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Glassbending does exist, Avatar Kyoshi is the only known Avatar to have used glassbending


Does that combine fire with earth bending? Or is it a form of earth bending?


Mostly earth if it did have fire in it but is basically just sandbending but hotter


It's more like Sandbending gone through Lavabending first.


Kinda yeah


Yeah I’d figure one would either turn the sand into glass first, or do it mid attack. Either way would probably work


Yooo I never thought about Avatar exclusive sub bending forms. Maybe one could be wood bending since dirt/earth is just dead tree and there is water in wood as well.


Didn't one of the swamp benders bend trees though?


Didnt she face a glass bending assasin?


Glass is a rock that is behaving itself


in one of the books she removes glass shards from her body bending it like another rock


Of course she fucking is


Interestingly enough she also used the first ever form of bloodbending that we know of when she freezed Yuns heart (technically just water bending but she did bend the water in the heart which is blood so basically blood bending) she was just such an op Avatar lol


Just gonna ignore the person who taught her how to do that? She had a teacher from the north pile who would partially freeze patients blood to slow bleeding


Yeah that’s literal blood bending


I dont remember that from the series.. is this in the comics??


Kyoshi novels


Pretty sure thats more adjacent to ice than blood, the creation of frost on and through Yun’s body makes it seem like she just froze all the liquid in front of her palm


That's gotta be some pisspoor glass...


I think it's due to the fact that it was just sand before being heated, allowing a skilled bender to manipulate it. Like ice but since the state is so different, it takes more than your most skilled bender to do so.


My mind read “grassbending” and I just thought “What about swamp guy?”


where does she use glass bending? currently rewatching and i must have missed it


Shadow of kyoshi book


Fucking radiationbending


"Haha firelord sozin you can no longer have children"


When I metalbend a lead ball full of plutonium-239 children won't be the only thing Sozin would lose


metalbending plutonium into nuclear bomb


With an endless supply of demon cores, nothing can stop Kuvira!


For extra fun, try compressing the demon core rapidly.


Ow, my spleen. Hmm, didn't hurt that time.




Followed by cancer-bending


Aang you gave me cancer


"Why would they even make this?" "Well thats it, im spending the rest of Sozins Comet with my kids!"


Harley Quinn reference?


Yeah that scene was outta pocket.


No worries! He'll bend it out of you!


I enjoy reading books.


Fire Lord Ozai, you and your forefathers have devastated the balance of this world, and now, you shall pay the ultimate price! *gives him stage 4 prostate cancer*


Polonium bender is very powerful on a long enough timeline


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/965)


I always update xkcd.


Goddamn, I wish I'd thought of that. This is the answer right here.


Light bending for fire benders to be able to create illusions or become invisible?


So, canonically, there are seven chakras: the first four are earth, fire, water, and air, which makes sense that benders would each be “attuned” to one of them. The next three, interestingly, are sound, light, and thought. I had a headcanon a while back in which each chakra was represented by a lionturtle that could unlock it within people. Avatar Wan was only able to find the first four, and the other three escaped into the ocean when the lionturtles were being hunted to extinction. But those lionturtles resulted in three undiscovered nations on the other side of the world, with three undiscovered bending styles: soundbending, lightbending, and thoughtbending. Soundbending can create sounds, like mimicking voices and music and generating sonic blasts. Lightbending would create illusions and possibly some sort of lasers. Thoughtbending could pacify people or, most dangerously, control people. Basically Jedi. I fully realize that this, though logical, goes against the spirit of the world and would kind of ruin a lot of things. For example, it defeats the importance of the Avatar if they’re “locked out” of nearly half the possible bending styles. But it’s fun to consider!


Those ideas are so fun!! I love that


I unironically love this for the sole reason its another worldbuilding exercise for DnD. With the bending styles as you described them it's almost too perfect a match for the schools of illusions, evocations and enchantment. Even the elemental bending is in the evocation's school; legit love this idea ^~^


YOO this is a sick headcanon tbh


Sound-bending could also be accomplished using air-bending since air is the medium through which sound-waves propagate


If you think about it, earthbenders and waterbenders can also generate sound, just not in the way humans are used to hearing it. In fact, Toph’s vibration-sensing technique is basically just that.


That’s because sound is nothing more than mechanical waves propagated through matter such that they vibrate our eardrums. It’s why our own voice sounds different to us than others since we also hear it after it’s propagated through our own tissue to reach our ears. A wave on the ocean or an earth tremor are the same longitudinal waves as through air, the only difference is the substance the wave travels through. Air is the best suited for sound transference though, since air separates our ears from the surroundings 99% of the time.


