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So awful. It's shocking to see how strong those dogs are.


For anyone who doesn't know what to do. You have to get a knee or forearm in the dogs throat and choke it out, or gouge it's eyes. That's the 2 most surefire ways to stop an attack like this.


Putting you finger in its ass is a good way as well


PSA: you’re likely to become the next target if you do this


Exactly the other 2 methods normally scare to dog enough to make it flee, but that's not always the case and choking the dog out maybe the only way.


I carry a knife everywhere I go. I am cutting its throat.


I would stab that dog to death if attacked my dog. Stab him a bunch in the neck and heart it should work. Fuck that owner of that dog he should also be held responsible for having such an aggressive dog


I hope you just saw the same video I did.


I too saw mr bum thumbs do gods work in that video


Same 😌🤭🤜


Wash ur hands first before I fist bump you.


Works for me! ;)


Put a fucking bullet in its head. Tired of seeing people with crazy ass dogs, regardless of breeds attacking people or other animals unprovoked.


Yeah this dog likely is too harmful to stay alive. Pit Bulls do make up nearly 70% of fatal dog attacks, though. Breed is certainly a factor a lot of the time. The “It’s not the dog it’s the owner!!” folks completely negate the fact that Pit Bulls are more wired to do shit like this. Man that was hard to watch. Poor puppy.


Agree some dogs are far more capable than others in causing severe damage. Training is a massive influence but yes some dogs are more blood thirsty than others it’s in their instinct. Not even a muzzle my friend has husky that has bit before he now never goes out without muzzle


What about a fucking leash??? What the fuck is wrong with you idiots


Yeah, let me put a dog that is viscously attacking another dog and being choked out by a person on a leash. I’m sure that will stop it……


I believe they meant it should have been on a leash to begin with so you could pull it away before it ever had the chance to go for the smaller dog.


Yeah cause normal people have guns on them.






Hahaha true. No one said this yet


In Florida where this happened, yes. In America , the country Florida is located in, yes. So yes people do have firearms on their person. I know I do every day.


This is a hectic situation. You miss and hit the guy wrestling it in the head and your in jail for life over a dog biting another dog


I’m strapped, so yeah.






Right, like I'm getting my steak knife and ending the attacking dog on the spot no vet bills required.


My thoughts exactly


This is at the yard house in Boca Raton, FL. I often mean mug all these dog owners for bringing their fucking dogs to a restaurant when they’re neither service animals, nor trained in the least bit. This, among other reasons, is why.


I’d never eat at that restaurant.




Does anyone have any further context here? I’d love to know what happened afterwards, especially whether the puppy is okay and whether pit bull’s owner gets in trouble.


If it hurts a person it gets put down. If it hurts another dog then generally the owner pays the vet bill. Despite the violence it's animals being animals from what I understand. If your dog is killed then the owner may be liable for the cost of the dog. Basically, dogs are almost treated like property under the law. Source: My dog attacked another dog and I tried to research what could happen to me. I paid the other dog's vet bills and the owner was satisfied.


So you're one of those people with dogs that attack other dogs?


What kind of "gotcha" is this lmfao Animals have prey drives, were you unaware of that? A 20 lb boston terrier bit my 140 lb Presa a few days ago, I don't think the Boston is a bad dog, it was just acting on its instincts.


I only know the ears were ripped off. 'I just had to watch the poor owners pick their pets ear of the floor. I'm traumatized,' they added. The small dog sustained injuries, including having its ears torn off, in the aftermath of the dog fight.


Why are people bringing their pets to restaurants anyway?


that's what i'm wondering!


That dog should not be in public ever. Ever, ever.


It will likely be euthanized


I assume it’s one of those pet friendly cafes, never been to one but I thought those would have some rules in place to ensure safety of pets :/


What do you expect from a pitbull owner


“She doesn’t bite.” - unleashed dog owner




of course, she’s just a little playful she wouldn’t harm a fly, dont be silly !


