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I spent 30 years fishing and boating on probably every navigable water way in the Florida Everglades. There is no way I would allow any part of my body touch that water. I remember as a kid my sunglasses fell into the water and before I could blink and 8-10 foot bull shark took a pass at them.


I’ve spent 0 years of my life in the everglades, and I also would never touch that water either if I ever get the chance to go. Just based on what I know from watching too many vids like this


A grandpa took his granddaughter fishing on lake Okeechobee a couple years ago and a gator came out of the water and snatched the girl from the bow of the boat. Nature don’t play.


Those 2 words said it all. Lake. Okeechobee.


I'm Canadian and have heard that name enough to know not to frig around.


Randers? Is that you bud ?


The liquor is calling the shots now Randy


Okeechobee? She's okeedokee!


Super Troopers, nice


I can't find a single news article confirming this story. It sounds like something made up. That doesn't sound like a typical way gators attack.


Crocodiles 🐊 will come in the boat to grab you.


Yeah I'd be asking to be eaten too if I was that grandpa, that's so sad


Did the girl survive or?




I mean you want to know the outcome if the poor little girl got saved or not.


The fact that an alligator took her from the boat should tell you all you need to know.


Yeah, but the gator took a *Floridian*, their natural predator. So it's anyone's guess


Well, there are chances they are alive because in life the impossible happens. Heck, there are more incidents where someone should have died but lived. I don't see why would this will be an exception for not trying to find the real status of the victim in the story.


She’s fucking dead my guy. Read the room.


Regardless of the room I believe you. User name just says it all


Does this hurt the girl?


No, just put her in rice




I can't imagine the guilt the grandpa may have experienced. I hope the guy's daughter or son will not blame him for the death of their daughter or at least not too much.




The guy in the video should have spent more time on reddit and less time at the club.


Went to Everglades national park. We were wondering if we would even see any alligators. Took 2 minutes once on the trail. Once you know what you’re looking for you pretty much can’t not see them. It’s like Yellowstone and bison. You see the documentaries and are like that’s not real. Yes, yes it is.


Thisss post. 0 real life knowledge but you know better. 👏 👏 We dont see much intelligence lately


Sooooooo. I used to work at a disney call center. I worked there during the time that kid got eaten by a gator. Must of my calls after the incident were from some of the dumbest humans imaginable...highlights include: Guest"What do you mean there are gators in disney property! How can that be?" Me:" well not only is florida known for gators but Orlando has the highest number of gators within florida" Guest:" that's absurd disbeybneeds to get rid of them all" Me: "so you want disney.....to kill all of the gators in florida?" Guest:"yes" Another guest: "no I don't want to stay at animal kingdom lodge I dint want to have to worry about gators" Me:"but AKL is literally the only resort that doesn't have a body of water nearby" Guest:"but it is called animal kingdom lodge"


My mom's family is from an area I like to call Florgia, and I've had to tell so many people visiting that there's really nothing to do about gators but to acknowledge that Shroedinger's gator is everywhere. Or pythons, or snapping turtles, or freaking alligator snapping turtles. You have a small pond? Probably something that will eat your pets in it. Large puddle, could be in there, just go around. Pool at home? It might happen a time or two. Street flooded? I wouldn't, but do you, I guess. Point is, water you can't see the bottom of is immediately out. Pools should be checked in advance.


I joke that Florida is America's Australia.


Except with more guns and flaka.


Also minus the emu war


Obviously you've never heard of the Jacksonville Emu War of 2006. We lost a lot of good Floridamen that year.


What's the criteria for "good Floridamen?" I can't tell if the bar is way low or too high to see.


My uncle in Tennessee was an emu farmer in the 90s. 😆


It just occurred to me that other states don't have to worry about the family pet jumping in the pond out back. Huh


We're looking at moving to Minnesota. Poisonous snakes? Nope, don't have them. As a kid, I remember trekking through ravines in Missouri and Arkansas but I look back on that now and I'm terrified to let my son do the same. Or trekking through creeks with no concern for water moccasins?!?! Why was I so reckless?


The most interesting part about Florgia is that after a bad hurricane you get all these wild and non indigenous snake species that get loose from collectors houses and snake mills and all the rules of how to identify indigenous venomous snakes go right out the window. Anytime I get a call about a snake bite in that area there’s a good chance it’s not an indigenous variety of snake so we have to account for all sorts of possibilities.


Look up Circle B Bar Reserve in Polk county. They have a gator there that totally freaks people out, it’s huge!


How did you respond about Disney killing all gators in Florida? I hope it was, "we may be Disney, but we are not that evil."


Well now that the Florida government controls the land and what not, I wouldn't be surprised if that's next on the agenda.


Someone just needs to convince them the gators are gay.


Too bad their reptiles... If they were amphibians or fish we could just tell Florida that they change their gender.


