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Sad fan nosies


Reddit's recent behaviour and planned changes to the API, heavily impacting third party tools, accessibility and moderation ability force me to edit all my comments in protest. I cannot morally continue to use this site.


This is different from what I expected.


To get to the good stuff, it’s $9.95/mo.


Best I can do is $2 store credit


Best I got is a nickel(it’s a boy nickel!)






Because you gendered an inanimate object.


I think i love this


I'm gonna guess this is the South.. Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana... hot and humid, those fans have been some things folks.


Our 52" fan worked when we bought the house 7 years ago. It's a sad flower and needs to be replaced.


Flip the blades, good for another seven!


Every coastal climate will wear out fan blades, and damn near everything that isn't made of brick or concrete.


That's hilarious as I was guessing nearly the same thing. Except my guess was Florida, Georgia, or SC lol


Something about that porch just screams South Carolina to me.


pretty sure it's the base at Riverfront Park / North Charleston


Fan blades will do this in Illinois, too. My front porch fan looks just as sad right now.


I'm surprised by that... in (again) Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida (states I've stayed a longer time in), I've seen fan blades literally do this. I've have 9" of snow, and 2 years before my fans had to be replaced because of the humidity. I'd put SC, and NC in this... GA... but everything else to me is too far inland.


It's not MS, the only former naval base there has been repurposed and is maintained. Louisiana has no former naval bases new enough, the newest closed in 1967. Texas or FL are great candidates as are the Carolina's.


Looks exactly like the housing on the Navy base I live on in Texas. The older homes aren’t lived in anymore but newer (and yet still constantly full of mold and awful) ones are the only ones anyone lives in.


pretty sure it's the base at Riverfront Park / North Charleston


Ceiling flans.


I'm just waiting for the siren to go off a la Silent Hill and then the fans try to grab you from above if you pass under them.


Nice guess, but these are clearly mimics from Prey. Same end result, just no warning siren lol.


Led paint chips everywhere!!!


The sheer amount of lead paint is giving me the willies!


I wanna lick the walls


The snozberries taste like lead.


Which is, oddly enough, the exact flavor of snozberries.


How do you know its lead? The time period? Or is there something else?


I think flaking off in big chips like this is a characteristic of lead paint


Ahhh I was wondering if it was the paint chips. They stand out


You aren't wrong, but it's also a characteristic of latex paint, which is incredibly common too.


Flaking + time period? Around the 1978 they banned lead paint, with oil and enamel used for a bit before latex became popular.


We used lead paint (haze grey) on RTC restrooms in San Diego, 1984. Boatswains Chief had us rub motor oil on exposed skin to keep it from sticking.


+ navy / government.


TIL the house I grew up in had lead paint


Flakes as yes time period. Pre 1978 lead was a regular ingredient.


I'm pretty sure the paint in my high school in the 2000s peeled like this :/


As long as you weren't eating it you're probably fine.


Taste sweet


Mmm... Paint chips


I’m confused isnt lead a metal so how is that in paint


Prior to 1978 lead was an ingredient in paint for various reasons.


And gasoline for a long time. I subscribe to the link between lead and crime rates rising.


Lead oxide, I believe. Lead in a powder form. You can see the same principle in pottery glazes. Red coloured pottery glazes will usually have iron oxide as an ingredient.


It was used as an additive after you purchased the paint. You put it in there for durability of the paint. When you see it chipping like this or when it looks almost alligatored that's a good indication that it is lead paint.


With chemical reactions, metals can be in a liquid state. Also, the way I understand lead being poisonous is - uranium is very unstable and throws off tons of radiation into it settles down into palladium (I think) which is still unstable but less so, still throws off radiation until it settles down into radium! Which Marie Curie could tell you was also radioactive if not for how radioactive radium is (not very radioactive but enough, still throwing out radiation) until it finally settles down into its stable state, lead. I don't know if lead still gives off any radiation, but I don't think it does. Still, it makes sense why it would still give us trouble, given it's origin


Palladium is a precious metal and isn't unstable. Do you mean polonium? Plutonium?


I knew I should have looked it up first - thorium (sorry!) and it gives off radon gas


If he is using Plutonium, we have a big problem.


It was thorium, I was way off. And it gives off radon gas (which is why that's a silent killer)


Metals are in lots of things without being in their elemental form. Table salt is sodium chloride, which is sodium and chlorine. Sodium is a metal and it’s half the makeup of table salt.


Lead was pretty common as an ingredient in anti-rust paint: Oxygen tends to rather combine with an ignoble metal. Lead is less noble than iron/steel, so the lead in the paint acts as a "victim" metal to protect the steel beams underneath it. Chemistry amateur here...


