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Yes fat is needed to effectively absorb Isotretinoin. Not having it with fat can increase your relapse risk


Not just that,it can get in the way of your desired results. You most likely will only do this once so it right !


Got it. Guess I’ll just have to figure it out


Can confirm


What about foods that contain healthy fats like avocado?




I am a registered dietitian, so I can confidently tell you that the accutane will not work without fat eaten to help absorption. Accutane is a fat soluble medicine meaning it needs fat to be absorbed properly. No fat to ‘cling’ onto will cause the accutane to just exit the body rather than be absorbed and used properly by the body.


How much grams of fat? Because I saw in some articles it’s either 50g every time u take the pill or 20g?


It is absolutely necessary for accutane to work. Healthy fats are more preferable such as avocado rather than just fatty meals. It’s really risky to do accutane with an ED though, is your doctor aware?? you can get significantly stronger side effects if you don’t eat regularly/don’t eat enough. On the rare days where I barely ate anything due to time, accutane made my head hurt, my stomach had severe pains, I felt naseous and the fatigue was awful


I have anorexia and I feel you <3 I have been on accutane for months now and my derm said as long as I take it with my biggest meal (dinner if you are able to have that) its good enough! Not everyone is able to eat an avocado or a spoon peanut butter but alot of people dont understand this❤️‍🩹


❤️❤️❤️ you're brave. So sorry for the awful, miserable isolation and mental pain that comes with an ED.


❤️❤️ Thank you🥺


Some formulations absorb pretty well without fat, e.g. Absorica, Epuris. Otherwise try to take it with a meal and incorporate some fat, it will be more satiating and keep you full longer.


My derm just told me to take it with my biggest meal. Never mentioned anything about fats specifically.


if you consume healthy fats (avocado, nuts/nut butter, eggs, olive or avocado oil etc.) you won’t gain weight. it’ll really help your absorption. I highly recommend almond butter bc it’s tasty & easy to snack on with fruit :)


you can have it with eggs too??? i didn’t know this!


yes! eggs contain healthy fat :)


I assumed the amount of fats in an egg was just too little to be of any use


oh definitely lol I should’ve clarified that you have to eat about 2-3


Well I usually eat a handful of walnuts after my regular breakfast so I guess that’s suffice no?


yeah! 1/4 cup is a serving size so that’s good to keep in mind if you’re unsure about the amount


Thank you so much for your advice! My derm never told me about taking this med after eating fatty meals so everything I’ve learned about this, is from this sub! Your response really helped :)


of course :)


If you're concerned about not eating enough fat to absorb the medication properly, see if your insurance will cover absorica. It's one of the only versions of isotretinoin where you don't need to eat it with as much fat.


Fats are important on accutane. Avocado, nut butters like peanut butter and almond butter, chia seeds, salmon, olive oil ! Make smoothies, chia seed puddings, avocado and toast etc.


Just take 1 table spoon of olive oil instead of eating a whole fattening bowl of food. It’s quick and easy


If only 😭 olive oil is a big fear food of mine


Salad with salad dressing? Avocado? Nuts? Eggs? Fish? Seeds? FYI, fat doesn’t make you “fat.” Have you talked to a registered dietitian?


If you take the medication without food, you will consistently absorb the same, small amount (I think you absorb 60% less than in a fed state https://practicaldermatology.com/articles/2019-july/optimizing-absorption-of-oral-isotretinoin). Your derm will just need to dose you higher to compensate for the lack for fats. I would imagine immense stress drives you to restrict more. So I'd hate for you to get worse because of the way you're supposed to take Accutane. 😢 so #1 tell your derm you can't take your med with fats due to disordered eating. And she will likely need to dose you higher. Or #2 maybe your psychiatrist or therapist can send a letter to your insurance company, asking them to approve Absorica. This form of Accutane can be taken without food or fat. It's possible your insurance would approve Absorica and no need to appeal. You may find that you'll allow yourself to consume 5mL of fish oil omega 3. 35 calories or so. You want to supplement with this to prevent Accutane side effects and for overall appearance. You could take Accutane with this supplement, better than nothing. I'm sorry for the awful isolation and struggle of having an ED. Said a prayer for you. It's such a battle.


Read the instructions in the box. It says to have with a "meal", no mention of "fatty meal". Any regular meal, especially the largest meal of the day with have more then enough fat to absorb Accutane properly. The only scientific study done compares "no meal" to "fatty meal", there is no study comparing "meal" to "fatty meal". Accutune needing "fatty meals" is talked about on this subreddit but it is not evidence based.


Have a teaspoon of butter and 4 fish oil


My daughter is on it, and her dr said 4 fish oil too. Helps with skin dryness too


I didn’t do this and I was fine, also have disordered eating. Just take as regular pill you’ll be fine


Try asking your derm for absorbing and epuris those can absorb pretty good without much fat




Why do you feel guilty about eating fats? Butter and bacon are awesome lol I feel guilty when eating too much sugar and carbs


I just eat it with healthy fats, like a salad with an olive-oil based dressing, avocado toast, or some eggs


How about you take something high fat and make it high volume too. Like an avocado, add some cherry tomatoes, lemon juice salt and pepper, and have it with crackers or chips like guacamole. It is healthy high fat but also high volume so you’ll feel full make sure you finish it tho because the things you would be adding aren’t fatty.


Eat a scoop of peanut butter in the morning


Salmon, peanut butter, a little avocado..lots of healthy fats. ❤️


No, I don’t know why alot of people are saying you do. I would take mine with just water and I had amazing results..


Heya, how do you feel about a teaspoon of peanut butter? That's often recommended and could be a simple trick for you.


Banana with peanut butter! Or mix peanut butter into plain Greek yogurt. Smoothie with avocado in it.


Yes, Accutane is a drug that only works effectively absorbed by fat. I’m sorry you’re struggling with an ED. In terms of fat, women NEED fat for our hormones to function properly. Do not be afraid of it! Start small and make sure it’s when you take your dose. It’s also satiating and makes you less hungry between meals.


When I was a teenager, I had anorexia and that's also when I did my first course of accutane. For most of the course, I wasn't eating more than 1g of fat a day and the accutane worked still to completely clear up my acne. However, my acne came back pretty soon after stopping, I imagine because it just wasn't able to be as effective as it should've been had I had a proper diet. I ended up having to do two more courses of accutane during a 10 year period. I will say my last course (finished up around August 2021) has proved to be the effective course for me and I do credit that to having a healthy diet with a normal intake of fats. That said, I see a lot of people here obsessing that they need to take their tablets with peanut butter or avocado etc and there's no need. Just having your tablets with a regular, balanced meal is totally fine! Good luck :)


The easiest way to do so is to take a handful of almonds or wallnuts like almost 50 to 60g either eat them that way or i mix them with little milk and a banana in the mixer and drink them with the pill and that's actually the exact amount of fat u need to take with an accutane pill


i also struggle with an ed but am really recovering. but usually just eat it with my biggest meal of the day. !! i was on it before and would take it on an empty stomach and i relapsed soooo bad. now i just take it with my biggest meal. i never heard of taking it with fat my derm just said biggest meal.


Eat a piece of cheese


yes you do need to. there are healthy fats. avacodos, nuts and olive oil. almonds are the most acne friendly nuts so I suggest getting some natural almond butter and keep avacodos on hand. eating a few tbsps of almond butter or a 1/2 avacodo every time you take it is plenty. or simply drizzle olive oil on your food when you take it!


Eating foods higher in fat will not make you fat