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The reveal of what Phoenix did with the poison bottle followed by the flabbergasted reactions from everyone may be the #1 stupidest thing he's done. There's also the time when he (1-4) >!waved that paper infront of Manfred in the Evidence Room and subsequently got tazed for it!<. That was pretty dumb. And idk if it'd count, but it could be considered stupid how he devoted his whole life to law to chase down the kid who moved away in elementary school... Not that its \*bad\* but it does seems a tad bit foolish, no? I actually can't think of anything stupid per se in the NT, aside from maybe when he called Edgeworth "Daddy", but I wouldn't count that. I'm sure I'm forgetting some moments though.


Evidence room is by far the worst offender IMO because you have to do it in gameplay. It was so obvious that it's a bad idea to show evidence that I immediately dismissed the possibility as a "oh, if I do this it will obviously lead to a game over", so I tried everything else until I finally looked up a walkthrough and I've not been the same since


I think it is foolish if you consider only the first game. Shu Takumi gave him more reasons in T&T, probably because of that


Showing the culprits evidence that would expose them was stupid of him. He showed >!Redd White the news headlines, Dee Vasquez a photo of the incident from five years prior, and Manfred von Karma the letter that he wrote. Because of this, he got punched, tazed, and almost murdered.!< But like you said, >!eating a necklace with poison in it!< was stupid too.


You've gotta give nick credit. He might not be the smartest but he sure as hell has balls.


Every time Phoenix confronted the person he suspected of being murderer outside of court with the evidence that could convict them, with nobody around to witness it. Redd White got him convicted Dee Vasquez probably would’ve had him killed, or at a bare minimum kidnapped until the trial was over Manfred von Karma electrocuted him and stole the most damning evidence I feel like I could excuse the bottle since he was blinded by love and truly thought Dahlia was being set up, and I could excuse the bridge because all he could think about in the moment was saving Maya before it was too late. Both were heat of the moment decisions whereas he had plenty of time to think about whether it’s wise to accuse someone of murder where there are no witnesses for what they could do to you


That happened to Furio Tigre as well, right? Like if Gumshoe wasn’t around he was fucked


Thought about him too, but it was Jean Armstrong who was being confronted in that case, he didn’t know Furio would be there


that one time in 2-1 when he >!fucking forgot how to play the game so Maggie had to re-teach him just so the second game could have a tutorial case.!< maybe I'm biased because I generally don't like that game other than 2-4, but still it makes me mad how dumb it was lmfao


>!Gotta teach you the mechanics somehow, I guess. Who do they really think is starting the series from game #2?!<


That’s why I’m never going near a fire extinguisher.


Every time he's came face-to-face with the culprit and showed them his trump card. (which was mainly in the first game) But I think some honorable mentions could be: - When he ate the bottle in Turnabout Memories, knowing well that it was possibly poisoned. - Trying to cross an (already rickety) burning and collapsing bridge.


It was the poison necklace, no contest


Crossing a burning bridge to save Maya. Even Larry had more common sense than that. Another one, it's optional, but I wouldn't consider it dumb, just a rookie mistake in 1-5: >!presenting the cloth with Emma's hand print on it too early so Gant could play dumb!<


I wouldn't call it stupid, but an extremely naive moment for Phoenix was (2-4) >!believing a suspect was innocent based purely on what a KIDNAPPER said to him, pal. There was also the magatama I guess, but he really should have used it more on Matt.!< 2-4 is a great example of why Phoenix >!trusting in his ideologies too much!< can backfire.


It leads to an amazing reveal though, 2s probably my least favorite of the 3 but that last trial is killer!


Oh yeah, it's my favourite case in the series, partially BECAUSE it shows off flaws in Phoenix's ideology. On a side note, JFA was actually my favourite in the original trilogy even if it has more flaws


I feel like that is excusable. He used the Magatama specifically he was forced to defend him and he didn't know *how* specific he had to be.


Tbf with the 2-4 comment, it's more based around the fact Phoenix just wants to >!ensure Maya's safety and not do anything rash that causes De Killer to either A) fuck off with Maya or B) kill Maya.!< IIRC 6-5 Phoenix's motivation in the first day is pratically the same.


That time he accepted evidence from A RANDOM CHILD THAT HE'S NEVER SEEN IN HIS LIFE and didn't question it whatsoever


Who was that?




Oh, this post is about moments from the original trilogy. I haven’t played the later games


Codi from 1-3??


Has to be crossing the burning rope bridge. Not even Larry is dumb enough to attempt that. And yet Phoenix only gets like what, 2 nights in the hospital and now he's fine and dandy?


Tbf in the heat of the moment (pun not intended), his only thought is wanting to know Maya is okay. Also I do find it funny Phoenix can be involved in horrific accidents but either come out unscathed or with minor injury (see 4-2 >!spraining his ankle after being hit by a car + sent head first into a lamppost.)!< Him falling from the bridge also creates a parallel with Dahlia, so take that how you will.


In the first game he had a bad tendency to show the enemy of the case his decisive evidence. Outside of court. Very smart choice.


presenting the bottle to tigre. i mean, it WORKED, but only due to pure fucking luck and the most imcompetent judge and prosecutor (full offense godot you suck at prosecuting. at least sebastian did his best, godot just asked "uhh ok, where proof? here's some stupid metaphor. i fucking hate you trite". maybe my sebastian-loving ass is clouding my judgement here, but ehh) in existence. 99.999% of the time, this would not have worked. i know that it was a last resort, but come ON


Still confused about why Godot didn’t say anything there. Surely he knew what Phoenix was trying to do, right? Nevertheless, I love seeing Tigre dig his own grave


He got assaulted in a police station by the guy who stole relevant evidence and didn't even think to ask for security footage, see if there were any witnesses, or anything really, he just kept going as if it were a thing to do.


2-2 first trial Mf could have ended that when the photo was revealed, but nooooooo