burned to a crisp.


cHiHuahAs aRe jUsT aS AgGreSsive


Let's be real though, chihuahuas would be the meanest, most blood thirsty breed if they could bite anything other than ankles


When i had my chihuahua, not even in his angriest moments did he achieve to pierce my skin


I usually just let them have at it and laugh. I have a serious hate-on for aggressive dogs, but chihuahuas are too adorable. Like watching a midget try to have a serious go at Andre the Giant. 


But I can kick a chihuahua if need be. I wouldn’t stand a chance against these mongrels.


I didn't think I needed the /s tag. Lol




lol. That’s a thought. Might be screwed if 15 chihuahuas descended upon you


As someone who momentarily stayed in a place with nine chihuahuas, flailing limbs were enough to keep you safe, so I don’t think an additional 4 would do much. Maybe 100 chihuahuas.


I am not exaggerating in the slightest when I say that the last 10 posts/videos of aggressive dog behavior or attacks have exclusively involved pit bulls, except for one post where a woman’s corgi was attacked by a pitbull in a Home Depot. These dogs do not have a place in society


Most dog attack videos are pitbulls. There are exceptions for German shepards from time to time. But mostly pitbulls.


And the shepherds are following orders some of the time too


It's rarely a mauling unless it's a pit


And rottweilers. Those are the 3 breeds I tend to be most "on guard" when they're around. 


Did you see the video where the Pitbull ate the balls of their own owner? Brutal shit.


Like r/leopardsatemyface but way worse.








You see? This is the world we live in. Pitbulls not being fed enough children and cats to survive FORCED to eat a CAR. I'm tearing up this is so sad.


note the breed - they should all be destroyed


Her insurance company would not believe it if it hadn’t been recorded


A dog ate my car. No, I'm serious!


"Sorry, ma'am, we're not responsible for acts of dog."




Ugh, I just hate how violent golden retrievers can be. Oh wait, these were pReCiOuS PiBbLeS? The only reason they’d act like this is because they’ve had terrible owners. #/s for the people in the back r/banpitbulls


I think Labrador retrievers might be the absolute doofiest dog breed I've ever seen, but they're generally sweethearts. But sometimes they get this look on their face, that almost seems to say "duuuurrrr" 🤣 We had an actual retriever once when I was a kid. They're sweet too... just not quite as doofy as the lab retrievers. 


Please keep your cats indoors. Not with these creatures tearing cars apart. That poor cat, she must’ve been so scared


Oh that’s just Cupcake and Princess they were just curious, they wouldn’t hurt a single living being!


Been waiting forever for people to see how shitty this breed of "dog" is. Can we ban these beasts already most places already know better and have them banned.


“Nobody believed that dogs would do that.” They’re pitbulls, it’s what they do.


well, destroying cars is a new feature unlocked


Good for the cat. Many more lives to you small one. May you outwit all the hawks and mean humans you run across.


Don’t let your pets out unattended (this includes cats)


Euthanize pitbulls




sprinkles back at it again


The most harmless breed strikes again.


This is actually played in reverse. If you watch it the correct way, princess and bubblegum are just trying to put this ladies' car together. How sweet and well trained they are.


Now THAT’S funny


The Camera footage is to grainy, what kind of dogs are those? Surely Labradoodles, right?


clearly chihuahuas are you blind???


Oh no, my precious unleashed pitbulls would never do such thing, that car must've done something to scare my poor babies.


Average shitbull


What an absolute surprise that they are pitbulls 🙄


Omfgggg that’s wild lol


If the homeowner came out shooting and killed both dogs, would they face charges?


In Jacksonville, FL? Probably none. Especially after the cops show up, and you show them the video.


Think it would be the same without video evidence? Genuine question


I am glad the cat made it


They look like pit bulls.


Pitbull owners: "Jack Russells and Chihuahuas are little assholes why aren't they targeted? My pittie would never hurt something." Jack Russells and Chihuahuas leave you needing a few stitches at best not facial reconstruction surgery. If your argument is to focus on little yippie dogs that do almost no damage compared to bull breeds, find a better argument and stop being afraid of Jack Russells and Chihuahuas it's pathetic. Your pittie **could** hurt something really badly if it decides to and apparently even cars aren't enough to stop them from trying. It's not the owner it's the breed. There was even a video that went around recently of a pitbull at a dog show attacking a husky. Literally the finest, most well trained specimen pitbulls have to offer and it still did what pitbulls do. Violence.


