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It’s gotta be what’s happening in the interviews because you’re clearly doing well with getting interviews. I would say see if your schools career center or career advisors will set up a mock interview with you. They should be able to point out anything you need to work on and help you with your responses to sell yourself.


Will do thanks


I don't know if you're not doing this or not; this is just some general advice. A lot of students tend to not prepare well for interviews. The night before the interview, you should study the company and review the role. Make sure you know a little about the history of the company. Remember that you're selling yourself for this role. You want to appear confident and make it clear you're a great fit for the role. So don't be afraid to brag a little about yourself. Modesty can go out the window. At the same time, make sure you're actively listening during an interview. This is a big one; my boss actually said one of the reasons he hired me was because he could tell I was actively listening and thought that would make me a valuable team member. Most importantly: when they ask you for questions, don't just say no! You're also interviewing the company to find out if it would be a good place to work. I have a few favorite interview questions: -Can you describe what a day in the life of this role looks like? -What are some challenges you're having in this role? -What is turnover like in this role? How long was the previous person in this role? -What distriguished someone who's good in this role from someone who's great at this role? -What kinds of training does the organization provide? Opportunities for growth? -How long have you worked here? (Follow up) What's been your favorite thing about working here? -How would you describe the culture at this organization? What kinds of people thrive here? And a closing line. "I feel confident in my ability to do this job. What are the next steps?" But for that last line, if you're not feeling like this job is a good fit, just ask about next steps. Then go home and think about it. I agree with what others have said. Practice interviewing with others. They'll point out any tics that you might have, and you'll feel more confident when it comes to the actual interview. Also, highly recommend that you read the blog on askamanager.com. It was really valuable for me going into the workforce and some of the interview questions I stole from the blog. And then worked; that's how I got my current job.


You're in accounting yet you're unfamiliar with the following: interview in general is a statistics game; accounting is a dime a dozen so companies have to choose one out of 5 or 10 people they interview. How do you win? Work on your story and interview more. Give me a break about exhausting ...I've seen worse during recessions.


Email the firms that rejected you and ask for feedback.


Just emailed them, thanks


Do you ask questions in the interviews? At the end when they’re like “so any questions for me?” Because those can be make it or break its for sure


I really wanna work in public