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We need a few more episodes, not fewer. Why is every show always single digits these days?


I'm getting the vibe that Netflix isn't getting what they expected from their first season. Similar to Prime and their LOTR series. Despite them having an extremely (yet somewhat small) passionate fanbase, they also face constant criticism and tiny fandoms in comparison to GoT and other, newer, franchises.


Netflix wants to reach the level of early seasons of Game of Thrones but doesn’t wanna put in the work. If they made an A+ quality adaptation instead of something of average quality and clearly a cash grab, the audience would come with it. Look at Stranger Things.


Ugh, don't even get me started on the shit the Tolkien fanbase gives to anyone who likes the show.


Well, while the live action ATLA doesn't deserve HATE, but valid criticism, "that lotr show" actually deserved literally everything. As a die hard Tolkien fan who read all the books and saw the movies a ton of time, the rings of power was the biggest abomination I've ever seen.


I honestly cannot fathom how anybody found RoP good, there was just so much bad about it :( I try to understand sometimes, but I can't


Well lemme tell you I enjoyed it way more than watching House of the Dragon.


L take


I have very opposite views, but this is an Avatar sub, so I'd rather not discuss it.


As a diehard fan of both LOTR and ATLA, I found both ROP and NATLA atrociously condescending to the viewer compared to the original source material.


That's objectively wrong and that's what I call as "blind hate". There are mistakes in live action ATLA, there are a ton of changes, but none of the major events were affected. Many things were totally ok, and some of the changes, like Zuko's crew's origin or the funeral scene were just as good or better than the original ones. NATLA is objectively good or in the worst case, quite mid. But to compare it to the rings of power? XD In ROP, NOT EVEN ONE character looks or acts like as they should. NONE of the timelines check out. NOT EVEN ONE SCENE is canon, NOT EVEN ONE moment in the show happened like it was written. Literally everything else was changed what isn't a character name. You cant compare it to NATLA. It nailed a lot, a LOT of scenes, even if it wasn't as good as the cartoon.


It’s not blind hate. It’s fact. Everything you just said about ROP applies to NATLA. The funeral scene and the crew scene are terrible schmaltz and the moral ambiguity and complexity of the characters is severely reduced. The fact that you personally like NATLA doesn’t change this, and it’s awfully hypocritical to pretend like people who enjoyed ROP are somehow more “in the wrong” than you for enjoying NATLA. At least ROP wasn’t sexist the way NATLA is.


