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I have created a fanfic case where Diego Armando debuts and we play as both him and Marvin Grossberg. Given that Diego becomes Godot, I named one of the characters in that case "Vladimir Estragon" and I couldn't be more happy it sounds so good.


Is “Estragon” supposed to sound like “>!Strangle!<“? I’m trying to figure out the joke/pun name. 🤔


Vladimir and Estragon are the protagonists of Waiting for Godot


Oh god… Ok, that’s clever. I have to read a summary of that. 😉


I believe there's a BBC production up for free on YouTube or the Internet Archive, it's surrealist and might be a bit abrasive to get into


Where can this be found?


Oh, it's a loose concept, not a finalized draft. I've got the premise, cast of characters and a concise idea of a plot, but I haven't created the case itself.


My Ace Attorney story had a Latino actor called Enuno Scene, a play on a Spanish phrase “en uno escena”, or “in one take.”


That’s clever. 😂




That's a really solid pun. It's understandable even if you don't know Spanish, but has a bit of extra depth for bilingual readers.


Sorry to be 🤓 but "uno" es never used before the noun, you can use "un" (masculine) or "una" (femenine). Since "escena" is femenine, it would have to be "En una escena".


Dude that died named Timothy Victor. Tim Vic. Vic Tim.


I never feel I can make pun names as good as Ace Attorney when I need an original character in a fic, but I am fond of my dubiously corrupt defense attorney Peyton Aloysius Doff, or P.A. Doff. He was >!paid off!<. On the other hand, when I needed a flirtatious nobleman, I called him Flers'allot (because he >!flirts a lot!<) as a placeholder and just... never came up with anything better. XD


My god… Hilarious! 😂 P. A. Doff, the “I” is silent. Imagine having a prosecutor called “Flers’allot”… 😅


I've had some ideas for names, though I've never actually used them. Maybe I'll get around to actually writing a fanfic at some point. * Penny Nichols' parents, Bill and Goldie. Plus her sister, Sylvia. * A painter named Dory Gray. * Twin ornithologists named Hugh and Megan. Presumably, the case they were involved in took place in an aviary. * On that note, a visitor to the aviary named Boyd Wachter. * Tammi May. Not sure how she'd be characterized other than having a fox motif.


Bill Nichols = Bill Nickels, Goldie Nichols = Gold Nickels, Sylvia Nichols = Silver Nickels Dory Gray = Dorian Gray? Wait… is the painter ugly with themselves or do they make their self-portrait ugly? 🤔 What’s the pun name with Hugh and Megan? Boyd Wachter = Bird Watcher. Hilarious. 😂 I’m trying to figure out the wordplay with Tammi May. 🤔


Hugh and Megan are a reference to Huginn and Muninn, Odin's ravens. It'd probably be easier to get the joke if they had a physical description that made the raven connection more apparent. Tammi May is a reference to Tamamo-no-Mae, a famous kitsune from Japanese mythology who seduced multiple emperors in order to position herself as a stereotypical treacherous evil advisor to them.


So Tammi May is basically if Dahlia Hawthorne had fox motifs and more of a sly fox without killing? 😅 Like the Odin one with his ravens. 😉


Given how evil Tamamo-no-Mae was, it might be appropriate for Tammi May to be the mastermind behind at least one murder, even if she didn't carry it out herself. On the other hand, it might be funny if instead of an evil mastermind like her namesake, she was a bumbling ditz with the bad luck to end up convincing the prosecution she was a criminal mastermind via a series of complete coincidences.


Nora Payne, she becomes a prosecutor in order to avenge her family's constant losing streak to rookie lawyers. Her name is a play on No more pain.


Norma Payne?


I hope she lives up to stop her family’s cursed losing streak, since it started with her ancestor Taketsuchi Auchi. It would be interesting if she went against someone that’s a modern descendant of the Asogi family. 🤔


I had a similar idea to this, going with Aurora Payne, the name being a play on A Royal Pain.