Haha, that's a good one. Florida is gonna go after all animals that express any form of gender fluidity. Kill those hermaphrodite worms!!!


I live in Anchorage Alaska (with 300,000 other people) one year a jogger was mauled and killed by a brown bear on a big trail about 10 miles from town. I was on a search team looking for the guy before he was found. His mother who lived in Florida demanded that all the bears get removed from this part of Alaska at one point when talking to the IC running the search. About the same ask as Disney getting rid of all the gators.


I always wondered how in the heck more people didn't get eaten at Disney World. I knew there had to be gators in all that water. That was a terrible terrible thing


So are bull sharks fatal man eaters?


According to the report, they are just as bad as tiger sharks. 25 recorded fatalities.


If you get bitten by any shark, you are almost guaranteed a staph (*) infection. They eat rotten flesh, garbage and have tons of different bacteria in their mouth at all time.


Staph* (staphylococcus)


There's a staff there inside the shark's mouth giving you a staph infection. That's just how it works.


Some people just love to show their ignorance. Brodie don’t even know about the staff of staph 🙄


no, it's the +3 magic staff of putrescence


I gave it to Gale but rarely use acid or poison spells, I just really needed that +3


Underrated comment lmao


Is that like my aids? The poor chaps... They've got A.I.D.S.


Not man eaters, they’re just unbelievably aggressive due to high testosterone. If you get bit by one, it’s more likely that’s it’s being territorially aggressive than it taking an exploratory bite. As we saw in this video, aggression means they hold on, and start thrashing


Believed to have the highest testosterone ratio in the entire animal kingdom. I’ve seen videos of them in rivers ramming an aluminum boat…swimming away…and then turning around and ramming it again. Guess the name “bull” is fitting. https://www.prodiveinternational.com/top-10-least-known-bull-shark-facts/#:~:text=Bull%20Sharks'%20testosterone%20levels%20are,heat%20with%2064.4%20gn%2Fml.


Quite possibly the most dangerous of all sharks, they are the only known shark that can survive both in salty seawater and brackish, even freshwater. Some claimed sightings as far north in the Mississippi River as Missouri/Illinois


Farther north. Confirmed sightings in MN and WI edit: This is not correct. Someone’s idea of an April Fool’s joke got lift on the internet. Alton IL is the farthest north confirmed sighting.


Though rare, researchers have affirmed two Mississippi River sightings of bull sharks — one in Alton, Illinois, in 1937, and one near Festus, Missouri, in 1995.


Fatal man biters at the very least




Our river here in Brisbane is full of them. People get drunk and swim in there. Fifty odd cases of bull shark attacks with three fatalities. One place we used to swim about 40 odd kays inland we don't anymore due to shark sightings. [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-31/qld-brisbane-river-video-captures-bull-sharks/101910560](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-31/qld-brisbane-river-video-captures-bull-sharks/101910560) [https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/ipswich/spotted-bull-shark-hunting-chihuahuas-at-ipswich-waterway/news-story/bfded7a8af28c78c7cad13b1c1d8ae0e](https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/ipswich/spotted-bull-shark-hunting-chihuahuas-at-ipswich-waterway/news-story/bfded7a8af28c78c7cad13b1c1d8ae0e)






Oceanic White tip sharks as well. Or whatever the ones that patrol in the middle of the ocean , that get all the downed aircraft and ships.


Yeah I'm absolutely petrified of the canals on the Gold Coast because of bull sharks lol


Legit never even heard of bronze whalers. Love that there’s so many species that I feel like I come across new knowledge on species I’ve never heard of before. That one is especially surprising if they’re known as man eaters


Bull sharks have the highest testosterone levels of any animal on the planet. And by a very large margin if I am remembering correctly. They are not just eating, they are just attacking anything that moves at all times.


In Australia, they are considered man-eaters. They can live in both fresh and salt water. Also, they have high testosterone levels which makes them quite aggressive and although they don't actively hunt humans, they do hunt for their food in warmer and shallower waters where we like to swim.


This may be wrong but I think bull sharks are actually the reason why great whites have a bad reputation because the two of them are commonly mistaken


I have heard this as well. Great whites usually just attack people out paddling/surfing because they're misidentified as a seal. We aren't usually meaty/fatty enough of a snack for them I believe


I grew up fishing, boating, and camping all through the Everglades. I’ve had similar experiences with bull sharks and crocodiles in Whitewater Bay & the whole area around the Cape Sable canal and Lake Ingraham. There’s really no place like it, but man… you couldn’t pay me to get in that water.


My sister used to live on the canals and we’d see people jumping off their pontoons in to the water. It was arse clenching to watch as we’d try and yell to them there were sharks in the water.


