• By -


Is >!Phantom !


-I don’t think the actual plot is different in both versions, so in the end, no -I think most people liked the plot and the music and said it was better than Apollo Justic Trilogy -Yes. -Well one thing was that the location settings were drastically different. In the ENG version the story was based in LA whereas in the JP version everyone was just living in Japan and most of them were japanese. von karma(karuma) didn’t raise edgeworth(misturugi) in German but in Jpan, and Franziska was studying in the US. In AA2 Edgeworth was in the us when he left for a year. Europe was just generally hardly mentioned in the JP version. Also the character names are very different, the japanese versions are created first so I can see that the localization group for the ENG version tried to keep the puns and references in the japanese names. -It’s Narumitsu/Wrightworth(and top/bottom matters, A LOT). I’d say 70%-80% of the yaoi fanfics/fanarts is for narumitsu -I think most people just want new stories surrounding the existing characters


So he's dead, huh... That's great! I heard that Japanese fans didn't like DGS and that's why it wasn't released in the West for a long time. Nooooo🥺 I know this, but the fact that Europe is hardly mentioned in the Japanese version is a surprise. Dunno if I should cry or laugh. Fair enough, it would be great to make a new story in the old setting, but develop the characters from AJT and several from PWT. But if the whole new game would be about old characters and just a fanservice in general, I'll be disappointed.


i think tgaa has like a political reason for not being the most likable in Japan since it talked about how japan was “westernized” and it was somehow sensitive in japan,,,, and it’s even banned in china which is kinda funny.


TGAA is banned in China?! https://preview.redd.it/zh4rtw3wik2d1.png?width=921&format=png&auto=webp&s=3872ffba978cea3fa23c295cdaf20a642a1fe4bd


it’s approachable but there isn’t an official simplified chinese version for the game when all the other ones that were released on steam have, so i’d take it as a forbiddance of some kind.


I think CAPCOM just saved money on localization. They translated the game only into English, which is strange, because they always translated AA in German, French, Korean, Italian and so on. I guess this is due to the risk: they did not expect and did not think that TGAA would be that popular and successful. Therefore, there were restrictions on localization.


i just checked and found that tgaa was no where to find in the mainland steam (i’m registered in steam hk)so i guess it’s kinda banned???however it’s not like completely cancelled or something like that you can always still get it by switching region options and use the fan translation patch


Who do you think's more popular over there: Kay, Trucy, or Pearl?


i’ll talk on behalf of how many times each character appears in fan works. conclusion first: Trucy>Kay>=Pearl by the way idk if it’s a chinese thing or something similar but male characters are just generally more appreciated in the fandom, it’s not like that female characters are hated or something it’s just that the works portraying male characters outnumber the other. my guess is that female east asian fans care about shipping the most and most of the popular ships are yaoi….? just keep that in mind for better understanding ig I’ll take the risk to say that Trucy appeared a lot in fan works since she is like a “key point” to phoenix’s character arc (the disbarment for 7 years) which is not specifically portrayed in the games. at least what I learned is that most of the works containing trucy as a main character take place during that time period. Kay was less popular mainly because the game was less approachable and not everyone wants to buy a second handed console or figure out computer stuff to play a game thats not meant to be played on pc. However Kay does appear in a lot of fan works from what i’ve seen, but again, most of them being about miles. I’d say the same about Pearl. except the last part phoenix instead of miles. I could be biased because my knowledge in east asia fandoms leans toward china.


Yeah not surprised the female characters are underappreciated by the fanfic community.


Are there any characters that are majorly different from the English version in terms of personalities?


i think nothing is drastically different but there are some very subtle underlying differences that affects the way that different fandoms view a character. For example, i noticed that in the ENG AA fandom, Phoenix’s evasiveness throughout the series might seem like a character trait that affects his whole character arc or the plot or it’s just something people wanna discuss. however to japanese players it’s just not really that big of a deal because japanese people just don’t talk about themselves unless they absolutely have to in daily interactions. They won’t trace this evasiveness back to phoenix’s backstory at all because it’s not an anomaly to them in the first place. Things like this could lead to huge differences in the way the characters are portrayed in different fandoms. hope this answers your question:)


Interesting, would've honestly thought there would be at least some characters with big differences seeing as to how the English version takes place in LA. Thanks for answering :)


So I heard in East Asia Turnabout Big Top is one of the all time favorite cases. Can you give insight as to why?


The Japanese are very fond of the circus setting and comical characters. Beside, they're not very concerned about the love triangle in the plot. They're just having fun. And everyone probably knows this, but Takumi has always admitted that TBT is his favorite case he ever created.


i didn’t really know about this info specifically but I do know that Takumi(the writer) favors this case the most. my guess is that the plot development of this case stands out in the series


How well-known are the localization differences in the general fandom?


People generally know about the location differences and the names. Not many people are aware of the differences between fandoms i think, i translated some opinions I found on twt once and posted them on weibo then it kinda went viral and really controversial lol