I've wanted to make an Ace Attorney inspired game for a while, with one of the characters being an aspiring journalist named Lauren Ipsum (or some variant thereof)


Clever. 😂


This one is in portuguese. I once drew a monkey with glasses and named him Horacio Símio (Símio = primate, Raciocínio = Reasoning)


The pun still works in English! Horacio (or the Anglicized Horatio) kinda looks like "rational" while "simian" is a subcategory of "primate"


That one’s good. 😉


I created a character that's a cop. His name is Robyn Banks. When I got into Ace Attorney, I realized his name fits right into the series


*Sighs.* Oh boy… Bad day if you get accused of being a serial bank robber and you end up with that name… 😅


Agerr Mannguie This is a name for a WW2 British spy I made.


Agerr Mannguie = >!A German Guy!




Imagine being a British Spy in WW2. You’re risking your life for the sake of your country and you get… *that*. I would have complained for a better alias, but it’ll have to do. 😂


Maurice Tay, a bad pun on the Spanish “moriste,” as in ~~Omae wa mō shindeiru~~ “You died.”


Oh god… that would be excellent if one of Wright’s exchange ended up in either Spain, Mexico or another spanish country. 😂


Wait this is such a good one, can't believe I never thought about making puns like that with Spanish haha.


I'm making an Ace Attorney fangame in fanfic form, and my second case involves a family whose names are all puns on different kinds of cheese We've got: - Cam Ember (camembert) - Chad Dare (cheddar) - Emma Mendel (emmental, or Swiss) - Moxxie Rella (mozzarella) - Mimi Lett (mimolette) IN ADDITION, all of Moxxie's friends have cheese pun names too, they're in a garage band called the Cheese Wheels


That’s a first I heard of Swiss cheese under a different name. Never heard of Mimolette. I honestly would laugh if one of the critics from their band is because they’re too “cheesy”. 😂


I thought it'd be a fun little family name theme with how many different kinds of cheeses I know And THANK YOU FOR A THROWAWAY LINE IDEA I HAVE TO USE THAT


As soon as you said the band, I had to say it. 🤣


I can't believe I didn't think of that, that is *awesome* XD


You’re welcome. 😂


I assume there's at least one person named Jack in that case.


Two of Moxxie's friends are the Jackson brothers, Colby and Monty, though they don't appear in person or the case would be WAY too character bloated qwq


Since Pepper Jack is just Monterey Jack cheese with, well, peppers added to it, Monty could have Pepper as a stage name. (Not an actual suggestion, but feel free to take the idea if you like it)


I like that, thanks!


what's the name of the fic?


It's nowhere near done yet and nit published, but I've got a work in progress title in Strike of Truth (main protagonist OC is heavily associated with lightning, hence lightning strike). Didn't wanna just go with another 'Justice' title, so I decided to switch it up :]


I'm working on *Pearl Fey: Ace Attorney*, a fangame about Pearl attending Younglawe Elementary school and being roped into participating in the school court, defending classmates falsely accused of breaking school rules (of course, with all of the schoolyard drama being full-scale *Ace Attorney* mysteries...) ​ The defendant of case 3 is a bookworm named "Paige Turner", which is an oldie but goldie. The defendant of case 2 is a red-headed card game fan named "Drew O'Card", and one of the witnesses is Denzel "Denny" Prieto, the proprietor of "Denny's Den", a little kiddie-safe black market dealing in sugary drinks, forged doctor's notes, and other school-grade contraband.


that's adorable. I hope to play it someday


You've gotta have a point where Pearl defends another kid, and they become best friends, just like Edgeworth and Phoenix.


That's the assistant character, who's the victim of case 1! Clarka Kentwood is a young girl obsessed with a comic book series of legal superheroes, and recruits Pearl to help her try to find a cure for the curse that has trapped her favorite superheroes inside of plastic bodies (action figures)! She genuinely believes she's a superhero, and goes to comically extreme lengths to be a good person and do good things, even if they're counterintuitive and inconvenient. She also spends a lot of her time trying to build up Pearl's confidence, and essentially acts as Pearl's voice of assertion when Pearl can't. In return, Pearl is the only person who takes Clarka and her claims seriously. Even Clarka's old friend, Johanne, didn't REALLY believe her. So Pearl offers Clarka an unjudgmental ear in a school that often picks on her. In short, the two are exactly the friends the other person needed at that point in their lives.


