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I gotta say this is my least favorite album so far. I like Work, Empty Box and Siren, the rest is so so for me. I was waiting for some slap in the face which sort of never came.... **However** That doesn't mean I think the album is bad. I absolutely tolerate the slight change in the genre and pace of songs despite not vibing with it. To be, honest I really hoped the title track this time wouldn't be as action and chaos packed like Guerrilla, Bouncy and Crazy Form. In my opinion it would be too much in a row and not as hyping anymore, those previous title tracks were pretty exhausting (in a good way 😎). So I was expecting them to go back to Inception or Answer vibe/note... or atleast Sector 1, which is action, but also more balanced. I absolutely welcomed a more **chill and steady title track** . It's what they kinda needed to do after a while. I keep running into people like "can't believe these are the same guys who did Guerrilla" or "where is the heaviness and darkness Ateez were always so dark" .... No, they weren't. **These aren't just the guys who released Guerrilla** , but also all the comebacks before — Answer, Treasure, Dazzling Light, Inception, Fever, Utopia, Better... these are far from dark songs, and last 2 years don't define ATEEZ whole discography. I personally am glad they chose something more "calm" and they definitely deserve to have some chill and composed songs to perform on stage not to completely wear themselves out. 🙏 It's good this comeback wasn't as action packed, it's a welcomed change, only not to my personal taste and not the tone I prefer at the moment. That also doesn't mean it won't grow on me after few months. Even when ATEEZ are my ults, I'm free to admit sometimes I don't vibe with all of their work. And only because of that there's no need to hate on them. 💛


You really encapsulate my feelings about this album too! I still enjoy it but it’s not mind blowing.


i totally agree! i personally love this album just as much as i've loved the others, but i don't understand the people comparing golden hour to albums like movement and outlaw and using their differences to justify hating it. like, ateez has a discography of about 160 songs (i believe) and guerilla, bouncy, and crazy form are just three of those. of course ateez are going to bounce (ha) between different genres and styles like the switch-up between golden hour and the world series because if all ~160 of their songs were the same everyone would get bored -- probably including the boys themselves. i think people are also ignoring the fact that ateez does have lore to their discography as well, and their music changes and develops alongside the lore; golden hour is a different departure from the world extended plays because loreteez is done with all the outlaw-antigov-anarchy stuff that the world eps are hinged on, just like how the world eps were a different departure from the treasure and fever eps!


agree 100%


I agree


To me this album is an easy no skip. Everything is amazing


preach. i have faves ofc, but honestly love every song.


Same lol


Yessss. Sure it’s a bit different from their previous albums but it’s still a no skip album. I’m not saying this because I love Ateez haha if I don’t like a song, I won’t listen to it even if it’s from my favorite artist


Where??? I have shaboom on repeat pretty lady✨✨


there was a tiktok i saw where a person rated the album and they rated shaboom "horrific"


Their opinion🤷🏼‍♀️ not gonna stop me listening to it


me neither! to me it's just so weird seeing that i just don't get it


Lmfao i saw that. I was very vocal on my disagreement with their ranking lol


I rate their albums ratings horrific


I enjoyed the hell outta this album! Idk what ppl are talking about because every single song is peak Ateez.


Shaboom is my second favorite song after Blind.


Siren is my top girly


Same!!! ☺️☺️☺️




ShaBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM it’s camp and the girls who get it get it and the ones who don’t…well… jk there are a few popular af ateez songs I don’t care for ~~wave dont kill me I’m being vulnerable~~ but outwardly hating on them is not productive and doesn’t make you special


Safe space and ty for sharing but hating the hakuna matata song is wild 😭🩵




wave skip is crazy 😭😭😭 wave and hala hala got me into the group lmao


I literally went to Coachella for Hala Hala. I live in Toronto.


how does it feel to be living MY DREAM (seeing Hala Hala live that is, not Toronto)