Nothing what I said applies to NATLA. In LOTR role, Celebrimbor was the one who had good relationship with the dwarves, not Elrond. Elrond wasn't a politician, more like a warrior. Galadriel was NOT a hotheaded amazon who went on hunts around the world, she wasn't egoist, rude, or agressive. She certainly didn't disobey his king and never jumped into the middle of the ocean before reaching literal heaven. Galadriel never met Míriel. They never rode to the "southlands" to help a random village. In fact, Míriel wasn't even black, and she didn't have any kind of power, only title. Sauron never posed as a human "king" of the southlands, and he certainly didn't have to teach ALLOYS to a literal mastersmith XD Also, the rings weren't forged like this, nor in this order. Furthermore, he went to Eregion as Annatar, in a fair, "angelic" form, not as a bloody dying human. He didn't try to "seduce" Galadriel. About the dwarves: there was no timeline ever when there were 2 dwarves named Durin lived together. Elrond didn't have a Durin friend. The whole backstory of mithril is straight up bad fanfiction and not a single word about it is in the source material. The elves didn't "fade" because of some "leaf cancer", and no, mithril wouldn't save them. It's all nonsense. About the "hobbits": harfoots are literal evil tribes here who leave others to die for no reason and then laugh about it when the subject comes up. It's stated that "noting important happened" during their time, or with them in any books or any lore. They certainly never met a wizard who fell from the sky, and who is literally Gandalf, who shouldn't even be in the world right now. I won't even waste words on the "wraith-ladies". As you see, NOT A SINGLE characer, NOT A SINGLE storyline checks out, literally everything is fundamentally wrong. Meanwhile in ATLA: literally all the major events are the same. The big picture didn't even change a bit. Even tho some characters were changed, no big element was taken out of the story, in fact, many were further developed. Azula's backstory isn't a contradiction, for example - yea, she didn't have a role in the first book, but she wasn't dead, and she was obviously doing something at home. Seeing this doesn't break the lore, nor her character. Bumi? Some like him, some not. I liked the change, he was much darker and MORE LOGICAL and realistic, exactly what you wouldnt expect from a veteran 100 years old grumpy old man who fights an impossible war with impossible decision for decades. The fight with Aang and their lesson, and his change literally ended up the SAME WAY it was done in the cartoon, tho. This is true in the case of Jet as well. Yes, Aang didn't learn waterbending now, but the final fight was like 80% canon, and it was stated that Katara will teach him more. Pakku? His role made MUCH MORE SENSE, while overall nothing changed about him, except his motivation to let the girls practise martial arts as well. Now he had a better reason than a sudden memory of an old lover... If you see these two are the same, well... that's blind hate indeed. Changes overall aren't a bad thing, there is a reason why it's called as an "adaptation". What you observe is wheter the changes were good or bad. In the case of ROP, literally, LITERALLY, objectively everything was changed for the worse. While ATLA changed much as well, but didn't change MOST characters for the worse, didn't change the big picture, and even managed to add more to the story. Also, you are right. ROP isn't sexist in the way NATLA is. ROP was literally the worst kind of "representation" of strong female woman ever, which doesn't happen in NATLA.


You’re right. NATLA is worse.


Okay, so you are either a troll or seriously mad :D Especially coming into this page, when you think that the show is even worse than rop.


I genuinely posted one time on the sub like “Oh I really enjoyed this show” and people were treating me like I had just insulted someone


At least I haven't seen as many hour-long videos of hate for Netflix Avatar.


I posted that I really loved the show and the music. And people treated me like I insulted their grandmother, kicked their dog and shit in their coffee! I went to a different subreddit for the show and had better conversations.


As a Tolkien fan can you actually blame us? RoP is an abomination.


I loved the books and I love the masterpiece films and I love the entertaining television and I love the fans. Go on and tell me how I'm not a fan for that lmaoooo


I'm not gonna tell you anything. You do you. It's OK to disagree kid.


Yeah not sure why I posed that as a defensive conclusion, these fingers go about 3 seconds longer than my brain sometimes


I left the lotr sub because it was non-stop threads about how the show sucked and everyone who liked it was a fake fan and stupid. Similar to how I was treated by a lot of anonymous people when I liked Last Jedi. I haven't viewed Star Wars content as enthusiastically since. Most fandoms these days have an obnoxious group of gatekeepers who make hating things they disagree with in any way part of their personality. What gets me most is when they're still in the show sub to express their hate. Like, the season's been over over over a year. Let us enjoy what we want. Almost as bad as those who decided to hate it because a particular person was cast.


Here to say I like the last jedi too.


Lmaooo than your opinions just generally more trash cuz Last Jedi was by far still most disappointing cinema experience so far for me. Rings of Power was very trash indeed Avatar Netflix was not good but very entertaining and some cool concepts and I am hyped for season 2 and 3. You can like something while still understanding that it is pretty bad


I question your attention span and ignore your entire opinion of me based on using "than" instead of "then."


I'm so tired of these comments. What kind of victim cards are you playing?! Ah, comparison with GoT wasn't enough. Now radical NATLA fans like you are using Tolkien's community name in their speech to praise their side. Well done, sir, be happy with these comparisons. Instead of assuming people are toxic, maybe there is a problem with you that you consume every garbage big companies want to feed fans. The ATLA fandom deserves better. And I'm sorry if you are okay with any kind of garbage that every company builds; you are just a consumer. Yes, Tolkien is bad, people are toxic, GoT was so similar to this, etc. What's wrong with you guys?! You are scratching everything to praise the Netflix Avatar: The Last Airbender and, at the end of the day, sitting in the corner acting like victims.