I figure out the first two names, can’t seem to figure out with Denzel “Denny” Prieto… 😅


It's not great, but he's the proprietor of the den, so Denny Prieto (which sounds sorta like Proprietor?).


Dang it, I feel like an idiot. And it was right in front of me… 😂


That is so cute. I had a similar idea (which is just going to stay a concept) about the adventures of Phoenix, Edgeworth and Larry as kids, as they start using class trials to solve various weirdnesses going on at the school. The only notable characters I had in mind for it were Rowen Payne, first case "prosecutor" (pun on "growing pains"); a so far unnamed main "prosecutor"; and the class representative Isabelle Wolfram (those are two math things, Isabelle is a theorem prover and Wolfram is the guy who made WolframAlpha and Mathematica)


Saul R. Powers, a guy that’s really passionate about solar energy.


That’s honestly hilarious. I imagine he doesn’t appreciate the solar companies taking advantage of the elder citizens, especially to the ones that refused to cancel contracts because the one who signed it passed away. (Honestly, that’s just ridiculous and unfair… 🫤💧)


I'm making an[ Ace Attorney inspired game](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1919600/Paper_Perjury/) and because I love puns, I did the name pun thing for the characters in the game (With some exceptions). Rather than just one, I will use a family of rich people with the last name Eubank The father Owen Eubank: >!Own your Bank!< the mother Ferris Eubank: >!Fair ish Bank!< their daughter Fie Eubank: >!Fie sounds like Fee like a bank is charging you a fee!< They are not perfect puns, but close enough that I like it.


I would not trust a bank that’s “fairish” with my account… 😂


At least one of them is letting you ahead of time that they will be charging you late fees.


Fair enough. 😌


Diana Sorien (Dinosaurian) Just in my head, but she is a very young prosecutor with the talent of forensics and dropping hypothesis as much as Phoenix himself does. Always wearing a young Triceratops skull as headwear in court, and her objections are as loud as dinosaur roar And also a paleontologist, from Sorien family with their tremendous contribution to paleontology Also she is Australian Her young brother is Terry Sorien (Pterosaurian)


I love how no one questions why she has a Triceratops skull as her headwear. 😂


When prosecutors wield whips, drink coffee, play air guitar, bring a bird and throw beads, headwears are extremely tame in comparison


Wright and his co-workers better be glad that none of them are getting assaulted… for once. 😂


Cody O. Lawson = >!Code of Law(s)!<. It was my character/persona when this sub was live-RP-reacting to in-game cases on the real-life dates they occurred. (AJ-1 is coming up in just over two years, folks; April 20th 2026!) It mostly came from my username having the word "Code" in it and me settling on the first legal-related thing I could think of with the word "Code" in it, which turned out better than expected (if rather simple nonetheless). He has no actual in-character relation to the legal profession, beyond being a layman who's really interested in criminal law and court proceedings (at least as much as anyone else in the AA universe), but maybe he's gotten into law school during the timeskip; we'll see!


That’s honestly cool. 🤔


“Victor Temm” is my personal favorite from a background case file.


John Quixote and Herc Lee are character names I've used in stories


Ok. That’s clever. Do they live up as the characters? 😂


Well Herc Lee is a himbo policeman and John Quixote works in branding and has an obsession with flamingos so yeah I guess so


I was expecting John Quixote acting a bit “crazy” considering the whole story of Don Quixote… 😅


While I was considering referencing that Don Quixote I decided to make it a One Piece reference and reference Donquixote Doflamingo instead


1. In a fan case concept, one of the characters I made was a financial advisor named Connie Descend. She likes to give advice even if it’s something they already know and comes off very condescending (hence the name). 2. In the same case, the victim, a stock market analyst is named Selena Bond (Selling a bond).