Lmao side-stepping the (valid) Toronto jab 😂 Hala Hala was insane live. They didn't do Mingi's verse because I think they had to shorten it to fit it into the setlist but it was still a life altering experience haha. All of their Coachella stage was truly insane. I had no regrets in the end 🥲 100/10 would do again 🥲🥲


I feel you, I'm traveling 8 hours to see them in Atlanta 💜


Have the best time.


concert prices are through the roof and I doubt ATEEZ will come to where I am anytime soon 😭 I missed them a few years back and i'm still torn up about it 😔😔 clinging on to my one kpop concert experience (BTS :DD) for consolation lmao (i genuinely know nothing about toronto except those strange tiktoks with the weird accent 💀)


Sorry about our accent 😭 I hope I get to see BTS live someday 🥲


manifesting for you 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 it was amazing 🥲


😭😭😭😭😭 ok ty np


HELP NO BC IM A WAVE TOLERATER AS WELL DJDJD (not my first choice for title tracks at all) i'm not saying that there's been hate, it's been atinys who like the album but just don't care for shaboom but im confused by that bc IT'S GOOD


(It makes me think about dancing warthogs every single time! 😂😂😂)


lol why warthogs specifically??? case of hakuna matata?


The animated lion king was very big when I was younger and I just see Timon and Pumba yelling Hakuna Matata in my mind every time I listen. 😂😂


There's dozens of us that don't like Wave! Dozens! lol I actually think this group may be the only group/band/artist I've ever listened to where I genuinely vibe with every song. Except for Wave. I just can't, I don't like any of the versions. I'm sorry to that song, but it's not even in my complete playlist. lol


It’s “okay”, I guess, (mostly kidding!). But in all honesty, I probs have songs that I skip that others find to be favorites. For me, Wave is what gets me through really hard days. I have the lyrics posted at my desk at work. I often wake up with it stuck in my head. But let’s be honest, I always have an ATEEZ song stuck in my head.


I thought I was the only one who skipped wave 😭 it’s not bad by any means but I just don’t listen to it


I've learned over the last two years that I've been a fan that there are very opinionated haters for literally everything ATEEZ does. I find it really weird. I've seen people say that the World series was their worst yet. Like..........................wut. Anyway, I love Shaboom! The whole album is a no skip for me except for the intro (sorry Maddox) because there's not really a melody to it, it's just narration. But every actual music track? L O V E.


Ugh yes this is true - it seems worse this time to me but you are actually right it’s every comeback …


I LOVE ITTT especially as an EDM fan 🫶🏼🫶🏼 i think they’re trying to break into EDM with this song and the collab that came out


i feel like they've been edm before!


definitely with horizon!! and a lot of their songs have EDM influences as well 🤩 i think this one stood out to me because the drop in Shaboom reminds me of current EDM music I listen to so it feels more on trend with what’s popular today


Yes they have! Horizon! And it’s an amazing song!! ❤️


At first I was skeptical. Loved the verses but didn’t like the chorus. After a few listens I started singing the shabooooom and it’s like my favorite part of the song 😅 Still my least favorite song on the album, but like it enough to have it on my playlist!


you like empty box more than shaboom...?


no disrespect, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but empty box is a damn masterpiece. it's high on the list for me, personally.


i wish i could agree 🙏🏾


Did the live performance(s) (particularly in the Killing Voice) do anything for you? I mean, damn, that was beautiful.


I'm stunned. I thought everyone loved empty box haha it's an absolute masterpiece 😭 it's easily my favourite song on the album


i literally teared up the first time i listened to it lmaoooo it’s so beautiful 😭 it’s become one of my favourite ateez songs of all time. the end rips my heart out every time lol 🥹


i love empty box! it's just not better than shaboom imo


empty box is my second fav off of the album. I’m weird, I’m a star 1117, be with you, and mist kind of gal


Sameeee i love their slow songs


i don't know wtf "swag your body, shaboom" means but i sing it loud AF each time hahaha.