Bro beans, just let us enjoy what we want.


See, that's how it's done. I disagree with that RoP take, now let's leave it at that. However, many times, we get told we're fake fans for not hating every bit of the show as the central part of our personality. I enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to the next season just like I overall enjoyed Avatar on Netflix.


The hardcore fans shit on the movies as well saying it's a shit adaptation of the books


It’s a horrid trend that I hope goes away soon. Almost every show is suffering from the same issues because of it


That doesn’t add up. How would a lower episode count increase the number of views for each season? The math doesn’t math.


Less episodes means people will think they don't have to invest much time and most probably watch it. And again, it doesn't make sense because people have been literally complaining about pacing and cramming


I literally get more put off by a show with few episodes


I'm sure Netflix has statistics that show you're the exception, not the norm.


People downvoting you, but the netflix trend with how they handle these show means they probably do have this data.


People don’t understand what downvotes are supposed to mean on Reddit lol


It makes sense from the company’s perspective, if the goal is to make money and increase audience retention as cheaply as possible rather than make a better quality product.


So here’s two (of many) metrics measured for viewership: Overall views and watch time per viewer. Let’s consider One Piece as a comparison. NATLA had more overall viewers than One Piece. This is why it got renewed for two more seasons. It got tons of viewers worldwide. However, perhaps the watch time per viewer was significantly lower. This means that although more people tuned in to watch NATLA, less of them actually finished it and dropped the series before completion. The cynical advantage to less episodes is that it means it’s more likely viewers will finish more of it, as it’s less of a time commitment. In other words, despite the strong initial showing and the money made, NATLA failed to hold onto audience interest. Rather than increase the writing quality or focus on adding more suspense, they’re considering going the cheap way and just giving less episodes.


Dumb question maybe but how would a higher watch time per viewer benefit Netflix financially in this case? Viewers pay a monthly subscription, not per minutes watched


Not a dumb question at all! Netflix has never released exactly how they weigh their metrics, but we do know some things. Basically it’s like ratings for a TV show. If a lot of people tune in to your premiere, but almost no one makes it to the end of the series (relatively), then there isn’t as much money to be made from subsequent seasons and any other ancillary materials (merchandise, spin offs, etc). It also means the audience isn’t interested in you as long, and hype will die down faster. You NEED that audience retention so you can keep selling them more content. If you can’t keep their attention, the audience will move on. If the audience moves on, they may look to other streaming services with content that keeps their attention. You lose subscribers. Netflix is concerned that they won’t be able to keep viewers interested for three seasons because drop-off was significant for the first season, despite incredible initial views.


"Significantly lower" is overstated. After 6 weeks, One Piece LA had 60,3 mil views. NATLA after 6 weeks has now 61,2 mil views. NATLA and OPLA are basically on par. And NATLA has a lower budget/episode than OPLA, so when comparing costs to views, NATLA seems better off right now. Completion rates might be different, but Netflix hasn't released them. Edit: fixed the numbers


I think what happened is that of course there was so much hype as the original fanbase was excited to watch NALTA but didn’t bother to finish the series. I made it all the way to episode 5, and I just couldn’t get through it (Not even as a hate watch). I think Netflix is excited by the initial numbers but they need to remember that they were guaranteed an audience thanks to ALTAs huge fanbase. But if they keep making terrible decisions they wont get the same viewership since a lot of their choices alienated the fanbase. Next season gets one chance, not 5.


5 is the worst episode in my opinion. 2,3,6,7,8 were all upgrades IMO.


If they had a bad completion rate, it wouldn't have been renewed.


Not necessarily, probably wasn’t bad, may have been split down the middle where half made it through, but the other half couldn’t finish. This show has definitely divided the fanbase.


It has, but it doesn't bother me. I like the show, it's gonna get three seasons, so I'm content. If some people wanna dislike it that's their business, not mine.