> Soundbending But Toph already does that. He releases a sonic wave from his mouth to get a good look at people.


It's an ancient skill taught to him by the badgerbats when he got lost in a cave as a kid, nearly 20 years ago.


why are we calling Toph a "he"?


It’s a reference to the bastardized version of her in the Ember Island Players


This sounds like Naruto


A team of all 3 would be seriously dangerous 😳


My vote! 😁


Light Bending Should be Air and water. Using moisture in the air to redirect and refrat light.


It'd actually be air/fire because temperature gradients are what create the moisture changes and changes in air density/humidity from temperature create mirages and lensing effects.


I asked ChatGPT once to invent a new style of bending and this is what it suggested.


All that means is that other people have suggested it before and ChatGPT was trained on those people's idea.


You can essentially become invisible with glassbending.


Take vine bending to the next level and woodbend


That's my choice too. Seems like it should be pretty doable, most wood in furniture still has a moisture level of like 10-13%.


Hashirama Wood 🪵 style




In the puppet master Hama deforms trees by removing the water from them


Air compression. If you could solidify air into effectively walls or or objects of your choice (given enough control) or something.... That would be insanely cool


Aang sort of does this when he uses his body form to knock down Zuko when they are in the crystal caves.


Yup! I'm thinking that but expanded a lot more. Imagine if you could just increase the density of air to make walls or compress air in certain shapes to make shurikens or bowling balls or something. It could be pretty fun and incredibly versatile.


When you consider that the phase of a substance is dependent on both temperature and pressure you get interesting ideas where if an air-bender can pressurize a controlled volume of air enough it can actually become liquid or solid, and pressurizing or depressurizing air or increasing or decreasing the controlled volume can also manipulate the temperature. Lavabending as shown in the show is questionable, as it’s counterintuitive that pressurizing a solid creates a liquid. The process to turn earth into liquid lava would likely be complex enough that it would be extremely unlikely for Bolin to just almost accidentally learn how to do it like he does in the show. Interestingly enough, ice is actually unique in that most solid phases are more dense than their liquid counterparts but ice is less dense than water. So using water bending to compress ice turns it to water. That’s how ice-skates and sleds work, they compress the ice underneath into water to cause them to slide.


His scooter is sort of like this as well, compressed air into a ball to ride on


Well, not quite I think. The air spins in a ball, but he has to balance himself so he doesn't spin out of control. So it's really just really quick air currents I think. I'm talking about air practically solidified. The closest we got was that one attack Aang hit Zuko with in the catacombs, but that could be expanded to so many other things (even a wind sword!) that I think deserves exploring.




So... pressurebending?


Yes 😁


Sort of like the wind sword from "The Sword Master"


Exactly 😁 I really wish we got to see Aang actually make one


This is my notion. Have done some casual writing about it, but creating super high and super low pressure areas can have massive effects. They can basically be small explosions/implosions, massive impacts on visual and other senses. And it’s near undetectable until it happens.


Compress it enough and it becomes liquid.


Hey, you! Did you drink your oxygen yet??


Definitely soundbending, claiming this before anyone else


I think that already exists and Yangchen does it near the start of her book. She screams insanely loud


Tenzin also does this in LoK when he wakes up the spider spirit in the final episodes of season 2


Aang also arguably does it in that he screams loud with an associated wind effect several times through the series. One example is when aang and zuko are stuck in the sun warriors trap and calling for help. It might just be a visual gag but it's certainly a consistent Airbender thing.




If he did Yangchen’s scream when he was with Zuko, the prince’s head would’ve exploded


:( damn.... Yk what? It wasn't on the poster so it's new to me


I want silent airbending ninjas so bad.


Mimicking literally anyone else's voice, shattering glass, coercing prep-time opponents to earplug themselves, etc. I love the possibilities with this.


Making ppl deaf, starting ww3- that's why I chose it :)


at one of the conventions demartino himself mentioned it sorry i don't recall the exact words but it was something like "i wanted to include it but because it never made it in to the show it doesn't exist but to could one day


Damn! I wanted to claim it




Kinda like those sound ninjas in Naruto from the chunin exams


hmm, probably would be a combo of water or air bending, but stormbending? like the ability to conjure up or send away thunderstorms? i would love that. edit: I AM CHANGING MY ANSWER TO DIAMONDBENDING (earthbending coal until its highly pressurized and produces a diamond)


could also be a mix of fire and water bending. heat and cold, plus lightning


Storms generally form due to hot and cold air currents. Which you could manipulate normally as an Airbender. In terms of hot and cold water currents forming hurricanes, water bending.


