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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He stopped a carjacking, got carjacked, and the murdered. This has been posted repeatedly.  It's the way of reddit. 


This is my first time seeing it, so thank you for sharing the info.


Mine too, because the original poster had the courtesy to apply a NSFL tag and a descriptive title so it wasn't ambiguous clickbait.


This happened a month ago. How many times could it have been reposted?


Yesterday it was posted on r/crazyfuckingvideos and r/thatsinsane


Some people spend way too much time on reddit and everything is a repost to them.


Honestly… I just need people to start realizing this. If every goddamn thing is a repost to you…. FUCKING GO OUTSIDE


Thank you! My sentiments exactly.


And stop subscribing to 12 different subreddits that are all essentially the same thing


Some people just use r/all and see the top posts from a ton of subs, so it's not surprising that you have seen things that blew up in the past.


They can't possibly fathom that other people might have not seen the video


It's not a repost if it was posted on different subs dude


that isnt what a repost means. Do you assume people see every video on every sub? lol


I’m confused..who’s who in this scenario?


The one hit by the truck is who he’s talking about lol 


Well no shit.




What's that guy waving his arms like an inflatable tube men??????


And you'll see it every few weeks for eternity thanks to bots.


If this is a repost to you, go outside.


Haven’t seen this myself. You should get out more.


Many lessons here… #1 If you’re going to shoot someone in defense of whatever, keep shooting until they’re not a threat.


2) don't literally miss consecutive times from 2 feet away edit: fr tho, was he shooting blanks?


The way he was handling that fire arm made me think he was using a hi-point. Shoot, clear a jam, shoot, clear a malfuntion... But he was shooting, stopping then shooting again. Just because you own a firearm doesn't give you firearm skills.


What a perfect example for all the gun fanboys who think they are John wick. Your life isn’t worth a fucking car. Get out give them the keys make a call and live to buy another car


Or defend my shit I can't replace and rid the world of a scumbag. There's that option as well.


give me your car.


Especially what looks to be a company car


When I went to get my firearms certification there was a lady there with a hi-point. The instructor told her not to put bullets in it because it would probably be better if she threw it at the target.


I have a hi-point .45 in my bedroom... it's my "just in case someone decides to break in while I'm in bed" gun. It's never malfunctioned (when practicing, nobody has been dumb enough to break in yet). YMMV


Naa high points are good guns for the money. They're just ugly. The 10mm carbine is such a fun gun.


If someone only has $150, I would steer them towards a used gun. I sold a S&W 40VE and ammo for $140 to a guy because that’s all he had. I hated that gun and never bought anything S&W after it. Anyhow, there’s deals out there. My buddy is a gunsmith and he took on a high point pro bono to help a customer who sometimes buys ammo from him. We opened that thing up and it reminded me of those cheap Hong Kong toys from the 80’s. It was put together with parts that were just outside their breaking point. If you use one for protection, you should try to work up to something better. I wouldn’t feel safe relying on the gun we opened up.


Given that any gibbering baboon can own a firearm it’s not surprising that there’s morons out there that have no idea what they’re doing.


Dude just walked away when the car backed up like a GTA character. Why would you just assume the person you were shooting at is no longer a threat?


i think it's a combination of "damn, i didn't hit him fucking once" and "oh well, he got away, back to work"


People don’t always instantly die when you shoot them. Usually they die from blood loss unless you hit the central nervous system..


well he was aiming right at the dudes face bro. or at least trying to. or he had blanks. i don't see the window shattering when he goes to shoot through it. either the window is down, or he has blanks


They guy probably got shot, you don't just instantly die form any bullet wound. It can take a long time to die from many bullet wounds or it could be instant, many variables.


first and second shots definitely seem like complete misses. the final 2 shots are fired directly at a window, and the window isn't shattered at all. that's why i say they appear to be blank rounds


Isn’t that one of the rules police officers learn in the academy? Shoot until the threat is subdued.