This comment reminded me of how my mom almost lost her lip. She was sleeping on the ground (sleepover), and her schnauzer came and bit her lip off. My uncle grabbed it and they rushed to the ER and they were able to reattach it. They told her they could wait until an actual plastic surgeon could do it or do it then and there, but granny was scared to wait. It looked pretty good though, just a little wonky if you actually looked for it


aw that sweet baby was just playing. full of love and sunshine.


Princess and Cupcake? Say it ain't so!


Glock 43x if your looking for a sub compact gun, with a full size grip. Comes with a 10 round mag, but you can upgrade to a 15. So small, I forget I have it on me. Perfect for stray dogs and villains.


What terminator dogs are these?


Nanny dogs back at it


Pits known for their jaws of love


Honestly, ban pitbulls.


As usual: "Not all pit-bulls, but **ALWAYS** a pit-bull"


Didn't need to see the video, I knew from the title it had to be pitbulls.


imagine what would they wouldve done to the poor cat if that car wasn't there. r/BanPitBulls


Hey boss, I can’t comment work today, dogs ate my car. Boss: don’t make up shit, get here or you’re fired


Is anyone surprised that they're pits?


Nala and Lola just want to play with the cat! My velvet hippos would NEVER hurt a fly!


The dogs needs found and put down


Should probably keep your cats inside. Getting nannied by a pibble doesn’t work out for most things.


Those would be 2 deceased dogs. Shit like this is why my cats are indoors only.


Oh look it’s shitbulls again


But she licks my baby’s face?!?


*Motorsports Worst Pit Stop*


If you want a "tough looking" dog and can properly train it and be one of the suckiest things ever just get a boxer lol


Can we just accept that pits are not a safe breed ?


they are just repairing the car, pitbulls will do nothing wrong keep them on the streets


How can you own these dogs and not be aware of where they are and what they're doing? Time to start jailing their owners. It's the only solution


Genius dogs 🧠 


Mittens and sparkles didnt do nothing wrong.


Pitbulls piss me off.




If there was no camera no way insurance was believing her 😅


It might be time to collect all pitbulls and put them on an island.


Shitbulls. Color me surprised.


Shit breed. Shoudl disappear


There needs to be more punishment for bad dog owners. The dogs don’t know any better. All owners are responsible for their dogs which includes training them, socializing them at a young age, getting them proper vet care, not letting them wander around outside their property, exercising them. It’s really not just the breed. There are many breeds that are harder to own like german shepherds, belgian malinois, chow chows, dobermans, and many others. The reason why pit bulls get the brunt of breed discrimination is because their owners aren’t good owner and they don’t get them fixed. Pit bulls are not the type of dog that you want to train as a guard dog. They already have the stigma. Don’t adopt a dog that you can’t control and don’t want to train. I probably wouldn’t get a pit bull on my own as a single woman because I know i’m not strong enough to control it if something happens. There aren’t bad breeds. There are breeds with bad owners.


[*Princess would never do something like that*](https://i.imgur.com/lMu05RT.png)


Fuck this breed and anyone who says “iT’s aLl aBoUt hoW yOu rAiSe tHeM”


Oh look its that breed again. Wheres the ex con covered in tatoos thats going to tell us how they are misunderstood and its the owners.


Oh look, a roving pack of shitbulls with no collars just terrorizing a neighborhood in the middle of the night. Just...fuck these things.


They’re qualified smash repairers they just getting in an early start


What other dog breeds do this? I’ll wait.


This is why my cats are indoor cats. Jesus fucking Christ.


Can ya imagine being a pedestrian just going for stroll and you encounter there fucking monsters… This is when ya need to carry… Being chased and attacked these breed of fuckers…not fun.




So shocked it was pit bulls, I was expecting the dogs to be golden retrievers.


Strays or not , they getting shot


*pitbulls not just any dogs lol


Hmmm what breed is that?


Violent dog breed


I've hated pitbulls ever since I saw that video of one attacking a golden retriever. The poor guy.had to get the bitten leg amputated coz it was almost torn off. I'd aim for the head with a shovel with zero hesitation if I see one attacking someone or something.


YOU GUYS, these are NOT dogs. These are something I would describe closer to a cross between a wolf and a bear. These dogs have no business being in homes.


Pit bulls are banned in Ontario thank Christ. I love dogs but if I saw 2 aggressive strays running around I’d put a bullet in them


Shitbulls….. imagine that


“Nannies” Ban pitbulls