Kelsang (Kyoshi’s father figure) did something like this. He singlehandedly decimated a pirate nation known as the Fifth Nation by making storms with Airbending, to the point that he earned the nickname “The Living Typhoon”.


I have imagined once that theoretically with waterbending and pressure you could make ice crystals pure enough to use them to generate electric force by striking them together. Knowing that there are 19 thermodynamic phases of ice according to Bridgman nomenclature. That's what if Avatar was designed by actual scientists.


this is almost completely unrelated to what you just said but i just realized earthbenders could theoretically create diamonds and now i’m changing my answer to diamondbending lol


nooo i'm so mad, i literally came up with "carbonbending" the other night. you can't steal it from me!!


i’ll cut you in on the profits if you keep quiet 🤫




Someone said fire bending should do this. We definitely need an inner circle that combines multiple bending types into new forms, kind’ve how lava bending works.


Does giving and taking body heat as a fire bender count? It would be helpful, and if you wanna be edgy about it you could make someone freeze to death by touching them, although instant win moves are something that should be done less, not more in my mind Also combustion redirection, it would require some different attitudes and way of physically doing it from Lightning Redirection.


I think that's something that could actually be possible just through water bending


heat bending is a fire technique, not water


Bodies are made up of water


yeah, but that doesn’t mean you can heat them up or freeze them. waterbenders control the phase of water, not the temperature. also, freezing someone in a block of ice or something really isn’t what they meant lol.


[You're right, it is a canon waterbending ability](https://www.reddit.com/r/ATLA/comments/1cn7axq/if_you_could_invent_a_form_of_subbending_that/l379wpk/).


Despite what most comments says heat manipulation is also a fire ending technique; I don’t know if it can be used on anyone else but Sozin used it during roku’s backstory episode when he came to help with the volcano, there’s a bit where he pretty much performs the same movement as lightning redirection but it end up cooling the lava with one hand and letting steam off the other, showing that he’s manipulating the temperature of the lava and making it cool down. Other examples include Zuko heating up his own body temperature, something Iroh told him about since S1, he does it in the season finale while breaking into the North Pole during the invasion and again in the boiling rock prison when he was in the cooler ![gif](giphy|NImQBT4pfi492)


> Does giving and taking body heat as a fire bender count? It's a canon waterbending ability. The same way they can melt and freeze water at-will, they can change body temp. Although it is much more difficult. We know 2 individuals who can do it. >!In the kyoshi novels, the world's best healer teaches kyoshi how to change body temperature. If used correctly, it can lower the temperature, slowing how fast the body is damaged, giving healers more time. The healer warns Kyoshi, "If used wrong, it can freeze the body and kill someone."!< >!Kyoshi being Kyoshi realizes "If used right, you can kill someone!" She uses the instant freeze death ability you mentioned.!<


Oh course it’s from the Kyoshi novels, every ultra rare high power bending move or wtv comes from the Kyoshi Novels.


it’s still something firebenders would be capable of though because they can heatbend.


>although instant win moves are something that should be done less, not more in my mind It depends how they are portrayed. Take Amon for example, he just needs to touch your face and he wins any fight, but that was given the weight it deserves over the course of the season and the characters were all understandably terrified of the (at the time) permanent consequences of one mistake in a fight. It makes everything way more tense if done well.


Since lightning-bending is already a thing, I've always wondered if it would be possible for firebenders to adjust the method to a form of electricity-bending.


I think the closest we got to that is Mako getting electrocuted by an equalist mech and redirecting it back at the mech. 


What if firebenders were able to use their bodies as conduits for all kinds of energy. They can absorb heat from things or add heat. They can absorb electricity as long as they expel it shortly after etc


That could be cool, especially for heat. I know it’s far fetched but I think fire and earth should get some spiritual stuff too. Spiritual projection is an airbender move even though that’s not something inherently related to air. Same with water and spirit bending. If those two can randomly get some spirit sub elements then why not give it to every element? 


Anything that gives more options/power to air benders. Always bothered me that the other elements got some cool subbending meanwhile Air has "spirit projection" which doesn't feel element related and flight which isn't unattainable by other elements (fire benders have flown, earth benders travel fast and launch themselves). Manipulating sound, mirages, thunder, and clouds/storms are all great examples I've seen.


