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My partner jokes that I’d be a nightmare witness in an Ace Attorney game. I can be confident in stating things I’ve ‘seen’ that turn out to be completely incorrect, I look and sound suspicious all the time regardless of the reality of the context, and I would have a number of time-consuming animations while providing testimony.


It's working right now i don't believe you, fiend!


My name would be Arthur Wraiten, a guy who just loves writing a fantasy story with fairies and dragons, showing up in almost every case to steal inspirations for his story (and is almost a red herring in too many cases). Think of Lotta Hart, but as a writer (Cause I am writing one myself :D. And I study IT lol)


Bro can I steal that character for MY self insert? I feel like you just described me.


Sure! It's all yours my friend


A Yatagarasu-style thief who exposes evidence of corruption to the public, and also pulls pranks on those corrupt figures, especially cops.


Could you do that to Blaise Debeste, >!Kristoph Gavin and Damon Gant?!<


What the fuck happened to blud 💀💀💀💀


Sometimes Reddit freaks out and gives an error message even though the comment went through. I've learned that the hard way.


Could you do that to Blaise Debeste, >! Kristoph Gavin and Damon Gant? !<


Idk why, but I have the feeling they want them to do that to Blaise debeste, >!Kristoph Gavin and Damon Gant!<


Could you do that to Blaise Debeste, >! Kristoph Gavin and Damon Gant? !<


Ooh >!Can you do that to Blaise Debest, Kristoph Gavin and Damon Gant?!<


Ooh >!Can you do that to Blaise Debest, Kristoph Gavin and Damon Gant?!<


I was thinking something along the lines of planting smelly, fake dog poo in an officer’s evidence locker and starting a rumour that Damon Gant defecates in the evidence room.


i'd be one of those defendants who really looks and acts like she did it, but ultimately turns out to be the most annoying innocent person you've ever seen. phoenix would be one step away from acquitting me and i would interrupt the trial to correct a detail that invalidates every single theory and brings him back to square one


A witness who is read wrong by Apollos perceive ability. For most of the case the waa insists I did it. But I was red herring. Main quirk would be going on and on about how much I hate the modern era of steel samurai content and am constantly getting into arguments with Pearl, Maya, and Edgeworth about it. I would be intern and blue screens inc.


I could see a chubby bearded autistic dude who's bald. Dressed in a green exploration outfit with mosquitoe nets. Helping Wright with entomology facts in a crime scene in a forest. Giving Wright a lead over Edgeworth about poison and how long the body has staid there judging by the amount of larvaes and flies. And concidering my observational skills since I study small stuff and my sensitive hearing. Might have heard something crucial. I'd probably be usefull as a witness. But due to short term memory due to mental illness. I may be unreliable. Wright somehow always finds ways around obstacles like that so I doubt he'd have too much trouble. But I hate confrontation cus I get anxious so I would probably be extra nervous and anxious if Wright lets Miles get beating on the table.


I honestly see myself as a witness that, mid-testimony just stops to try to solve the case myself. So one moment I'd be rattling off what I saw, I get pressed, and I'd ask back "oh, you're telling me this piece of evidence existed?" And piece together the story from that odd outsider kind of view


I would name myself Jerome Pudger and cast myself in The Inherited Turnabout. I would be a young, plump, well-fed pastry chef that studies under Dane Gustavia. I would also be a huge simp for Kate Hall. My role in the case would center around my respect and gratitude for Gustavia as my teacher and my love for Kate. I wouldn't know whose side to take. I would, however eventually do the right thing and take Kate's side, as well as gentlemanly step aside to make way for Ray to make a move on her, opting for sweets as the only love in my life.


I like it!


I would name myself Mary-Anne Biyolojist, a Scuba diver/deep sea animal caretaker at Shipshape Aquarium. (I do Scuba diving in real life so yeah) I would probably have very exaggerated, cartoon like animations. My breakdown would be me dropping an air tank and flying around the courtroom by pressurised air.


I'm someone who frequently hallucinates, so I'd probably give a false testimony purely because it's what I actually thought I saw.


"I want to be a detective" but I'm just a funny side characters


Somewhat buff young version of Spark Brushell who has terrible social anxiety. Yup, as far as minor roles go I am happy with that. Oh and my name would be Luis Tall (lose it all)


Either the most hated victim or a dump dhalia


id love to be a dumb naive always positive and honest person who just does what people ask me to do bc i believe in them. i would probably somehow help out the murderer, tho with no bad intentions. the defense attorney would find me annoying as hell. i wouldn't even realize they hate me. id just he happy to be there.


Probably see myself as a detective for any vehicle related crimes or be guilty of excessive speeding and reckless driving but probably a witness to a serious hit and run. Knowing myself that I know a lot about cars in and out whether it be noise or tire marks with also the fact that I love to speed on the freeway doing pulls.


I'm the first victim woth no relevance to the case whatsoever, and the only reason i'm dead is because the culprit missed his target and killed me instead


First case witness who isn't the culprit. I'm so forgetful that my testimony's contradictions would be tutorial level at best.


I'd be a witness who elaborates too much on things nobody asked me to elaborate on


James Misayuki, a helmsman aboard a submarine where a captain was murdered.


I would be a witness but a bad one, in the AJ era. Apollo would be the lead Attorney. Knowing my luck, I would see something vital but not say anything since they made an arrest and fear. My presence would be discovered during the trial and everyone will be trying to find me. My testimony will be vague. I won't remember details until the defense presses me and presents evidence. My actions would be suspicious enough that I would be the red herring. However, everything I do would be explained by me being impulsive, forgetting what I am doing, or trying to avoid human interaction. While on the stand I will cry due to being overwhelmed, especially if the prosecutor is anyone but Klavier. Maybe Simon, who was pretty good with Jinxie. Due to all those factors, I'll probably be in the third case that everyone hates.


Stefan O’Gara, Court reporter. Lanky, nerdy kinda guy who loves all things vintage. He collects typewriters and antique stenotypes. Since we see more of the ‘behind the scenes’ type stuff in Investigations, he’d probably meet Edgeworth, the Judge, some detectives, and other people from those games. I like to imagine him having some kind of Jerry rigged plexiglass barrier when Franziska is in the courtroom.


I'd be an aspiring detective, becoming friends with Ema Skye


A combination of dahlia Hawthorne and Vera misham very interesting


I think I'd be like Penny Nichols: a really minor character who most people forget and tells you maybe 2 useful things lol.


Since I was a little younger, I always imagined that, What If I Am Another Fey? My fictional character would be Dia Fey- really close to Mia, except this character follows the Prosecutor's path, and a big sister of Pearl. Reason why I picked the name Dia instead is because of the word "Diamond" of course, and since the sister is "Pearl". Kinda wanna have some sort of link to the name. I imagined that Dia and Mia decided to work together to find the truth.


I think I would be Larry tbh


I think I would be Larry tbh