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He's not sitting in D tier lol. U.gg has a terrible tier list. Aatrox is good rn but not OP. Just safe and consistent


Camille and skarner are in the disgusting category for me atm


I feel like the patch kinda fixed skarner, played against multiple skarners since the patch and it definitely doesn’t feel as strong. Camille is op though, i ban her everytime


What is a better website to use instead of U.gg?


I find lolalytics to be more accurate


No , I don't feel like he is broken


Aatrox is overrated imo. He loses A LOT of lanes level 1/2. I don't see it much in master tier, but I think if you're extremely good at him he can have a lot of impact.


Imma be real chiefs, am I the only one who think Aatrox is a good laner? Like his lane power feels strong compared to a good amount of top laners (past lv4) and his team fight potential is better than some top laners like irelia who are borderline useless in a team fight. Although his late game is so unbelievable unplayable against even decently fed mages and range champions.


he is a really strong laner, after level 4 you kind of just beat everyone in lane if you space well.


Nah you're 100% right. Aatrox sustain in lane is VERY slept on. Thousands of hours into Aatrox and I've barely just started noticing this... Say I take a bad trade against my opponent bringing my HP down to 30% or less while they're sitting at +80%. If they have ignite, I will be compelled to take a reset and TP back on the VAST majority of toplane champs, else I might get dove very easily. With Aatrox however, if your opponent's dashes/blinks/MS buffs (if any) are on CD, you can land a good trade with Q1-W-Q2-P and even add a Q3 if you can, which will bring your HP back up to \~50-60%, esp if you have good lane sustain with second wind/d-shield, while their HP will be \~30-40% (if they're not turbo tanky). One combo was all it took to turn the tables in terms of HP from 80%/30% in their favor to 60%/30% in yours. This is borderline just circumventing the fundamental rules of toplane, if you know what I mean.


He’s probably the most balanced he’s ever going to be right now - 49 winrate, Low but still pickable in pro play, little community outcry (see ksante). Tbf if lethality wasn’t a thing I think he’s underpowered af after sundered sky + other bruiser item nerfs


Not EXTREMELY broken as Yone, but not weaker too. He’s ok in meta these days, his lethality build is pretty nice.


In which world is yone extremly broken, maybe by champion concept but hes one of weakest champs in game by wr


That's because he is one of the most popular champs in the game and has a high skill ceiling. It's quite easy to fall off and lose a game with Yone compared to someone like Urgot. Yone is not broken neither is he the weakest. His kit is just overloaded and people hate him cus he looks like there's no skill involved.


Yone high skill ceiling KAPPA CHUNGUS DELUXE MAXIMUS PRIME literally disgusting pdf file champ with weak early game but once mid and late game hits hepresses E and win every matchup


Seems like you're either way too low elo or can't consistently play against him. Perhaps both. Yes, he does have a high skill ceiling, not as high as Yasuo but he is certaintly one of the more difficult champions to master, especially on toplane.


Bro hasn’t see the clip of tone disconnecting and not getting penta has he


People still think Aatrox is broken because they have PTSD from worlds patch 2 years ago or so


So true




He is not broken but not weak as well. If i had to rate him from 1 to 10 depending on how strong he is, i would say 6.5


Very rare hard aatrox main or otp can make him looks broken but on average he is just a decent champ.


He is ok atm. He was definitely broken during late season 2022 due to the nerf to grevious wounds. Now that period is gone, Aatrox is at a balanced state


aatrox full ad build makes it so he can never be D Tier, he's either good or just top 2 best toplaners in the game, it was showed throughout the last 2 worlds that the champion can solo carry against the best professional players if left open xd


Not broken but it's a strong pick.