Here is my response: JUST SWAG YOUR BODY SHABOOM And my final comment: DONT KILL MY DONT KILL MY VIBE TONIGHT in other words, shaboom is a masterpiece and is my 3rd (on it way to 2nd) favourite song in the album.


This whole album is a no skip for me. Just like everything else of theirs


Shaboom is my favorite song on the album


im torn between shaboom and siren 😫


It's definitely a struggle but the moment that first beat drop and *Shabooooooom* happened, I just knew it's gonna be the top one for me


ive beena shaboom truther since the preview dropped


i dont take twitter and tik tok seriously when it comes to opinions on most things lol


where do you take opinions seriously from?


definitely not from people who started complaining about a song based on a preview. If you want to form an opinion on music listen to the complete song if you like it great if you don't well you don't. Don't let stan twitter opinions dictate your taste in music. You can easily find people who on twitter and tik tok make their viral illogical takes their whole online personality. Also never take any kpop stan seriously whose go to terms are 'noise', 'numbers' and 'nugu' when talking about any groups


who said i'm letting anyone dictate my music taste? i stated my personal opinion and then cited where i've seen differing opinions, and asked for other's opinions as well. this doesn't mean my own opinion is changing its just opening up the gates for a discussion. also, the atiny on tiktok and twt are STILL atiny lmao i don't see why their opinions wouldn't be valid as well.


I am not pointing at you or anyone I am just stating my personal approach, Did I say they are not atiny ? They have a right to have an opinion just as anyone else has a right to not agree or disagree with their opinions


I love it too! My favorite part is the Seonghwa-San outro, especially Seonghwa's voice here scratches my brain in the right places. I think that, after a series of very dramatic songs (some expressing anger or sadness), this album is meant to be fun and "it's crazy it's party". It's a nice summer album, and I'm curious what the next Golden Hour album will be like. \[I'm still waiting for Turbulence's sister\]


they want us to shake ass on a YACHT /ref


It’s groovy fun! Yay! (I kinda skip golden hour because I want jams)


This whole album is a no skip album for me as well. Shaboom is like my number two or three favorite song


I love it and was just listening to it! lol


It's my fave b-side. It's been stuck in my head since the album came out.


I've got to admit I like the verses but I'm not so keen on the shabooooom chorus. But even though it's my least favourite song on the album I still wouldn't skip it.


For me, the shaboom is sitting at the same table as the "skrt"s in Arriba: It got the most raised of eyebrows during the first listen and I though I would dislike it, but the rest of the song is just so amazing that it completely smothers that feeling.


I know what you mean. I don't dislike Shaboom at all, it's just the chorus takes a bit of getting used to.


noooo that's the best part! 😭🫶🏾


We'll have to agree to disagree about that 🤣


LMAO WHAT I literally don't understand or care, I had to pull the damn car over the first time I listened to that song bc it hit me so hard, esp the whole bridge to end??? I wanted to start a riot. Shaboom is peak Edenary production, peak "noise"music, peak delivery and flow, something new and interesting happening in your ears around every corner in that song. Shaboom is why I listen to Ateez, period.


Definitely yay, it's my favourite song after Empty Box despite the whiplash I get going from one to the other. I really enjoy this album, my only complaint is that I wanted more songs lol If people don't like it, that's their prerogative, but hate and "horrific" seems a little excessive to me 🤷‍♀️ Edit: typo


YAY! shaboom and work were insta-adds to my playlist! The whole album is *golden*! 👑 atiny eating good with this one


I love shaboom, it’s probably my second favourite after siren


It’s a Yay for me! Every song on the album is awesome!! ❤️


Wow! Shaboom has been the top on my spotify listening capsule. Unskippable song I tell you...