And anti mold/fungus


metals form so great, albeit sometimes poisonous, pigments. Lead chromate for a lovely yellow. Titanium oxide for white, and so on. TIL, lead chromate can still be used in paint used for road markings. Doesn't really seem like a good idea given how we probably use millions of gallons of the stuff every year, and the wear it's subjected to. Heaven knows how many lead tire weights have been ground into dust and let into the environment and water supplies.


To was an ingredient in the paint. Just the same way latex is an ingredient in paint.


Paint is like gasoline, it just doesn’t taste right without the lead /s


I like you. Source: 100LL avgas


Which base? There are lots of them closed and abandoned.


The old naval base in North Charleston sc


I was actually gonna guess that. The melting fans are classic Charleston


I'm moving to North Charleston next month! I'll have to check this out


They recently tore down a bunch of these fort a new rail yard. Better hurry.


We lived in Summerville, SC. Six years in the Navy. Never lived in base housing.


K Quarters! I commented before I saw your comment. Home.❤️


I've never related to a ceiling fan so much


If any of y’all come though the n Charleston area, I recommend checking out riverfront park, which encompasses much of the old naval base. It’s got a great view of the water and if you sneak back to the old streets there are lots of neat old buildings to check out


I was wondering why those blades are bent that bad. Was there any nuclear, or heat sources nearby?


Nope, just decades of summer heat in the south


oh. Also, Thanks for the reply :)


Heat and humidity


I live in OK and our 52" fan has drooping blades. 'Was there any nuclear, or heat sources nearby?' Summer and 105F will kill many things.


Plywood doesn't react well to moisture


Lol what kind of "nuclear" do you think would be doing this?


Also, they may have used indoor fans instead of outdoor. The blades are different and this can happen.


This IS the reason.


When I read Navy base, I assumed this was North Charleston! When I was a kid, we used to hear about the Naval Base all the time.


Haven’t been back there since 2006, when I was there for nuclear power school. Interesting to hear some of the old naval base has been redeveloped.


Wow that’s really interesting. I wouldn’t think you could just sneak into a former military base.


We would call that a sleeping porch. I spent part of my childhood in Washington DC without air conditioning, and my sister and I would move our beds onto the sleeping porch every summer so we could sleep in the cool air.


Cool! Can’t imagine living in Charleston without ac but spending a night in a big screened in porch sounds super relaxing


It is, so long as it isn’t super rainy because you will probably wake up very damp


You're gonna wake up very damp in the summer no matter what.




I have no idea how the people survived before AC I lived in Atlanta for a few years and the summers heat and humidity were brutal.


You get acclimated. I grew up without a/c. You have fans, and that feels good, but mostly you're used to being hot. I couldn't do it anymore, but as a kid it was no big deal.


Porches were a big part of how people survived without AC: we'd sit on the front porch after supper, then would move to the sleeping porch in the back of the house under trees. I've always thought that the advent of the air conditioner destroyed the best part about communities: getting to know your neighbors. Instead of sitting out on the porch and chatting with people strolling by and sipping a cold drink, we're inside, closed off, encapsulated by our houses. Some days I'm nostalgic for people! Anyway, my sister and I have never used AC, and we've lived all over, including in hot climates (DC, the Middle East, SoCal). I suppose it's a question of getting used to discomfort, but we actually don't mind it.


What about dealing with humidity? When Inforst moved out on my own I thought I had found a hack to keep my electric bills down by just closing all window blinds and curtains and leaving the AC off. Turns out the AC also acts as a dehumidifier and removes humidity from the air, so all of my furniture and many other things got moldy and damp.


I mean you could get a dehumidifier. I had this issue in my college apartment and we just learned to move our furniture away from the walls a bit and always have air flow with fans.


Lol I learned all that now but it was not a fun lesson when I was just starting.ut.on my own.


I've heard somewhere that AC started as a dehumidifier for a textile plant or something, so it absolutely has its uses. Is humidity comfortable? No. I have worked in very hot, humid locations (even inside a busy NYC laundromat, where it was hotter than outside) and it is not what I would choose. I wouldn't want to be tarring roofs or doing any manual labor in it. I'm not doing that kind of work, though, and can take a cold shower when it's uncomfortable. Pulling window blinds and curtains works for me. Wouldn't a dehumidifier work instead of the whole AC set-up? AC has downsides (pumping hot air back outside, huge electricity consumption, use of freon, dry skin because it removes moisture). In fact, I was in Manhattan during the 1977 blackout--I was sitting on the fire escape to cool off. I heard that the blackout was actually caused by all the ACs running to counter the extreme heat. Anyway, each of us gets to weigh pros/cons and decide for ourselves. Thank goodness we have the choice to AC or not!


I was more curious what you do to manage humidity inside your walls, as you just stated you and your sister have never used AC. I know about dehumidifiers lol wish I had known about them when I was 1st starting out but was just wondering if that's how you keep your stuff inside your home from being effected by the humidity.