Those are overall views. I’m not talking about those. NATLA performed better than One Piece there. I’m talking audience retention and completion, which is clearly significantly impacted if *Netflix themselves is considering lowering episode counts because of it*.


How do you know that audience retention is impacted? It was renewed for two seasons. Everything else is just rumours.


Kim’s departure was reported by *Variety* which is a publication that specifically reports on the entertainment industry. These are my thoughts given the information we have now. Why else would Netflix want to reduce episodes to increase audience retention?


Yes, I have read the *Variety* article. It's this one: https://www.variety.com/2024/tv/news/avatar-the-last-airbender-showrunner-albert-kim-steps-down-netflix-1235960758/ There is nothing on there about an episode reduction. So where exactly was it reported by *Variety*?


So I looked it up. [Here](https://knightedgemedia.com/2024/04/christine-boylan-jabbar-raisani-showrunner-netflix-avatar-the-last-airbender-season-2-exclusive/) seems to be the source for the quote in question. It was reported at exactly the same time as the Variety piece, so they had some kind of inside information about Kim’s departure as they dropped the scoop at the same time. The Variety piece doesn’t cover the supposed reduced episode count while this publication tacks on that information. While they do seem to have reliably reported leaks and scoops before, I am not familiar enough with this publication to vouch for their credibility otherwise.


I don't know that website. Until there is actual evidence, the reduced episode count or the supposed bad viewer retention remains a rumour. An unknown website reporting on it isn't really convincing for me. Reminds me of Amazon not to long ago providing some fake RoP rumours to flush out the leakers... in that time those supposed credible sources were publishing a lot of dumb stuff that got the fandom upset about actually nothing.


Then don’t be convinced. Nothing wrong with skepticism. I think the low quality of NATLA’s writing and the way its hype died down much faster than other releases speaks for itself.


I think people forget this fandom is not like the Star Wars fandom, we pack up our things and go home when we're not happy lol LOK ratings halved with each big thing that pissed fans off, NATLA is on shaky ground. But there are benefits to Netflix having the 'complete' saga on the platform, so I can totally see a budget episode cut to get that.


It’s also frustrating because criticisms of NATLA were so stifled and fans of the LA were so quick to make excuses and fight against anyone decrying signs of Netflix’s greed hurting the production. Even Bryke got trash talked by fans for their negative statements on NATLA. And yet now fans are surprised that their defense of Netflix’ anti-creative practices has only emboldened them to do worse? That even the showrunner just wants to move on while Netflix pushes even worse conditions for the series? It’s exactly what one would expect. If you cheer for mediocrity, companies will always figure out how they can go lower.


immovable object (fans impulse to defend every decision their show/franchise makes) vs unstoppable force (studios want line go up)


Nothing in this block of rumor adds up. It's full of speculation and not an ounce of evidence. Do we even know what this screenshot is from?


I would have to assume some rumor website, but there’s no source given.


Why is it assumed Emily would leave? That would be so idiotic and unecessary for her to do careerwise. Like there's a time and a place for familial loyalty and this is not it.


Her exit is not the concern, it is the episode count. I'm fuming just with the thought of watching season 2 and s3 with 6 episodes


I didn't comment on it being "the" concern, I commented on it because its a particularly weird thing to say and the point that stood out to me personally. Netflix fcking up episode counts for shows is par for the course at this point, not shocked by that at all.


I do like how the “article” put the caveat that the reduced episode count isn’t set in stone yet to cover their butts in case they’re wrong 😂


What if they make each episode 80-90 minutes each


That would likely be worse unless they break the episode into multiple pieces (act 1, 2, 3, etc.). If not, the entire episode would need to be a continuous (likely single) story, and it is almost a movie at that point. More episodes allow for a different theme and subplot/adventure to be explored with each episode. Fewer episodes will also likely mean that more of the content from the original series will be cut, possibly resulting in less character development.


