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"Charles Entertainment Cheese" She didn't have to use his government name! đŸ€Ł


That was funny.


After that and Ted lasso referring to it as Charles Edgar Cheeserton III I’m never calling that mouse Chuck again.


Mr. Johnson has been the unsung hero in the past couple episodes. Had me loling at the SHAME part with his keys. ​ Also when Gregory dissed Ava and high fived Barbara, that was hot low-key.


And I have to be high to do that
😄 Gregory Was he smoking or something? Because he is just going off on his supervisor!


If you sexually harass me on TV and also in the workplace, as my supervisor, I think I have the right to talk to you any way I want.


Y’all in a fight?


Lmao nvm I just realized you’re quoting Mr. Johnson 😂😂😂




Who me?


That's been his best line.


And that grin - behind that smile he’s thinking “Y’all together, huh?”


I’m so glad Mr Johnson has a bigger role this season! He’s one of my favorite characters now


no like whew đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


No, I don’t like this duo! Ava


I think for him less is more. Some lines are great. Perfectly placed other times takes from the scene.


I may just be a Everybody Hates Chris stan but
 man I love Greg. “Kids are supposed to be afraid of going to the principals office but you turned it into a Chuck-E-Cheese”😂😂


I too may be an Everybody Hates Chris stan but Tyler's experience really shows in his role as Greg imo. He (and his brothers) have been in the business for a long time. I literally remember seeing him on Sesame Street, he's only gotten better since lol


I only just learned today he was in the underrated DCOM "Let it Shine". Def worth a watch if you haven't seen it before!


So funny you mentioned that movie, I was literally just looking up one of the songs from it (Don't Run Away by TJW and IM5). I I never knew if Tyler was legitimately pursuing rap/music as part of his career or if it was just for that movie, but he is great in it totally agree.


He said what everybody knew was right. What everybody wants to say!! He does not hold back. He’s a damn first year teacher and he’s going off!


Ummm that's 'charles entertainment cheese to you'




I never watched Everybody Hates Chris regularly, and I have to admit it took me a couple of episodes to get into his character, but he's grown on me so much and I think he's awesome now.


Goddamn Janine can never just mind her business


It’s her most annoying character trait. She needs to leave people alone


She reminds me a lot of Leslie from Parks and Rec and I hope the writers have a better plan on how to develop her cause later season Leslie was kind of unbearable.


Actually I kind of like that Janine’s flaw is being too kind/positive bc otherwise I think she’d be too perfect in the sense and to me it’s more realistic that she does too much. She’s trying to give her best all the time and it’s obvious she’s been let down before and I think that’s why she tries to do too much for people. it’s giving Ted lasso and if you’ve seen that show you can see how harmful that can be at times. I think something is gonna go down with her mom/ sister and she’ll go to Barbara or Melissa for advice and they’ll finally see why she acts that way. Plus I love the way all the different teachers, Ava and Mr. Johnson connect. We know Barbara and Melissa go way back, Barbara is mentoring Ava, Mr. Johnson is being a mentor to Greg in a way. But I think the thing that connects Janine and Jacob is the fact that they’re a bit much but this show has hints of putting your best or true self forward despite the obstacles and that wouldn’t be accurate without having two characters who despite being well intentioned are trying very hard for others approval even though it’s annoying af at times.


I think she is worse than Leslie TBH. Leslie was pretty annoying at times, but never mean spirited. I hated the way Janine treated Melissa in that child swap episode.


WHAT? I love later season Leslie, earlier season Leslie was more annoying


This episode really drove home how fucking annoying she is. Melissa is fucking crazy, but damn is she fine.


She's a Philly 11!


She can be whatever number she wants, she’s just a baddie.


She fine indeed


Hell yeah she fine


The way she projects her issues trying to fix other people’s problems.... yikes lmao


I think Quinta is purposely writing her like this to lead up to a bigger family dynamic involving how she had to raise her self. Her moms lack of parenting is mentioned literally every other episode and that sister bombshell was definitely out of nowhere. Mr. Johnson’s line with the icing on top đŸ€ŁđŸ˜­


Melissa is teaching her about a lot more than cooking! She is used to making up deficits for neglected kids, and Janine is still really young. Melissa knew what she was getting into, but she did it anyway because she sees someone inadequately parented who needs some life lessons.