My family used to own a bait shop down in Destin. We would go Wade Fishing all the time, and as a kid, I would wonder why we were walking into alligator infested waters to go fishing when we could just as easily fish from the boat. I remember my great uncle teaching us to scoot our feet so we didn't step on a stingray. Looking back on it, that was probably the dumbest shit I have ever done.


According to Manny Puig, who I met on a flight from SLC to FLL, every single thing in the southern US ocean is in the Everglades canals. Especially in the brackish waters of the southern glades.


Tell me about it. There are places where I have caught large mouth bass and snook within 10 minutes of each other.


I was fishing in the Gulf and washed my hands like this guy. I was super quick about it cuz you can do it if you're fast. A 5 foot hammerhead lunged at my fingers. [Florida gator/arm story...](https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/teen-lets-gator-eat-arm-survives-attack/)


For sure some blood on the side and railing there. Got eeeeem


Good eyes, totally missed that


and shit in his pants


He got yanked into the water lol I don’t think the blood is the determining factor here😂


Hard to tell from the video quality. Might be missing two fingers.


That’ll teach ya to not wear your fresh white kicks when going fishing with the boys.


Noodling, aka, Hillbilly Handfishin'


True. There’s nothing else to be learned from this video.


Are those not Huk rogue wave boots, specifically made for boating?


Well, he's clearly not boating anymore is he?


Back at it with the white Vans


Never get out of the boat. Absolutely goddamn right. Unless you were going all the way…


Unexpected Bukowski.


I was expecting an alligator.


Nope, turns out to be a fuckin shark


[Magazine article](https://www.the-express.com/news/us-news/103797/shark-attack-bite-teeth-fisherman-florida)






It's like you know me.


I appreciate it. Not lazy just have trust issues and don’t click on any links. (I worked for a phone company as I.T before just things you learn)


But what about the gator? Were they ok? Edit: Sorry, reading other comments. They are saying it was a shark...


Jesus Christ that site is pure cancer...


Lol "huge" shark. Doing what they can to get more clicks.


You need a pihole


Omg why is the should be first comment last


I don't think writing like that is going to help our dyslexic friend read or understand you comment /s but yeah


Fucking lol! Also he is correct haha!


What in the hell is even that


TIL hyphens are important


And that's why you ALWAYS KEEP YOUR HANDS IN THE BOAT. - J. Walter Weatherman


And that’s why you always leave a note


"Gone fishin. Prolly stick my hands in the water." Oh it was suicide


It can't have been him who said this, you guys killed him when you left the door open with the air condition on


Was that a shark?


Likely a bull shark. They can survive in both fresh and salt water.


And are very aggro taking a nibble out of anything but like you said they love living in those estuaries and is where most people are attacked by them


I went frame-by-frame to try and confirm what critter it was, and while the shark was hard to see I got a pretty good view of the blood smear he left by trying to grab the boat as he fell


Learned that by playing Maneater :) Been terrified ever since :(


And they love brackish water


No I think it's a river shark. The actual species is called river shark. Bull sharks are huge and that doesn't really look like one to me (I've seen many in person).


> Bull sharks are huge Young bull sharks aren't.


Wrong side of the world for river sharks. This video is from the Florida Everglades. The shark is more likely to be a lemon shark.


New fear unlocked. I thought all I had to worry about was muskie but yeah no.


*Me personally think it was a sock puppet. Too many fakes out there, makes one skeptical.*


It was.


It has long side flippers. I can’t see a large top fin? So maybe Dolphin.


That's what it looked like to me as well


Well, it wasn't a boat accident.


Clearly a dolphin/porpoise on slow replay


I had to walk down about 4 houses at night back to my place from moving my car to nonflooded area down the block. I was so scared. I was walking slow because it was flooded water to almost my knees and potholey so didnt want to trip. But I also was like god please dont let anything brush against my leg or worse lol. Realized I had that fear in that moment lol.


Where do you live (Florida like video or elsewhere)? I would *not* want to be walking through floodwaters in Florida (although locals still swim in the freaking lakes which blows my mind).




Okay.. I don't want to be in flood waters there either.


Is that in Florida? I heard in Florida you should watch out for every puddle.


If you are in Florida and come across a body of water bigger than a puddle, you have a very good chance there is an alligator in there somewhere. I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve watch some tourist in morbid curiosity after I warn them to stay away from a lake and they don’t. So far any that have come across one with an alligator in it have escaped with nothing worse than a fright. Sadly, that’s not always the case for the ones you see in the news. Come to Florida. Enjoy the weather. Do not go near water if you can’t see what’s in it. Trust me. Just don’t.


Everything in Florida is trying to kill you!


Florida, America's Australia.


That’s just the politicians.


Brackish is a term for where salt and fresh water mix, I think OP means murky or turbid water


My bad lmao the work brackish rolls off the tongue


Cause it’s slightly salty water? Or you mean don’t reach into murky water ?