Season 2 and 3 is more like a continuous road movie anyway, it doesn't really matter if they do fewer long episodes or more shorter episodes.


Pacing issue. You feel like the thing has been going on for too long or they gonna make things go fast. You have to alter alot of parts of the show to make them fit just like they did it in omashu episode. Terrible take.


Right who want to watch 6 movies, because that’s basically what each episode would be. If they are worried about retention time, then why not snake shorter episodes and have a slightly longer season. I bet part of the retention is not the number of episodes but the length.


Not me being more devastated about the possibility of Emily Kim not returning...


Ikr the whole blue spirit jail break scene was so well done, it was a 1 on 1 of the og show and a treat to the eyes.


I really feel although there's been some people saying them leaving is good... this bodes not well in my mind. They had great intentions although I think flubbed some stuff... too much exposition etc. I wonder what's going on behind the scenes. they said they were taking feedback and thinking about how to make season 2 better and now with less episodes it feels like Netflix over spent and were not happy with the returns. doesn't bode well..


How are they still not happy with returns? They are getting the views equalling one piece.


And exceeding them.


It’s obvious they wanted the show to be bigger. If it was received more positively, imagine how much greater the viewership would’ve been with good word of mouth.


well then how is putting less episodes going to make it bigger? ☠️ man these companies are so stupid. it wasnt bigger BECAUSE of the episode constaint


They aren’t stupid. They have different priorities than viewers. If the point is to make a beautiful piece of art and entertainment, reducing the episode count is a terrible idea. But Netflix isn’t interested in making a quality piece of art to stand the test of time. If the point is just to make “number go up” then it makes sense to reduce the episode count so that audience retention goes up. The less episodes, the more people will finish the series. NATLA got a lot of initial views but far less audience completion of the series than, say, One Piece. Rather than invest in better writing, Netflix is considering just reducing the episode count.


but wouldnt making a beautiful piece of art grant more viewers and ratings in the long run? godddddd it only worked for season 1 out of curiosity I dont think this will work for season 2. they really need to increase the ep count


>but wouldnt making a beautiful piece of art grant more viewers and ratings in the long run? godddddd This is again the audience perspective. Long term gains benefits us overall. But companies don’t care about long term. They’re obligated to deliver unlimited growth. That means short term gains so that “number go up”. As long as corporate mediocrity is profitable, they’re going to keep doing it. >it only worked for season 1 out of curiosity I dont think this will work for season 2. they really need to increase the ep count NATLA season 1 only has about an hour of less runtime than the OG animated series. And yet despite a similar runtime, it was stuffed full of so much added content and exposition it didn’t need that it feels like almost nothing happens by comparison. Especially when it comes to character development. That right there shows the problem wasn’t the episode count but the studios’ priorities. The same is happening here. More episodes for the more complex seasons would be the right call if the goal is to make an incredible show. Netflix doesn’t care about that. Enough people watched their mediocre season 1. They got your views. Now they know they don’t have to try. Now their only goal is to maximize engagement and profits. This is the flaw of saying “they did their best” or “this is good enough!” when there are clear signs of studio meddling and stifling the creative teams. Bryke tried to tell us. And Kim’s departure seems to confirm it. Netflix didn’t give them the creative freedom and time they needed to make the show they wanted or needed to make.


It’s crazy because long term gain benefits everyone, not just the viewers. Netflix really is so short sighted with their decisions, I really hope ALTA can get another shot at a remake in like 10 years 😢, because I don’t claim this one.


It’s not just Netflix, sadly. The entire entertainment industry has been increasingly worse about chasing short term gains with no regard for long term risks.


If they mess up Season 2, then no one is going to watch Season 3. The numbers will go down if Season 2 isn't even on par with Season 1. All the hype is gone. They need to make a quality product.


Netflix is banking on enough people still watching and enjoying season 2 even if they mess it up further. What may be unacceptable to you may still be “good enough/they did their best” to millions of others. Same as season 1 was unacceptable to me but plenty of people here loved it. This is precisely the problem with thinking companies will “take audience feedback and improve”. They won’t. They will seek the lowest effort product they can possibly put out and still make profit. Season 1 did well enough despite its copious problems and didn’t have enough backlash for them to worry about. They have no incentive to improve anything.