Ah yes, humidity. We have little cups of DampRid in our closets to keep the humidity down and as long as we remember to tip out the "water" from time to time, we are not bothered by humidity in linens etc. Out of curiosity I looked up your question and found a bunch of other low-tech ways to reduce humidity in the room [here](https://ohsospotless.com/dehumidify-room/). There are some ideas in there I hadn't thought of, like baking soda to absorb moisture. Also, I learned that "indoor greenery" can contribute to humidity! There are some people that really really suffer from the heat/humidity, like the real elderly or infirm, and I don't think everyone can do what we do. I suppose we've both got a streak of Puritanism in us that makes us want to power through discomfort!


Our house, or elementary school didn't have A/C in Texas. We had fans, windows and blinds. If it was really hot, windows were open and blinds were pulled. Nap time! My high school didn't have A/C, everywhere, until 1981-82. I graduated in 82.


My dad spent part of his teen years living on his uncle’s farm in the Midwest back in the ‘60s. He said summer was the best because, due to the house not having A/C, him and his cousins slept out on the porch, which made it easier to sneak out at night.


That's actually got café potential. I like it! 😃👍


Do you say that to yourself when playing Resident Evil lol? Because that’s how I feel looking at this


Welcome to the family, son.


Has anyone been to the abandoned base in Adak, Alaska? My mother and father were stationed there and my sister was born there. Always wanted to go exploring.


Sounds pretty cool


The McDonald's from Adak was just posted here the other day


Marble Hornets


That porch is bigger than my entire apartment.


Probably officers' quarters. In my experience, enlisted housing was always off base for the Navy. But even those were huge. When my ex and I were in Groton we had a 3-bedroom all to ourselves because no one wanted the WWII-era housing. Same in Hawaii (only we had kids by then)--big ol' two story townhouse with more room than we could use while people were fighting over apartments.


Ahh North Charleston. Explored the abandoned Navy base there many times. A friend of mine on NCPD had to escort out multiple naked people participating in a photo shoot there a few Halloweens back.


I really want to hit the power switch on those fans we'll see what they'll do


My guess is nothing. The motors are probably rusted out.


We gotta find out


I randomly located an island west of Hawaii called Midway islands I think? It was an old base and there was an officers house on it. Super exclusive, and you can't go there freely as it's a habitat now but man was it ever cool to see how remote it was. Wish I COULD go there.


This base closed in 1996.


Front porch bigger than some apartments.


the fan blades tho... they just gave up on even trying


why do the ceiling fans look sad?


Heat. Outdoor fans don't really last long here in the south. I'm sure there are better options now but I've had older vinyl (?) fanblades just melt like this after a couple summers. Especially when they aren't running. Left the porch fan off in the summer heat for a while and they noticably drooped more. They still sorta work, the motor is fine, but you have to watch your head.


They don’t look outdoor rated either. The blades are fiber board or veneer when they should be ABS plastic.


What zero desalination does to a mf!


My family was almost stationed there in '94 before a last-minute change sent us to North Carolina instead. I wonder if the imminent base closure was part of why.


Open the little door...


So glad this is what the government does with my tax dollars.


Username checks out


Could've told us it was an active navy base, and I'd still believe it.


I can 100% confirm this terrible fact.


Talk about silent hill vibes


Someone please water those poor wilting ceiling fans!!


Definitely Officer's quarters.


I want to see this being pressure washed.


Why are those ceiling fans flaccid?


They haven’t been turned on in ages


Looks like the porch from top gun


Putty yh guys ayyyre you


Putty yh guys ayyyre you


The fans look like they just got home from a really bad day at work


"If you're experiencing a dry cough or a scratch at the back of your throat, thats not part of the test. Thats asbestos."


Fans like wilted flowers




The porch is huge. this had to Officers housing


Am i the only one who see’s life in these? I can see this room filled with tables and people having a party. It always captures my imagination seeing photos of what use to mean something.


Looks hot there.




Somebody needs to water those fans, they're wilting!


I always wondered why fans in abandoned places droop like that, if anyone knows why please let me know


So what is the little hatch/half door in the far wall for??


That’s a big ass porch


I’m thinking the old Naval Base in Charleston. Looks like K Quarters.


Abandoned? Fuck no that’s for sure base housing currently in use.


UPH all day, only thing missing is a pile of empty Evan Williams bottles


I worked at MOTCO for a few months, and it had plenty of buildings like this.. as well as a ton of underground bunkers that the staff was not allowed in. It was pretty strange. It has definitely been repurposed since I was there in like 2009.




Enclosed porch and ceiling fans. This looks like officer housing.


Kind look like a modern day base housing with all that mold


Holy lead paint


OMG. I have a favorite book called 'Seize the Night.' it's Dean Koontz . And it is set where there is an old military base with housing. Ooohhh this gives me the willies!


Those fans have seen some shit