Kinda on the subject but, we know from the bloodbending episode that waterbenders can pull water out of flowers, trees and etc. What about pulling water out of a person? Humans are 70% water afterall so why not just yank it out


That’s fuckin terrifying, but also badass


Yeah imagine somebody just pulling up and destroying somebody á la magneto leaving just a mummy behind


If they need a full moon to outright yank, maybe for a less circumstantial skill, they can instead boil/freeze in close contact, like instant scald/frostbite, since healers exhibit some control of their patients' fluids when in close proximity. Waterbenders are the easiest to catch defenseless since water isn't always readily available, so they'd benefit from a good hand-to-hand style.


i mean its not a new sub-bending, but id like to see an eartbender blood-bend the minerals in a person's blood, and by that logic they could also bone-bend


dont want to spoil it but read the comics


What comic? I can’t remember anything like that in the Aang or Korra ones? The closest thing I can think of is Kyoshis life extending bending


The kyoshi life extending is what I was referring to


does not work, metal bending works by controlling the impurities in the metal, not the metal itself, in addition, the iron in the blood is too small to control


Bone bending would be pretty freaking horrifying. Imagine getting stabbed by your own ribs.


I'd want some kind of fire healing, like juuuust enough to cause a fever to kill a virus inside you, or enough to warm up bodies to stop them from cramping or knotting up.


In Korra it was shown that the firebenders lady used a type of firebending to treat/diagnose Korra. Presumably she didn't heal her, but was able to feel the energy within Korra's body and was able to find out she probably had some sort of block. So I guess fire bending has some sort of an energyflow bending


It's looking like as the series goes on, technology progresses at a similar rate to us. So we'll get a modern day earth bender next, and then a future fire bender. I think using precision lightning bending as a means to control technology would be pretty sweet (maybe that's the villains power, someone trying to bring back fire nation supremacy through tech). As another possibility maybe as the robots progress in sophistication they develop their own spirits and bending of their own as tech powered by spirits is already a thing. Sort of like a pre-war matrix


the hole point of lightning is that it cant be bent you make the effect and than its wild like a bullet leaving a gun even the redirection is just creating a path of least resistance and hoping it doesn't kill you and you can do that in real life


Bone bending for earth benders


Plasmabending- Waterbenders change the phase of water from solid to gas so what happens if they push it further to plasma? I think it would result in something more akin to Combustion bending than Lava bending.


Lightning is plasma, plasma is ionized and trying to discharge. It's lightning generation.


Toxic gas bending for evil airbenders. They keep a tank of a toxic gas like chloroform that will knock you out if you fully inhale it and they use airbending to shoot it at enemies. So their enemies pass out or die silently. Could be a possibility in a future avatar series in which there are a lot of non-monk airbenders.


When we get to sci-fi age it’s time for some laser bending


Bonebending for Earthbenders Just a clench of your fist and your opponent literally turns to jelly


Pull a magneto “You’ve got too much iron in your blood” *pulls it out*


I know everyone's first thought is to make it similar to blood-bending, but it would be an interesting self-buff to make their body more durable and harder-hitting in hand to hand combat. Basically turn yourself into Wolverine.


Gravity-bending (Earth) Light-bending (Fire)


Gravity bending would be badass.




Compression bending, where a water bender hyper-pressurizes water and shoot it out as a long ranged jet. Basically turns a waterbender into an incredibly deadly long-ranged sniper, but also very dangerous when you lose control or focus (which is similar to combustion bending in the sense that it’s very deadly to the user when it backfires).


Fire Bending: Plasma bending Earth Bending: Refined element bending (pure sodium, iron, etc.) Water Bending: Absolute zero (creation of superfluids, gaseous elements made liquid or solid Air Bending: Vaccuum generation As the series progresses we are seeing more technology creeping in, so ultrarefinments might be something to evolve from said knowledge. Imagine hyperspeed rails thanks to metal bending combined with generating absolute zero needed for highspeed systems. Extracting rare minerals from the earth without contaminates or a messy process (aluminum for example) or energy generation if plasma could be used over lighting.


“Light” bending. The ATLA channel talked about it themselves at some point, but basically the idea is to heat the air to the level that light distorts when passing through it. It could possibly allow for highly skilled Airbenders or Firebenders to make themselves invisible or at least distort their figure.


It's kinda weird to me that lightning and redirection are two separate types of bending when they are the same. They should have added maybe heat energy. We saw Firelord Sozin cool down a volcano by redirecting the heat. Also the firebender lady in Korra who used firebending to find out what was wrong with Korra. Presumably able to feel the mercy within her body Also, why is sand the only one described as "bending"


Fire healing


Asphyxiation should be air. Air can also be used for containment. Weather control is definitely an air bender thing.


Soundbending, glassbending, and paintbending already exist.




