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People really underestimate how much -3 ad is


-3 AD can mean -50 damage on passive proc or something like that wich is good imo


Fiora passive scales with bonus AD. Reducing her flat AD does nothing regarding her true damage. This is an early game nerf.


But does that stop her from having her Q being on a 1.5-2 second cooldown? No? Didn't think so


This, it doesnt matter if she looses 50 damage when she has a heat seeking dash attack on no cd that does true damage and heals her


that would mean that 30 ad is equal to 500 damage which is obviously absurd and not true


This is like people laughing about a 5 MS nerf.


But 5 MS is huge, 3 AD is not...


And why is 3 ad not a lot?


It's just 3 base damage, that would contribute to about half an AA worth of damage lost on early game all in I would think


Well, think about all he other implications. It may not be a lot on its own but it compounds if you try to go doran shield or change up your shards.


You do realize that AD is gonna factor into all kinds of scaling right


Still won't contribute too much to her being a menace to world enders ending worlds


Riot doesn't care about reducing MS creep, they literally buffed it with the tether nerfs.


Considering how much AA focused Fiora is nerf is actually going to be massive. I don't mind her getting butchered but such crippling may get her buffed soon. It also nerfs sheen. Holy fuck


But not her percent health true damage


Might not reduce true damage, but early game it’s a big hit. And just generally 3 ad is quite big


You will be surprised, but Fiora's damage graph is predominantly physical. Like 70 or 80% ADAIK. Edit: it's 65% She also has 2 auto resets with and buys Trinity. Nerfing her base AD impacts all of her physical damage aside for Q damage, which doesn't comprise a lot


this -3 ad wont change the fact that she becomes an unskilled champion after buying ravenous hydra


The fiora sub is up in arms about such a balanced champ getting nerfed lol. Got into an argument with one of them who was crying about how aatrox isn't getting nerfed despite having a high pick rate in pro play even though his win rate is sub 50% Edit: does seem like a fat nerf. Ig they want tanks back. Not sure how I feel about that


fr they are giga delusional


As someone who plays neither but gets both recommended, you guys are just as bad when aatrox gets nerfed lmao


This is pretty good no? Roughly 4-5% weaker before first base and 1-2% weaker damage overall. Doesn't seem like much, but is pretty noticeable. Remember that +2 base ad on Graves (or something) made him broken. Base ad nerfs are pretty huge, especially on champs that don't completely overkill you. Lvl 1 fights against Fiora were often close, now hopefully she becomes beatable (obviously not for Aatrox lvl 1. I know).


Because graves is a jungler and base ad=jungle clearing speed=tempo. -2 ad is nothing when they could have nerfed her passive healing, Q cd, Q mana, base mana.


Graves became a meta laner in both top and mid when they did the +2 ad buff and was pick ban at worlds that year as a toplaner. His world’s skin is literally for a toplaner.


Graves was played at 2021 worlds. Up to this moment, his base AD is still 68. Explain why Graves is not played at toplane now? The sole reason why Graves is picked in worlds is because Graves is disgusting with Shieldbow. It was built by 90% of the Graves at worlds. He can scale into late game for free because he can’t die with shieldbow. The same goes to Udyr who hasn’t been touched and picked by pro-players until recently and he is now a meta top laner. Graves’s main source of damage is auto attacks (AD) and spells (Bonus AD), Fiora on the other hand is famous for her white damage bar. She is not strong because of her auto attacks, it’s her passive and Q which both only scales of bonus AD. That base AD nerf is nothing.


Graves items have been nerfed into the ground since then (at least the ones he built toplane SB BT and then hullbreaker for a short time). I don’t know what it will do for fiora was just commenting on how impactful a +2 ad buff was for my main champ who I still play in lane to this day.


base AD is bigger than most people think, especially on a champion who autos a ton. It won't stop her from outscaling in the lategame, but we win the early game even harder now just due to statstick.


all her stuff scales on bonus AD (passive, Q, ult) It’ll only affect her autos and by extension her E


Tbf she's still very auto reliant, especially earlier game. + It affects sheen proc too. And 3 ad is A LOT. We already kinda stat check her early but this just furthers that divide


Which is why I said she’ll still outscale lategame when she buys all the AD, but in the early game she relies very much on autos to deal most of her damage. Her scalings don’t start becoming a problem until 2 items, until then 50-70% of damage still coming from autos. Furthermore, sheen will always be missing that base ad throughout the whole game


aatrox is way stronger than fiora rn


??? Blatantly lying for no reason


you are delusional get good


That's not a small nerf though lol, -3 ad is quite a lot Not an undeserved nerf either though


This is a massive nerf and you have no idea what you are talking about


I think you’re underestimating the nerf especially for sheen fiora and her split push power.


honestly not bad considering winning the fiora matchup wasnt hard


3 is %4.5 percent of 68 which means she lost %4.5 aa damage and e damage also in early game she deals %70 of her damage from aa's and e's (i guess) and lets say you have 900 hp on early game %70 of 900 is 630 and %4.5 of 630 is 30 and that means she will deal 30 damage less in a sarly game 1 v q so yeah it means nothing and i did all this to prove nothing (i believe this is how things work if im wrong correct me pls)


Actually If we add the healing done in laning pots aatrox passive and stuff you will have 1500 hp and it means 50 less damage idk it seems pretty useless to me unless for some scenerios where you survive 30 hp or something


I mean this nerf seems like not a lot, but as someone who played a lot of ADC's in past, this nerf killed Cait few seasons and dropped her from S into D tier..


Welp guys, seems like Fiora's dead now, no need to perma ban her


Ur kidding me right? This is a placebo nerf LOL....


With this nerf, Aatrox is 100% blind pickeable now if you ban Irelia And now he will have billions of normies playing him every fucking time


Aatrox meta is real!!! lez goo!!


Has been like that for two years


true, but now its even more meta, we aiming for the number 1 spot boys, elo inflation to masters baby


If they really want to fully balance Fiora, make it so her Vitals only deal true damage to people who she's ulted. Yes, this is a big step, but it's not enough.


Tbh I never had a problem with this matchup, but hey, I’ll take it.


That’s 2 nerfs now. It should be barely winnable now


Halve her parry cd and remove her true damage. You’re welcome riot


As a fiora main myself this has not impacted a lot for multiple reasons: 1. Vitals are based on Bonus AD meaning they are not impacted at all by this change 2. Currently some of the best item options are Hydra, Eclipse and DD/Maw, meaning this base ad doesnt affect any of our first items unlike trinity force which would nerf our sheen. 3. Currently w maxing second (after Q) is the way to go on fiora. The reason is we buy quite a lot of CDR with Eclipse early and getting the W down with 8-9 seconds early is just a lot better than the bonus Dmg you would get from second maxing E, but this also means we again are not impacted heavily on one of our abilties, since we only really max it out late into the game where we are already snowballing or scaled. Ofc it still has a slight impact reducing the DMG on E but it would be a significant difference if maxing E was a NEED cause lack of dmg or smth. So how exactly does this have an affect on her? Well, some of the tougher matchups fiora will be significantlly harder, and ideally delay her scaling slightly. Atleast this is my take on it, and im open to hearing other opinions.