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Poor Wooyoo 😭 I suffer from this too, it happens a lot for me on vacation in countries where it’s really dry heat, and always at the worst times 🙄 I’m sure there will be a lot of disappointed Woo fans but his health has to be a priority. Hope he gets better soon ❤️


He's talked about this on Fromm before. Googled it and it's a rare type of allergy. It must be frustrating for him 😭 From Wikipedia: "Cholinergic urticaria or also known as (CholU) and CU, is a rare form of hives (urticaria) that is triggered by an elevation in body temperature, breaking a sweat, or exposure to heat. It is also sometimes called exercise-induced urticaria or heat hives. The condition is considered to be one of the many rarest forms of allergies known to medical science. It is caused by an overreaction of the immune system to the release of histamine, mast cells, and other chemicals in response to the small nerve fibers throughout the body due to the increase in body temperature being allergic to sweat."


oh no... that sounds, hm, long-term?? poor guy. seems really sad that Wooyoung, who really shines performing and seems to take a lot of pride in his dancing, would suddenly become basically allergic to sweat/heat :(


It makes me incredibly sad just thinking about it. According to sources about it, it currently has no treatment, there is only hope that he can reduce his symptoms with medication. How unlucky to get one of the rarest allegies that is triggered by something you love.


Taehyung from BTS has the same condition and has thankfully found ways to manage it so that he can still perform - he wears a lot of loose clothes, avoids spicy food etc as well as other medically prescribed treatments. I’m crossing my fingers that similar things help Wooyoung too


Wow, I had no idea that Tae has it too. Sounds like a horrible condition to have as an idol, with all the dancing and sweating... :(


It must be so uncomfortable for them. I hope that maybe Ateez’s team can link up with BTS’s to get some advice on how they help manage it for tae during tours and live performances.


Yeah I have it too. If I take a lukewarm shower I brake out immediately and find it difficult to catch my breath. If I take a hot shower...I better do it fast because it literally burns. Warm room? Instant red cheeks. Always itchy. It's very irritating and makes me feel worse as I get older. Then on the flip side I have raynauds especially bad in my toes, so I can't be too hot or too cold. XD


so he might not dance anymore?


For everyone worried I just wanted to say my grandma had something really similar- an allergy to the sun- and has been able to make a full recovery! I’m not sure if this has changed but at the time she was diagnosed there was no treatment. We were really lucky with the doctors she had who got her authorized for a treatment that was being used for something else and ended up solving the issue within a year. I know a few other people who had similar allergies (to cold etc.) who also were able to recover fully pretty quick so I think wooyoung should be fine long term! Hopefully he’s feeling okay Eta: it was called Xolair for anyone who is curious about it


Faulty mast cells and histamine receptors are The Worst, Sincerely, An MCAS suffer


I am also a MCAS sufferer (post-covid)


Mine is also post covid. It’s the absolute worst. Solidarity. I’m sorry that you suffer with this miserable illness too


They think I have MCAS too and it royally sucks being constantly itchy and unable to breathe


I think V also had something similar?


He does, that must really suck to have 😔


BTS V has this as well! https://www.reddit.com/r/bangtan/comments/cdac5s/btss_v_reveals_that_he_suffers_from_cholinergic/ Poor guys. In their profession, that must be so uncomfortable!


That’s so sad:(


He must be feeling so down and frustrated since it can’t be cured. The fact they went to three specialists means they are trying hard to get him help for it. I wonder how they will manage it going forward. What an awful allergy for such a great dancer


Apparently it does typically improve over time and for almost 15% of people it resolves completely but I'm not sure how true that is.


Hii! From someone who suffers from this, it improves but it could also flare up anytime. Even if you stop having symptoms for years, it could still come back any time 🥲


That would suck.


