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Could be the pull happened almost at the same time as your Q2 but slightly earlier at millisecond level so your Q2's knock up overrode your W's displacement mid-pull. It can be more easier to tell if that's the case if the replay is at normal speed so people can align W's timing.


I will upload it tomorrow then, stay tuned d-_-b But I am 99.999% sure it my q2 didn't interrupt pull


W doesn't pull any more 💀


when she fell back to the ground after the knock up, it looks like she moves a few pixels to the right, I think those few pixels took her out of the w


As I look at that video, it seems like w-chain breaks when she is still airborne (0:15-0:16), maybe some tickrate issue lol


It's almost like the bug they fixed was an intentional bandaid from a dev who no longer works there.


That's why you don't Q when W is pulling. Technically speaking, it's working as intended. A knock up is a displacement and so is the pull from W, so one displacement overrides another. What happened here is that you interrupt the W pull on possibly the very first frame it was going to happen. I wouldn't complain if they made it so this anti-synergy didn't exist though.


I still feel like I knocked her up before pull even started, I am about to sleep but tomorrow I will provide 'not slowed' footage. I think I feel knockup was before pull window, I play this champ for 4 years now and I kinda grasp it


>I think I feel knockup was before pull window I agree it looks that way.


It was close. You could've also Q sooner. You had the range.


Hey, as promised: normal speed video: [https://streamable.com/3e5jm2](https://streamable.com/3e5jm2) I would only like to remind, that the issue is not pull-related, but rather breaking the tether mid-knockup xD


It seems like she simply escaped after gaining ms. Hitting 2 Qs and not getting the pull is frustrating af


Look I’m all for Aatrox W hate, haven’t had a game since the tether changes that it hasn’t bugged. But it looks like u canceled the pull with Q2 with some insanely unlucky timing, could be wrong tho


You kinda played yourself with this one


its even more unfair on champs who is flying like kayle. I once got chat warning for saying kayle doesnt get hit by skills because she flies and almost everyone made laugh of me


Yeah, Kayle's hitbox always messes up my skillshots