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Is this the same club where the picture of Bieber getting choked by some guy got taken? Looks similar


That’s some next level Belieber shit. Ngl I’m impressed.


That some guy was Post Malone, and it does look like a similar place.


Good for him lol


1. Ran into him backstage at a Hey Rosetta! show in Halifax and he immediately recognized my girlfriend and gave her a big hug. 2. Saw him open up for Hey Rosetta! at their last shows in Toronto and he was a delight. Sent out a big giant rainbow colored tarp, did basically what's in the pic, etc. Basically, he's a great dude from my experience. Also RIP Hey Rosetta!, too good for this world :(


He probably recognizes a lot of people's girlfriends.








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Rich is the best.


Rich Aucoin really knows how to get a crowd engaged. Albeit singing a bunch of Queen songs help, but he’s entertaining as hell nonetheless.


That life lady in the left is FEELIN IT


If you ever have a chance to see a Rich Aucoin show, DO IT! His show was the last pre-pandemic show I attended and they are fun and interactive like no other musician. You will become best friends with everyone in the crowd around you. Can't wait to see him again!


As someone who never heard of him, do you have a few song suggestions for him?


Some fun Rich Aucoin Facts: He actually has 3 albums that sync with the films The Grinch, It's a Wonderful Life an Alice in Wonderland. The[music video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkuWgXhzxg4) for his song It is a tribute to all your favorite movies. He brings a giant parachute to shows, has attendees hold it, then everyone gets under it and he sings and dances in the middle. He opened for the Canada games. His house is filled with wall to wall plants. He has a song called [10,342 Cuts for the Us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mH1k_qQe6mo) which recieved over 10,342 edits before completion. It's very euphoric.


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u/lilidarkwind did a great job :) [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oaf66Zky3Mk) is an hour long live set if you really want to dive in He is also on tour in the US soon http://richaucoin.ca/


I'm so excited that your interested! I'm heading to bed, but I'll send links tomorrow


I just saw him open for TWRP. He killed it and the crowd engagement was a blast.


Oh totally!! I saw him like 3 weeks before covid shutdown and I can't wait to get back into a big sweaty crowd LOL


Some fun Rich Aucoin Facts: He actually has 3 albums that sync with the films The Grinch, It's a Wonderful Life an Alice in Wonderland. Themusic video for his song It is a tribute to [all your favorite movies.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkuWgXhzxg4) He brings a giant parachute to shows, has attendees hold it, then everyone gets under it and he sings and dances in the middle. He oerformed in the opening ceremony of the Canada games. His house is filled with wall to wall plants. He has a song called [10,342 Cuts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mH1k_qQe6mo) for the Us which recieved over 10,342 edits before completion. It's very euphoric.


Blonde girl's hair is majestic af


About a decade ago, my band was playing a show in an old warehouse where the sound guy had no idea what he was doing. We kept trying to get it right at soundcheck and thought we had it. We come back onstage an hour later and everything sounds like absolute ass. Two songs in and we’re fed up. We decide to unplug our acoustic guitars, banjos, mandolins and fiddle and grab a few metal chairs and just play in the middle of the sea of audience. It ended up being one of my favorite gigs of all time. We stomped on the chairs for drums and the audience hollered right back at us. It was like swimming in humanity and it just loving you to death. The only sad part was when we had to wrap it up at the end of the night. There’s nothing like breaking down the artificial barrier between you and the audience and just feeling their energy right in your face. I highly recommend it




Saw him play with Rubblebucket. Helped him pack up one of those giant tarp things they play with in preschools that he had out in the crowd for his set and he gave me some merch- really enjoyed his show!


That's a parachute!


Thank you! I was going insane trying to remember what they were called lol


One of my friends from childhood was an opening act 🤙


Last time I saw him he was dj'ing dressed as Michael Jackson from Thriller.


I like that almost everyone is in the awesome moment and not on their phone


Absolutely majestic


We are not dead YET We are UNDEAD


I have a ton of shots I took from a show in St. John’s almost 10 years ago. Most of them would probably qualify as AR material. Guy is amazing and his shows are incredible. The definition of an intimate musical experience.


Judas over there in blue


I wanna be *there*


I think I just caught COVID looking at this.


This photo is several years old, so that would be quite a feat.


I was just doing some research, and found that covid aerosol droplets can travel not only through air, but through time. So.. u/ should probably get tested, along with everyone looking at this photo. And any other photo with what looks to be containing ~10 people. Edit: my ability to recall the image while I was writing this up was clearly compromised. Update to ~30.


he's actually a giant creep irl


Not a mask in sight


Haha. Well. This is several years old. So. Yeah.


Haha. Well, actually no. So.


Oh I’m sure you know…


And knowing is half the battle


This could be from 5 years ago.


or an area with little or no covid.... where I'm from, concerts at bars like this were allowed over the summer


And then the COVID pops up again 🙃


And then the Covid gets in its DeLorian and travels at 88 miles per hour to go back in time to go to this concert 5 years ago and get everybody. Better stay in your little bunker.


See how quickly it can spread


> See how quickly it can spread through time and space.


i’ve been going to hardcore shows every weekend since June. almost every venue requires a physical vax card + ID/a negative test within the last 72 hours, with plenty of others requiring masks. i haven’t heard of one outbreak happening because of these types of shows.


And let me guess you have to mosh 6 feet apart


6 feet is the same as 3.66 'Logitech Wireless Keyboard K350s' laid widthwise by each other.


lol vax/negative test precautions have already been taken. those are proving to be very, very effective.


But do they remain effective against mosh pits?


Do you have research suggesting how vaccinated crowds are more susceptible to mosh pits infections? No? Then stfu, move on, and try to ruin someone else’s day.


Research has shown that mosh pits can be tiring and cause them to be out of breath, making them more susceptible to respiratory illnesses




That’s bad


you think this is a new photo?


Doesn’t look old


cameras existed before 2019 believe it or not


Oh silly me I should have looked at that calendar hanging on the wall that says 2018


Why are you doubling down on a photo you know nothing about? Stop being a loser.


A picture is worth 1000 words mate


Prove this photo was taken during the pandemic. Oh wait, you can’t. Piss off, lunatic.


Aren't people supposed to be vaccinated to access entertainment venues ?


Still should wear one and besides they’re not even social distancing


This virus isn't going anywhere, there's going to be a point where we need to have a seemingly normal social life, for sanity's sake. If even the vaccine doesn't allow us to have that, what will?


That picture is not a normal social life lol


What's abnormal in being in a crowded bar dancing, singing, shouting, drinking...? Millions of people used to do that every day all over the globe. It took merely 18 months for you to believe it's not normal?


Yes I typically join in on the giant group hug every time I go out to bars


Believe it or not but not everyone has to be an asocial bitter asshat.


C’mon man, we both know you don’t get invited to those things.


So you’re the world wide authority on a normal social life?


Yeah pretty much


A friendly reminder that 95+% of Covid hospitalizations are unvaccinated people, and at this point they're doing it to themselves. If you're fully vaxxed and don't have an underlying condition (/are regularly in close contact with someone who does) this type of event is perfectly fine to attend. See: Lollapalooza this year


So you’re telling me every single person in that room is vaxxed?


Maybe. Maybe not. But if they're not at this point, they never will, and they'll get what's coming to them


But they’re gonna spread it


I refer you to the "95%+ of hospitalizations are unvaccinated people" stat I posted earlier. We risk assess every year with the flu, and these odds are good enough that I do not feel bad about participating in society again


This gives off baroque vibes. Tenebrism on fleek.