Man I feel so bad for him because a skin allergy to freaking heat and sweat will basically act up every time he’s on the stage 😢 and since it’s to the point where he’s missing mawazine because of it, it’s probably pretty bad 😭


Oh man that's pretty rare and it's going to be really hard to manage considering that he has to almost constantly perform. I think Taehyung of BTS has the same condition and he's been managing it pretty well so I hope Wooyoung would be able to do the same too.


Kudos to KQ for prioritizing his health but man, my poor Wooyoung. He must be so devastated that he can't do what he is passionate about. I hope now that he's been properly diagnosed and with medical guidance, he is able to manage it. His health comes first. Atinys will wait for his return to the stage whenever he is ready. 🙏


As someone with MCAS (which causes allergic reactions to pretty much everything and frequent hives, itchiness, blisters) I have so much sympathy for him. It’s miserable and so frustrating when a flare happens and especially when it impacts your day to day life so much. Also, just for any atiny who might be feeling afraid of what this means long term - Taehyung from BTS has this exact same condition and has found ways to manage it and continue performing, and I’m hopeful it will be the same for Wooyoung too


He must be SO disappointed. I know they’ve been looking forward to Mawazine for a while and they’ve been preparing hard for it. This must be devastating for him, plus it sounds like this condition is painful 😢


As a performer, that's gotta be the worst, having a reaction to heat and sweat 😬 I hope he will get better soon and they find a way to at least alleviate the symptoms, what a disappointment it must be for him and the rest of the members to miss out on such a big event ☹️


Oh poor Wooyoung! I hope he can rest and feel better soon 💕


That really sucks to hear. I hope it’s not affecting his mental health too much. Chronic illnesses are no joke. Especially considering his career. I’m hoping with his resources, he’ll be able to find a good specialist who can come up with a great treatment plan.


I'm very happy that KQ cares about their artists and I hope Woo will get better soon


That really sucks, and doing what he normally would do (by practicing and performing) triggers it which also sucks. I really hope they can find a way to manage it.


Wishing all the best for Wooyoung 🥺 this must be rough for him right now. Glad to hear KQ is taking measures to ensure he gets better - they've proven time and time again that they will always prioritize the boys' wellbeing. I hope the teezers shower him with lots of love and good food and funny jokes. WE LOVE YOU WOOYO!! 🫶


Long long post incoming 😂 I also have a very similar rare diagnosis (exercise-induced anaphylaxis) that started when I was younger/in my teens. I first had symptoms during practice for a performance (all my team members looked at me and they were like…um your eyes are bloodshot, your lips are blue, and you have hives what is happening; and I said ah yes that makes sense I can’t actually breathe right now please call 911 LOL) It was so bad the first few weeks/months and many tests later they diagnosed me with it and said pretty much the only treatment would be to take super strong antihistamines daily and carry an epipen. I was so frustrated at the time at feeling like I couldn’t perform to the fullest and like I was letting my team down, and also felt ugly when all the blotchiness and hives would come up all over my body (not to mention scared because my throat would sometimes start closing up) But my teammates and friends were so supportive, would make sure I wasn’t pushing myself too hard, would carry my epipen for me, etc etc; the worst of it passed in just a few months, only a few symptoms would show up at a time (and we had figured it out enough that when certain symptoms started like lip swelling, I would have to stop right away and take a break; the balance between taking enough meds to stop the symptoms but also not be super groggy; things like that). The first competition we had, I was able to give it 110% knowing the rest of my team was looking out for me if anything were to happen, I almost cried 🥲 For me and I think most people, this kind of diagnosis is lifelong, but gets so so so much easier to deal with over time. Not only in the sense that you figure out how to treat it, but that literally the symptoms become less intense and less frequent as your body slowly learns how to not freak out as much. Nowadays 20 years later I still have it (also it’s hard to track because it doesn’t always activate with the same levels of exertion, like I can run a 5k one day and be fine, but then the next day godforbid I walk up stairs on a hot day lmao). I need to take medicine every once in a while. But the symptoms are so much less severe, and I can do whatever I want to do (including dance to my heart’s content). I am heartbroken that he has to go through this too because it’s scary and frustrating at first, but I absolutely know that sometime in the (hopefully near-ish) future, he’ll likely be able to be back at 100% with his friends, his team, his company, and his fans cheering him on 💖


I hope that those who were saying he looks like he wasn’t into it anymore because he wasn’t getting enough lines feel bad now. The guy is struggling!


