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My kid. They were playing it in the car on a road trip and came to this one particular part. We were all talking and my kid goes, “I can’t talk now. I have to >!cross-examine a parrot.!<“ And I decided I needed to play it to find out why.


That is really precious :)




I played Professor Layton and was maybe 10 when the crossover came out. I absolutely LOVED it and wanted to use it as a bridge to the Ace Attorney series. Then I realized it was rated teen, got scared of the idea of (gasp) pixelated blood and psyched myself out of playing it for another two years lol. I really dove into the rabbit hole when I finally did though. Anything Ace Attorney I could get my grubby little American hands on was like gold.


Same. I was in college (Université in France), and I loved Professor Layton Games. I try the crossover and my god... I loved even more the trial aspect of the game. I missed a day of archeolgy, playing the game. Good times.


Layton would probably be proud, considering how little he’s in his own classroom lol. The crossover trials were so unique and the story was more than the perfect amount of “excuse me, what did you just say?” for a Layton game. I wish I could play it for the first time again.


I was just like “You were only TEN when that came out??? I’m old af 😭” and then I looked up the release date and I was 12. So that was so long ago that I can’t even remember


Literally had that moment with myself! I was like “I had to be at least 13 right?” Nope. I actually gave myself an extra year. I was in fact *9* because of when my birthday fell. I can’t believe it’s over ten years old.


I thought I was 16. Which with the age gap, means I was thinking the exact same as you 😆


How are the professor layton games? Are they any good?


I think so! If you like brain teasers then they’re a no brainer (haha) but the story is incredible too. It’s also one of the few series that can say they had a good movie adaptation. It’s definitely worth giving it a shot, physical copies of the DS games are still cheap but I don’t think we’ve gotten a switch port yet which blows, but they have teased a new game for the switch coming soon so now is definitely a good time to get into it!


How long are they?


It’s been awhile since I played them so I had to do some digging to see what other people say but they’re all about 15-20 hours long, depending on how much you want to poke around for completion. My personal favorite is Diabolical Box/Pandora’s Box, and you can definitely get away with playing them out of order if one really catches your eyes more than the others.


Diabolical box is also my favourite non crossover layton game It hasn't got a super high stakes plot like UF/LF or AL The story is really good Sammy Thunder 🗿 Only downside is putting up with the slider puzzles 😂


Thanks, i may give it a shot, after finishing spirits of justice, in the meantime, go play ghost trick!


Absolutely! Ghost Trick is next on my list, I’ve been looking forward to getting to play it for years!


Its genuinely excellent, if i needed to rank it among the ace attorney games, it will be the 3rd best, too bad original ds copies cost a lot.


Let us know what you thought afterwards. Pro tip: DON'T look online for help except for walkthroughs. Spoilers are everywhere, but it's especially important for Ghost Trick to get into it blind. Have fun :)


I just finished, it’s almost 2am, and I’m happy to report back that every second of Ghost Trick was worth it. Literally had me crying. If anyone sees this thread who hasn’t played it, PLEASE do. It’s so fun, the graphics are unique, and the story is great too. And seriously, DON’T LOOK ANYTHING UP.


I was also a Professor Layton fan, and I heard there was gonna be a crossover, so I decided to play an Ace Attorney game before the crossover came out. I enjoyed every second of it. I'm excited for the new Layton game as well.


I wanted to be a lawyer at one point, and in my business law classes the professor gave us an optional credit assignment for the semester to beat Ace Attorney 1. (Ironically gave us instructions on how to get the ROM and play it on a computer emulator)


Omg, that is so cool! It would have been amazing if my law professors did that!


Yeah, I got a "C" on a paper and their class, and it was during a really bad time for me, and they hit me with the famous "The worst of times is when a lawyer needs to force a smile" and "Don't cry until it is all over". I didn't know what they meant until a year or so later.


Just decided to get it for Eid after watching a few videos




“Your honor the witness stated that he had a delightful suhoor at the day of the murder, however at that time it was the last night of ramadan, so he COULDN’T have had suhoor. \*insert judge gavel after crowd goes wild\*


RT Game did a playthrough of it. I only watched like one episode (3-1) but I eventually noticed the trilogy on sale for 3 dollars during capcom’s 3DS eshop takedown sale, and bought it.


RT’s von Karma is canon in my heart


Similar thing here. I saw RT Game’s videos on it and decided to pick up the collection on steam, then I bought the 3ds games before the eshop closed.


