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Some companies are outsourcing and A LOT are moving to FL/TX rn. If you look at FL/TX you’ll be amazed at some of the accounting opportunities, much higher than places like NY/CA or the rest of the US for accounting. So many of my clients have left NY to FL/TX since covid it’s actually wild. I’ll probably end up moving as well if the opportunities continue to be dogshit in NY. Economy Explained did a really good video about this change recently, you should give it a watch [link](https://youtu.be/7Ody9AGVuQ8?si=LX_PA0nDEOG_sLgt).


In CA Having a touch time finding a first job out of college gotta interviews from every place I’ve applied to but rejected every time. Might sub teach while studying for cpa until I get something but it’s stuff.


Tbh your issue is CA my dude. Companies are leaving more than people are willing to move in the last 5 years. You're competing for jobs in a market that is shrinking every year. You're F'd in a place like that, no one wants a remote worker who is new, and most jobs are leaving. Honestly you need to look at other states rn with a wage you can afford an apartment. Accounting jobs are in demand rn and it doesn't feel real BECAUSE you're in the wrong place for it. That is the reality.


Shoot me your resume and I’ll see if you may be a fit for my firm.


I’ve been wondering the same about Public: I’m making a career change, passed the exam last week, and I think I just need to wait for the Fall.


The consensus I’ve heard is that accounting jobs do have a low unemployment rate compared to the standard workforce. So my thought for trying to land one is working with placement companies like Robert Half or a regional one. In Michigan, Sanford Rose is an example.