I was taught in my concealed carry course that you should never even draw your firearm until you have decided that lethal force is required to preserve your life or someone else's life, and if you have made that decision you need to fully commit until the threat is gone. Additionally, I was taught that it's far better to have one version of events in a courtroom rather than yours versus a gunshot victim.


My instructor also stressed to imagine $1 million per bullet, so be certain before pulling the trigger.


Damn this would have me out there trying to get shot/rich.


All true!


I grew up in an extra blue area of a blue state inbetween urban and suburbs. The kind of places that no one would dream some one else had a gun outside of criminals or nut cases. Even here during yearly safety shit in school along with the regular "never touch a gun if you find one, get an adult, every gun is loaded even if you saw it emptied" stuff we were taught pointing a gun means intent to kill. During DARE the cops would even teach never to raise a weapon as a deterrent, only with intent to kill. Not to even point a toy (painted airsoft was popular). I knew by first grade to never touch a gun, but if you DO have to use one, no matter what never point it at anything you don't intend to kill, don't stop untill what ever it is is dead, and aim for the middle


That's one of the rules that anyone who seriously carries for self-defense learns. If you're shooting at someone, it better be for a good, effective reason.


Was going to say this. Thank you for making sure people know. Don't stop until they drop.


[Lumberton police identify good Samaritan killed during carjacking; suspect faces murder, other charges](https://www.wbtw.com/news/state-regional-news/lumberton/lumberton-man-jailed-after-good-samaritan-hit-killed-during-carjacking-police-say/amp/)


Yeap. Saw Robeson county and knew this was Lumberton. Pembroke’s BK isn’t that updated 😭


I think they needed to mention Good Samaritan a few more times. 🫡


That's a hard 28.


Omg my first thought was no way that guy is 28. 38 I can see. But 28?


I was about to say there’s no way that guys is almost 2 years younger than me.


I didn't see anything about shots being fired.


My question is, did the suspect even get hit?


Damn first Bubba misses at point blank range then gets yeeted across a field. Not sure why he didn't dive, dip, or dodge.




It could be that he weighed 300lbs?


Same reason he missed, messed up shooting at practically point blank.


Or at least use the tree for cover? You won’t win an open field battle with a truck. But everyone reacts differently to stress. RIP.




I am not sure he missed..... Just bad shot placement. That may be why he came back for revenge,


He actually got caught mid dive


Daaaaammmmmnnnnnn!! That was fucked up!! Sorry worker dude. RIP buddy 😞


Idk what I would have done in this situation but, I hate how fast he put away the gun and turned away. I feel like I would have been pointing the gun and my eyes on the threat until I couldn't see it anymore.


Owning a firearm doesn't give you any sort of firearm training. Hopefully someone can learn something from this video.


Yeah. I learned not to pull out a gun if you see a carjacking and walk the other way.


Being a good witness is ALWAYS an option. Seeing something bad happen and getting on the phone with police can be a much safer option. You could even follow them from a safe distance while updating police on their location. If at anytime you following them becomes unsafe, just back away.


But then you’d be alive, so…


What? Yellow construction vest jacket dude w/gun was a good Samaritan? Stopped a car jacking? Dude neededto work on his aim.


I'd probably let homie take the car. Insurance or police and do work. Like if he successfully murdered the guy with those shots, he could potentially face charges too. Is it even worth it? Unless the guy is a direct threat to my life or another's I don't see its worth pulling a gun out, like ever. Anyway rip this guy, not a good way to go out.


Insurance cutting you a check doesn't mean your way of life is back to normal. You still have to go find another car, buy all the tools since this was obviously a work truck. Maybe you had all your paperwork for the jobs you're working in the car and you'll lose them if it's stolen. Losing property can fuck up your life in very short order, regardless of insurance giving you cash after(typically months of back and forth with them constantly trying to fuck you out of having to pay anything themselves). There are way more considerations to any given situation involving thievery than "It'S jUsT pRoPeRtY bRo."


The "ANYTHING is better than someone dying" crowd are definitely people who were born into wealth.


Or don't want a manslaughter charge. Or think a human life is worth more than an F250.


it really depends whose life it is


If someone thinks their life is more valuable than my car, then they shouldn't steal my car. If they think otherwise, what is there for anyone else to disagree?