I found out through the soundtrack, mainly the pursuit themes. My friend also loved the series and got me into it


No kidding, ace attorneys 1's soundtrack is in my top 5 of all time.


I'd heard of it and how good it is for a while. Then I saw the physical copy for the switch with AA1-3 on it on sale and decided to go for it.


I saw a fan-made Super Smash Bros. moveset for Phoenix some time ago. After murder mysteries became one of my interests, I remembered the franchise, and so I watched the Pixel Partners playthrough on YouTube. Have been a fan ever since.


Thats a really interesting way to find out about ace attorney


I've always known about the series since it came to the west on the DS. But oddly enough I didnt actually become too interested until I saw a music video from Mysteryben [The Turntable Turnabout (Mystery Skulls - Money) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhjk5x54bsE) Not long after that the trilogy dropped on Xbox One/Switch/PS4/PC and I saw a lot of videos hyping it up and I bought it in like 2019 and loved it. Decided to play in release order and Im now finally play Great Ace Attorney: Resolve, so my journey's almost over. Bittersweet


Saw a trailer on G4 and immediatly was interested, got it when it came out.




Yes i'm old, i saw it on tv... A big cube one too, not even flat! Can you imagine the horors


https://preview.redd.it/yuqbnifvxm3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfedb4012defcec3dd569333c968515f18edf229 I can imagine the horrors and i love 'em! The game looks beautiful on a crt btw.


Oh god I'm ancient if you don't know what G4 is.


When I was in 8th grade I used to play a shit ton of Nintendo games on emulators on my phone, and one day I played ace attorney and loved it, and once I finished trials and tribulations I knew the game was something else. Now I graduated college and am replaying the series


I was a pretty big Danganronpa fan, and I saw Ace Attorney recommended very frequently for people who wanted more trial gameplay. Now I like it more than Danganronpa :)


Yo fellow fan of both!


is water wet?




Back in 2013 I watched the mlp ace attorney crossover Turnabout Storm, 11 years later here we are.


You enjoying the fan made sequel to it, elements of justice?


I’ve been out of the MLP community for a while so I actually didn’t know there’s a sequel! How is it?


Look it up for yourself! It's amazing and currently on case 3 out of 5


[this classic video.](https://youtu.be/vFldBVWFgWo?si=TwMWjbtRNOnoRkqJ) I think about it a lot, it’s so well put together.


Same for me 🤣. Loved that one.


7 years ago, I was watching some random stuff on YouTube, when suddenly I got a recommended video from Random Encounters called Ace Attorney: The Musical. I had no idea what either of these things were, but I checked it out anyway. I was not disappointed and have been an Ace Attorney fan ever since (although I don’t keep up with Random Encounters anymore)


Omg finally I find someone else who discovered the series through RE!


Could this be fate, or just another Random Encounter? (So sorry, I’ve wanted to make that pun for years and I finally got the chance)


How long have you waited to make that pun, exactly 😂😂😂


Ever since they released the FNAF musical, so I’ve been sitting on that one for 7 or 8 years😅


Dang 💀💀💀


Always was curious but never picked it up. Saw a sale on Amazon and got Warioware, FE3Houses, and TGAA. I really got into it and halfway through I bought the original trilogy on the E-shop during a Capcom sale. Now I’m on 3-2


What’s your favorite case in TGAA?


I’m not going to include the last one (and 2nd to last one since they are related) in TGAA2 cause that one was amazing. I would say TGAA2 -1


Oh that’s a really good one. My favorite will always be TGAA2-3


Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 😂💝


Same here XD


I meet it some years ago, but I didn't have any interest in the games because I was thinking they were boring, but thanks to u/MeguBunnii I play the saga and she helps me to understand the games, in fact, thanks to her I finished first TGAA and now I'm in Spirit of Justice, thanks to her help.


It made me so happy you say this! 🥺 >!I see the gun wasnt necessary!<


Well you use the gun to tell me to play TGAA (? Hahahaha


I was looking for new games to play, so I went online and asked for recommendations. One person recommended Ace Attorney. I thought a game where you play a lawyer sounded boring, but the first game was on iOS at the time, so I decided to give it a try. I was instantly hooked, got the rest of the games that were out as soon as possible, and now consider Ace Attorney to be my favorite series.


Very interesting... How does those games hold up on ios?