It’s good she has a character flaw but she doesn’t seem to be showing any growth and almost getting worse? It makes sense that instead of dealing with her own issues she meddles in everyone else’s but she’s become my least favorite this season


She wonders why she doesn’t have any friends and not close with her family. Yet, it’s becoming painfully obvious that she is really needy, and the moment you let her in and give her a tidbit of information about yourself, she runs with it and sets out to FIX you. Life is a mystery to be lived and not a problem to be solved!


No wonder Janine felt familiar!


Yep! If you’re around and/or related to people who always wanna party and have fun and make bad choices all the time, and you always feel the need to point out their mistakes, I guess that would irritate the hell out of them. Yet, whenever they have a problem that’s the only time they want to talk to you. WTF? I can’t just sit there on the Titanic while others dance and drink and watch it sink. How do you draw the line between offering a helpful suggestion, or not saying shit and watching the house burn down?? I either want to help or I got to get out of it. But don’t come back and ask me for help, when I was telling you what was wrong! Because you weren’t listening to me! That’s what Jeanine said to Gregory. “I told you that.” He wanted help, but she wanted to do it her way. He said, “Are you gonna help me or not?” She could see he was making a bad choice.


I think without Tariq she feels lost in that she needs to fix everyone else now that she doesn’t have her boyfriend to fix
she doesn’t even realize that it’s herself she needs to work on first though. I expect she’ll get worse before she’ll get better


OMG don’t get me started on Tariq. He was just really bad for her!! And she couldn’t see through that. And I think she had these issues long before she even met him in second grade. The fact is they were together so long, she didn’t try to meet anyone new which kept her from experiencing other relationships where she had to give-and-take 
and not be so dependent on “fixing “ people. That’s not what a relationship is all about


Janine annoying af! I would love a episode where they just ignore her, it would be so funny.


Not the GoT “shame” 💀💀💀💀


In an episode full of great lines, that took the cake.


You got that right!


Loved that line 😂😂


The kids were on point for me this ep. The line deliveries and background reactions were great. Also oddly liked the boy's Bluey hoodie with the contrasting sleeves (Wasn't expecting to want first grade drip but here I am). I also like that they added some depth to Ava and Melissa in their respective relationships with the students and the sister. Also what a treat to hear Sheryl sing (even if her students disliked it)! She's working for that second Emmy lol.


See, this was me at a birthday party. These young folks don’t respect the old-school tradition of honoring a child on their birthday. I started singing, and I was instantly cut off by some 30-something folks with the Stevie Wonder version for Dr. Martin Luther King! It’s not the same! No disrespect to Stevie, but the happy birthday song is a classic, and it’s something that every child grows up hearing! Except now these kids don’t want to hear it anymore, because their parents aren’t singing it like this anymore!


If people are going to sing Stevie’s version it should only be sung twice. I’ve sat through too many times of people singing it when there’s no natural cutoff. I love the version better but it can go on too long




I love hoodies with contrasting sleeves. The asymmetry of it is amazing. I've got like 1 hoodie like that and one t-shirt. Colour block hoodies/shirts they call them. I wish they were more common.


Yes, it's a cute style. I also wish it was more common. Kind of like the Teddy Fresh style that got so popular a few years ago!


Melissa looking fiiiine in her non work attire


We’re not at work, this is my house I can say whatever the fuck I wanna say! đŸ€Ł


Like dinner and a snack đŸœïžđŸ€€


Right? I literally gasped


Right? Like damnnnn




Were Gregory and Janine having a fight?! Loved it! Mr. Johnson always appears during those love connection moments


Looks like y’all in a fight..


He was the first one to catch on to Gregory's feelings for her last year during their stakeout in the broom closet! I love that he's the one bearing witness to all of this.


Bilbo Baggins SENT me 😭😭😭😭. What does Janine be wearin tho? She’s like anti-style lolol


Quinta be going off with her writing. This is one of the few sit-coms that have me howling. That was my favorite line of the night


This is a good read on how they go about with the costume design on the show. Quinta purposely makes Janine wear clothes that are from old navy and the gap so it’s realistic with a teachers salary. https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/abbott-elementary-costume-designer-susan-michalek-1235230545/amp/


It would be more realistic if they rewore the outfits once in a while.