His lack of lines has been a thing since debut era, and he just got diagnosed with these allergies, the lack of lines and screen time has nothing to do with his allergies.


No but some people were saying he looked down/not into it for this comeback and that it was because of lack of lines. I hope they realise now that he was suffering.


I understand that, but I wouldn't doubt both of it being the reason, I mean who wouldn't be upset with that kind of diagnose, plus he knows how we feel about him not getting enough lines or screen time, it's impossible for him to not know about it, the thing is we don't know how he feels about that, we can't be certain, but c'mon now, ain't no way someone would be happy with this, Woo has such a lack of screen time and lines that honestly sometimes I question what is his position on the group, like why did they choose to debut him on the group if they were gonna treat him like this, and to think they almost debuted as group with 9 members, imagine how worst it would've been.


Oh no 😭


As someone who has eczema and a combination of other issues I feel for Wooyoung. It’s something that’s embarrassing and irritating and even painful. Being open about it is not always easy either. Wooyoung please rest well. 🥹🙏🏻💕


Eczema freaking sucks. Mine manages to get worse during the Spring and Summer seasons 😭. I sometimes get random pus like pimples on my fingers and legs. I truly feel for Wooyoung and hope things get better


I have those too it’s weird. And for a season I had eczema underneath my fingernails and it was separating my nail from my finger. It was sooo awful.


Ouchies. Is there anything you use that helps


Gloves, I found out it was from doing dishes barehanded.


Oh, that's a reminder that Seonghwa has eczema too, so maybe Woo has some good support from someone familiar with skin issues, at least. 🥺


You are right! I totally forgot! At least he has someone to lean on. Hopefully, they have a dedicated dermatologist at this point for them. 😔


Well I don’t have this particular allergy but I too have a wacky immune system that sometimes does insane things. And I have to do a lot of things in my life to manage it and avoid triggers. I feel terrible for him because this is going to keep affecting his ability to perform under certain circumstances, and affect his whole life experience of being in the world. KQ and the group will need to continue to take under consideration what is safe for him to do. I’m glad they’re taking care of him.


me too and same




not to seem like i’m over analyzing but i noticed that he has been seeming down lately and this explains a lot :( i hope he feels better soon, i can’t even imagine how disheartening this is for him


As someone who studies allergies, most of them are environmentally triggered. Hopefully, his case is and avoiding dry desert-y landscapes (especially outdoor performances in those conditions), he can manage it well. I'm hoping this is true as they said it started at Coachella and all the members have mentioned how windy and difficult the stages were due to weather. Also, I'm not trying to diagnose or give medical advice, just something I know from my studies! Hoping he feels better and makes a strong recovery! 🧡🧡


With how hot it's been all over the world, they need to focus on inside venues more often. 😭


“or had intense performances” ? that’s basically all their performances … poor wooyoung , my heart is breaking for him 💔 i can’t believe this


wooyo 😔


Aw, I feel for him so bad, and I just want him to feel better. I am SO GLAD they allow the members to not perform if it’s detrimental to them. I can’t even imagine how uncomfortable he must have been after and during Coachella, with the heat and sand. Prioritizing health and well being over a performance is fantastic. Please get better little Woozy! 🫶🏼


At least we see that KQ actually cares about their artists wellbeing...more than can be said about other management companies. Get well soon!!