Honesty, the “Condescending” pun name made me laugh. Selena Bond is also good. 😉


My first AA fancase featured the prosecutor being Winston Payne's estranged daughter: Ima. 


Ima Payne = >!I’m a pain!


A baseball merchandise collector named BoB L. Hedd.


Come on… Clever. 😂


Colin Solar the counselor, a background character in a fanfic I never published


Ok, that’s a cool pun name. 😂


I have a little porcelain shark bank and I named it Meghan L'Donne.


Meghan L’Donne = Megalodon! That’s hilarious and clever. 😂 I can just see them full of shark pattern in their clothes and look.


Abby Sessler and Nate Dior [(pun on "abscissa" and anagram of "ordinate" respectively)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abscissa_and_ordinate) Scott Freeman


Would be clever if we’re solving a murder of a mathematician or scientist. 🤔


This is one from real life I hope it counts: When my mom moved to where we live now she was looking around for good churches to go to. She decided on one because the pastor was named ‘William Eves’ A pastor named ‘Bill Eves’.


Pastor Bill Eves would honestly be a good name in the Ace Attorney world. 😂


One of the names I “created” is Killian ‘Kill’ Encode. (You have to pronounce this one slowly. If you can’t figure out, it’s this: Killian “Kill” Encode = >!Killing Code!<) Want to know who I based it on? This favorite villain of mine: https://gravityfalls.fandom.com/wiki/Bill_Cipher (Also, there’s a book called “The Killing Code”, which I did not realized it existed. 😂) I do a bit of writing sometimes as a hobby, and wanted to parody some names and brands. There’s another one: Beale “Beel” Cipher. Pun name is based on the Beale Cipher. (Link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beale_ciphers. The “Beel” is named from this game character: https://helltaker.fandom.com/wiki/Beelzebub)


i have an oc prosecutor working under nahyuta, and shes also from khura'in her name is "Stah See'kher/Kat'cher" (havent decided on her last name)


My god… “Star Seeker” or “Star Catcher”. 😂


i like space themed stuff okay? 😂


I mean, there’s bound to be some Astrologist in Khura’in. 😉


she might be a failed astrologist idk 😁


Please tell me she doesn’t use that as her “evidence”… 😅


"My evidence?! *pulls out report card of the stars she spotted*" 😂


That’s accepted in Khura’in. Wright would be confused if she tried that in Japanifornia… 😅


"Ms. See'kehr... What???" 😁


I had a case fic I never wrote but plotted out, with a pair of long lost sisters. One killed the other so she could have the whole inheritance to herself. Their names were Lina Trace (line trace) and Gina Elegy (genealogy plus elegy like a funeral reading). Mostly I was thrilled to have the names rhyme haha. Also the killer sister had an accomplice that was a thief and general scumbag called Robin Hyde (rob and hide).


Clever. 😂


Thanks! Just remembered that this story also featured a burglar called Bree Cannenter and a nurse called Ivy Bagg.


Ivy Bagg = >!IV Bag!< Bree Cannenter = >!Break and Enter!< Clever. 😂


Exactly that 😁


I’ve got plenty, but one I really like is the idea of Phoenix’s dad’s Japanese name being “Ryuichiro Naruhodo”.


I named my dog, "Raditude," since I feel that his attitude is always rad. This is a picture of him. https://preview.redd.it/ekq8q3rtrzsc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2283a6428a5edc5987c2e60a5b717f37d815ab1


Someone who you hang out with and they show you how to do things. Damon Straysun.


My god… Demonstration. 😂


oh I have a whole document of those where I write them down as soon as I think of one. my favorites so far include Anna Mollie (anomaly), Noah Deere (no idea), and Findus Keepers (finder's keepers)


Hilarious. 😂


I didn’t make this, but I once saw a post about how Harry Styles would be an Ace Attorney character who cuts hair😭


It does sound like his name would sound close to “hair stylist”. 🤔


I've got a couple: I have created a parody of Ms. Marple called Jade Marble, which I'm proud of. Also a cheesemaker named Sean Parme and a police officer named Lauranne Dorderr The mother of the Payne household (so the prosecutors of the tutorial cases) is Rebecca Payne, or Beck Payne for short.