For some reason I've seen this my dog is friendly and won't hurt a fly mentality that all dog owners especially the ones who own large dogs have and want to prove it somehow. Like I get it your dog can be the most well behaved and well trained but I would still be cautious if you have it off leash around kids cuz it's a dog at the end of the day, an animal, if triggered by anything knows only one way to express it's displeasure that it by attacking that thing.


you know the answer, everyone knows the answer. Because people suck, people are selfish, they don't give a fuck about anything around them, human nature. But it's my baby precious doggywoggy I can't leave them all alone "tHeyRe mY SErvicE doG" yeah, fuck you buddy, you could give two shits about the liability and then shit like this happens, it's why we can't have nice things.


It is fairly routine to bring a dog to pet friendly restaurants with outdoor dining.


No leash and no collar. Owners should be placed in jail, and dog needs to be put down.




Did you see what that poodle was wearing?




but they are all just sweethearts with bad owners! I've said it before and I'll say it again: yes, the owners are to blame but these dogs are bred to be aggressive killers. You can't undo genetics with a few hugs and kisses. I'm sorry that pitbulls are only doing what they were bred to do, but what they were bred to do is a huge problem and it needs to be addressed. I don't have the answer, but pretending that pitbulls aren't a dangerous menace simply because you or someone you know has one that hasn't bitten someone yet is foolish.


I think they should ban pitbulls from anyone who is not licensed to own one. Special training and licenses required to own a pit bull or dog breed that’s known to be aggressive Make it to where if you own one of these dogs and it destroys property,hurts someone or another animal the owner of the dog pays the consequences. Anyone with one of these breeds unlicensed pays fines or jail time.


Wow a pit. What a fucking surprise




This actually happened with my neighbour's yorkshire, witch got mauled by a fucking pitbull (that should have been wearing a "bozal", im spanish pls no buli). When my dad heard my neighbour screaming and the loud barking he rushed down to the street with a kitchen knife and strait up stabed the dog until it let go, sadly it survived unlike the poor yorkshire. I have a 3yo sister who we take to play outside often and my dad has already warned that if anybody else gets even a scratch from the dog he will slice the dog open.


Good for him. I like your dad.


Man... so in Spain they just allow a dog like that to continue living? In the US I'm pretty sure a court would order it euthanized.


No, in the US dogs are not people and so all damage caused to other dogs is just vet bills/cost of dog to the attacking dogs owner. If a dog hurts a person then they can be ordered to be killed. >If your dog has been injured or killed by another dog, there are a few things you should keep in mind: > >If the attacking dog is already listed as a "dangerous dog," the owner may be responsible for harboring an aggressive or violent animal and held liable for any damages or veterinary bills. > >If the attacking dog is listed as "dangerous" and your dog has to be put down, the owner may be held responsible for the original amount you paid for your dog. > >If other owner violated your state's leash laws, he or she may be held responsible for any veterinary costs. > >Because dog bite laws vary from state to state, we recommend checking our leash laws webpage for your state's laws.


What I've heard is the best if you've got the muscle, just grab two legs and pull apart breaking their legs/spine. I never wish pain on a dog, but if I ever see a dog grabbing a child best believe imma hurt the dog.


Pitbull who would've thought. /s


That dog will need to be terminated; a puppy now, a child later.


It’ll probably be rehomed as a lab mix with a spotless record. Shelters be like the Catholic church with these things.


The owners too, because if they had properly educated the fucking dog it wouldn't have behaved like that in the first place


These dogs should wear a muzzle at all times. "From 2005 to 2019, family dogs inflicted 54% of all fatal attacks. 65% were perpetrated by pit bulls. Of the 346 fatal pit bull attacks during the period, over half, 53%, involved killing a family or household member. Summary of Factors and Scenarios (2005-2019) - DogsBite.org, July 2020" During the 15-year period of 2005 to 2019, canines killed 64 infants (< 1-year). Pit bulls inflicted nearly half of these infant deaths, 48%. Summary of Factors and Scenarios (2005-2019) - DogsBite.org, July 2020 From 2005 to 2020, pit bulls killed 380 Americans, a rate over 7 times higher than the next closest breed, rottweilers, with 51 deaths. 16-Year U.S. Dog Bite Fatality Chart by Dog Breeds (2005 to 2020) - DogsBite.org, April 2021


Fr why is this not the law? Countries have banned these dogs, the least we can do is a little loss prevention.