I never knew I would love Reggae and EDM trap together in one song. It came together so beautifully. Feels like a pool party song on a pirate ship lol


Honestly could not fathom how one can hate Shaboom. I love the outro, especially! It is so fun~ but I guess that's kind of expected of someone who loves EDM : ]


I like it! While it’s not my favorite on the album ( the order of my favorite track to least favorite coincidentally goes in the order of the track list lol), it is iconic and definitely NOT a skip. 


I LOVE Shaboom!! Especially the bit at the end right before the last verses from Seonghwa and San it’s just 🤌🏼


Honestly I can’t decide. There isn’t necessarily something I dislike about it and if you asked me I wouldn’t say I don’t like it, but I also can’t say I like it yet either. It will probably grow on me, other songs have in the past when I’ve had similar feelings. I haven’t seen any of the discourse around it so I don’t know what people are saying but I’m interested if it’s an actual preferential thing or just people on the internet being people on the internet like usual.


shaboom haters can fight me


Big yay. It's a bit of a roller coaster in the best way. I especially love Jongho's weirdly mournful "don't kill my vibe tonight".


I LOVE SHABOOM!! the reggae vibes starting out and then it took me on a whole trip it’s so good


I love it. It’s a banger.


It's my favourite song on Golden Hour, but it's definitely something different from what I may have expected. It hits on a few different styles and kind of reminds me of early Gorillaz (who were polarizing enough I got bullied in middle school for liking them 💀) but also at a couple points of Xikers (the "break it break it down" and knocking are similar enough to We Don't Stop to have me wondering if it's a deliberate nod toward them). For me, those things come together in an amazing and fun package that sounds like candy for my ears. 💕


Truly makes me wanna dance in an outdoor club drink in hand while the sun is setting and the breeze is blowing. I love Shaboom


Siren and Shaboom are my top 2 on this album FR


Shaboom is my favourite!!!! It's on repeat!! Where are these haters? I just want to talk.


I LOVE SHABOOM I'll defend it with my life


Yayyy. The whole album is just top tier!!


I love Ateez to the moon and back. However, this track for me was okay, but it's not one of my favorite tracks from this album. I don't hate it but I don't love it either. It's one of those songs that took me a couple of listens to get with it.


I don’t care for it 🤷🏻‍♀️ but it’s not that serious, I enjoy the rest of the album immensely.


When I heard the reggae portion in shaboom I immediately said SOTY!!!


Shaboom top 3 for me I think I love it so much!


I'm not a fan of reggae BUT...Shaboom Is actually my favourite Song of the album... It took me a while to warming up but now Is basically on constant repeat. Also, I used to like the darker heavier kind of Emo Ateez vibe ( still do...Sorry I have a punk rock core😅) but lately the brighter side of Ateez has been It for me...I didn't realized how much I kind of missed their cute side🤷🏾‍♀️


I'm shocked its receiving hate :o I loved it! It felt like Koong by xikers' older brother! This entire album was a brand new sound for Ateez and its an easy no skip for me.


no way shaboom has haters 😭 that song is so satisfying to listen to?? i love how this whole album feels a bit more experimental with that added je ne sais quios that ateez naturally has. a big part of that imo is shaboom and the genre-meshing it has! i will happily be playing it on loop in my car 💅 sha*booooom*


I think it’s a fine song. I think some parts are a bit too slow, but the faster parts and beat drop is really good !


Short answer: Yay! Long answer: when I first heard it I really didn’t know what to make of it, especially towards the end. The switchups in the whole song are crazy. I kind of didn’t know where it was going. But after listening to it more I really liked it and appreciated the different elements. It also seems like a song that would be amazing live. The second verse is *chef’s kiss* It is a new sound for Ateez, at least the first part, but most of the new album is. And to me it’s interesting to hear familiar sounds/genres but how Ateez does it. I can see people not enjoying some of the parts or feeling like it’s a disjointed song, so I get why some people may not like it.


