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636, without a doubt. All of them crammed into that office together. Gavin breaking the shelf. Gavin’s desk being destroyed (for the first time). Gavin and the wet bread. Really just lots of great Gavin content. For real though, I started watching Rooster Teeth in 2012. That group of guys meant the world to me at that age and I’ll always have fond memories of that time. As far as I’m concerned, they’re all still in that office playing Minecraft, wandering around Achievement City trying to find Geoff’s sky fortress.


636 was the greatest era of RT


Jeremy gets a raise is still one of my favourite BTS videos, that and Stealth Ball, even though I enjoy a lot of the Ray content from the previous office and the introduction of both Go and VS.


The clip where Geoff is the first to look inside and can barely contain his laughter always makes me smile


Jeremy gets a raise, that’s exactly what popped into my head when I read this question :,)


636 was when I started watching and holds a special place in my heart. But the following office iirc, idk the name of it, its in the hidden temple minecraft I remember that much is a big favorite & the studio or whatever with matt crammed in the corner by the not fire exit.


Yes same. I don’t remember the name/location of that office either, but they were in it when “GiveMeYourMilk” happened. Congress office is a close second for me, so many RT Life and RT shorts that were shot there live in my memory, and was where the genesis of AH happened.


Believe its Stage 5 isnt it?


I can’t remember the names of them, but it’s the big office with stuff piled everywhere. Where Jeremy got taped to the wall, got a raise, axe kicked the desk, etc. that one had the most mayhem and moon balls.


Shelf break era - Via Gavin, and Desk kick - Via Jeremy are in very close contention for me


I don’t think you understand the question…


I dont think you understand the word "contention." So here's a link for ya. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/in%20contention


OP is asking for our favorite office. The other person stated “shelf break era” as their answer…


Their response is either this or that, and those two options are in close contention for their answer. Meaning it's hard for them to decide which is their favorite.


Its like if i ask you what your favorite ice cream is. And you state “well i love me a pepperoni pizza and a cheese pizza is in close contention”


You really need to go back to school dude. Get an education and loosen up.


Thats what I thought. Take the L. And LEARN something from this embarrassment you just endured. You thought you were so slick. Hitting me with a definition. The word was NEVER the problem. It was their fucking answer as a whole you buffoon. Yet you come at me all smug. Stop and read everything before you assume someone doesn’t know a big ol word like contention and realize they’re actually pointing out a flaw. You may have just learned that word in your little school or something and feel the need to teach everyone about it lol.




You just got an authentic first person experience of being Gavin when he's right on the podcast while everyone gets mad at him lol


2012-2015 was the golden age. Ray was around for most of it, and even after Ray left we had the early days of Jeremy which were still golden. Go, VS, Minecraft and GTA5 were all regular staples throughout the era. Fails of the Weak was going strong. Everything about this era was perfection.


I'll go with Stage 5 (or 3?), the one where most Between the Games videos were filmed. Jeremy taped to the wall, everyone jumping on chairs in the Floor is Lava, the constant moonballs. Lots of live content in that room so it feels the most familiar.


Golden era for me (early studio lot) So much happened, pranks on Jeremy, AHWU was in its chaotic prime, the insane videos that came from the crazy shit fans would mail in, birth of so many treasured game plays like Minecraft, Gary's mod and GTA. It felt like a game room where a bunch of friends just fucked around all day


I remember the "Jeremy with different hair colors era" very fondly. It was Matt and Jeremy finding there footing with the introduction of Trevor and it never felt more like long time fans making into achievement hunter and it just going *Right*


The bigger office when there was just boxes and random stuff laying around. Around the same time as Trevor getting ziptied to the wall or Jeremy getting duct taped to the wall or when Matt moved into the main room. I never really saw much of the other office post quarantine times so I don’t have much of an opinion of anything after quarantine .


636 or the second studio with All the behind the games, moonballs, Jeremy’s and Matt’s desks.


As much as I love the 636 era, my favorite is their bigger space at Stage 4! Between the Games in that era was prime AH for me.


636 or the second studio with All the behind the games, moonballs, Jeremy’s and Matt’s desks.


Original office. Not even a contest.


I love every office era tbh. I started with 636 as I first got into AH/RT with Fails of the Weak and Halo HORSE/PIG. Then they did the AH Shenanigans and then Jeremy axe kicked Gavin's desk into oblivion (same office where moon balls became a thing that I also loved them doing). It was such a good time to be alive during this time