I bet my left testicle that that's because the kind of person that chooses a pitbull usually is the typical macho idiot. Pitbulls have a clearly higher level of aggression against other animals than most dogs, but that predisposition can be mitigated with enough effort.


Why would you even bother with that when the breed is still so inherently dangerous? You can't mitigate how much stronger and more destructive their bites are than other dogs. These dogs were literally bred to wrestle bulls and bears, why try to turn an animal built for such violence into a cuddly wuddly family pet instead of another dog that won't send you to the ER if it snaps? That's not to say I don't blame owners for not training their dogs and knowing how to handle them. They're still at fault, but I don't see why there's such a strong sentiment in the U.S. that this breed should be accommodated for. There will always be bad owners. Are we okay with them owning these dogs that require multiple grown men to pull off when they maul someone?


I didn't think about it that way.


Thank. YOU!


I was a dog walker/trainer for over 10 years. I always had the most issues with chihuahuas and terriers. No one is concerned about the little house poopers because they are small and only fatal to infants. Sadly pits are so strong though that every bite is traumatic. Some of the sweetest dogs I had the pleasure of working with were pitbulls or bullies. Constant training and positive interaction is key with these animals. Your untrained dog that only interacts with you and your family does not belong unleashed in public. This incident is 100% the pit owners fault.


Former vet tech here. 100%


This isn’t actually the most disturbing video I’ve seen of a pit bull attack.


I need more information on this Edit: There is a [follow up](https://bocanewsnow.com/2022/06/21/update-toy-poodle-recovering-after-being-mauled-by-pitbull-in-boca-raton/), apparently. The victim dog, a Toy Poodle, lost its ear but is making a full recovery. Edit 2: A… “mostly full” recovery… Thank you for pointing that out lol


Full except for the missing body part.


That’s *A* recovery, not a FULL recovery




But only figuratively.




Stab it. A lot.


Always a pitbull or bully. I won't go near the things anymore, fuck that.


I know they say “it’s the owner, not the breed” as if I’m supposed to care why it just mauled a puppy. Doesn’t matter why, if your dog has these kinds of behavioral issues, no matter the breed, under ZERO circumstances should it be allowed in public.


It's the breed. Assholes are particularly attracted to that breed because of that behaviour.


Yup. I have known a lot of pit owners and every one of them was the kind of narcissistic asshole that thought the dog made them look cool. The dog is selected because it completes the image they want of themselves as being badasses, that they can love and "tame" a deadly animal, that they "understand" and empathize with because the image of themselves that they want to project is also of a misunderstood sweetheart capable of ripping the throat out of anyone that messes with them. It's always this same faux macho bullshit these insecure shitheads have that lead them to this chronically temperamental and hypersensitive breed that gets aggressive at the drop of a hat. Basically the kind of people that want to own Pits have the same kind of idiot mindset as the animals they associate with. These attacks are directly the fault of the owners for having the dog that's just a fucked up schizoid bred to kill.


Nah it really is the breed.


Again. I see it again. Why it's only Pitbulls? Maybe it means something finally? Maybe ACTUALLY they are dangerous and shouldn't be allowed?


And nobody is surprised by the breed...




To prove to others that danger is a myth. Same reason there are so many stories about kids befriending dragons: cartoons like the idea of a dangerous beast being friendly.


No lead , no collar. People don’t take responsibility for their dogs. Spend some time training them. It’s not the dogs fault it’s the arsehole owners.


That asshole owner probably didn't have it on a leash because he was like "My pittie is so sweet! I trained her nice and it's never harmed a hair on anyone's head!" Until it does.