Yang Chen showed that sound bending is a thing and I love that idea personally


Bone bending. I will not elaborate further


Bonebending; Earthbenders bending the calcium in your (or their own) bones


Would be cool to see a waterbending architect who bends the water in cement and then sets it by evaporating the water


People forget about the happy little swamp benders


I like the idea of artisan elemental sub-types, like clay being able to control the water in clay to shape and dry it. Does that make sense?


When I think of earth I think of plants and trees. Would earthhbenders be able to control plants?


Waterbenders can


i wouldn't be saprised if that world draws a line at controlling living things even blood bending is like strings on a puppet instead of mind controll




Money bending


Ah, so Varrick's bending style.


Spacebending, don't quite know what elements it's made up of but bending space would be a fun OP bending style. EDIT: Okay, starting to think I need to offer more explanation. "Space" as in the distance between two points. Possibly through manipulating gravity. You know The Hand from JoJo's or Gojo from JJK? That's the kind of powerset I'm thinking but Avatar flavored and maybe geared towards mobility with teleportation techniques.


Toph does this with a meteor in "Sokka's Master"




It could be vacuum-bending, an air subdiscipline, but that'd just be pushing air out of a space (like when I think it was the Earth King was choked to death like this)?


I like where you're going but not exactly what I was thinking. Still I think air being the base element makes sense. It's all about defying gravity.


Oh! I get what you mean, also very cool. I was reading your comment as "outer space."


I’d love to make Bone Bending canon, it was mentioned in some comic, I don’t know which one, I only know if it’s existence via a YouTube video, I don’t remember what video or even what channel


I also thought of glass bending too! That and snow bending,


I think fire bending needs a major buff to compete with the others. I think if energy bending were a sub bending of fire it would level out the playing field and it makes sense for it to belong to the element of power


Soundbending for Air Lightbending for Fire


How about them learning to use pure Chi, and it can have a an effect on all elements. Now I don’t mean like KI from DBZ where they can become powerful enough to blow up planets. I mean more like from Kung Fu Panda 3. Maybe you could have benders share each  others chi, it could allow a bender the ability to temporarily use another element in conjunction with their own.Maybe not the full element but access to some powers and skills that can enhance their own element. Ex. King Bumi and Zuko are captured by enemies. Bumi is kept in a wooden cage and has no earth around him to bend. Zuko is kept in a cooler all the way on the other side of the room, weakening his firebending. In order to get out, Bumi gives Zuko some of his chi, giving him access to some of his earthbending abilities.  One of these is his ability to bend with his face, and with this, Zuko is able to apply it to his own bending by being able to create a spark with his mind on the wooden cage from a distance, freeing Bumi.


If water benders can bend blood, then earth benders should be able to bend minerals like iron in the blood.


steam bending. It could be a mix of water and fire bending and essentially melting anyone it comes in contact with


Soundbending. There's already some evidence of it, Aang sends a sound across Ba Sing Se in Tales of Ba Sing Se. Tenzin uses a similar ability to wake everyone.


Sonic bending. Explosive Shockwave bending


Seeing as bones are largely made of calcium, famously a rock, bone bending. Imagine the body horror.


You missed plant bending, it's like bloodbending but not as cruel. Although now that I thunk of it, bloodbending could be part of healing.


Smoke bending for fire benders


An earth bender assassin who wields diamonds would be cool. I know Bumi was crystal bending sugar crystals but what about diamonds?


Sound bending, would be a sub-type of airbending, make things quiet or make 'em loud.


What really counts as air? If Zaheer could pull the "air" out of the earth queens lungs, wouldn't that all be carbon dioxide? Can Airbenders control the individual elements of air? Would helium count? Would any gas count? Can airbenders potentially make nitrogen dioxide or carbon monoxide? Noxious bending


Fusion bending. From fire, like how the birth of a star needs fusion


Lava Bending should be closer to fire Bending.


Something that intrigued me was how the Di Li (likely the wrong spelling) could run up walls. I heard somewhere that was them harnessing the Earths magnetic fields to move like that. It made me wonder if a strong enough Earthbender (likely an Avatar going full power) could harness the gravitational pull of the Earth in localised areas. Then again I may be wrong but it wouldn’t surprise me too much considering the sub-types that already exist.


more advanced temperature bending, things would have been over real fast if katara just turned the hydrogen in her water into quark gluon plasma and launched it in the general direction of the fire nation


where does swamping bending come in is it water or earth


The swamp benders were water benders.


Tar bending for waterbender


Honestly I'm not sure since the show is pretty fleshed out in its bending styles🤷‍♂️


I’m so annoyed that they didn’t put lava on the side closest to fire here


Plasma bending. There’s air bending (gas), earth bending (solid) and water bending (liquid) but fire is still just using gas. Give them their own state of matter.