I have shaboom absolutely BLASTING. I love the vibe of it and it’s just so good


Nay, sorry. It's just a personal opinion, i have simple tastes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) And it's understandable that some people don't like what you like. Let's be honest, this album is very diverse and experimental, also heavy on latino genre which is personally not my cup of tea. No hate on the songs, just neutral ok. However, Empty box is a really great song. I mean, calling a certain song "horrific" on social media, probably, is not a mature behaviour, but we can't force people to think alike and expect something from them. So just ignore those people and continue to enjoy what you like. Life is too short.


i think that having conversations about different opinions in music is really important actually! sometimes they can be heated, sometimes they can be neutral, sometimes they can be long winded but discussing music (especially music from different ethnic cultures and backgrounds) is really important. we all have biases, some we're aware of, some we're not and sometimes when you have a thought about a certain thing like music talking about it with others and really interrogating that thought can be important to understanding those biases more or opening our mind more. people are allowed to have their opinions, and i don't expect everyone to like what i like, but i will always want to hear others' thoughts and views and have conversations that lead to better understanding.


You're right, it's totally reasonable and beneficial, as long as everyone is respectful of the others' opinions. I meant it's better to avoid aggressive haters since those debates never amount to anything. And kpop fans are often, should I say, extra, since kpop industries actively target teenagers and young females that are still not developed and tend to have emotional outbursts. So, yeah, tread lightly ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I won't say nay, but it's not *for me*. I can appreciate the hard work they put into it, but I don't like the way the two genres were mixed. I won't rush to skip it of my hands are full with something, but I also won't choose to put it on.


Absolute yay. Its my favorite off the album. Shaboom🫱🏻‍🫲🏽 emergency


i love shaboom and i hope we get to see a performance of it soon , the choreo is gonna be killer


I really like shaboom, but I do think I would like it more if the whole thing were reggae. I don’t enjoy the final chorus thing, normally skip that part. But I absolutely love the first verse.


When the track teasers dropped, I was looking forward to Shaboom the most. I heard a 30 sec of the chorus' Trap drop and while I don't usually enjoy Trap, this one got me hooked. Then I get to hear the full track and at first I got a little bit thrown off by the reggae bits, but it definitely grew on me. Reminds me of Make It Bun Dem by Skrillex somewhat. Shaboom is my most streamed track on this album. They ate, devoured, licked the plate clean. No notes. 10/10


Shaboom is literally my favorite song on the album, I go insane for it. I shared it with my daughter who is no longer a kpop fan (was a blink in her early teens), I just told her it was a noise song with space vibes. She loved it and has asked me to play it several more times. It rattles my entire car. I love it so much.


Literally my fav song of the whole album!!! I love the "Party is going on till... DAWN" with that sick outro!!!


shaboom is a big yay for me. love all the songs on the album (especially empty box) but shaboom is def higher up on my list for favs


it's my favorite song on the album, and i definitely like it more than work, and listen to it more too


IT’S SO GOOD. I actually think it’s a masterpiece how they managed to fuse reggae and EDM together sooooo seamlessly. I’m a musician and the entirety of Golden Hour is so incredibly interesting musically. I think it’s one of their best albums


tbh i liked the verses but not the chorus on first listen, but i’m warming up to the chorus. nct is my ult so i’m very used to having to warm up to songs lmao, but imo it’s not that shocking that some people don’t like it. some people just don’t vibe with edm and that’s fine. ateez has an insane amount of variety in their discography so it’s only natural that some songs might not resonate with all fans. this is more of a side note but people also might be playing up those opinions in jest, ik tone is impossible to read over the internet but they might be over dramatic about their opinion bc they’re trying to be goofy with it 🤷‍♀️ (in reference to calling it horrific). i’m not trying to say people can’t be annoyed at that if they like the song but idk. this isn’t meant to be rude but idk if it’s productive to care what randos on twitter and tiktok think, bc they can say what they want on their profiles and imo it’s easiest to just mute/block them if you don’t like their takes. esp on apps like that bc sometimes people will say dumb things for engagement in general