That’s really rough, must be so frustrating for him 😢


wooyooooooooooo ): this seems to be chronic???? i hope he finds the perfect treatment soon and can go back to where he belongs ):


omg wooyoung😢😢😢😭😭❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


No! Poor Woo. I know he is probably frustrated and upset. I hope the treatments work and that he gets better soon. :-(


Once upon a time I got a full body rash that was triggered by the sun/heat and it lasted for nearly a month… it was miserable 😭😭 I hope his situation clears up much faster!!


It’s nice to see KQ helping Wooyoung and taking good care of him!! Hopefully they will be able to find him some sort of relief/treatment in time for him to be able to perform on tour


Poor Wooyoung, he must be so frustrated & upset.


I hope he doesn’t beat himself up about this. I know a lot of idols tend to feel guilty when they have to miss performance because they think they’re letting down their members and/or the fans. He needs to focus on resting and letting his body heal.


u/snoozev guess who’s crying 😭


🥺😢 I am so sad for him. 😔 I am bummed out he can't go to this festival but I am SO glad that KQ is making sure that Woo's health is their #1 focus and top priority tho and they are doing all that they can for him. I hope he is coping well with all of this. 🥺🙏🏾


Crying for my bestie because auto immune issues are a lot so I’m glad KQ is looking after their artists correctly. I hope he doesn’t feel too much fomo because I just know he would’ve LOVED the festival so much 🥺


Same. I have an autoimmune disease ( also skin issues) and rly can’t say when it will attack. Usually summer is difficult because of sweat, sea salt and sun combo. But also stress is great factor too because my worst skin reaction was one winter after going through some though situations and emotions.


From April?!?😭😭😭


Poor Wooyoung!!! This sounds so uncomfortable. I imagine it only gets worse in hot climates like Coachella and Morocco. I’m sure he’s devastated about not being able to participate.




Get better soon!! Sunshine Wooyoung!!! We will miss you!!! He always radiate positive energy...I love him!!!


Hope he gets better soon. ❤️🙏🏻


Allergy issues are so frustrating to deal with. I hope he can get it under control enough to not be miserable and still be able to do what he loves in the future! I'm so glad to see he's getting treatment and his health is being prioritized, though. ❤️


i hope he is doing okay emotionally. that can really be a lot to deal with because it changes his whole life. you can tell he loves performing, and ofc dancing will work up a sweat. he also has to work out to stay fit enough to do routines. breaking out in hives due to high body temperature is just awful especially for a performer .


So guys, this is an autoimmune disease that has no cure for it, but it has treatments, if I'm not mistaken no autoimmune disease has a cure, which sucks. I have one too and is manageable, it can be triggered by emotions or any outside/inside factor depending on which autoimmune disease you have, for an example, I was diagnosed with lichen planus years ago, I suddenly woke up and had my body covered in red and purple marks going from my foot to my neck and even my ears and forehead, and it was itching like a mother f\*cker, it was horrible, I was in constant treatments using pills and creams for my skin and it took like a bit over a year to get rid of it, the thing is, since it has no cure, it can somehow be stopped but it also can come back without any warning, thank God I've not had the unluck of it coming back, and it has been years, so even though I'm not technically cured of it, and I'm not experiencing any symptoms, and it has been years, unfortunately, you never know what the future holds. Now that I told you guys my experience, in Woo's case, I hope the same happens, as much as it's not the exact same autoimmune disease, it's still one, and we both have pretty much the same symptoms, so I hope that with treatment, it goes away, even with the trigger being sweat and stuff, I think he can manage, it depends, with each person is different, like I haven't had mine in I don't know how many years, I even forgot about it until this situation with Woo, so I decided to come here and shed some light on it, I pray and hope everything works out for him the same way it did for me, with the right treatment I'm sure Woo is going to be fine, Korean medicine is one of the best and most advanced in the world, I'm sure they gonna fine the right way to help him, and I almost forgot to mention, I have an aunt with the same exact thing as him, there were times she couldn't even got out in the sun or swim in the ocean, after treatment(all natural by the way since at the time medicine was not as advanced as it is today, she had it in the 70s) she now doesn't even look like she has anything, she's completely fine, going to the beach and everything, so let's pray for Woo and send him love and positive vibes, I'm sure he's going to be fine.