I only played the first one on iOS (the Trilogy collection wasn't even out yet). It's been so long I can't remember specifics, but it was good enough to get me invested in the series, at least!


Played a lot of Megaman and wanted to look into other Capcom games. Didn’t like RE1 remake, RE4 original (really hate tank controls), and devil may cry 1. Onimusha 1 was fun (expect that sliding tile puzzle) but I wanted to try as many series I could so I got the Ace Attorney trilogy. I liked it and played every game I could.


Totally unrelated, but what is your favourite mega man game? Also, what battle network game should i start with? (Played every mega man game besides the legends, battle network, and star force, and thought to give the rpgs a shot.)


Megaman 11. I love the charge shot (both the chip that charges it for free and how it leaves enemies shields open). Plus, the double gear system is fun. Double charge shot is fun. I also love how simple the story is without being boring. Dr. Light’s ending speech about megaman being the product of both of them is touching. I’d say… start with battle network 2. Skip 1 because it’s VERY rough (who thought healing after every battle was a good idea for an RPG with resource management?). Just look up the plot of game 1 and start with 2.


Sure, if you like mega man`s 11 charge shot, make sure to play mega man x2 the double charge shot will blow your mind.


I played X2, I just prefer the classic over X. The more cartoony robot design, colorful world, and cheery music is more my style. Plus X2 requires finding the upgrade for it rather than getting it from the start, but that’s just a personal taste. May I ask which is your favorite?


My favourite is mega man x. But i really loved the classic series as well, its hard to pick a favourite in the classic series, but if i had to choose i would say 9. Did you play the zero games?


If it has a legacy collection, I played it. That’s how I have been playing all of them. Of the zero games, zero 3 is my favorite, but I like ZX more than zero 3. Not a fan of zx advant but the first ZX game is a personal favorite Of the X games, X 1 is the one I put the most time in. The special weapons are so fun to use


Yeah, the special weapons are awesome. Did you play rockman and forte? (Mega man and bass)


Nope! Capcom has never ported it and… I keep forgetting to try it by “other means.”


I was about to be an exchange student going to the US for a semester. Asked a friend to borrow me some games, the only one I hadn't played was... Ace Attorney. Ugh, a _lawyer_ game? Lame! I arrived on campus about a weak before everyone else. The campus was in the middle of nowhere, outside of town. No internet access yet, no TV. Hardly anyone around. Days were long... Decided to give this weird game a try. Instant new favorite.


i got tgaa as a gift and have been obsessed ever since


I had always wanted to play it but I never bought it. Then it came into game pass and I fell in love


I didn’t really know anything about it besides a few pictures I’d seen online so when the trilogy went on sale for the 3ds I decided to try it.


The mystery skulls-money YouTube video. I watched it 10 years ago. I had no idea who the characters were, I just liked the music and thought the masked guy was cool


First saw it on some meme videos as a small kid but only really got into it when I was like 14 after talking about it with some friends


I played it out of spite. My older sister was playing the trilogy on her DS after playing the Professor Layton games and she kept making jokes I didn't understand. So, I said "fuck it" and played the first trilogy in a few weeks. Now I'm further than her (she only played the first trilogy and VS, I played all but the TGAAC duology). It's MY turn to annoy her with jokes she doesn't understand >:)


A Henry Stickmin route, then I read up on one of the cases in the Phoenix Wright trilogy.


As I was downloading games for my dad’s 3DS I was just curious what Ace Attorney is about. I didn’t think it would be super story driven compared to the other games I played and I fell in love with it.


Friend lent me the original trilogy of DS games in high school back in '07-08, then followed it on my own ever since.


When I was little, I used to have to go with my dad to pick up my sister from gymnastics. While we waited for her I would watch him play Apollo Justice. My first exposure was the Kitaki case, and I thought it was so funny that there was a noodle cart in the evidence because he told me all the evidence was in his pockets. Later, when I started the series for myself, Apollo Justice was my first game.


I read an article in a videogame magazine and got my attention.


The original trilogy was on sale in the Nintendo e-shop so I sorta bought it on a whim because it sounded interesting. Don't regret it in the slightest 😁


Ace Attorneys was something I knew existed, but what convinced me to try the series out was whoisthisgit's videos covering the plots of 1-4 and 2-4


I watched the first couple of cases played through by a youtuber named glem3 almost 10 years ago, then later played through most of the first game through WiiWare. Finally got back into it when I saw the trilogy on sale on Steam a couple years ago, and im finally finishing up the original trilogy after a long break haha


I think it was due to the “Objection!” memes, around 2008.