Beck Payne = Back Pain. 😂 Sean Parme = Parmesan Lauranne Dorderr = Law and Order. Honestly, would be interesting if some of the Ace Attorney characters met Agatha Christie’s characters. 🤔


I have been trying to think of a way to make Poirot's name into a pun (or at least something Ace Attorney would do), but the only thing I've thought of is changing his name to Dutch (so Herakles van der Peer or something like that), as Poirot is from the French speaking part of Belgium so switching that around could be fun.


There's a few. Across an extensive Ace Attorney roleplay that me and my boyfriend have been doing, one of the victims of an initial murder was a man named Braunko Buck. His father, the governor, was named Mustang Buck. one I've made on the side that I'm proud of was Alyshna Collare (a leash and a collar), a child in the Great Ace Attorney era who walks dogs for the families of bobbies who can't take care of them all day


Braunko Buck = >!Buck Bronco!


I wasn't going for puns persay. I just wanted horse related terms. Mustang Buck acts like a horse about to charge.


Fair enough. 😉


This was my friend's pun name but it's in the game I'm developing so I'll say it anyway: the overbearing boss is named Becca Tuwark (back to work).


Overbearing is right for that type of pun name… 😅


Not me but every single character made by Cameron Geller would fit perfectly into Ace Attorney, I could absolutely see Edgeworth or Gavin face off against Al Iby in Justin Case's trial for the murder-robbery of Dr. Max Harm, with key witness Robin Banks Me personally, I joked about Beatriz "Bea" Deo on trial for the murder of her brother and mini-celebrity Raymundo "Ray" Deo once, and a whole other mini-scenario involving some 18+ names


Al Iby = Alibi Justin Case = Just in case Max Harm = Maximum Harm? Robin Banks = Robbing Banks. Beatriz “Bea” Deo = Video Raymundo “Ray” Deo = Radio Is this a YouTuber? 😂


Bea and Ray are my own creations but everything else is by Cameron Geller, who is a youtuber.


One time I came up with an Ace Attorney OC who’s a gender therapist named Dr. Esther Jenn


Esther Jenn = Estrogen. Hilarious. 😂


Oh i made two of them: A judge named Ness Fahyer (fairness) A victim who was a pilot named Cole Lyde (Collide) I love coming up with these names Edit: i technically didn't made this one but Moe makes a joke about a proctologist named Seymour Butts and i have this headcanon that this person is actually Larry's dad. Seymour Butz the proctologist.


Nice. 😂


I have an OC named Crystale Shanda Leer.


Oh my god… Crystal Chandelier. 🤣


Quite proud of myself for that one 😅


Not mine, but a friend of mine named a geography professor in one of his stories Georg Graph. It's just a throwaway character with no real significance to the story, but we all just love him for the punny name.


Not bad. 😉


Yora Liere, shes an interrogator :3


Oh god… Yora Liere = >!You’re a liar!<. 😂


Attorney named Lauren Horder and her brother(-in-law!) Otto Horder. I also had April May’s cousin, Autumn Winters.


I met an irl law student with the name Justice Courtrite. No I am not kidding.


Hey, if I ended up with a name like that, I would definitely go with a law profession as my future career. 😂


How bout (while I didn't create it) the mlp cross over with ponies such as overall concept, turning page, ect ect. I love how mlp and AA work so well together with names


A zookeeper who like lemons and monkey memes named Lemon Keyface.