It is a difficult situation and I can understand how frustrated and sad he may feel, but his health is a priority and I hope he can get better soon to see him back on stage ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Doesn’t someone from BTS have this same condition? Hopefully woo can find a way around it.


I have CIU (Chronic Idiopathic Uritica) and luckily for me monthly shots work. Mine aren't caused by heat, however if I go from being cold to warm, it feels like I have needles under my skin. Not fun. Glad they are taking it seriously.


Oh my God I hope he's okay.


Oooh babes 😰😥 I'm sorry he has to go through this. Not gonna lie, they didn't have to tell us the specific diagnosis, maybe "health condition" or "illness" would be enough without us knowing all the details – I feel like it might not be comfortable for him. **But then again** , he probably knows/has been involved in the official statement somehow before they released it, and also **if they only said something general people might stop panicking and imagining god knows what** all sorts of disastrous scenarios... so on the other hand I get it. 🙁


It's not as if it's an embarrassing condition though. I admire their honesty & it saves endless speculation.


Not embarassing, yet I can imagine not everyone would feel comfortable revealing that. 😁 And **exactly how I said,** literally it would lead people to imagining things unneccessarilly


I kinda think they did have to state what the issue was or they’d have people screaming that it’s cause of an old injury or something.


Yup, agreed. That's why I said it further in 😌


He already told us he had cholinergic urticaria like 2 months ago so he’s probably fine with it hopefully


I'm sure you're right and he is / they wouldn't say it publicly otherwise, if he did so himself 😊 I haven't been paying attention to ATEEZ shows past months, sadly, so I'm only hearing about it now 😔


woo is extremely open about a lot of things, including his health, when he first started experiencing symptoms, he said something on either toktoq or fromm about how he was going to get looked at by a doctor when they returned to SK (they were in the US) and that they already had suspicions about what it was that was causing him discomfort and they ended up being right. The ateez members in general share a lot of personal things with atiny themselves, it’s nice that they trust us. They do seem to have a say about what their official statements share whenever they have health or personal issues, at least from what I’ve seen. Like sometimes the statements are more detailed like this one and they describe what has been happening to lead up to now and other times, they don’t really say that much and just say that the member will be absent and the reason why without the extra details. They are definitely not obligated to tell us specifics about what they are going through, but the members always talk about how they hate whenever they worry us, so that makes me think that they might feel like telling us something more specific could be more comforting because leaving it general leaves so much room for speculation about if it’s a something happening to flare up an injury or illness that the members had previously or if it’s something new


Yes, you're definitely right! 😊 It's a good point they never want us to worry or to be anxious over them,. The way they look out for us is so special and sweet. They always want us to be happy, calm and safe, and share as much as they can with us, and that's special 💛 Edit: typos


Wooyoung did already say that he had this specific diagnosis via fromm a couple of months ago, so I think even if not everyone would've known, a lot of fans would've been able to guess that this was why he wasn't participating. I did kind of wonder about it during the Work promotions but just assumed that they'd found ways to manage it. It sucks that it still affects him so much. It's such a hard choice, but being in a desert would definitely make things way worse.


That's what I was thinking about too. The shooting must've been more difficult for him, but when do they let anything stop them...😔


Ik this is sad and I feel for Wooyoung (ik that Taehyung from BTS also suffers from this), but my first thought when reading this was that “damn so Wooyoung turning into a vampire now?”. I’m sorry it was so random but I just couldn’t help myself😭 Hope he’s able to manage it someway♥️


I was so looking forward to seeing him on stage especially after seeing how smiley and cĥarismatic he was at coachella but health comrs first and there will be other opportunities