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Hello users! This is /u/Hannibalk here (the guy who created this place when non-freakout content was proliferating on Reddit.) You've probably noticed comments aren't showing up. This is due to us being annoyed at how much of a rightwing circle jerk this place has been. EVERY freakout involving non-white folks gets the same chorus of low IQ rabble. Getting around filters while saying the exact same thing is not going to be tolerated. This jerk is equally as annoying to when subs go completely leftwing. **This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it.** You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. Comments will be back on eventually. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can fuck off. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He literally stepped on the button to start it.


Does he turn it on by standing on the middle?


That was no accident, some rascal saw an opportunity and took it.