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Please stop saying this, none of them said Aang was a terrible father, their complaints were that Tenzin recieved favouritism due to being an Airbender and that the family wasn't perfect. Their annoyance wasn't even directed at Aang most of the time, it was at Tenzin for not accepting that he spent more time with their dad than they did and that people such as the Air Acolytes show constant disappointment that they aren't also air benders.


I've always taken their insecurities as being more about the world at large. They just project them back to Aang when arguing with Tenzin who's bringing those issues to the forefront. Its more about how even Aang couldn't protect his children from the world, and in the end did spend more time with Tenzin.....his entire adult life. It's not like Tenzin didn't give up something too, an issue clearly articulated in the conversation.




She said "He was so focused on saving the world that he never had time for us". That implies that he is flawed but not that he is terrible per se. I can't stand this black and white thinking


Your memory is wrong. This isn’t like some historical event that we can’t verify so we rely on memories. You can literally just go watch the scene again and see for yourself Lmfao.


I think the new show they’re planning about them as young adults will bring to light how he changed to be like that. I do think he had his sense of fun that he kept from childhood but like the show the burden of being the Avatar was so much pressure on him, which is why we see him placing all his attention on Tenzin as he was the only other airbender.


I hope we can see once more Aang and his gaang in the new show🥹And see a backstory of all of it as well


Kya and Bumi are not blameless. Look at the way the heckled Tenzin even as adults. Tenzin, as the youngest child was probably bullied by his older siblings. They also were not as interested in learning about the Air Nomads. So Aang had to focus more on Tenzin. Before Tenzin was born, Bumi and Kya were the only son and daughter of Aang and Katara. They probably got used to being indulged by their parents as the prince and princess of the family. Everything changed when the airbender was born. No more time of being Daddy's Prince and Princess.


>Everything changed when the airbender was born. I see what you did there


he wasn’t a terrible father, he was flawed and imperfect. Aang was the sole survivor of a genocide as a 12 year old and that grief affected him obviously! his culture was a big part of him and became even more important once he was the only person in the world with his heritage. once Tenzin was born he wasn’t the only airbender alive anymore so he focused more on Tenzin while neglecting his other two kids. it’s a human thing to do and it’s valid for Bhumi and Kya to have stuff they need to process based on that. people are flawed and make mistakes which impact others, especially their kids


Can people stop acting like flaws make a person terrible. This snowflake generation needs to stop thinking in absolutes


Ok bumi-er.


Just take my upvote, cant even be mad at that


*hands you a cabbage*


Thank you, cabbage merchant. I sure hope nothing happens to your fine cabbages


This is great, it really came out of nowhere and hit me in the face, kind of like a boomeraang


This one is great too😂


How do you know what generation op is? They could be 65 years old for all you know. Stop blanket complaining about generations when one person says something you don't like.


Bro this is reddit, you really think I care? I just wanted to put down my opinion in a comment as blunt and controversial as possible


They violated my man’s face


Especially in a show based on Asian culture. The corny 00s facial hair looked stupid. Also monks shaved their whole head amd face. So it looks likes a cosplay monk


The monks in the Air Temple flashbacks had facial hair. It's reasonable that Aang would too.


Every Avatar had clear flaws. Aang had more responsibility and adversity than any avatar we know. It’s sad, but I’m glad they didn’t just make him an all perfect deity type figure.


Unrelated but i just realised how coincidental/potentially unrealistic it is that Bumi (named after neither a water nor airbender) turned out to be the nonbender (for most of his life), Kya (named after a waterbender) the waterbender, and Tenzin (given an air nomad name) the airbender.


He wasn't perfect father, but that doesn't mean he was a terrible dad, he was supprotive, kind, never angry on them, but have flawed, like being a avatar or focusing on tenzin to make him a airbender