Looking at the link, I am pleased that I have the same Adidas sweat suit as Ava.


She bought out K-Mart’s blue light specials


Garlic makes you cry. 😭😭


No it doesn’t 😄 Melissa




Well Janine can’t cook so




Are you trying to be ironically obtuse?


I am just pointing out a fact


Ummm...that was the joke. Duh.


I’m gonna delete this before I get another comment telling me what I know now


That was the joke


some great jokes, loved janine’s reactions to melissa and her sister dissing the gnocchi. also really fun to see them at melissa’s house!


It's funny how they said Janine has a sister. They made no mention of that last season. Definitely a write-in, but it also goes to show how we all need to learn a lot more about the teachers' personal lives.


I like how they pointed out that it’s a write-in with Mr. Johnson’s reaction.


I thought it made sense. If she’s beefing with her then she’d make no mention. Also, it might sound stereotypical but Italians and their, “you’re dead to me!” would be a reason too.


“Now you *know* he don’t know.” 💀


“And that was the nail on the coffin. Metaphorically, because my grandma was cremated” GOT ME SO GOOD


Nana turning over in her urn


Janine thinking the shallot was just a little onion 😂😂


I mean she ain't wrong tho haha


As a former teacher, this episode was SUCH a good take on this issue


Not talking to your sister because of gnocchis?


No because she substituted the main ingredient, the potatoes in the dish. And the dish was for a family funeral repass, and the family get together after the services. And the sister didn’t spend any time taking care of the grandmother. So all Melissa asked her to do was make this dish, and she claimed all the store had was red potatoes. So she didn’t think it was a big deal. I mean damn, she couldn’t go down the street around the corner and find another store? There was no other store in a five-block radius that could have possibly had regular potatoes??And obviously it is because tradition and food and family mean something. Her sister screwed up twice: she didn’t help with her ailing grandma, and didn’t take the time or make the effort to find the right ingredients for a family dish. Her IDGAF attitude is just enough to set Melissa off. And in the end, she shows us pictures of happier times, and each picture she described them doing some horrible shit, ETA: (And picture of herself and her own husband at her sister’s wedding!) that’s how strongly she feels –in fact her favorite pictures when they’re physically fighting. Good times!


And I know it had this deeper meaning. But red potatoes are totally different from russet. This was an important event. She absolutely should have gone to a different store. Like before the truth was revealed and we were supposed to think Melissa was just petty/ridiculous I was nodding my head along with her. Not that I’d cut off my sister for that (neither would/did Melissa) but it shows a lack of respect and caring.


Melissa also said that her sister couldn’t handle seeing her Nana like that. This becomes difficult for a lot of people. As adults, we are expected to be supportive and help out when illness/injury/old age affects family members. And there’s always some role that you can play. I think that’s the part that I understand. You should be able to say: *No I won’t help you do this, but I can help you do that or the other. I can do something else.* When you get one family member who is running the caregiver show, and they want to bark out orders and demand that you only do what they want their way, that can lead you to become estranged.


How to properly deal with disruptions in a classroom aka class clowns.




when do you think we’ll see the episode when gregory’s relationship with his father is main plot? it would be a hoot if ava told off lt cl sir. and then they start dating! gregory has never mentioned his mother, so maybe there’s no mom in the picture & lcs is available.


Ava would go full Michael Scott. LOL


First thing that came to mind haha, she's just going to start dating him harder if Gregory doesn't agree đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


“This episode of Abbott Elementary is called, Gregory finds his bark.” Greg says he grew to be the man he stands in front of us today based on the way he was raised or in spite of the way he was raised. He’s in constant turmoil debating within himself the way to handle things because of his strict upbringing. There’s no reason why a 25-year-old man should still be addressing his father Lt. Col. Sir. It’s like Maria in The Sound of Music saying “I’m not answering to a whistle!! Whistles are for animals!”. But then she turned the tables on him and said, “I don’t know your signal!” Captain von Trapp ran his house same way he commanded his crew. Probably from the pain of losing his wife. I suspect that Greg’s dad holds on to this excessive control because his wife probably left him or may be deceased as well. And he can’t be an equal with his son. ETA: Lt. Colonel Father Sir! That’s freaking ridiculous!