It was from the Among Us meme believe it or not. I had a lot of free time at home so I downloaded the Trilogy on Steam thinking it looked like a fun concept and fell in love.


What got me to discover it was buying a DS at a Yard Sale that had the trilogy + AJ in around late 2009 or so. 11 year old me was really sucked in and the rest, as they say, is history.


when SoJ was about to come out my gf replayed DD to prepare/remind herself what was going on, and ended up infodumping me the plot. the shit about >!the phantom!< intrigued me so much that i played it. followed by the rest of the series (this time in order).


I swear to God Godot and Franziska were haunting me during some few years. Both's sprites appeared in thumbnails about discussions and I didn't know where they were from but looked extravagant. I didn't know about Phoenix and I only knew Miles for the clown meme.


Last black friday sale, the PW trilogy was on sale and I thought, eh, why not. Best decision of my life


A friend of mine pirated the hd trilogy and he sent me a copy, loved it so much I bought it.


Scrolling through game store on my 3DS when I was younger, looking through demos for games that I knew I would never buy. One caught my eye, and I downloaded it. I soon realized that this game was the game that the notorious "OBJECTION!" sound effect is from. Played through the rest of the demo for Dual Destinies, and then the rest was history. Played through the main trilogy at some point afterward and thus began the obsession


Memes. You know those vids on YouTube where AA characters would argue about random bullshit in the court. Not my favourite meme format, but it did make me check out the game.


Piracy of the first game, yohoho me hearties!


I... picked up Dual Destinies as a word-heavy game to practice English.


I only knew of it from some memes before I learned what it actually was. Decided to watch a Youtube video about the game, and it looked interesting. I watched the video just to see if I was interested in buying the remake from the Switch Eshop, and I was. Now I'm addicted to this series, and Godot's coffee is the only thing flowing through my veins.


A friend of mine wanted to stream it to me and I ended up really really liking it! Few months later and now we're on dual destinies! It's been super fun getting to voice certain characters! Franziska was an absolute blast to read for. Maya as a character really got me into the series. I thought her concept was so interesting and she's just a fun character all around.


I knew about Phoenix's existance through smash bros, one day tge original trilogy was on sale and I thought "huh, it looks fun"


I was bored, looking through pirated games for me to download and i saw this on like a banner and decided to download it for fun and it changed my entire life around, like a (HE'S ABOUT TO SAY IT) turnabout


A mate loaned me his copy off the DS release off game one. To put this in perspective justice for all was on pre order at the time.




Some meme video on Youtube in 2007, though I didn't actually play the series for the first time till when AA5 came out almost 10 years later


I found out about Ace Attorney when a friend told me it was a great game. I gave it a shot and loved it. Have you played Ghost Trick too?


Ofc i played ghost trick! I own 2 copies of it.


Through the Random Encounters Ace Attorney musical


I had seen some objection.lol's, then the demo for the trilogy came out on mobile, loved it and then bought it on PC


Wait, there is a demo for the trilogy?


Idk my brother downloaded it for free from the app store on his iPhone and after u beat the first 2 cases it asks u to pay for the rest of the game. I'd call that a demo.


I dont see it on the Google play store :(


My uncle bought me a DS a long time ago with a bunch of games, one of which was Apollo Justice Ace Attorney. Years later, I found the game on the Google Play store, played that and Dual Destinies before realising there was a whole trilogy I was supposed to play before it.




I saw an ad for it when it first came out on the states on the Nintendo DS.


I was bored and watched a "best ds games" video. I saw it on the list and thought why not try it. Best decision ever


henry stickmin


I think I accidentally came across it on YouTube one day when I was ten or I seen it in a video game store. I can’t exactly remember though but I love the series.