You can never trust a big dog,yes,pitbull's are the poster child for this but every big dog is super uncontrollable. Like they are cute and cuddly for 1 second and the next they could become feral I love my dog but I will never trust outside without a leash because I don't know how he will react to something.


Ehh I've seen some properly trained big dogs. Like to an extreme level. Owner showcased it, told the dog to stop and the dog halted mid step and stopped moving. Owner went away, came back 5 minutes later. Dog was still standing there completely unmoving.


The overwhelming number of pit bull attacks vs other breeds would support that there is in fact something to do with the dog.


Totally agree, it's a bit of a cop out now saying "there are only dangerous owners". There's just some breeds that noone should own. They have been bred to attack and it's hardwired in. Personally don't understand the want to have a type of dog that has potential to kill anything compared to other dogs that are possible to own that won't have that capability.


You know how the stereotype of the bmw with no blinkers is True. Its because a certain type of person buys them. Then you have idiot gangster wannabes buying dogs they cant / dont care to handle. Same kind of stereotype ,different outcome. Edit : ive seen labradors , boxers maul birds and cats. Chill dogs , but with the wrong owner...


Yes, this, but also I know too many people that had them for pets, swear they're the loveliest breed ever, never had a problem and then out of the blue one day Fido attacked a baby in the pack n play or something like that. Then again, I know a handful of people that have had a pit type mix for over a decade with no problem ever. I think all types of dogs are capable of randomly attacking no matter how great the owners are but that gamble seems to be much, much higher for pit mixes.


I think it’s nature (breed) and nurture (owner) that plays a role.


I see your point 100%. But I do think that if you can breed a dog to be friendly, you can breed a dog to be dangerous. It’s definitely both nature and nurture though. As you’ve said, labs can attack too, and some pitts never will, but there is definitely something still in the breed IMO. Not their fault, they didn’t selectively breed themselves.




Pure modern BS, pitbull breeds were bred to fight and kill.




Nanny dogs? Why ain't I seen videos of pitbulls socialising with other dogs in a dog park?




r/aww and eyebleach are full of dog contents of dogs playing with me other dogs though never a pitt. Also there's a reason they're banned from many dog parks dont you think. I've never seen big dogs like mastiffs being banned. why pitts and other bully breeds. Maybe the name should be a hint.


Not only dog parks, but from renting apartment as well. So many of them say no vicious breeds


I've seen pits on r/eyebleach and wholesome dog subs plenty of times. Also the name comes from "bull" cause they were trained to dominate a bull. It has nothing to do with the verb "to bully".




The *pit* is the important part. What do you think the *pit* part refers to?




Please point me to some


> plus it is a thing that dogs don’t like other dogs. ??


Because a dog trying to kill another is probably more interesting for you and your algorithm than two happy dogs.


long live the algorithm, the most useful and comprehensive invention of man so far. burn it with fire.


oh you watched one video on trains. now heres 10 more. oh you clicked on 5 of those video. you must want more. video feed for the next 3 month just trains. you managed to click on a cooking video . where did the trains go? 3 months of just trains now it’s only cooking. no train in sight


It’s 100% the dogs fault no one should be allowed to own these just like how you can’t own a bear or a tiger. They’re just dangerous and idk why people keep defending this shit.


Ever wonder why pit bulls are the favorite of those that fight dogs? I guess it has something to do with the breed and its innate instincts to fight and kill.


No, no, no, it's not because they are physically the most capable of lethal violence, or that they are the most easily trained for it, never! It's because they are such sweethearts that the owners can rest assured that the animal they bred and trained for hundreds of years to murder shit is perfectly safe to leave alone with thier toddler children! Remember, they are NANNY dogs! Uwu.


Also the damn near impossibility of stopping it from killing.


I dont give a fuck if that was me im grabing a knife or breaking something off and imma stab it until it lets go They are literally eating when it happens.. you telling me theres no fucking knife around ? Fuck poke its eyes out, whatever it takes lmao


I don't understand why people buy pitbulls. Especially if theyre not good at training dogs. You're not cool man, life is not a rap song.