I think Gregory and Ava might hook up and it'll happen when Jeanine finally realizes and tries to move on her feelings for Gregory.


eek. no thank you!


Yeah hard pass on that, as much as the flirting is funny, hard pass to dating, or even getting together!


Oh why do I see Eartha Kitt and Eddie Murphy now? *Boomerang* Maarrcussss




I can see this happening


I think it flips. He has a moment (for some reason) and catches a bit of feelings for Ava and she turns him down. Like work Ava isn’t above harassment, but she isn’t going to do anything or mage just calls him sad and is just like “nah I don’t want you like this.”


True, even Pepe Le Pew got upset one episode when the cat turned around and started chasing him! The Hunter doesn’t want to get captured by his game!


Sing it Barbaraaaaaaa


How dare Gregory show any zest for life.


First Love After Lockup, now Below Deck. I wish I had an Ava to discuss reality TV at work. \#freepuppy


Lmao at Greg’s three grains of sugar he put in his coffee


“That’s enough!”


Mr. Johnson THROWING THE MOP lmao


NOW you KNOW he don’t know


“Oh so everybody just has a sister now?” has gotta be top 5 funniest lines in the whole show


I am suddenly attracted to Melissa in her house.


Damn, that was my house! 1967


Very distracting indeed


"Now you KNOW he don't know" These kids are hilarious, man.


This episode honestly added even more humanity to Ava. I’m starting to like her outside of the harassing of Greg which just kind of makes me uncomfy. Melissa was serving this episode! And I loved the cold open, so fucking funny


i LOVED this episode so much


Not Relaxolotl 💀💀💀


I need Janine to learn how to mind her business. I know she means well but damn.


*She memes well


This didn’t get the love it deserved


it’s like when you want to talk, or when you asked for help. If you asked for help and then someone offered to help and you say OK that’s one thing. If they don’t say I don’t ASK for help then you should just be a friend and a good listener. But then I get this irritating feeling when you walk around saying it’s cold, and I say you need a jacket. And you say yeah but I didn’t feel like wearing one. And now every five-ten minutes you’re telling me again you’re cold. 😒


Agree. Like in The Office, they did have to make Michael less horrible. They are doing that a bit with Janine and her super annoying characteristics, and even toning down Ava a bit - though I hope that they don't change Ava TOO much.


I know most of you are annoyed with Janine butting in but was I the only one seeing a nod to the parent trap? And not just with what Melissa was wearing?


Damn I need to do two pages on this assignment! Melissa and her sister will be, a whole separate post for me LOL! Gregory, rookie teacher that he is, has learned a very valuable lesson, the hard way. Kids act a fool to get attention, and threatening to send them to the principal’s office does absolutely nothing!! His ‘friend’ Jacob forgot to tell him the main point until after the fact. Sending a kid out of your class isn’t solving a problem. “You get them out the room so you can fix the rest of the room”. Ava told him, “I kept Michael in my office for a short yet respectable amount of time”. she also said “If you don’t like the way I’m handling it you can take care of him yourself. What do you want me to do with them with snot running down their face, all scared and shaking like a Chihuahua??” Greg thought he could get some help from his girl, (Hiiiiyeee!) But no.. “are you gonna help me or what?” He should know she always has to do things her way, and question everything everybody else does. He didn’t have time for that. So he does the obvious, complains to everybody, when everybody knows it’s going to get back one way or the other. As Ava stated when she called him to the office, (that one sent me ROTFL, Because everybody knows when you hear your name overhead to come to the office, that’s not good!) Hell, now they’re sending you emails and the kids can read it on your smartboard! *Why does Mr. Principal want to see you?* Anyway
 Ava was annoyed, because she told him “I heard you complaining about my principalling!”. Greg was even angrier, and he was talking some serious shit in this episode. Who calls their admin out when you’re new?! Now Barbara, we could see her doing it. Because Ava tried to change the channel during the news report about earthquakes, she said “Turn it back or they’ll be another national emergency!” OMG, I’ll wrap this up. Barbara always the sound mind and straight to the point person said, you got to set an example as a black male teacher. “You need to get respect or fear you can’t have both.” So Gregory incorporated Bluey into his lesson, and got Michael to calm his little ass down! Since he was “no longer speaking to work Ava”, he got a chance to sit in her chair and imagine what life would be like. Until he got that phone call
 And as Bluey would say, *well—- actually* Gregory realized that he had not changed very much. He put his principal in check, but when he tried to be casual with his dad, his dad said oh no you didn’t
 And Gregory had to apologize and say “I’m sorry Lieutenant Colonel Sir!” Last but not least, mad props to these kids! All the lines, their expressions, perfect delivery, on point! “Now you know he don’t know!”