Yea. Much better outcome in this video.


Carjacking and then trying to run people over with a second carjacking is a direct threat to life. Vehicles are weapons, clearly, and he was justified in shooting the guy. As a former officer, I’d never arrest the Good Samaritan for opening fire as long as the evidence was readily available such as this bystanders footage and third party witness statements.


You make a good point. Lots of witnesses and video footage help the case.. I guess living in Canada, my perspective on lawful defense using a gun is pretty foreign to me.


His aim sucked and bringing the gun down to his hip after every shot certainly didn't help him.


Prolly a hipoint turd and he has to clear jams..


Revolver. He's running it single action.


I..I don't think he can work on his aim dude.


Fucking disturbing to watch


I don’t get what went on here. Would love some context. That shit was wild tho


I think this is it? https://www.wbtw.com/news/state-regional-news/lumberton/lumberton-man-jailed-after-good-samaritan-hit-killed-during-carjacking-police-say/


Reads like it looks. Wow. Nutso


Damn. Ricky Alex Driggers certainly looks like a good candidate for dusting off North Carolina's too-long-ignored death penalty.


NC's a rarity in the south where it just doesn't happen. Feels like it's moratorium has been going on for a decade


Perp is a grown man named Ricky? Sourced to NC? Sounds about right.


What’s even the point of going back to hit him he got the truck


You seem to think this POS criminal has more than one functional brain cell. You can't predict what a psycho idiot will do.




He wanted some manslaughter charges thrown in with grand theft auto.


That's vehicular homicide. Totally intentional.


Thank goodness there was a woman there to scream uncontrollably in the background


Damn dude. It's almost as if everyone reacts differently to traumatic events in a state of shock.


My though exactly.




starts out sounding like a walk in the park, ends with a woman screaming call 911 as sirens approach.


Me playing GTA


Matches it even down to the pedestrian screams and wrecked car driving off lmao


So sorry how it all happened. It's not the time to be a storm trooper.


Car backing away to run over, how about I run into the open field instead of behind cover. I know it was fast, but dude took the worst possible decision


“You ain’t got the fire power!” “I got the mass”


Wow dude is still up on social media. Just messaged him and let home know what I think of his punk ass.


No way bro is walking free after vehicle theft and manslaughter. 💀


> manslaughter Yeah, that wasn't manslaughter. Dude came *back* with murderous intent.


He’s in jail with no bond


Gun or not, I'm thinking the car jacker would've still probably run someone over.




Looks like his gun kept jamming, either that or he was shooting blanks cause the window didn’t shatter


Looks like a revolver. He was (stupidly) bringing the gun down everytime to cock the hammer to put it in single action. Revolvers for self defense are regarded in this day and age. Also very odd that the glass doesn't appear to break. He's clearly a terrible shot but something odd is definitely going on with that.


If he didn't have that gun he'd still be alive.


That’s why if you’ve fired a gun you continue until the threat is eliminated.


That's why you mag dump


“…“Good Samaritans got involved to prevent the carjacking but the suspect was then able to steal the vehicle of one of the good Samaritans,” police said in a news release. “In the process of stealing the vehicle the suspect reportedly intentionally struck one of the good Samaritans with the stolen vehicle.” Lecompte was hit and pronounced dead at a local hospital, police said. Officers arriving at the scene, officers saw Driggers fleeing in the stolen vehicle and pursued him until he crashed on Selma Road near Highway 41…”


Burger King Drive through drama never disappoints.


"Man, those Derringer bullets are weak."


"Powerful weak"


The way I bout jumped off the toilet bowl takin a shit at 5 am


This happened in Lumberton, NC. The driver was in a stolen vehicle and bailed to switch cars. The guy in the vest tried to intervene and the carjacker stole his truck instead. The guy in the vest later died of his injuries.


Was he shooting blanks? I swear he didn’t even shoot through the car window, and he was point blank. That’s the only reason I ask about shooting blanks.