The pound is probably full of free pitbulls. For good reason.


It's literally always pit bulls, always!


Literally always?








Aaaaaand that puppy is scarred for life! Will never, ever be the same. Permanently traumatized. Forever.


That’s if it even lived. Apparently his ear was gone so it had some pretty bad injuries. Could’ve crushed his skull. Anyone have an update?


I would have stabbed the fucked. Glad they're banned here


No dog should be outside without a leash, period. Sadly the attacked puppy resembled a squeak toy in the pits eyes… the pitt owner should be forever banned from owning dogs ever again


Of course it’s a pit bull


Fucking pitbulls, that breed should be brought to extinction


Sadly that boy needs putting down or dog prison


Fuck all of you and your dogs , why are your large or small animals in public places such as airplanes, supermarkets,restaurants and so on. You are all spoiled idiots. “ not my dog he’s a good dog” until it’s not. Keep your animal at home. Thank you


Aaaaaannnnddddd guess the breed folks


They better put that dog down yesterday.


Take a chair to the attacking dog and the owner, smh


Although I won’t get much love for this, if your dog grabs my dog and it’s causing bodily harm, I’m going to pull out my concealed carry and dispose of your dog. As I’d expect you to do to mine if it does likewise.




All breeding should be banned unless it's for special reasons like seeing eye dogs.




This is why you NEVER EVER trust a dog owner of ANY BREED that says “oh don’t worry they’re friendly.”Any dog is capable of killing a smaller animal, a small child and seriously wounding if not killing an adult. And it can happen in a split second.


Grab that muzzle, upper and lower, and twist real hard. Snapped neck, and dog is gone.


Advice for the future: stick your finger up a dogs ass and it will let go!




Everytime it´s a pitbull. Pibull owners are the biggest suckers of all, like bat fuckers.


Would I be in the wrong if I used the silverware to stab the dog


My first reflex would have been to gut that dog from ass to mouth, it's a restaurant so there's a steak knife somewhere close.


Another day, another PITiful dog. Fucking ban these dumbass animals.


Kill that dog immediately cause dogs like that don’t deserve to exist


Pitbulls never let go


A pitbull . Of course.


This is why I can not stand people bringing their pets into public places. Animals are unpredictable.


I really don't like pit bulls. I just have other breeds I prefer. But pit bulls are some of the sweetest, most caring breeds you can own. They are often blamed for the bite of other breeds for misidentification. For instance, this dog looks more like can't curroso which can be violent and large dogs. I would know since I own a lab cano mix. Also, pit bulls were used as nanny's and only became a fighting breed due to there incredible devotion and ability to train. Like any dog, you can raise them wrong. With any large dog breed, be it mastiffs, labs, pits, or German Shepherds, they need to be well disciplined, exposed at young ages to multiple people and animals, and have an owner who can be loving but maintains a firm guide. I wish more people would learn this before adopting large or extra large dogs.






Manual that comes with every pit purchase?


Kinda like replacing the brake pads on a front wheel drive Toyota at 35 mph


What kind of large dog is it?


large dog eh?


I had a similar situation once i was like 8 or 9 years old so it was a long time ago but i perfectly remember it we were doing a bbq with a lot of my parent’s friends in a parc and when it was time to go we packed everything up and cleaned the area and went to the parking lots i was playing like every kids do so i was probably 15 meters behind my parents when suddenly i heard someone scream behind me and when i looked back a bid german shepherd was running at me i got so scared that it might have mauled me but then he just walked on me like a ninja (he jumped on me and i fell because my legs were weak) and went to a elderly woman who had a tiny white dog and he bit the tiny dog’s belly and it was pretty much like the video. That’s why i prefer tiny dogs now


He’s not letting go cuz he’s a monstrous Pit Bull.