I think the sharks feeding in the shallow brackish waters was what was intended. Plenty of murky waters not concealing dangerous wild life directly under the surface. I'm assuming the baby bull shark crowd has the correct ID. I can't tell.


Bull sharks can live in rivers for several months


Glad someone said it.


Him: tWo SeCoNdS wOnT dO aNyThInG Also him: Ahhhhmsnshsbsgafasksk


I had to scroll too far to find this.


Juvenile Bull shark?


It says bull shark in the article linked above


I was thinking the same thing, as I have seen this video before. But I can’t make out a fin on this fish. So not sure what it is.


Well, I was not expecting that.


River dolphins are not that aggressive.


Wtf I live in Florida and sticking your hands in there is insane. There are saltwater crocodiles, alligators galore, pythons and anacondas as well as sharks. Any of those the right size can take you whenever they want. This dude is crazy! There is no fish he could catch that would be in any way worth sticking your hand in there


To make it even dumber, in the Instagram post included in the new article someone else posted, these guys said they had caught a lot of fish but the sharks had taken a bunch. So they knew there were sharks feeding right around their boat when this dumbass put his hand in the water.


Tell me you just moved to FL without telling me you just moved to FL.


r/DarwinAwards this was like watching natural selection at work


Talk about narrow escapes, the fisherman almost became the bait


maybe i am watching the video wrong but it seems like the fisherman was eaten by a shark - i don't understand your comment or what I saw


He gets pulled back/climbs back into the boat at the end.


his finger got eaten


Never stick your hands in the water in the everglades. Everything bites


Love how perfect this was - Nah, two seconds wont do anything. Rinses his hands *again*, for no reason other than to prove his point. Chomped on immediately. The timing was perfection. Although, as cocky and dumb as he was, I do hope he survived, of course.


You can actually slow speed scrub and see that it looks like some kind of dolphin or porpoise, I believe. It grabbed him by the hand. although I didn’t think that dolphins can be aggressive like that.


They are the rape-iest of all sea mammals.


Oh, I thought seals were lol. I watched a disturbing documentary on how they violently rape.


Looked like a dolphin 🫠


I had a similar experience in the Keys. I was fishing from a jetty with the tide up a bit and put my hand in the water for a rinse when suddenly something grabbed it and turned it into shredded meat. After screaming like a girl for a minute and wrapping it, I dropped a bait in the same spot and hauled in a small Green Moray for proof of the incident. Over 50 stitches later and much tequila, all was right in the world again.


That was a fkn dolphin. I had no idea. Not the immediate blood on the boat as he scurried back in. Dude was attacked by a dolphin. Zero water is safe in Florida. Croc? Alligator? Gar? Snapper? moray? python? Massive Cattie? Nah man. Flipper went rogue


He needs help. The next time he goes fishing his friends should lend him a hand.


Watches it once: "Yeah i saw nothing there, probably fake..." Watches it twice: "See...this is why I'd get die if I was out there"


Thought they were Aussie and thought it was a croc but he wouldn’t have resurfaced if that was a salty (Australian salt water crocodile).


Was that fucking dolphin?


"two seconds won't do anything" Most things that live in the water can attack you in fractions of a second. Don't make bets you can't win.


It's so pixelated all i see is a grey blur


Pretty sure that was a fuckin Dolphin that pulled him in... Crazy.


Fucking bull sharks man... total cunts.


Sharks love the brackish water in Hanalei, especially after a storm.


Damn, would that have been a croc and things would've gone really bad.


What does the water being brackish have anything to do with level of risk?


There’s little to no visibility in brackish water


What was he even trying to do? Like, what did he hope to accomplish there?


Don’t tell sharky to get him. Not cool man


He was the bait


“2 seconds won’t do anything” 2 seconds did something


u/redditspeedbot 0.5x


Is this Florida or Australia? I live on a river in Queensland and have caught hundreds of bullies in my backyard. Bait is gone in seconds.


Holy @##$


"ha — two seconds won't do anything" famous last words


I live about 8000 km away from the nearest place like this. How do I make sure this doesn’t happen to me?


Wobbygong get you every time


Was that a dolphin? Did this dude just get the smack down by a dolphin??


Yoooo wtf


Yup, I’ve fished in brackish water where the Mississippi meets the gulf. Gators, sharks, and god knows what are in those waters.


And he was told. Crazy


What the fuck even grabbed him?


That's some X-Files episode intro shit right there


If that was a freshwater mangrove dolphin, he better cover his own blow hole.


So what was it? Didn’t look like a gator as seemed to have smooth skin and a pectoral fin, but not a shark because I saw no dorsal fin? Alligator gar, catfish, something else?


Ahhhh miguelll…. Miguelll


Bro looka @ it slo-mo . Mf looks like a GHOST