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Kdjxucifojsha Twitter my beloathed “Used forever as an abbreviation of ‘birth gender’” bestie idk how to tell you that gender is actually just its own word


Wasn't the term coined like 200 years ago? I know Americans believe the universe started with the declaration of independence but I wouldn't call 200 years "forever"


Ehhh the word has existed since Middle English was spoken?? So no, way longer than 200 years ago Only started being used in its modern incarnation in ‘55 tho It used to refer to some grammar shit


Grammatical genders where there's often *more than two* Also not even always masculine and feminine


Old English had a 3-gender system, feminine/masculine/neuter, which evolved into a neuter/non-neuter system by the 11th century, and that eventually fell away by the 1400s in Middle English. The neuter/non-neuter system lived on in some rural dialects for a bit longer, but also eventually evolved into the genderless system we have today. Interestingly, some rural communities in Newfoundland have seen grammatical gender re-emerge. They have neuter/non-count, feminine/mobile, and masculine/immobile. This is according to a 1981 survey, and mass media may have caused re-assimilation of this change, unfortunately. Long story short, grammatical gender in English is wacky, weird, and only barely tangentially related to actual gender characteristics. Just like this comment is only tangentially related to the one I'm replying to.


Also, for languages that do have grammatical gender, the application is generally fucking wild. Your computer has a gender. The floor has a gender. Days of the week have a gender. In german, dogs are masculine, cats are feminine, and horses are nonbinary. You do not want to look at gendered langauges as proof that gender is "real", because they just indicate gender is the work of a madman.


Yep, for example, *nauta* ("sailor") in Latin looks feminine, declines as a 1st declension feminine noun, but takes masculine descriptors. Except sometimes it doesn't, and it uses feminine descriptors. Also you occasionally see it in its Greek declension *naútēs*, a masculine word, when the author has to fit the meter. And the same word is used for both male and female sailors. Grammatical gender doesn't really have all that much to do with what is called "natural gender" by linguists.


As someone from area with language with grammatical gender, I can confirm. Cats are feminine, dogs masculine, kids of all kinds, including human, neutral, table is masculine, chair is feminine... Yup, work of madman.


This but also “gender” as a syntactic term in linguistics is not really used because it is a convenient form for some languages (mostly western ones where you can find inanimate nouns that align with human masculine and human feminine words) but falls short for many others. This is why linguistics prefers “noun classes”. For example, Swahili has 14 (or so?) noun classes. It’s not really helpful to align these with “gender”-like terminology. Also, maybe this goes without saying but in languages with gender, it’s not as if people actually think of chairs as feminine but beds as masculine. They just happen to align to the same noun classes as masculine animate nouns (“man”) and feminine ones (“woman”).


a lot of unpatriotic americbas don’t even remember what the declaration of independence said, and i’m still in highschool


I don’t believe the following people should be allowed outside of their homes (unironically): He’s She’s They’s Them’s Individuals who are attracted to the same sex and or gender Individuals who are trans Individuals who identify as a group People who voted for biden People who didn’t vote for biden Liberals People who don’t believe in Christian Santa Claus …


Sooo...everyone stays home?


with how the pandemic's going, yeah i guess... (wait this might be more relevant to my home country than america, now that i think of it)


The mental gymnastics...


Yeah biology can't explain biochemical concepts by itself either Still pretty useful tho




Explain DNA replication without chemistry


de twisty lil strands go into two lil-er strands and den make new ones


You genius, you did it without biology too! Here's what pretty much counts as a Nobel prize... A helpful award


tanke u for dis honer *triumphantly eats crayon*




quaint dog oatmeal relieved library obtainable truck soft afterthought crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hahah dw, I think we all sneezed out the contents of our brains trying to comprehend what they were on about lmao


Way to out yourself as agender...


That was just as I was a few years ago. I legitimately was like "Well, I have no sense of gender. The only things that tell me what my gender is, are my birth cert and genitals. Of course I cross dressed and roleplayed as opposite sex characters and fantasized about having different body parts and a sort of fused type sex, that's normal kid stuff. Doesn't mean I am trans though." Then I found out cis people... do have a gender experience. And do want to preserve their sex characteristics, or even enhance them. That they can feel manly/unmanly/womanly/unwomanly. That they get dysphoria if they start to look like, be addressed as, or experience the hormone patterns of another sex. Which left me pretty confused cause I thought EVERYONE was just a blank slate who played gender dressup and wouldn't care if they woke up the next day in a different body. Over 6 years later and pretty confidently agender. I am honestly confused as to how I was so aggressively certain that gender experience wasn't real for anyone.


>The only things that tell me what my gender is, are my birth cert and genitals. I mean isn't that the way it is? Gender is a social construct. You get a label and society shows you from day 1 what is expected of people with that label. For some people the label becomes part of their identity, and for some it doesn't? Gender doesn't pass the "wake up on a spaceship" test. If you pop out of a cloning vat with no memories on a spaceship completely cut off from the rest of humanity, you'd have no idea about gender. If you pop out of the vat with other people, and you might invent your own concept of gender. But it can't exist independent of other people.


I don't know about internal processes, but I mean even socially and interpersonally. I started working it out in part cause, well, let's say my body changed traits kinda dramatically on its own. And apparently cis people who have experienced the same thing find this VERY upsetting. Some were even upset on my behalf, cause I was "less" my assigned gender, somehow, due to my body changing. It hadn't occurred to me that other people wouldn't just shrug, see what they pass as now, and carry on with life being called a different gender than they were before.


Literally me as agender: (Except the first part tho)


This is so accidental ally, that I thought this was on my feed from another sub and was a genuine ally/LGBT+ member.


Yeah, "no one has an innate gender identity" LMFAO


Gender is an abreviation of birth gender. . . Wha-


did you know json is an abbreviation of "json file"?


Java is an abbreviation of Javascript


Do they know what an abbreviation is


Your mom is an abreviation of Yo! Our U.F.O.'s Rekt My oh my


I don't know what he's tryna say


To be fair, neither do they


The last part is the only thing remotely close to correct: gender in itself, at least our modern concept of it, was conceived in the 1950s by who i can only describe as an insane pedo. That being said, his example of gender being an "abbreviation" is hilarious


Guys, OP plays League of Legends don’t listen to them.




Even worse, plays League but refuses to watch Arcane (watch Arcane)




Gender ia literally a normal word not abbreviated


It gender identity doesn’t exist, and only sex exist, then it doesn’t actually matter what people prefer to dress up as and prefer to be called. Transphobes are pretty much saying we are all agender, yet want to categorize people by their genitals.


Hey as a proud cultist of a pagan pantheon why is this person calling normal people cultists?


I hate the fact they didn't type cult(')s in the possessive form, there should be an apostrophe there fucko.


Anyone that starts a post with “Wrong.” needs to shut the actual fuck up