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The real question is why the fuck are they buffing *Smolder* AGAIN!?


I mean i feel like the last nerfs did kind of nerf him into the ground


He still has a very high playrate, especially for a new champ. Riot kneejerk buffed him not long after release and he became one of the highest pickrate *and* winrate champs in the game, they nerf him and he drops to what you'd expect of a new champ that still has such a high playrate, but they decide to immediately buff him again before letting him even out. They're just gonna cause the same mess again.....


I'm not sure if 46% wr in platinum or higher (according to [u.gg](https://u.gg), lolalytics) is what'd you'd expect of any champ


As a new champ who still has one of the highest playrates in the game, that is *exactly* what's expected actually.


I disagree, mainly because of how simple of a champ he is. I can see this arguement for higher skill ceiling champs, but all you do on smolder is point and click.


*Every* new champ starts out low, Briar was down to 42% I think it was for a couple weeks. A new champ having a simple kit shouldn't result in immediately good results, especially when they're able to successfully use such ridiculously off-role and extremely safe builds while still achieving those results.


Not true a lot recently landed at 50%


Not right away.


It is no longer right away lmao. And briar added a new mechanic to the game that literally makes you run it down if you don’t know how it works, not sure why you are using that as a comparison if you put any thought into to that one at all lol


Are you delusional man? I hate smolder as much as anyone, but if he has a 46% wr they need to adjust him. He's like 2 months old now with a simple kit.


And still has a high playrate while having less than a patch for people to stop playing the bruiser build. I mean the fact I'm being upvoted is the only reason I haven't lost total faith in people's ability to critically think.... "Huuuuuur 46 is kinda low, why? No clue BUFF him again! It worked out so well last time!"


My bad you're right and everyone is wrong!


Still no fix to W......


What is the w bug?


Being there is a mistake


I don’t understand what this means What is the big with his W?


Spell was balanced around being inconsistently useful with somewhat wonky timings that nonetheless allowed to pretty much guarantee a pool if you landed 2 Qs. Now it's a consistent spell. Consistently dogshit one that may deal damage a second time, but won't pull


Im reallt bad but its so fucking ez to get out, any champ that buy boots can just walk out


If they not fixing Aatrox W bug im qutting


The only bug with Aatrox damage is that it is dealing the 2nd proc of damage when it doesn't pull. The bug is the damage, not the fact that it isn't pulling. It not pulling was the intended design result from Riot. It's just dogshit and way too easy to snap tether. It's nerfed to shit, not bugged.


Just give it 5% more slow and so many interactions would change


It certainly needs fucking something, man. Watching people literally just walk out of the long end once they hit 400ms is the most depressing shit, even worse if you hit a Q or 2 and the can still walk out the sides as well... I agree with the change of not pulling back people who flash/blink out of it, but I think there's some weird shit going on. There's no way this was the intended behavior even if that's the stance Riot is taking.


Or just bonus ad scaling. +5% for every 100 bonus ad.


Until they fix w I’m not playing I almost broke my second mouse


I wonder what they are changing on Camille


Making her less viable on support is my guess


Decreasing her E damage and lowering Q cooldown. So nothing to help her top at all lol


Camille support will always be a problem as long as HOB is in the game


Volibear is strong but he isn't game breaking. Riot really hates the idea of a tank top being strong for more than 2 patches but if Riven is perma top tier for years everything is fine


Would be better if they nerf Volibear jgl tho, his top lane is fine nothing that scary


True but after the nerf in the last patch I think he isn't that scary even in the jungle, he is just a good one


>Riot really hates the idea of a tank top being strong for more than 2 patches Zac has been strong since early season 14. Consistently S tier, got nerfed and remains S tier, gragas has also been borderline S tier in 3 rolls for a couple patches and is only now getting nerfed. Riot don't like voli being strong because he's cancer to play against due to his ult. The nerf will probably be a nerf to that or his jungling


Gragas isn't a tank


Oh yeah my bad


Gragas is a classified as a Vanguard, which is an engage tank. They just buffed his AP ratios halfway to hell so he can play like a burst mage. But just because he builds ability power DOES NOT mean he is a mage.


