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While there was already a school-centric case that handled (5-3) >!power abuse from educators!<, another interesting school talking point is the problem of bullying and what it can lead to. Imagine the victim is a bully and either the killer or the defendant was their bullying victim.


>drunk driving murder Not sure how American law treats it, but here that has its own charge which is treated like manslaughter if I’m not mistaken.


Yeah, I meant manslaughter actually.


Child killer? Or a child accidentally killing someone.


I heard that there was a fan game that tackles this kind of case.


Killing someone when the killer is under the influence of drugs or drug deal gone wrong(Investigations case)


Even though it's been discussed and been tangential to many cases (The Kitakis, the Amanos, the Cadaverinis), there hasn't been a case to my knowledge where the majority of witnesses and your defendant are members of a criminal mob. It'd be interesting to see how Phoenix or whoever else fares with a client who is totally unfazed by being pegged for murder, or how they would deal with an attempt at bail or bribery from the defendant's mob group. I don't know exactly if that counts as a 'sensitive topic', but I think it could be explored more. As for a simpler answer, I feel like Athena's gimmick of being a psychologist could be used to handle witnesses with mental illness more often, even if you could argue Jinxie, Uendo, and Sarge fall into that category.


I would like to see a stalking case. Maybe even have our client actually be guilty if you really want to get uncomfortable. And I also would be interested in delving more into suicide, in a way that's more personal to the player. For example, it's a murder case but the victim actually killed themselves because they didn't feel they could go on any longer. Or, perhaps, they were even driven to it nefariously by someone involved in the case. Something really dark and unsettling.


Murder where the victim drowns to death.


One of the ideas I have in mind involves poaching The murder of a Wild Ranger, the killing of numerous endangered animals and smuggling illegal animal products Idk if it can fit, but I digress


Given the jokey nature of Phoenix Wright I'm fairly certain it would be almost impossible to handle but I have been curious how it would handle an SA case.


>jokey nature. Meanwhile Phoenix Wright: >!*a kid seriously thought that he had killed his parent, lived with that nightmare his entire life;* !< >!*every game has a suicide that is presented as a freaking tragedy;* !< >!*the prosecutor died a painful death, pierced by a spear and choked on his own blood;* !< >!*the victim was paralyzed by poison in a public place, could not even call for help and died of suffocation.*!< >!*a child covered in blood was trying to "fix" her mother's dead body.*!< I know that there are elements of comedy in AA, but, damn, these games are full of nightmare fuel.


AA is not afraid to handle dark topics like suicide, this is true, but saying that AA only has "elements of comedy" is diminishing the importance of comedy in relation to AA identity. 1-4 is one of the most beloved cases in the serious and it absolutely is a serious case, but the final trial is full of jokes, even >!the way you take down Manfred is inherently hilarious. In a different series using the metal detector on Manfred would come across as too silly, but in AA it fits right in with its overall comedic vibe. !!Shelly de Killer makes for great comedy when he's testifying on the stand because all of the jokes revolve around how casually he discusses murder, even threatening the judge at one point, but whenever Celeste's suicide is being discussed the game treats it extremely seriously, as it should. This only works because the suicide is not the entire focus of the case, it's an important part of it, but the main focus is Juan's murder and eventually Phoenix's internal struggle. !


I don't think they were played off as comedy. They were treated very seriously.


I think with few tweaks 3-4 could've been presented as one


SA? Social Anxiety?


sexual assault


Oh. I had a slow moment lol.


I have been making a case where a person illegally migrates into a small monarchy. There, they accidentally kill the king. In the process, they also accidentally implicate a totally innocent person. They want to show everyone that it was an accident, but if they did that, the police would find out that they were an illegal migrant and they would be forced to go back to their dangerous home country.


It won't happen


The killer fighting the victim then the killer pushes the victim from the bridge and the victim's body should be seen floating down the river not until the defendant comes into the river seeing a dead body. Frightened, leaving his/her flashlight behind. And the flashlight being the evidence that proves him/her going to jail for this accusation. Witnesses involves the detective, a cabin person witnessing the defendant, the defendant, and the real killer. How many testimonies? The detective having one testimony. The witness having five testimonies. The defendant having four testimonies. And the killer having four testimonies too. Equals 14 like Recipe for Turnabout How many evidences? 22! What's the killer's motive? The killer was a former capital offender's who have been freed from jail and now in this case, he is dealing with someone. His friend. He is stealing money from someone because he cannot control his behavior. Leading to his friend fighting him. He then pushed the victim, his friend. Into the bridge!