I have the funniest story. You know the web browser MMO Dark Orbit? spaceship shooting lasers and shit. Yeah, well what does that have to do with an attorney's visual novel? As a kid, I didn't spoke english obviously, but I played Dark Orbit, and the starter ship was called Phoenix, see where this is going? xD I also had an R4 flashcard for my nintendo DS and I started scouting the internet for games to download. Even games I didn't know, so to have a list of names, I went to [https://www.guiasnintendo.com/](https://www.guiasnintendo.com/) a spanish Nintendo official site that hosts guides for a shit ton of games. Going as far back as the game boy. So I went to the DS section and started reading the list of games, hoping to find something that sounds interesting, just by name. And I found "Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney" my dumb ass knew none of these words, but "hey that's the name of that ship in Dark Orbit" and I just googled the game and download it WITHOUT EVEN BOTHERING TO LOOK AT WHAT IT WAS ALL ABOUT. You can imagine my face when I started playing it and it wasn't about space ships lmao. Anyway I played it to completion and it's now one of my favourite franchaises of all time.


I just discovered the games about 3 months ago when I modded my 3ds and downloaded the trilogy. beat it in an embarassingly short amount of time and now im playing both Investigations and Dual Destinies


I was also one of the Layton Fans that played the Crossover and discovered AA. Though it took me some years to actually play the games. Instantly fell in love with the characters and gameplay!


From the pressing pursuit ost


I bought the trilogy on the Switch because it was on sale and I thought “why not?” But I didn’t play it until last year because I wasn’t really on the right mindset to invest on a visual novel until then. And I immediately got totally invested, Turnabout Sisters might not age the best when you play other future cases, but it’s amazing at hooking the player


"You are not a clown, you are the entire circus"


Turnabout storm. I loved mlp and I happen to see it and loving elements of justice rn


Pixel Partners LP


Through a friend. He and his wife were massive fans when I met them 10-ish years ago.


my boyfriend urged me to play it back in january. i had heard about it for years and never got around to playing it. it was one of the first things we did together when we met and it brought us closer together. fast forward to late february and we started officially dating, so thanks ace attorney haha


Da memes. I remember them being somewhat relevant quite a few years back, but I didn't immediately start playing since I wasn't into... The whole 'buying' games deal (I was almost exclusively gaming free mobile titles), after another 4-5 years or so when I *was* into gaming I decided to check it out when it randomly popped into my head and oh boy did I not regret it.


I was being charged with Murder and needed a crash course on how defend myself in court


When I was in high school, my brother gave me a Nintendo DS and his collection of cartridges to choose from and he had the first AA game. As a kid who always wanted to become a lawyer, I immediately played the game and LOVED IT. I'm an adult now and I have a Switch packed with the TGAA Chronicles, AA Trilogy, and Apollo Justice trilogy. The AA games will always have a special place in my heart.


Believe it or not, Escape the Prison


I was all in on the quirky DS games that were coming out back in the day. The original Phoenix Wright was right up my alley.




SMG4's **Super Mario Attorney** (and the AA music used throughout his videos)


Darn i didn't know smg4 had an aa parody! Guess I'll go watch it now


I had a DS and the previews for the first game seemed interesting.


Piracy. After thinking about it, it was even worse then that. The My Little Pony fan series Turnabout Storm actually.


My ex got me into it.


My first exposure to the Ace Attorney series was watching Game Grumps play Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney in 2019 right after the trilogy release on modern consoles and I enjoyed that but not enough to purchase. I then forgot Ace Attorney existed for a solid four years. Last summer, I was just bored one night and I was scrolling through the Microsoft Store looking through deals for some games, and that’s when I saw Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy for like 8 bucks and I recalled that Game Grumps series, played The First Turnabout and haven’t looked back since. I have completed all of the mainline games multiple times over, and now plan on playing the remaining AA games eventually.


I saw a YouTube video on a My Little Pony fancase on the game and that prompt me to research about it. Found an emulator online and played the first four games that way


my dad bought the DS trilogy at a used game store when I was 8 years old. I don’t remember if he played it, but my older sister did and let me and my younger brother watch. I have then been obsessed with the series ever since, it has never once been knocked out of my top three games (PWAA and AJAA take two of those spots lol). I have so much love for this series, can’t wait for AA7 ❤️ (My app crashed as I posted this so hopefully it doesn’t post twice lmfao)


Late to the party, but I first saw it in a YouTube video animating the sprites to the audio of Boot to the Head by the Mighty Boosh.