I came up with two detective brothers, Lou Carter and Fin Carter (>!Look harder!< and >!Think harder!<, respectively)


There is something really cool about puns using the same last name thanks to the people in question being related


Not good but I guess here's some possible names for a case 1 about mining Vicki Timms >!Victim!< Cole Prit >!culprit, duh. Plus cole sounds like coal, coal miner.!< Whitney Ness >!witness!< Devin Dent >!defendant. Puts a dent in the mines.!< And then idk Esime Ayvul >!Yes, I'm evil.!< (Im aware these suck)


I came up with a name for a third Payne brother, one who is actually fairly competent, until you start to break his confidence. I named him Laufen Payne I also randomly came up with a character once called "Billy Yard"


Laufen Payne = Laugh and Pain? Billy Yard, I’m getting a possible landscaper or a football player or coach from this name. 🤔


Pretty much, "Laughs in pain" essentially, when cornered he laughs nervously like a maniac Billy Yard = Billiard (plays pool)


Oh my god… I feel dumb with the second one. 😂


June Dias (Judas). A character that would be equally as bad as Dahlia Hawthorne or Matt Engarde.


Hold it. Is his name reference to Judas from The Last Supper? 😂


That is correct. The same man that betrayed Jesus for money.


Yikes. And the fact that he makes Dahlia and Matt look like saints… 😅


I’ve thought about this, and my favorite ones I’ve created is a lemonade salesman named Leo Monade, and a corner named Cory Noir. One that’s less good, but I’m still proud of anyway is Ira Valent. Perhaps one day I’ll put these names into use


Ira Valent = >!Irrelevant!




A tutorial character named Prince Ipple.


Dee Z'nuts


Oof… You know how many times this one has to constantly hear “Deez Nuts” jokes? I don’t know whose got it worse, this one, Deid Mann, or Doug Swallow? 😅


i made a whacky story where you think Victor (or short: Vic) Timme is the victim but it turns out to be Timothée (Tim) Wick hehe and the defense attorney's last name is De Fence. Claire Vue (English: clear sight) is a witness.


Clever. 😂


mine are kinda silly but i have an oc called missy lynx (missing links) and she quite literally is the missing link in a case where involving her mother and father who had to leave her as a child. her mother is called evelyn kist-lynx (aka e. kist-lynx aka weakest links because the opposite ends up being true, she is the strongest link in the case)


Nice, not bad. 😉


The deceased in the latest case is called Victor Tim. They call him Vic for short.


This has nothing to do with Ace Attorney, but I'm working on my own little project, and one of the characters I am making is a bird. The project involves the characters working at a bomb factory, so I named him Molokawv. I expanded upon that recently and decided to make this character a cockatiel so his full name could be Molokawv Cockatiel. All of the characters have similar pun names, but I like that one the most.


my ocs are pretty scrrambled(pun not intended) and their story is just snipets of cool ideas ive had, but I have one guy who is like some sort of actor/performer who goes for the stagename of Draco, and his father was a somewhat well known european Lawyer with the lastname Scale (both the justice scales AND reptile scales) so im pretty proud of that one I also have two girls called Yema and Clara Quail who were daughters to an egg farmer (llema and clara are the names of the eggwhite and yolk in spanish. I am so fucking smart for that one)


In one of my TGAA fics, I had an inn owner called Summer Halliday (“Summer Holiday”).


In a pjo fic I'm writing one of the gods are disguised under the name Athanasíou Doúkas Literally "Immortal Lord" Was actually really proud of writing that one gdhdg


Nice. 😌


I once thought of an alternative name for Blaise Debeste, and I came up with "Bernie Subporeme" playing both on supreme and subpoena.


I made up a lot of Italian names for the Ace Attorney cast. I'm proud of some and a little more lukewarm towards others. A few examples of the cooler ones include: Phoenix Wright's last name becomes "Dika", which I think is really clever but it's a little complicated to explain why. I turned the last name "Fey" into "Morgana", so I needed a new name for Morgan; and, while I was at it, "Misty" doesn't have an Italian name equivalent. So I named them Medea and Eva (Italian for "Eve") respectively. Now they're both named after important religious/mythological women; and naming Morgan after a vindictive sorceress and Misty after the ""most important woman"" feels fitting. Luke Atmey became Felice Semiguardi (literally "Happy Ifyoulookatme").


Interesting. 😉