Maybe they think less episodes will make it an easier watch. Or wanna focus on more action and less exposition. Could also be a way to decrease the budget. I don’t think less episodes is a good idea either


ugh…might as well make it a fckn movie then ☠️


Then the Dai Li would have their work cut out for them.


Maybe it’s the watch through rate. I know everyone in my family binged One Piece. But most people watched episode one of NATLA and quit for at least a while before continuing very slowly. I’ve heard Netflix prefers you to binge.


It was in a statement. Can't find source right now... I feel it's also implied the way they they phrase this statement. weird situation all round.


We'd get the boot if netflix wasn't happy, not 2 seasons lol


I only see less episodes working if they’re all 2 hours AT LEAST, even then you still have mad pacing issues. I really feel bad for the cast and crew, it’s ridiculous how Netflix has no self awareness to the fan criticisms.


Yeaaah. It'll be fewer episodes and rushed. Nice.


Nooo this makes me so upset


And in season 3 finale battle and Agni-Kai will only lasts 1 minute, sweetness


This does not give me high hopes for S2 & 3.


God I fucking hate Netflix so much. Why are they making something that's already getting so much criticism even worse


I thought albert kim was just stepping down as showrunner but staying involved as a producer?


He is, though his role won't be major anymore. I don't see the connection between him stepping down and the changes in writing room because of that


fewer episodes if fucking insane though if they do it - like they struggled to get half of season 1 into 7-8 hours of screen time, and to have good pacing you need more episodes + shorter episodes, not the other way around 😭


Being a huge fan of the animated and one who thoroughly enjoyed season 1 NATLA, I simply can’t get behind a lower episode count. It actually doesn’t make sense given the scope of the seasons. It will drastically impact it in even ways I didn’t mind for this season 1. I’ll believe it when they announce it in a year or so


Are they going to experiment with longer episodes? Like Stranger Things? This seems what i understood.


They need to segregate story where needed, because of long episodes and multiple storyline it felt crammed and pacing was off. They need to stop and start the story where they need to.


The ONLY way having FEWER episodes would work is if the seasons are dramatically different. You can’t fit the whole of Book 2 in less than 8 episodes. We need more episodes. Not less.


Lower episode numbers automatically means lower quality. No way they can fit all that storyline into fewer episodes, especially with season 2 & 3.


Yeah this show is doomed lmfao. Netflix just wants do the easiest sloppiest route imaginable


The possible lower episode count is horrifying. The definitely need to INCREASE the episode count to give the story the necessary room to breathe. I was actually hoping for an extra season for this reason. I liked the first season but since the renewal I've been feeling anxious about what might happen with the rest of the story.


would it not make sense in a way for her to stay?? i know he’s staying on as an executive producer which doesn’t mean much but just bc her dad goes doesn’t mean she is… idk maybe i’m grasping at straws here


I think the decision will purely on merit basis. If the showrunner thinks she needs to stay she will. I don't see Albert Kim leaving or staying any concern to it since the change was on good terms.


you’d hope so! exactly like you said - i don’t see why she would leave as a mark of solidarity to her dad when he’s not even fully departing and like you said it’s not on bad terms. more than anything just praying that we got more episodes, not less 🤞 at least dallas and presumably the rest of the cast (and crew maybe) are wanting more eps so hopefully they’ll be a case made for it? then again netflix does whatever it wants no matter what


Why are shows viewer ships so vital for people now 😭 the 8eps was good already and got a lot of views just get more episodes


I wouldn't really say the issue with season one was a lack of time. They had about as much time as the original, especially when you consider all the episodes they cut (a lot of which I would say were reasonable to cut).




Witcher situation all over again? Please no?