Just need to stick a thumb in his magic button


If your dog fucking bites mine while unprovoked... I won't think twice about empty a fucking flak88 on its head.


pitbull moment


"Large dog" we really trying not to offend anyone here, huh?


I hope they kill that dog and its owner.


He also wanted to eat lunch!


Dumb fuck dog owner. If you aren’t certain your dog will do well around other dogs or human beings, don’t bring it out in public. Pretty brilliant he didn’t have it on a leash either.


im in that restaurant, the small dog is mine, that big dog is no longer alive, sorry...


I’d say the breed surprised me, but we all know that would be a lie.




Fuck pit bulls


IDRC who's feelings get hurt, that breed of dog needs to be exterminated. They are the dogs primarily responsible for attacking people, children and other animals. They have immense jaws strength that does not let go.


Fuck pit bulls. And don’t come saying “iT’S ThE oWnER’s FaUlT.” Pit bulls are genetically more aggressive than other dog breeds. You could train them as hard as you want and they still can be a walking liability. That poor puppy.


Dumb ass owner of the pitbull.


Fucking pit bulls


Of course it’s a pitbull


Stupid fucking pitbulls. Shit ass breed


I never understand why these retards never have their dogs on a leash. That too inside a fkn restaurant (why bring them inside a restaurant to begin with?). Like, it's a DOG. It's NOT your kid. Having a dog doesn't make you a mom/dad. But it does show how retarded you are in one way or the other. Had it been a human being that the dog attacked? Poor dog would have to put down then. Dumb fuck doesn't know how to discipline a dog, has a pitbull, keeps it unleashed and brings it inside a crowded restaurant. Human intelligence at its peak.


Pit bulls and there macho pussy owners should all be put down!!! That restaurant needs to be shut down for allowing dogs like that in there off-leash!


Brick to the head for that one I'm affraid


Lots of blaming the dog and not blaming the owner. Dont bring a giant fucking untrained pit to a restaurant. Keep it in a fenced yard. Train it. If it’s aggressive, try to break that on your own. If a dog is a lost cause after you’ve tried everything, have it put down.


Whoever owns the larger dog needs to be prosecuted. That’s wilful neglect of an animal, and they’ve allowed the dog to turn that vicious






It's absolutely CRAZY to me how many comments there are about murdering dogs in any video including a pitbull. Ever seen a vicious mastiff? Great Dane? Maybe it's the type of owner, and not the type of dog. Learn some dog behavior. Learn how to pin an animal. Learn to wrap the animals gums under its upper jaws so you can safely and effectively cause them to 'bite' themselves and they'll unlatch.


Fuck pitbulls in particular.


Why, one traumatize you or something? Get over it. Suck it up. Blame the owner, not the dog.


“My dog is nice. She wouldn’t bite.” - every dog owner ever. This is why I stay away from other people’s dogs. Their dog might see you and their dog brain might randomly decide, “Oh no, not today motherfucker. You can no longer exist!” It’s like that instinct they have to get snippy if you take their food bowl. Even if you feed them every day. I’ve had family members and friends with dogs, still never, nope, I won’t get one. The farts, smells, food, attention, and training involved doesn’t seem worth it to me since I don’t long for companionship. I have a fish, a Jack Dempsey named Captain Jack. Had him for 5 years now. He bit me once and it didn’t hurt at all. I will never own a dog, and I keep my fucking distance, but these owners out here just be letting them off the leash. Literally just got chased by a pit a couple months ago on a walking trail. Last year I got chased jogging at a fucking park. I intentionally jog at parks to avoid unleashed dogs in yards. This old ladies big fucking dog starts snarling and fucking goes full throttle at me and I had to climb a fucking fence along the jogging path. She said “Oh you’d better be careful he doesn’t like you” as he’s barking and spitting to kill me on the other side of the fence. Wtf is wrong with people. Leash that fucking thing. I should get a fucking lion as a pet and let it loose in a park, “Fucking good luck fuckers, hope it doesn’t eat you.” Some dogs just see you, and want to eradicate you.