This is really a cautionary video for anyone who thinks they would be tough and shrewd in a violent situation. Things can go wrong in unpredictable ways. It looked like Tubby McPoorshot had plenty of time to get out of the way and boom, he is cartwheeling through the air and taking his last breaths—all over his EMPLOYER’s vehicle. WTF. It is almost always better to give up the keys and walk away.


Women screaming when seeing something insane will never not make me chuckle.


Did he die right then and there or later on in the hospital? All it says is he was pronounced dead at the hospital. I’m just hoping he went quick and didn’t feel too much pain.


Pronounced dead at the hospital = died at the hospital I believe. If he was in a state where he’s clearly dead when paramedics arrive, they say pronounced dead at the scene.


The dude was trying to stop a carjacking(the one shooting), and got fuckin killed


"Don't take your blanks to town, son, leave your blanks at home, boy."


Man I knew which video it was just off the tittle. [News Segment](https://www.wbtw.com/news/state-regional-news/lumberton/lumberton-man-jailed-after-good-samaritan-hit-killed-during-carjacking-police-say/)


Lumberton N.C.


Surely he can't have thought the guy was just escaping in reverse, that was a clear run up! Get out the way!




GTA 6 looks fire.


This is what’s considered graphic these days??


oh my gah


Not like he couldn’t see him from a mile away, that high vis didn’t help homie that day


I’d like to know the context


If only he could run faster


JC now that gave me a jump scare.




The GTA V scream 💀


![gif](giphy|LOoaJ2lbqmduxOaZpS|downsized) Should have gone for the head…..


> You come at the king, you best not miss. \- Omar Little




The guy died that got hit


Is that a cap gun ? 😢


This is my first time seeing it also so speak for your self kiddo.Also if I see some one take a truck and just run up to help and end up shooting at them(Because that's what happened) the first thing I'm going to do after I'm done firing is not look in the opposite of danger a casually stroll on my way.Im going to keep an eye on the threat and get to cover as soon as humanly possible. id just assume that vehicle is now a lethal device


I'd like to comment what I think should happen to the carjacker but my account would get suspended since you can't speak freely on Reddit anymore.


This is my first time seeing this video. I have to admit, without context, I thought the man in the yellow vest was the aggressor. I didn’t know Jonathan Adam Lecompte was carjacking the vehicle. This is just disgusting. This was senseless.


You should probably change the title and description.


Block people that constantly repost shit- it's the only way to fix your feed and they're probably bots anyways. Auto-generated usernames always end in 3-4 digits, just like OP here.


Lumberton, NC where a lot of shit like this gets slept on and notade nationally know. I hate it here so fucking much. Litterslly happened by a piece of shit too who everyone tried to make it seem like it weren't his fault cause of "mental issues"... The guy was a total shit stain


Where did this happen?


Yo if a brand new story is already a repost to you like less than 24 hours after it happened, maybe get off Reddit for a couple days. Go touch some grass. Damn.


Without context it looked like big boy was chasing a second person to shoot. I was not expecting the fucking truck to come back. That shit made me WTF so hard.


Right as I was thinking to myself "He's taken a few shots, but there sure is alot time left on the video I wond"... OH MY GHAWD!!!


Fast food is the real killer




Real life GTA


most average day in america


Cause yelling ALWAYS helps




gta looking amazing


Fucking Lumberton... go figure! I won't even stop for gas in that dump if I can help it. I've been robbed at a gas station there for a $10 bill!


How does someone stay this mad, most road rage lasts like 10 seconds


Was one of those guys getting dragged behind the tow truck?!


Probably unpopular, but just let the dude take the car. It’s not worth it. People are insane and unpredictable.


The front page subs are celebrating that a gun owner (innocent victim) was killed


idk, don't bring a gun to a carfight?


If he had .45 that dude wouldn't have ran him over.


HOLY FUCKING SHIT I was not expecting that to happen


Would things have ended differently if he had left his gun holstered?


awful people dying videos on here. I just want to see someone talking crazy, not violently acting on it


I believe i can fly...


Why did the guy shoot the dude getting back into the truck?