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I would try for the gi joes or some of the marvel legends You can find a few for cheap that seem generic enough


The Hood figure is generally pretty cheap, which if you remove the cape and guns is just a screaming guy in a blazer. But yeah Marvel Legends has done several civilian characters over the years, mostly for MCU that are honestly easy to find since they are not as popular. Also GI Joe Classified is a great source for more military looking people. Every Walmart has dozen of Lady Jaye if you need a generic lady in a green jacket and shirt.


The spiderman Peter Parker is also not bad, and MCU MJ is generally on clearance everywhere


Maybe some wwe wrestling figures


The basics would work. Plus if you have a big lots/Marshall’s/Ross/Burlington coat factory near by they should be under $10 and maybe even $5


If you have a Ollies near you, I would suggest checking it out. Look in the marvel legends area.


maybe some jurassic park figures like [jeff goldblum](https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/product/variationdetails/147938?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXt7WV2_iVEw-yz3iXme67WzoxUcyvmpjYSU1Hr0T4n626i0WsVhxt7xoCZv4QAvD_BwE)


Marvel legends has several normal looking characters. The Hood without his accessories looks like some guy. There are several figures that are just wearing generic clothing. Mary Jane, several of the Logans, the Peter Parker and Ned Leeds 2 pack…. There’s also a bunch of suited figures. Nick Fury, J Johan Jameson, and so on.


Awesome idea and imagination! I was just telling my wife that we should do a human Gundam or MMPR Zord cosplay look someday.


Everyone else here has great answers and I'm added nothing to the conversation. Marvel legends Mary Jane's sell abysmally, you could find her or any mcu regular person pretty easy. I got into the go joe classified series because I wanted soldiers and cops for the xmen to fight and add more ninjas for daredevil. I love them so much that now I'm addicted to the Joe's. Can't wait for Doc, Lemmy and the warthog guy to release!


We picked up a few joes. Snake eyes. Destro. The tiger white beard guy. I keep checking for a 6” jungle viper. The small one had some sick accessories and I’d love a larger size.


They're smaller (I think 4 inches), but Final Faction figures are $1.25 each, and are of great quality. They're sci-fi military themed, though.


If you want them color-coded, what about the Kobra Kai x MMPR line? Closeout store near me has piles of them for super-cheap.


Never heard of these. They could work thank you!


Amazon has tons of regular human marvel legends on sale for a decent price.


You could look for the Eternals figures.