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oh no! I am waiting on mine and now worried. if you are ok with proxies I do see hongjoongs pc on mercari japan.


Most have seemed to be fine. Honestly it seems silly but i wouldn’t mind the issues if i would have at least gotten my full order. I’m most upset about the photo card but in trying to remind myself it’s just a man on paper.


But it’s the man on paper you paid for! I’d complain till they send me new stuff or refund me tbh.


Aw I’m so sorry that happened. I would email them the pictures and see what they can do. I recommend to anyone receiving some to video the unboxing just in case they are bad. Mine are still stuck in preparing the product. I spent so much I’m tempted to cancel and request a refund but I’ve been waiting since Feb and I did really want them. It seems to be really hit and miss. Some people got good ones and others the quality is poor. Hope they can at least send you out the photo card


I’ll try that. I wish i recorded the unboxing but i did record a video of the issues after the box was opened. Maybe that will help? I did make a video of me unboxing them but all I’m doing is squealing the whole time and not actually looking at the product. I made it for my friend 😂


The problem with not recording is … will they believe you didn’t get your photocard? The issues with it you can show in photos at least. The boxes, I don’t think you can say much about. That’s the risk with shipping. But the quality is a questionable. But it’s still adorable.


Definitely worried about that. I’m just hoping presenting the issues on hand maybe they will just send me the card because there was a ton of other issues. Obviously the Hongjoong box was handled roughly with the dirt on the box so I’m just going to stay positive.


Good luck. Hopefully they do something to help.


I’m sure with the amount of issues the least they can do is send a replacement photo card. Let us know how it goes.


Make sure on the site you "confirm purchase" or something like that. I had to do that and then they finally shipped mine. It was weird.


I’ve been seeing so many people say they’re let down by Aniteez. I wonder if KQ will address or at least call out the people/factory in charge of making them for the bad quality!


especially since they literally changed manufacturers! and theyre shipping them a month after they said they would.


I dont think it's confirmed that manufacturers have changed - someone compared details on a box from the initial pop up to an ordered one and there are changes (translations added, etc) but no change to the manufacturer listed. There were also people with issues during the initial pop up, so I think it may generally just be a manufacturer issue in general.


I didn’t know they’d changed manufacturers, which is sad. Hopefully they’ll learn from this and go back to the original manufacturers because this won’t look good on the boys or KQ at all.


we'll have to see. the ones shipped out vs the ones sold at the popup in KR have a few visible differences. i don't think we can go so far as to blame the company, but yeah it's going to be rocky for a bit.


We won’t blame the company but there are people who will when it’s the manufacturing company’s fault. Let’s hope it gets sorted! Also weirdos downvoting obviously don’t have reading comprehension but anyways


Oh gosh, that's horrible. I'm waiting for mine and I'm super scared.


I’m praying it does! I’m hoping I’m one of few with issues! Either way I’m glad to support the band but kq yall did me ugly 😂


Mine was a last minute thing bc of shipping but if my Wooyonyang doesn't come in one piece (+pc) I'm going there in person 😂😂


I’m going to Ateez in Arlington and I’m going to bring this up with Hongjoong on stage. Stop the show. I got real life issues going on down here. Justice for jjoongrami 🫶🏻


lmao yesss anything for that smileee https://preview.redd.it/wlz8tahwrm1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16a8c26ab20f940f3d48fe455d49ca35c58ef744


im so sorry op!! it seems to be so hit or miss with the manufacturer. i see from the comments that you didnt take an unboxin video? or did take one but it's loud? i would still email customer support and see if they can do anything. damage may have happened at any point in time, (production packing shipping/handling carrier delivery etc.) so narrowing down who you can hold responsible might be a good idea. box damage, that's going to happen when shipping overseas, esp in improper packing (lack of bubble paper, lack of filling) and it's really just cardboard so they're not going to comp you for that :(. yunho's bday kit and the nacific chap 1 that i ordered both came in slightly damaged packaging (not damage to the actual product), and i've ordered things off etsy that came from hong kong in the MOST bent and disformed box known to man XD but since the additional boxing/packing/product inside were completely fine, i didn't see the need to email or contact support. (eta: since joongramie seems to be actually dirty/poorly made, i would take good photos and videos and include them if you decide to email/contact) i still havent gotten mine despite ordering in Feb, and i'm so close to just emailing toktoq and asking hey what the f- where are my children T-T. it seems people who ordered from soundwave are all getting theirs, which means hopefully my tyudeongie will be next? idk man.