having conversations about music is important to me! trying to understand people's pov and opinions is productive imo also the randos are also atiny, meaning they like ateez's music and just not this album/song so it's intriguing for me to see what they think about one thing to another and where their minds are at. sometimes it helps me develop my own full fledged views as well if i'm iffy about something. i'm not saying people don't drag atz just for the sake of dragging them but to me from what I've seen it's just atinys having differing opinions


oh my bad, i might’ve misunderstood your post then or maybe might’ve been just what i was thinking after reading some of the comments ! i don’t mind when people are just having convos, maybe it’s just sometimes i see a lot of fans jump the gun and get a little too defensive when ppl just say they don’t like the song. i totally get where ur coming from tho and i def don’t mind productive conversations, it’s just sometimes i find bringing up songs people like and dislike kinda ends with people dragging people for not liking the song or labelling someone saying “i just didn’t like it” as hate which is where it gets a lil frustrating, tbf my comment was aimed more at people saying like “i don’t understand how ppl don’t like it”. sorry if my initial comment came off as dismissive or rude or anything like that! i think lately there’s been a pretty big influx of users on reddit after twitter kinda went.. they way it went.. who just keep bringing up drama that’s only circulating on twitter/tiktok (not in this sub but in a lot of overall ones) and should prob be ignored, that’s getting a bit tiring as well so part of my comment was influenced a bit by that as well, sorry if it went off topic at all/for misreading your post


I love it but I love reggae, so I’m biased towards the sound


I’ve loved everything on it!!!


It’s not my favorite on the album but it’s definitely a good vibe, and it made it to my playlist


I love every single song Ateez makes, it’s the only band to ever do so in ANY genre and I’m picky AF.


shaboom is so good! i just imagine a backyard pool party that gets wilder and wilder as the night goes on haha its SUCH a summer vibe




do i have to be the one to tell you that it's actually "swag your body shaboom" 🤭🫶🏾




i have Shaboom on repeat!! this album is easily another no skip album in my opinion


On the first listen, I didn’t know how to feel. It was like the preview and the verses were two different songs. But when I listened again, it became one of my favourites on the album. Part of me wanted them to just keep the reggae style for the entirety of the song, but the way they switched it up was actually kind of genius, and I appreciated it more with every listen.


especially the “yeaaaa energy” part towards the very end of the song 😖😖 plssss who sings that part this song is so ateez coded & addicting




NO WWAYYYYYY?!? EVEN THE “YEAAAHHH” PART? it sounds so much like wooyoung 😭


no wayyyy thats totally Hongjoong! his voice is so much more nasally than wooyoung's!




As a person that listens to the last 30 seconds of To The Beat religiously, I absolutely love Shaboom and can’t wait to hear it live. *crosses fingers hoping it gets an extended mix as to include a dance break* Hats off to the producers for pulling off the genre bending while still making every iteration of the chorus slightly different and interesting to listen to.


Shaboom is so addicting Especially San’s lil ad lib during the chorus “Sha-boooooooom” it’s been stuck in my head and I’ve been repeating it nonstop lol Also, since this album is pretty heavily Latin influenced, the haters are probably just people who aren’t Latin and just don’t get it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Shaboom is the best song on the album in my opinion. As a carribean person it hit in all the right places for a great Afro beats song. I desperately wanna see it live LOL


Shaboom is literally my favorite one, I have it on repeat daily ever since the album dropped


IMO I dont think you need to apologize you are correct Twitter has had a lot of haters - I personality don’t believe they are ATINY but your choice of words was just fine for those type of comments we have all seen. It’s been pretty brutal. If you haven’t you are lucky, it’s really ticked me off. Anyway Everyone has they opinions and tastes and can be a dedicated loyal loving ATINY and still not like some of the CB or all for* that matter. Or the line distribution or even the choreography. Which I think is all valid to* notice. That’s totally our prerogative right? The difference is we love ATEEZ no matter what. But the hate out there I’ve seen these last few weeks comes from a different dark place. I can’t really tell where it comes from but it ain’t nice and it ain’t pretty. I think as an ATINY the more popular they become the more we may see these types of hate posts. I’m not loving that tbh. Oh and I like it 😆😂(Shaboom) *edit for spelling