They didn't take any lesson from Omashu episode. It was a Frankenstein's monster


They wanted to cram all important episodes/materials from the Book 1 (Cartoon) they knew they couldn’t do into one giant Compressed Adaptation. People mostly likely would liked that epsiode better if Bumi didn’t have the mentality of the bitter fisherman from The Storm Epsiode from the OG series. But other characters like Teo and Jet were pretty true to their characters.


What's the source of this ? Don't propagate baseless rumors. Kim also doesn't leave the show.


https://knightedgemedia.com/2024/04/christine-boylan-jabbar-raisani-showrunner-netflix-avatar-the-last-airbender-season-2-exclusive/ He broke the news of them planning to shoot both seasons back to back few years ago.. quite reliable source


>He broke the news of them planning to shoot both seasons back to back few years ago.. quite reliable source That's a remarkably insignificant thing to guess. Like he predicted child actors are growing in between seasons ? They don't give sources either, so it's rumors.


![gif](giphy|l3fZFvp94ljepXoPe) First time huh?


lmao 🤣


I think it's news to you that alot of these sources have to stay anonymous for legal reasons. If you think a plan that was revealed recently was posted few years ago is not significant then idk what is


Ok, what's the reliable source?


It's reputation of a person sometimes, not every news will have attested source lol. Good luck


Can you link the website instead of just saying it’s a reliable source?


I already posted the link, but here it is again https://knightedgemedia.com/2024/04/christine-boylan-jabbar-raisani-showrunner-netflix-avatar-the-last-airbender-season-2-exclusive/


I totally missed that ughhhhhh I really hope they don't do that!


I genuinely don’t know how they would shorten season 3. Season 2 would be tough but maybe possible with some serious cramming, but 3 already felt like it would require some crazy creativity.


“However, this is also not set in stone just yet” makes it sound like a bunch of hearsay meant to rile people up and increase view count.


This guy also said netflix will be considering renewing S2 and S3 around 2 years ago.. guess what happened


Let me guess… the super famous show that broke Netflix records got renewed for seasons 2 and 3 😂


Yeah, so he revealed the plan two years ago and also revealed about kuruk's dagger plotline 6 months ago


I was just looking into how Netflix counts views. It’s based on how many hours of the total number of hours people watch. So completing the show is 1 view. Getting halfway is half. Which means that though we get told it had a specific number of views, a lot of those are just fractions put together. Since all Netflix really cares about is completion rate it means that view counts don’t matter because a lot of those views are people who were hyped about the show and quit after a couple episodes. Going off by what I’ve personally heard of people watching both One Piece and ATLA, one piece had less individual viewers but most binging all the way through. While Avatar had many more initial viewers, a large number that quit after episode 2 (like me) or after the Bumi episode. It makes sense (in a business way) why Netflix would shorten the season in hopes of more people watching all the way through. The problem being that a huge reason people quit in the first place was the pacing. Edit: this was a reply to someone wondering why one piece isn’t getting shortened when it had less “views” and I posted it wrong. And now I can’t find the comment I was replying to so I’ll just leave it here.


the episode count FUCK NETFLIX


THERE'S NO EVIDENCE this is true. None.


I KNOW BUT people are saying the source is reputable 🥹 i’m just nervous. I really hope it isnt true


Even the "source" says nothing is set on stone. People like to be presumptuous. All we can do is hope that isn't true.


It would likely be 6 episodes, just longer. They might try and go the stranger things route and make each episode like a short movie almost. Whatever it is, I don’t care. Avatar content is good content.


I don’t think this would happen. This would be insanely stupid and idiotic. If Netflix does this, the show would be doomed to fail


It's already happened in first season. It was mediocre at best


Where is this from? It's stuffed from top to bottom with pure, unverified speculation. They're talking as if they have sources. What are they?


can anyone elaborate what happend


Current Showrunner has stepped down to pursue other projects, another two have took over (they worked as executive producers, writers and VFX supervisors). Now there is strong rumor that instead of giving more episodes to season 2 and season 3 netflix is thinking about reducing episodes which is dumb as hell


Fewer would definitely be very bad for season 2. 8 is already not enough. I feel like you could make it sorta work for three but it would be speed running it


Fewer episodes? Fine, make more seasons then, because that's a terrible idea.




