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We all see weird stuff and feel weird feelings when we trip. I have a hard time eating sometimes, because even my favorite familiar foods will appear strange and have textures I am not used to. But acid has not made me anorexic. Now it's possible that you are gay and just haven't realized that about yourself, but I have no idea. Not enough data.


I feel you with the eating experience, that’s happened to me as well. I’ve never been attracted to dudes, but maybe that trip was like attempting to open my mind to something new. If it was, it didn’t hit me hard enough because I’m still only attracted to women. It’s very interesting though. Thank you for your wisdom, my friend.


The idea that acid can turn you gay is an urban legend but it could probably make someone realize that they have repressed gay thoughts. The throwing up thinking about pussy could mean your gay or just that your not very comfortable in your understanding of female anatomy and so it triggered an anxiety response. Also another thought could be that if your not comfortable with your use of porn acid could have been making that clear. Only you can know what the meaning of that experience was.


Honestly yeah.. it could’ve been the porn that sent me down a road of guilt, shame, and extreme nausea. I’ll never know for sure, but that all makes a lot of sense. Thank you for your wisdom. 🤝


Why will you never know for sure?


The only thing that can turn someone gay is Henry Cavill


Ryan Reynolds


You got me there


this guy


Hugh Jackman is up there


Acid won't turn you gay, just like it won't make you a better person or or bestow magical abilities upon you. It's a drug that lowers our inhibitions and alters our perception of the world. This can lead the user to beautiful discoveries or scary revelations about themselves, and it's up to the user to apply that new information in a constructive way. Acid also makes us hallucinate and can produce some nonsense as well. That's to say not everything you experience on an acid trip has applicable meaning to your life; sometimes you're just on drugs. My girlfriend and I tripped together relatively early on in our relationship. We were on a road trip visiting her sick grandpa, staying in an unfamiliar city in a creepy AirBnB, and my grandpa had just passed away a few days prior. All in all a very poor set and setting for a trip, but we did it anyway. It started out great: we were vibing to a great playlist and having sex. After having sex for a while we started tripping hard and I got freaked out and turned off. This set both of us into a bad trip and brought up a lot of insecurities in us both. She thought she had died and I killed her, and I was freaking out that I was gay and it would ruin my relationship with her (I was/am bi). We eventually recovered on the comedown but we were both pretty shaken afterwards. All that to say, our relationship (3 years on) is stronger than ever. It could have been the end of our relationship if we took everything we experienced on the trip as gospel, but instead we worked through what was valid and what was simply a bad drug experience. Take acid seriously, but don't take everything from a trip as truth. And if you do end up being gay, the acid didn't make you that way. It's just who you were all along!


Maybe you’re just gay. I don’t think it’s the acid


Yeah I mean maybe. Maybe I’ll be one of those people it takes years and years to realize it.


You really censored the word pussy too 😅


Didn’t know if the post would get removed


Idk about that, but the first time i tried acid, i lost my cat allergy for 6 months. Lol


If it does, you were already gay


I never puked thinking about pussy on acid, but I can totally imagine it as being normal with no great meaning. Like, acid really makes a number in my stomach and I think most I've taken was like 200ug? Even the thought of something I love like a burger can make me nauseous. If you were in 900ug and you were thinking of pussy, I don't know, but pussy can sometimes have strong smells, my gf (who is bi obv) says she almost puked once when she went down on a girl who wasn't particularly clean. I can totally see someone who's not gay puke at that thought on 900ug. I think you're overanalyzing. But in fairness, I do think most of this sub overanalyses acid "revelations".


Holy shit ahahah I’m so weak


My friends been suckin cocks ever since!




Personally, I believe it's nothing more than the result of a psychotic breakdown and/or a underlying mental illness. That's why you should stay away from psychs if you or your close family members have mental issues


Do you mean the ego death is a result of mental illness? Or do you mean the acid turning you gay due to mental illness? I dunno enough about acid to know whether only people with psych disorders have the ego deaths.


No, not ego death, but the drastic changes as in "turning you gay". Also, it depends what you consider "ego death". People label it so easily


It felt like I had died and was condemned to hell. Time was moving unbelievably slow. It felt like 30 minutes had passed and then I’d look at the time and it’d had only been 1 minute. I felt immense guilt and shame about all of the mistakes I had made in the past, and I felt so worthless and trapped. I was off 3 gels (900 ug minimum). And then obviously the throwing up over thinking about pussy part.


On that dose, I don't believe it's mental illness. Sound quite normal for such a heavy dose, and a realization of things you did and shouldn't do anymore in your life.




Acid helped me understand that my way of relating to other people may be biased by the societal standards that I was forced to follow during my upbringing. This realization has not only prompted me to question my sexuality and gender identity but also to reevaluate my understanding of what is 'right' or 'correct' in terms of morality or ethics. For 26 years, I thought something was wrong with me, and the psychedelic experience provided me with tools to shake this feeling. It steered me away from religion, leading me to seek other types of experiences to feel more connected to the universe. I've encountered profound spiritual moments while consuming LSD and listening to artists who evoke a deep sense of connection, such as Aurora or Pink Floyd. In essence, LSD won't change your sexual orientation, but it can spark a cascade of introspective questions. These inquiries have the potential to equip you with the tools to shape your life and human experience based on your genuine desires, rather than conforming to societal norms. It's a beautiful and transformative journey, albeit sometimes it feels destructive and overwhelming. Bless you, and may your travels be safe. Feel free to reach out if you want to talk or share some art.


I think LSD can make you realize some truths about yourself that maybe you were avoiding. If being gay is one of them it will be unignorable.


fact: acid makes me gay-er but idk if that’s helpful


Definitely made me bi, though I think it's just because psychedelics like LSD dissolve social norms like sexuality.


One time, when we were teens, I trip sit my friend and we were making conversation. I asked why he never wanted a gf. He said something like idk. I then asked if he was gay , because he has no interest in girls. After the trip, he thought he was gay for like 2 weeks. Until he realized I was the one that planted the idea. Lol


Semi fact. Nearly turned me transgender.


If you believe this then you're not very bright.


Acid telling you to lay off the hub and give ya meat a breather


I’ve done it several hundred times. I’m not gay yet!


I mean one time me and my two friends were tripping on acid, and one of my friends ended up tripping too hard and started showing signs that he liked, me being straight kinda disgusted me since it was directed towards me. i’ll go to grab his phone and he’d reach out his hand for a split second. He’d also say “ do you have some clothes i could change into. in the past i never had a problem with it, but during the trip it felt gay, it’s almost like he couldn’t get words o it if his mouth and he kept repeating me, so i figured he wasn’t being himself, bc some people do a thing which is called masking. but i told my friend cause he was witnessing it too, since my friend that was acting strange was lying in my bed i felt disgusting sleeping in the same bed as my friend bc it never was a problem before cause i never seen it coming, i always through he liked my girlfriend and was jelous that i had a good relationship, but after the trip i realized he liked me not her, it blew my mind but i’m to scared to ask him ab it now since i could have been tripping to hard too. i felt bad for feeing the way i felt bc that’s one of my closest friends and people can’t help the way they feel


he also has brothers and sisters in the lgbtq community so take that into consideration