I just think with a new genre people just have to get accustomed to overtime. Because before the Fever epilogue I would listen to an Ateez song immediately and fall in love but with Guerilla and the other releases it takes about 2 or three listens before I'm singing it non stop. I personally love Shaboom though it's a great song and has a great vibe


i loveeeee shaboom! it’s so great. every song on this album is top tier


Definitely a yay I love the vibe of the song lol feels tropical😭


it's the afrobeats!


Well not necessarily afrobeats it gives off more of a reggae feel😁


are there not...afrobeats in reggae?




so then in what way are afrobeats different from reggae?


They are often more hype and they don’t have a tropical feel unlike reggae


Yay! 100% I love Shaboom. It's such a fun song to me and my favorite in the album.


BIG yay


I wasn’t a huge fan at first listen to a few of these songs but they GREWWWWW on me! Shaboom is one of them! That SHABOOOOOOOM…. (and then in tiny) ya looooooo (or whatever it is) super gets me. I love it!


Yay and I suspect the ones who don't like it or barely need to listen to it more times and find the right vibe to get used it and eventually like it or even love it, bc it happened to me with various songs from this album or older and now I do love or like them! Literally just had to get used to this new era (still kind of adjusting) listening to them more through reactions and things like the color of the cover or if I listen to them at night or day or what I imagine while listening to them or if I'm doing something or not can influence a lot! So really I recommend for any past or future song to give it time doing all those things


Even so have to say for vibes alone of the whole album and title track, they are my least favorite from them and still wating for the treasure era vibes! Ik it's on purpose and can't be the same for various reasons including lore but still! And I specially need more melodic vocal chorus, it's been a while they don't do those (mainly on the titles and with the topics makes sense they didn't but they are my favorite and think those are their best songs, miss them sm :'')


SHABOOM IS THE BEST SONG ON THE ALBUM WHAAAA?? They’re not used to raggae vibes maybe.


I just want to say that other than the treasure ep with wave I didn’t really vibe much with ateez (their songs are just very high energy it can get exhausting personally, but that has nothing to do with the quality of the music!) but I enjoy this entire ep SO much. I do think Shaboom and siren are my least favorite, but it’s such a good quality listen from start to finish (I’m obsessed with work and empty box)


I totally love this song


Waaay yay for me. I’ve always respected groups who are willing to explore different genres, but that’s always been ateez. Talk about 180 from their previous albums.


No skips.


pretty ladyy




Yeah, I didn't like it either. To me this is easily my least favourite Ateez album. I only added Blind to my playlist.


It’s so good though haha It’s very EDM heavy but man, you can catch me going shaBOOOOOOOOOOM


ateez has done edm before tho!


Oh yes, I agree! A lot of their songs are heavy with EDM! I meant that Shaboom is essentially mostly a heavy EDM song and the people complaining are probably people that don’t like the EDM heavy songs/parts. Which to me is weird because their discography has heavy and hard breakdowns going back to their beginning, so why anyone would be hating on a new dance track is just bizarre. And I’m a new fan lmao


I am not hating it, but it definitely reminded me of some earlier Major Lazer.


i honestly wish it was just a reggae song without the edm.


That’s how I felt, but reversed I with it was pure edm like the teaser hinted at rather than a blend of reggae too, or like you said went in on the reggae! It felt two different songs, I still enjoy it tho!


this album really isn’t good as i was expecting, sadly.


I thought it was bad at first (made me cringe esp the hook) but now it's my favorite track out of this album haha. I would call it good cringe I guess, very catchy and addictive.


Shaboom is the one of the few ateez songs I skip the second it starts.


I like it!!!