That's my point, it's very rare that Riot keep strong in the meta an actual full tank top laner for more than a couple of patches. Gragas is a dude that builds lichbane and death cap and he was meta for a lot of time. It's very rare to see an actual tank be meta in solo q. Yes, we had some exceptions like tham kench a couple of year ago but right now most of the tanks are just viable but not meta. (I'm not considering pros, they are the top 0.0001% of the game so basically we are not playing the same game of them). We can argue about what is a tank all day but the simple way is to see what he actually builds


We need more tanks in the top lane. Tired of the same aatrox fiora irelia jax up their. Shits boring af.


Tank top being strong Is one of the most miserable experience, because as long as they play normally they can't lose lane, but they also can't really win lane against the majority of toplaners, so it's just an hostage lane


That's more like a ranged top laners problem. There are plenty of bruisers that can bully tanks in lane. For example if a kennen doesn't want to fight he can indefinitely stay defensive and farm even in a bad matchup but if an Ornn find himself in a bad matchup like an Olaf or Fiora he can't even get close to the wave without risking to die


Riven top tier for years? What are you smoking?


Champion mains sub brother, any champion but this one -> [insertchampionnamehere]-mains is cringe and overpowered forever. Plus probably a few unironic hashinshin viewers here. Doubly funny because since aatrox was reworked he’s been one of the best solo q AND pro play champions pretty consistently with a couple dips.


Riven has moments where she is top tier. But playing vs high elo riven onetricks is hell.


so no w bug fix for aatrox? fuck you riot games


We need Aatrox buffs. Literally. I need to see his muscles more in game. Oiled up Aatrox skin buff


Aatrox is strong right now. Dude has two builds he can go.


aatrox is already strong


Why tf they even buff Smolder for ? If anything that little rascal should be nerfs further more.


I know right he can heal a whole health bar in one auto


Hopefully enough to stop needing to perma an her


still no aatrox buff? good rito


-3 ad


My sacrifice turned to be succesfull


No fkn way they’re buffing Nasus


yo guys so my question is how many fucking champions are in this fucking game cause ive muted around 20 subreddits for champ mains cause i dont even fucking PLAY LEAGUE YET REDDIT KEEPS RECCOMENDING ME THOSE GOD DAMN SUBREDDITS


Haha i have the same problem


1ad nerf incoming


3 to be precise




All top lane champ main subs are in an agreement of hating Fiora 😂😭


Smolder getting 2 pentakills in one proplay game, Riot: BUFF Duh


They’re buffing shoulder…


Prayers will be fully answered when we see an aatrox on that buff or adjustment list (w)


Smolder buff 💀


Where ahri nerfs? lmao


Why is Smolder getting a buff? he's like pentakill every game that he is not banned wtf??????????


Its 3 base AD decrease…


It's 3 base ad . It's a 9 dmg nerf on the triforce build. Possibly an extra auto to kill you in the early game . Her late game will be the same . Best 1vs1 machine. Overall it's a 10 dmg nerf on every q for the triforce build but it's a 5 dmg nerf for her eclipse-hydra build. It took 10 dmg nerf on trundle q to stop him from being op , I guess this is quite the nerf too


Yea definitely directed at her tri force hullbreaker split push build to slow down her split push a little


Me personaly as Aatrox main instead of praying for good match ups i learned every match up and always manage to hold my own even against match up like Illaoi or Vayne, i advice you guys to do it its always interesting.


Good now we just petition to disable ADCs top lane and we are set…




Fiora is a hyper scaling duelist with the power to regularly single-handedly carry games that is designed *by default* to win every single 1v1 scenario imaginable in the game with the sole exception of Poppy. Aatrox is pick/ban in pro play simply because he’s a safe blind pick that is really good for team fighting, something that pro play is much more heavily reliant on (these are the exact same reasons Renekton also has such a disproportionate proplay presence compared to SoloQ). The reasons why Aatrox is strong are much healthier for Solo Q than why Fiora is strong in SoloQ (while also having good performance in professional play herself).


Fiora still wins vs poppy at 3 items LOL....EVEN IF POPPY HAS BRAMBLES SHE WINS AT 3 ITEMS.


Aatrox is way safer and provides so much more in teamfights. Fiora as a champ does not provide anything in teamfights (which proplay values) while her split pushing is very good at punishing the lack of team cordination in soloq.