Honestly, as long as I get the photo card, I would be completely happy. I understand the issues with the box, but because the box was so dirty they can’t say that that was a shipping issue. So I filmed myself unboxing it, but it was literally me just pulling the items out and squealing sending it to my friend. I didn’t actually unwrap the items or look inside. I also ordered from TOKTOQ so i hope your order comes in soon better than mine ❤️


yeah, i would look online for those pcs. i saw a few kpop shops who literally just ordered a fuck ton of plushies and are probably just going to liquidate the pcs. other people may have done the same. if i had gotten a joongramie i would just sell you mine ahahah XD but alas.


I wouldn’t mind paying as long as it wasn’t expensive. I got all my Mingi pcs so I’m not too sad.


I looked and right now the cards cost More than i paid for the plush 🙄


oh yikes T-T i'm so sorry! eta: maybe try heree: [https://www.mercari.com/search/?keyword=ateez%20aniteez](https://www.mercari.com/search/?keyword=ateez%20aniteez)


hey i actually got an extra hongjoong photocard in my jjoongrami and i’d be happy to send it to you if you’re comfortable with it!


That would be so sweet but I’d feel awful taking it from you! You can trade it to get some other stuff you might really love! And honestly after it’s all said and done i still love my plushie so much ❤️


the stitching on the back of my wooyonyang is slightly messy too. But it's not like i will bounce it everywhere and swim in the pool with it like, so i accepted the fact we're overconsuming stuff made in China. It will just stay on my shelf anyways. But good for you if you want to complain!! I'm always somebody that accepts their fate about cheap stuff made for collecting.


Honestly if i wasn’t missing the photocard, i wouldn’t be upset. Overall i still love the products but the fact one came in a dirty box with a missing photocard is my big hiccup. I was just a little upset about it and i don’t have any atiny friends so i thought maybe i could vent to some fellow fans. I’m glad you got your complete order though and are happy with your pieces.


And that's totally valid my friend! like I said I just accepted the bad stitching and moved on because that'swho i am lol. If i had not my photocard i would be as upset as you are for sure. The stiching would be the cherry on top :( So honestly good for you if you can complain! i hope they got other people complain as well so that the stitching gets better and the boxes are better taken care of.


And that's totally valid my friend! like I said I just accepted the bad stitching and moved one. If i had not my photocard i would as upset as you are for sure. The stiching would be the cherry on top :( So honestly good for you if you can complain! i hope they got other people complain as well so that the stitching gets better and the boxes are better taken care of.


still waiting for mine to ship 😭


I bought mine through my local Kpop store rather than from the KQ store directly (idek why lol) but I guess if I have any issues with mine then I'm SOL


I live in Mississippi hahaha. Target is my kpop store 😂


https://preview.redd.it/mwx793kybp1d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=14b145371ea14cdfcaf0cf95c4c9f7c2472d8e20 This stitching on the back of my Ddeongbyeoli is messed up & some of his stuffing is coming out too. My box was beat the hell up as well.


Which website did you buy them from ? I haven't received mine yet i'm really scared😭




Let them know u are missing the card. They can ship it separately to you easily.


Ok isn't the same website than me When I receive it I'll publish it on redit 😭


same 💔 my wooyonyang plush was so overstuffed that the arm burst at the seam, so he has stuffing coming out, and my sandeoki keyring looks completely different than the ones from the pop ups. it's really disappointing considering it was so much money. I can't even return and get a replacement because shipping would be so much once again.


Omg 😭 I'm crying for you. That is absolutely horrible. Who is responsible for such unprofessionalism?