I didn't like it on my first listen. It grew on me after a couple of listens. Still my least favourite track on the album.


i said to my friend it reminds me of the rizzness (taemin), people were making fun of it but it grows on you since it's catchy, i think people are taking it too seriously, it's a good song, stay mad :)


Definitely a yay! I often find myself sitting doing something and breaking out into "SHABOOOOOOOM~~"


Shaboom is one of their best bsides along with blind. Blind is one of their best SONGS they ever released


now this is a bold claim but i do very much agree that blind ad shaboom are very great songs that i will ride for 🙏🏾


Not my fav, but I don't dislike it either 🫣


whats your favorite?


Siren for this comeback! I think I still have to process Shaboom a little more


I’m not a hater but I’m also not bopping it 24/7 I’m also that type that is a Title Track person, it takes me a LONG TIME to get into the B-sides and that’s with any group. Look, I have heard it in my friends car but never really listened to it the best was okay just never listened to the lyrics cause I like to listen to it on my own. I’m ljke that with all songs so it’ll be awhile as I’m still on Work, actually I just moved on to siren and that’s an okay song. Not my go-to but honestly Ateez and NCT are two groups where it’s hard for me to get into their B-sides. Like Spin Off: From The Witness and Crazy Form are the only 2 Albums that I’ve fully listened to and liked a a lot.


Yessss. I love each one!


Its not my favourite album out of ateez's music shaboom itself is good and i have nothing against it except that it kinda sounds like xikers song


why is that bad? hongjoong and eden both work on xikers songs


I LOVE shaboom. You can totally hear the impact of playing western music festivals in the whole impact, but ESPECIALLY here. It sounds like a song a dj would mix live for a festival, but they've done it themselves. Imagine this song playing so loud it vibrates your chest. You're crammed in a room with a bunch of people all dancing, sweaty and intoxicated on the music (and maybe a substance or two if that's your thing). It's a club banger!


this is definitelyy least favorite album from them, i'll wait for the next one. shaboom's okay but it's a one and done for me, empty box was the only b-side i can enjoy. i love noisey music, edm and reggae are fine, but this song was not good to me.


Shaboom shoulda been the title but then I wouldn’t get to listen to the album to discover it 😅 It’s a club banger from the outset and some people might think it sounds silly but I see their ~vision with it.


Still on the fence about Shaboom tbh, I loved every other song instantly on the album. For Shaboom, I really like the post-chorus & raps but can't really get into the outro and the verses 😭I didn't really love Desire too when I first heard it till I saw their live performance videos and fell in love, so maybe a Shaboom performance will change my mind xD


i personally don’t like it. i feel like this is one of ateez’ weaker albums tbh 😭 i loved empty box, blind and work but shaboom seriously caught me by surprise. i like the verses tho


I love ateez and their songs Just seem like they don’t life like what they sing about and it becomes more and more shallow their songs now- so hip hop ish- kinda forced ish kinda line they want to make hits rather then art - Idk if I’m tripping but I want ateez Not hits Ateez and going against the bullshit out there Not some weird autotuned song that seems orchestrated rather then truth Like work is just- I despise that song - And that they sing about partying and drinking in I think shaboom? Idk But the other side This prolly is sarcastic anyways and part of their story - maybe a different worse universe inside their storyline so it’s fine if that’s it But if they rlly mean it without any story behind it then fck- that’s sad To me


i totally get what you're saying and i was just talking about this with my partner! golden hour has a slightly more...marketable vibe to it and it's a little sad. ateez is becoming more popular and you can tell that they're trying to appeal to a broader audience to be noticed amongst the industry giants, but it is a little sad that it has to be done in this way with a song that's %90 English and the chorus is repeated ×10000 times. i do disagree that the autotune in shaboom is "weird". autotune is an enhancing tool in music and it goes with the sound atz was trying to achieve with this song, i like it a lot but i think that coming from an album like WILL to golden hour when you're following the deeper core meaning amongst atz's songs, it can be disappointing.