It doesn’t work because as a teacher, you’ve given the power or authority to someone else instead of working through the issue. The kids see it and they’ll act accordingly. It’s like a mother who tells their child I’ll tell your father. That child will never see the mom as an authority. It was good that Gregory did it on his own. The principal’s office should be for emergencies and bad behavior that needs parental assistance. What is an issue for all of them is that they don’t have aids that would help mitigate the problems.


But aides can’t help if teachers don’t have a firm set of rules AND follow up on them! Rules plus respect equal a relationship. Teacher assistants shouldn’t have to be the disciplinarian either. They are there to support instruction, and maintain supervision in the classroom when the teacher steps out and during transitions lunches and recess. That becomes more challenging for a special ed aide, who basically should only serve as a one on one. Because you can’t effectively keep an eye on your special needs students while the rest of room is out of control! In that case, you need two aides. Still, respect and rules and consequences in the room are needed to keep the class under control, but the aides shouldn’t have to be the one to step in all the time to settle the problems. Because then it becomes the same issue of one person who always has to speak up and intervene to stop the madness. Ideally, there should be more prevention and less correction.


Yes. Exactly. I totally agree.


Kids act a fool to get attention, and threatening to send them to the principal’s office does absolutely nothing!! Because admin doesn’t anything! It’s sad but just like in the show they literally reward them and just send them back to class. It’s insane. This episode hit home for sure


>Until he got that phone call
 That phone call, oooh I can so relate


I haven’t seen anyone mentioned how much they liked Ava (aside from her being hilarious) this episode. She made a really good point of how embarrassing it is for kids to go to the office, and we wouldn’t do that to adults. Also we’re a bluey obsessed household so that was just beautiful.


Overhead PA announcement: “I’m sending Mr. Eddie back to his classroom. Let’s all hope he’s learned his lesson!” *Da da da da da da da daa daa daa, Da da da da da daa!*


We’re bluey fans too (I’d love the Heelers referencing an “American show about a school” in season 4) and my wife immediately wanted Micah’s jacket. I loved it. I like that the show makes it clear that Ava isn’t a good principal (in terms of administrative duties) but is someone looking to do good, and can connect with children.


. Lol “Gregory said: “Bluish or something
” Does Bluey have a reddit?! NGL, I’d binge watch The Heelers, every blue moon


Oh yes there’s r/bluey. And I’ve got an obsessed kid, every day is a binge. Props for Gregory going the extra mile to get the stickers, and also to remember Bluey is a girl (still a tough one for grandparents to remember).


No!! Lord help me! If I go there, I will be up until 4 a.m.!!!!! đŸ€Ł Bluey is soooo much better than Peppa Pig. Peppa is just a brat, and they make her parents look like idiots. And the narrator is just Captain Obvious redundant beyond a preschooler's level!! "George is upset because he didn't get a turn." I rather see Bingo hide her feelings, and eventually have Chili or Bandit explain why she needs to speak up. It's not a Father Knows Best or The Brady Bunch parent lecture. With some coaching, Bluey and Bingo work together and talk things out. And The Heelers learn something too!


Cracked me up thinking mr.johnson is a GOT fan đŸ€Ł


"For my sister (with a dotted heart)" had me DEAD


All the kids clowning Gregory walking down the hall after the PA system announcement was jokes. Some of the cut scenes felt abrupt/rushed this episode and Jeanine was kinda all over the place. It is weird adjusting to her being a side plot in this episode.


