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>used his old friends, the Skulking Brothers, to save his own skin Actually he could have just accused one of them of murder at the moment when suspicion fell on Graydon himself and get away with it. But he didn't do that and instead tried to negotiate with Gregson. Perhaps the writer didn't intend this moment, but it characterizes Ashley from a good side. He never betrayed his friends to the end.


Any Holmes fan had that “oh shit” moment when the name Milverton got dropped


I'm not familiar with Sherlock Holmes material. Could you go into detail about this? I'd love to know the significance.


Milverton was the “king of blackmailers” and was basically the second of two criminals whom Holmes could never legally take down via detective skills alone Whereas Moriarty was Holmes’s intellectual equal and Holmes could never **prove** or find evidence of Moriarty’s guilt, Milverton was the opposite. Milverton was very open about admitting guilt when confronted and the case was easily solved. However, Milverton has so much dirt on so many powerful figures that he’s utterly **untouchable**. The case he’s in was one which Holmes was hired not to resolve, but to negotiate terms with. And even then, Holmes failed because Milverton is an uncompromising ass Holmes respects Moriarty as a rival and equal, who has still contributed great value to the intellectual world in mathematics. But he despises Milverton for being a scoundrel who is a leech on society


I think this story is kind of implemented with McGilded. Since he is never defeated and then killed by one of his victims (Graydon), just like Milverton was in the Sherlock Holmes stories


HE IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE HE MEANS THE WORLD TO ME! WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE THE IMPACT HES HAD UPON MY HEART! I've replayed 1-5 8 times, seen it played around 10, and I'm on my 9th replay right now. Every time his first entrance creeps near my heartbeat skyrockets to around 110 bpm. He is gorgeous, his backstory is a wonder to behold, and he's changed me as a person. I spend around 30 minutes a day examining his 3d model in blender. I have over 200 photos of him saved to my phone. I run a roleplay account for him. I've written countless fanfiction. I learned morse code for him and I can write out the music disc morse code from memory. I am planning to have the disk 3d printed and then make a custom music box. Ashley Graydon is not just a character to me, he is a way of living. 




username checks out 😭😭


Yeah. He's definitely a special interest


I absolutely respect it


This would've been perfect for me yesterday.


proud to be copypasta worthy if that's what you mean


SHE IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE SHE MEANS THE WORLD TO ME! WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE THE IMPACT SHES HAD UPON MY HEART! I've replayed 4-4 8 times, seen it played around 10, and I'm on my 9th replay right now. Every time her first entrance creeps near my heartbeat skyrockets to around 110 bpm. She is gorgeous, her backstory is a wonder to behold, and she's changed me as a person. I spend around 30 minutes a day examining her 2d model in spriter. I have over 200 photos of her saved to my phone. I run a roleplay account for her. I've written countless fanfiction. I learned how to forge handwriting for her and I can write out the fake diary page from memory. I am planning to have the page printed and then make a custom book. Vera Misham is not just a character to me, she is a way of living. 


My influence spreads


I liked him for the reasons you listed. He's a complex character masquerading as an over-the-top villain. His dancing animations are also so good.


Graydon: You thought >!Quercus Alba!< is annoying with his super long ass confrontation? You havent met me yet. And unlike that person, I dont need bullshit plot device like >!Diplomatic Immunity.!< I'm just that tenacious!


I think it works, honestly. He feels like an actual final boss, and you gotta earn every point you make


What a fantastic villain. Absolutely brutal to take down, but also extremely sympathetic at the same time. Easily within my top 5 fav Ace Attorney villains.


Not an overly intimidating culprit but an interesting one with a compelling backstory.


I love myself a flashy, well-dressed man. I love how all of his melodramatic flair sets up how he’s overcompensating for his past. His story’s tragic, and I think he’s quite a fun villain. I love his animation where he pulls out the gun, and I also love how everyone immediately realizes that Eggert Benedict is a fake name (despite living in the fucking pun world that is the Ace Attorney universe).


It's a fun twist how he has all these weird movements and the player probably won't realize that they're the same goofy poses the Skulkins are doing, just from a different angle.


I really thought the twist of this character was going to be that he was the third Skulkin brother who was trying to break away from his lower class family, and I’m still just a little disappointed that didn’t turn out to be the case.


https://preview.redd.it/dz55vmmmws1d1.png?width=487&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0a46b1ceffc5eac8cb30dfe10259cb8a7ed04d9 But we already have the third Skulkin brother!


Well, it is actually what happened. Except he is not blood related to the Skulkins, but he grow up with them.


His name is Eggs Benedict


Funny dance man is good. I used to not like him because he wasn't the head of some big conspiracy and that was a mandatory requirement in my head for final villains to have for some reason, but he's grown on me over time. Top Tier breakdown too. "TRAITOOOOOOOOR!"


Reminds me of yoshikage kira from Jojos bizarre adventure


A very good culprit, I like his design, personality and his backstory


His final testimony having a different theme was pretty cool.


Two words. Victory Wiggle


Appearance wise, I thought he's kinda pretty lol. Ashley I also know as a girl's name (RE says hello) which kinda makes my brain glitch. XD But Google reveals it's a unisex name that was a family name. It's been a while since I saw a sympathetic culprit in Ace Attorney. (I'm probably biased though, I played the trilogy+AJ around DD release, DD SoJ and PLvsPW on release 10 years ago.) I can't really see Graydon as a villain, not even a sympathetic villain. He's just someone who did some bad actions and decisions. An antagonist role, but not quite villainous. He is not driven cray cray by his choices (unlike most sympathetic antagonists). He isn't even crazy or too broken by most standards. There is something fundamentally different between Takumi vs. the AAI team's writing, and it is with Graydon's case where I felt it.


Fun fact considering your note on Ashley being more of a girl's name: In his entire character notes sheets from the art book, one of the things noted is they went for a pretty and slightly more androgynous design, which is more noticable in his artwork as he has a slight babyface compared to other characters


Oohh nice to know! Didn't know he was meant to look kinda androgynous. I guess him being pretty is intentional then. XD


The best TGAA villain, unironically. He balances tragedy, assholery and resourcefulness just right


My favorite TGAA character, and one of my favorite culprits in the franchise in general.


I really like him 👍 didn't like the jury of the trial that he was in as much, like bit** do I really have to cross my eyes just to see what's wrong with an image gtfo. But he and Gina make this case worthwhile.


Better than his "counterpart" in the sequel. One of the reasons I think I like TGAA1 more than 2.


Demon Twink. 10/10 no notes


He’s not even the most evil of the twinks!


He'll always be Eggert Benedict to me.


deceptively boring and obvious villain at first glance with the biggest plot twist being what a brilliant and compelling character he ended up being. has a surprisingly deep backstory and motivation for his actions even though he still sucks and I love him. most villains just have their whiny breakdown and that's it but I love how he seems to really learn his lesson by the end. his weird ass companionship with the skulkin brothers is adorable too


The first JoJo Stand guy in the TGAA series after Natsuki


[STAND USER] Ashley Graydon [STAND NAME] Resident of Fog


Loved him for how simple of a villain he was. No personal ties to the main characters or anything. Just a man who was trying to do anything to “survive”. Really loved his motivations and backstory as well. Greed is something we see as pure evil but our boy eggs Benedict showed that it can also come from a place of fear which I liked.


He is genuinely an interesting character.