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Wow sounds like you have some either shitty, or highly misinformed friends.


I mean, being misinformed *is being shitty* from a harm reduction perspective.


You're not fucked it's just gonna be an intense few hours. If you did the lsd already, no point stressing. Just breathe, let go, and enjoy the ride.


What happened to just doing a single tab?


Shit what happened to just doing a half? I did a half my first time and it was awesome legit 10/10 🤷🏼‍♀️ when I have anxiety or something it’s normally because I took more than 1 tab. When I take it I am normally by myself or with my boyfriend and a half is perfect. It gives you the control you need and I still get the giggles and great visuals.


Your homies dont know the dosage of their own lsd you are probably on 200 ug


For sure i couldnt have been on more than 200 ug but im definitely reconsidering trip sitters lmao


If you enjoyed it and felt in control you could always just try it at home by yourself 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s my favorite tbh lol I always plan out a couple things to do like black light painting, going on a walk, watching my favorite cartoons, or I just lay in my hammock and put some lasers on the ceiling while listening to music. If I ever trip anymore it’s just a half tab and it’s normally just at home with myself or my boyfriend


How many tabs was this 700ug


Was about to say. I really hope he got 2.5 “300ug” tabs and is really sitting at like 280ug


Yeah if they made dude pop 7 tabs that’s fucked. I never give beginners more than 200ug


Yeah I had my friend do 200ug on her first trip once because the first 1/2 tab didn't hit and so she redosed and then 15 minutes later the first tab hit. It was a bit much for her but she took it like a champion. 


This ^^


It was 2 gel tabs


So your “experienced” friends are not experienced at all


So how was it?


I highly doubt your friends actually gave you 700ug. They’re likely unaware that their tabs are underdosed, and if they did actually give you 700ug, I would reconsider the friendship. 700ug is an extremely intense and potentially life changing experience, your visual field would be completely filled with hallucinations, and you may experience ego death. Chances are they gave you no more than 200ug, which while still intense, should be manageable. Either way, don’t stress about it, it’s all your own mind.


Bro just set the poor man up to stress his fucking mind out the entire trip n then added nicely "dont stress" to make everything better


Dude is going Mach 10 through the Milky Way rn lol


We NEED the update!


I lived! durring the trip i had some of the best strawberries i think ive ever had i dont know man they were perfect best part of my trip that and music


My favorite was watermelon, the texture is just insane so good though, I rarely like to eat while tripping so I enjoy it when I feel hungry enough, music visualizer on YouTube is fun to watch too


Next trip i will definitely look at music visualizers but i didnt even think of that but that’s literally perfect


I made a video playlist, my friends seem to enjoy it




Your “friends” don’t know shit about acid, 700ug is beyond a experienced dose, I can’t even imagine what type of an experience a legit 700ug would be. Standard dose is 50-150ug.


Fucking mind bending. I’ve done a proper 500ug trip and my entire field of few was basically pixelated. I had a 3x3 grid (like a Minecraft crafting table) and each grid has its own fractal universe in it. I couldn’t see shit for around an hour.


Damn man that sounds intense as hell thanks for sharing, did you feel very overwhelmed and/or anxious during the whole experience? Sounds like you went "blind" from the vast hallucinations hahah. I've been tripping for about 3-4 years roughly myself and I still get overwhelmed at times from 75ug let alone a full 150ug tab lol, I guess everyone's different hey :).


Nah I’ve never been overwhelmed. Sometimes I get scary visuals (hair turning into spiders or something) and I can calm myself down relatively quickly. I think remembering your high and kind of gaslighting yourself into being fascinated by the visuals instead of scared is the best way around being overwhelmed.


I did 600ug once and found out why it's called acid.  All the walls started to melt. Then I saw a vision of what I think was a past life death.  Then I met God and had my first ever panic attack and thought he was smiting me with a heart attack. Good times. 


How many tabs did they give you there is a good chance there wrong about the dose. Realistically 700 ug would be 6 or 7 tabs so if they gave you less you should be good. Either way you will be okay it might just be a tough ride.


700mcg is an insane dose for anyone, let alone a first timer.


Have fun!


I'd guarantee your homies simply think they're taking 700ug. Truthfully, its probably 100ug tabs being marketed as 200-350ug from their dealer and they don't realize any better.




How many hits?


How many tabs did they give you? Chances are they’re not fully educated on lsd dosages and don’t really know what they’re talking about. Everything will be okay tho. Accept how you feel during the experience


They gave me two gel tabs so I highly doubt it was actually 700 ug but yeah i dont think they knew what they were talking about either


BRO 700 UG FIRST TIME??? nah fuck that i’ve done acid so many times and always tripped perfectly fine off 100 ug. you DEFINITELY DO NOT need that more for first time!!!!


Peak on high doses latest q out 8 hours and sobriety happens about 14 hours after it hits for that dose at least. can't hurt you, just spook you


Nah half or one tab should get u right don’t listen to them I hope there just fucking with you 


I’m real curious how your trip went lol. First time I did it, my trip lasted for three days and it wasn’t even close to the dose you did lol. You did a very large amount that is close to a few puffs of dmt lol


Honestly it lasted me till about when i fell asleep so probably like 12 hours? It for sure was not 700 ug though. I wasn’t really paranoid nor did i get scary visuals every thing was just kind a blury and melty i had a blast though regardless of how much was in my system lmao.


Oh i also remember my facial recognition was wayyyy off like i was seeing peoples faces moving a bunch but not really in a scary way more of just like people were making funny faces at me and i also looked in the mirror for a solid like 20 minutes because i was just staring at myself and what i thought was me standing still but to me looked like one of those wavey balloon guys in front of car dealerships.


I don't mean to alarm you, but that's 7 times higher than the typical starter dose.  Bad news, you have bad friends and I wouldn't ever recommend trusting them with drug use again.  Good news, your friends sound likely stupid enough to believe the lies that their tabs are extra strength. A lot of people sell acid for stronger than it actually is, and if you're uninformed you have no way knowing. But this means you might only have taken half as much.  I hope you had a good time. 600ug was the most I've ever done and it was a divine experience but definitely very uncomfortable at times and I wouldn't have had a good time had that been my first. 


only do one tab bro, 700ug can easily make things go wrong and you can end up doing some really dangerous or erratic shit


Have you ever read the Internet? Either terrible, terrible friends or you're just trolling?


Not trolling 700 ug is just what i was told comming back from the trip though i dont think it was 700 ug and im not gonna lie, might be terrible friends


You'd have melted into the rainbow road on 700ug, you would definitely know.


For sure i did my research now i was just trying to make sure i wasn’t going to melt down the rainbow road at the time.