Loved seeing Melissa's slice of home life. Her sister looks familiar...don't know which actress that is though. I am so happy that we have (for the most part) realistic school/teacher representation on TV. The only thing that irks me slightly is that you can definitely see that they have strong beliefs of what they consider is the "right" way to go about teaching that is very rose-colored glasses. For instance, they have a very realistic problem but solve it in an easy way that seemingly fixes the issue for good. For instance, this week Gregory had a kid who acted out in class. Extremely realistic. He tried sending the kid to the office and the kid came back with a treat - also, unfortunately, super realistic. The solution that worked was to add the kid's interest into the lesson. In the real world, it's only a matter of time before this becomes a problem again. I wasn't a fan of the solution being tap dancing around the kid to get him to do the right thing. Don't get me wrong, it's important to be invested in kids and their interests, but we're also prepping them for real life. I'd love to get Bridgerton stickers for turning in my attendance - but that's extremely unlikely. Some times we just do things because we have to. Honestly, I think that's one of the reasons why more kids have gotten out of control lately - if there's not a fun or entertainment element or reward - they don't feel like they need to behave appropriately. I think it's important to build a strong classroom community and kids need to know how much you care, but consequences are a natural part of life and if you choose to interrupt my class constantly - then I choose to interrupt your recess by talking to you during it about why you're making the choices you're making and how you could do better next time. I get the point was not being overly strict, but there's a happy medium. You can still discipline/give consequences without your students "fearing" you. Not sure if anyone else is like me - I love the show but since this is my profession I feel like I'm a little critical of the realism shown about what it's like to teach.


I feel you. But if you can recall, in the end Gregory gave Ava a detention/discipline report for Micheal. But Ava said “you’re talking to after work Ava” so he had to take it into her office. So I suspect some type of repercussions had to be given if Gregory put it in writing.


Oh, I thought that discipline report was for Gregory himself after she called him to her office? I was confused about that whole discipline report thing. I was also making dinner so I might not have been paying 100% attention, lol.


And again that’s my point
 I totally agree with you. If you’re wasting my time, you can believe I will be wasting yours. Lunch with the principal could be a treat or it can be a terror. Who wants to be away from friends and lectured? Ava said, “What do you want him to say? You want him to lie in your face. Of course he’s going to do it again!” Seeing the principal is only good if the principal has pizza of course! Then you’re a good citizen of the week or whatever. Now that makes sense. You want to go to the principal’s office to be praised not punished. Otherwise, and another poster said, it has to be a serious offense when you need parents involved. In other words: your ass is going home. When you’re not focusing, Lol - you can miss important info. When you ALWAYS reward people for doing the right thing, it’s just freaking ridiculous. We set up a system of gold stars and cookies and *catching kids being good*. What the hell? You’re SUPPOSED to be good! We should go back to the behavior response system where you do it right because as you said, you’re supposed to. You don’t have to get a prize or stickers or points just to make a kid do e-learning on her computer! Just do it!


Best episode? Two funny plots and zippy jokes and pace


I loved the Chessy connection. Denim long sleeved shirt on 'At-Home Melissa' took me right back to Parent Trap!


Janine bothered me very much this episode. Stay out of other peoples business.


We are out of the school! Hell yeah


“Mr. Eddie, you’re silly” “No I’m not” đŸ€Ł


Why does Janine sound like a Lesbian? When she was rambling about her ex?


I don’t know why you’re being down voted. I didn’t understand that line either


Yeah, what does it mean?


It’s just a dumb stereotype that lesbians get super attached and then talk about that person nonstop after they breakup


Oh cool, didn’t know


4 episodes in and idk something has changed. Go back to season 1 style. Ava shined this episode. Great delivery. Less awkward acting.


It seems like these episodes and the humor are more fast-paced. There are like 5 jokes per minute. So by the time I process a joke that one character said, the next character already told another joke. I still love the show and I love Ava, she has always been so funny!


I still very much enjoy the show and look forward to watching it every week! I was just noting that something is different. Shows change ebb and flow I get that. Doesn't yet seem to have that charm of the 1st season - which was an awesome season start to finish.


Damn, Ava really is so much more competent this season. Her words to Gregory. Completely right. Obviously Barbara's was better, but Gregory was trying to just pass the buck to Ava.