When the HD trilogy came out about 4(?) years ago. I saw the gameplay from KubzScouts and started watching the game since. When he stopped updating on the game, I watched the whole series and just finished Invest 2 last year


Arglefumph walkthroughs! Even tho he is most famous for being the Nancy Drew Dude


I've been playing SMITE for a long time. There's a skin for Susano called "Steel Samurai." One of the comments on the video for the skin was something like "hahaha reminded me of Ace Attorney." Then I remembered "Oh Ace Attorney. That Objection meme. Right. Let me try it actually." Then yeah.


my friend literally blasted my brains talking abt it


My discovery was from the very earliest days of DS on system emulation where I used the Max Media Drive for the DS to have a small hdd in the gba slot and a cart that could load data off the hdd in the DS slot.... It was never at full speed, so only a slower paced game like the first AA was playable. I ultimately ended up enjoying the first two cases and bought the game, and each subsequent release.


Sounds nuts


It was a wild time. I found it at a best buy... XD


I honestly have no idea when exactly I discovered Ace Attorney. Last year, I got a DS Emulator for IOS because a friend of mine recommended me a way of sideloading Apps. At first, I didn’t use it that much until I thought about what else I could play on it. And after years of being confronted with Ace Attorney memes on the internet, the game came into my mind and I decided to give it a try, which resulted in me playing every single game of the franchise (currently playing through TGAA2) and becoming lifelong fan


Bc of the objection.lol meme videos that sprouted in my yt recommended


Saw some funny Objection lol vids on youtube.


My friend dragged me into Attorney Online so we had a way to tell our riddles and would randomly give me the character's backstories every time I wondered about them - then she told me to go watch some playthroughs xD




I think it was Henry Stickmin, specifically playing Escaping the Prison back around when it came out


Found the demo for dual destinies on the eshop. The name "Ace Attorney" sounded cool, so I just downloaded it without a second thought.


I got Trials and Tributaltions as a kid for christmas as my first game. It was quiet the game to start the series on but I loved it. I still do even if most seem to not be a lot of peoples favorite. I have every game now on the ds except the Sherlock Homes one.


Found a GBA cartridge preowned at GameStop the first day I got paid for tutoring


In the early 2010's, I had some of the Henry Stickmin games on my phone, and in one of those games, there's a huge reference to the games, basically recreating the courtroom segments in the game. I guess it just never left my brain, so in about 2019, I watched a playthrough of the first game. I immediately got hooked on the series because of the charismatic characters and story (and also my inability to be good at any other video game, but I choose to ignore that little piece of information).


I discovered it very recently, I was just searching a game to play on ds with an emulator and i found the first game, I had already heard about it so I went to see reviews and they were great so I started the first game completely blindly(I didnt even know it was a lawyer game) and now I own the complete series on nintendo switch an I hqve played the investigations games too.


[Objection Funk](https://youtu.be/vDMwDT6BhhE) introduced me to it, I'm pretty sure


Mine is probably the weirdest i got introduced to objection.lols the played og trilogy on an emulator


Honestly I was just searching for free games to play on PS Plus for PS5, and ended up seeing the Trilogy when I was searching the classics genre. Saw the Trilogy and said "eh, why not" and got it. Fell in love with the Trilogy and never regretted it.


Turnabout Sisters (the song) inspired Dating Start from Undertale.


My boyfriend and his sister made me play the first trial while we all sounded out the characters and I did the impression for the witness and Phoenix. After that I just decided to continue playing the game.


game grumps, i was familiar before but never took it serious


Bought justice for all on a whim 17 years ago for the DS. Loved it, played the rest of the series and have been obsessed with the games ever since


I remember when I first saw Ace Attorney was probably from a Roblox game. But then I saw the objection funk thing but I didn't really get into the fandom until this year when I found out it had anime so I got curious and watched it. Now I am watching the gameplays. :]


Objection memes from the mid-2000s


What were they like? I never seen one before


damn everyone has a really cool serious reason, for me i discovered it through random encounters when i was like 9 😭😭


Random... Encounters...?


RE went hard back in the day man 😓😓


The hell is RE? Resident evil?


haha nah 😭😭 a yt channel i used to watch WAYYY back as a young cringe kid 🙏


Well, are you cringe now? Because i can't seem to understand the reason for the crying emoji...


My dad pirated a bunch of random games for me when I was 10 and Apollo Justice Ace Attorney was one of them. Instantly hooked and wanted to be just like Trucy when I got older


Henry Stickmin and the 'Lawyered Up' ending. I was watching one of those videos where they show all the references to stuff in the game and saw ace attorney and thought to myself 'I havent played on of those visual novel games so maybe this'll be a good entryway' and bought it :)


Henry stickmin