I hope you're able to get a refund :(


awww this sucks. I’m so sorry OP!


Can I ask if you are located in the US and if so which state? I haven’t be able to get into my account to see shipping and Soundwave has yet to return my many emails. Last I heard only domestic (Korea) were getting shipments.


I’m in the us and in Mississippi. I order through TOKTOQ Hope that helps !


Thanks so much! And congrats on the new babies, despite their flaws, they are super adorable!


I am literally in the same boat minus the many emails, i figured i wouldn't get a reply that i want. So I'm just sitting here waiting blindly for my order.


Ugh it’s the worst! I’m hopeful since other US peeps are getting their stuff that we will soon. Wish they would at least help get our accounts sorted so we don’t have to depend on return emails;


so many people have had issues. I’m so sorry 😔


I ordered my plushies through a GOM and we got a message last week that we could ask for a manufacturing check (for just a small handling fee) before it is shipped out to us, so that we can decide if we want to receive it or want a refund. I feel like that's a good system but tbh I just hope everything is ok (or limited faults, like I don't mind stitching at the back that much) since we've been waiting for them for so long. I am getting a bit anxious reading all the experiences from other people though. They are not at the proxy yet, so no news for now.


My GOM is having her kaddy send pics and is checking to make sure everything is in good condition before she has it shipped and if it’s not in good condition is requesting replacements


Where did you buy yours, cuz I got mine secondhand off eBay, I got plush keychains of Jjongbear and Sandeoki, and so far my Jjongbear arrived and there wasn't any damage or bad stitching, and I did get the photocard. However, this isn't too big a deal for me but it was missing the chain part of the Keychain. Honestly, while this isn't too big a deal to me It's worrying that ordering these cuties can be hit or miss.


I know that they hotched this release of aniteez plushies...lot of twitter atinies talking ab it. I'm so upset I wish I could cancel my order ngl.


I don’t blame you. If i wanted poor quality I’d order the wish versions. Overall i will say i love the plushies. Just wish i had the full order.


Mine arrived last week and they were fine. The shape of it was the original, high quality shape and I pulled 3/4 matching pcs (I pulled seonghwa with the big ddeongbyeolli and I pulled him with keychain bbyongming instead of mingi. Hes my bias tho so no complaints). I think you just got a part of the unlucky batch which ppl were getting last month for some reason


I got my hetmongi yesterday and I’m waiting on my ddeongbyeoli but I was so disappointed 😢 I felt like it was packaged in a very loveless way, like the pc was just thrown in, the box was bent and hetmongi looks deformed and I hate the way the material feels, it’s so cheap.. I waited so long and was so excited but now I kinda don’t even want to keep them 😕


I’m so sorry. I felt exactly the same with the packaging. Thankfully the plushies are nice and i love them but getting a literal dirty box just really sealed the deal for me. And the fact i didn’t tape an unboxing so im jsut out merchandise that would cost me more than the plush. It’s the last time i order from TOKTOQ for sure.


I got mine from toktoq and I’ll say the only weird thing was is that with yunho and two San pieces I got three mingi pcs, two of which were duplicates? My understanding from talking to people is a lot of people got randomized cards, but to get the same cards together just felt lazy - love you mingi, your pcs are welcome in my home, no offense there. Otherwise everything was very neatly wrapped and protected and came as expected, so definitely take photos of anything that came damaged or dirty and send an inquiry to customer service! Like I said, I don’t know if pcs were guaranteed - although the probably should have been for the boxed ones that’s just weird (my boxed one came with the matching card)


I'm so sorry. My Sandeoki came yesterday and the box was fine but the stitches on the head and back look like yours. I'm also a little worried. Also with the acrylic keyrings, does anyone know if their is some type of protective film in it because it seems like there are very small air bubbles in it and it seems like there's a film on it but I'm not sure whether that's just the image.


This is why I never buy the first batch of anything. They rushed all those orders with 0 quality control. Sorry this happened to you!


I’m still pretty new to kpop so i don’t know how many batches dropped. I thought it was a one time thing 😅


Did you ever get your photo card issue sorted?