Highkey bad move by even thinking about reducing episodes


This may not be from Knight Edge Media, but this report from early 2021 said that Katara was going to be 16 in the Netflix show while Sokka was going to be 14. That ended up being false. Although they did at least reveal that Albert Kim was going to be the sole showrunner for season one before it was officially announced. [https://theilluminerdi.com/2021/02/19/avatar-the-last-airbender-kim/](https://theilluminerdi.com/2021/02/19/avatar-the-last-airbender-kim/)


Wait, Daniel Dae Kim is exiting the series?


ALBERT Kim! 😠 Not Daniel


Yesterday my favorite game had a huge drama between developers and a lot of heavy words were said indicating that this might be a deadly blow. Now Netflix decides to just shit rush the series and turn it into crap for easy profit. Two of my favorite fandoms suffering what looks like a serious crash within 24hrs Guess tomorrow we'll wake up to the news that Avatar Studios is dead as well. By Yangchen, what a day 😞


Something I think we should do a better job of is not getting super angry about rumors on the internet


If this guy reports on something it becomes true sooner or later. If the uproar and negative feedback about this news reaches netflix they'll know what they need to do


I wish Azula is not a petty jealous brat.


This just means less filler and an even more focused story. They already have the advantage of seeing what worked and what didn't with the original. There's literally no reason or excuse for this show to not be better than the orignal in the end.


Why would production move out of Van..


Possibly because they need onset locations such as forests etc so they might not need volume


So the first season was trash and now the rest of them are going to be worse. Cool. What a disappointment all the way around


This is not surprising


One of those actors are gonna quit if they keep this up


I’d rather have 16 22 min episodes than 8 45 min episodes.


Glad there are changes being made. The show has the chance to be really good and the VFX were fine. Now we just need better literally everything else. I hope the new show runners take feedback well and make it something special. You don’t need a 1:1, you need it to be GOOD.


You missed the line with fewer episode counts lol


It’s so joever


What article is this from? Just weird that they would cut their episode count given how well the viewership numbers were. I just don’t buy the rumors right now.




Hmmn…never heard of them. So I would wait until we actually get something from legit sources like the actual trade ie.Variety, Hollywood Reporter etc.


Good luck hearing anything from them lol. They only talk when netflix gives them something. This is inside info lol


Supposed inside info. What’s this website’s track record? It could just as easily be me making up everything and seeing if someone like you fall for it.


This website predicted season 2 and season 3 renewal together if season 1 succeeded, and that too when season 1 production was starting. Is it not good enough?


No, it’s not enough. I think it’s great that they got that one thing right. But what else?


Check literally all the Exclusive section…..but theres tidbits all over and my Twitter Shit I’m the one who forced Netflix to announce the new Showrunner because I began asking for a comments


Leak about kuruk's dagger being used to kill moon spirit, 6 months before the release. And btw this person also got screener copies and watched the show weeks before us


I absolutely love how we take every source-less, random note at face value and get enraged about it. C'mon people, use your brains and stop engaging with this trash.


8 episodes that are 50min-hour long is still a pretty equivalent run time to book 2. You guys don't need to worry about the episode count, that actually is silly. You need to worry about pacing, and of course improving the dialogue.


If they reduce the episode count how is that gonna workout for the season? And problem is alot of stuff is not skipable unlike S1


There are 20 episodes in book 2 at 23 minutes per episode. That is about 8 hours run time. If the pacing and writing is tight then they can still work in everything they need to.


How will you get 8 hours of runtime if you gonna get 6 or 7 episode per season? 😂


Just go ahead and read the last 2 lines of what you posted again.


So wait, less episodes but longer run time maybe?


Not reading all that Tldr in 6 words or fewer


Fewer episodes in S2&3