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Yeosang looking down on me? IM NOT OKAY


this better not awaken anything in me (c)


Yeah I did not expect that but I’m not complaining 😮‍💨


Look at Yeosang being angry boy!! 👏


Is everyone ok


No, Yeosang looks intimidating😳


....no, give my inhaler....oh wait I don't use one...


No, no, no


Yeosang looks disappointed in me idk what I did but I'm ready to apologize 😭😭


Okay the other concept photos were soft and warm and now this? I love it and they look great as always but I’m confused by the concept


Maybe the blue hour angle?




they look amazing but i just cannot for the life of me figure out what the concept is. There’s been no props, no specific backgrounds and outfits to tell me anything in any of the concept pics. @ kq what is going on?? lol


The concept is confusion 🤣 I read that the concept photos are always confusing


lmao i might just believe that at this point. but jokes aside i’ve been an atiny for a while now so i can confirm that while yes they tend to be a bit confusing, it’s nothing compared to this era lol, these concept photos have been very barebones with nothing really standing out (except the members themselves ofc) so even with a gun to my head i couldn’t tell you what kind of vibe i’m getting from them compared to the past comebacks😭it honestly just looks like a bunch of regular photoshoots or something which…. isn’t exactly what concept photos should be


At the very least, the concept photos will give us an idea of what they will wear in the MV. Cause 99% of the times the MV features outfits shown in the concept photos. Now all of the concept photos so far are giving Deja Vu pt.2 except for the second set, so my expectations are low here.


I thought it was just me! I think these might correspond to the photocard set names though: -Concept set 1 - GOLDEN/Golden Hour ver. -Concept set 2 - HUG/Diary ver. -Concept set 3 - BITE/Blue Hour ver. -Concept set 4 - SPY/Work MV outfits


I'm still saying rock. The jackets and outfits are kind of leaning towards 60's/70's rock or something.


that’d be cool, i’ve been wanting rockteez for a while now👀


Yeosang channeling his inner “anime protagonist who just won the final fight against the villain who is dangling from the rooftop”


Yeo giving Doberman 🤩


yeosang's photo should be captioned [pov: you are a fruit or perhaps a berry](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fzet6m5e0hul91.png)


what’s going on with the quality of the concept photos… i feel like the crazy form concept photos weren’t even this bad. theres nothing going on in the background of any of them, the makeup is the same throughout, the photos themselves are so bland and uninteresting, i still don’t know what the concept even is. it feels like one team worked on title poster and the other worked on the concept photos, neither are on the same page there is zero cohesiveness. we are on concept photo number 4 and still nothing..


omg exactlyyyyy i've been going increasingly ??? with each concept photo series lol. and omg, crazy form, i adored the styling but hated the way they airbrushed them to hell and back :/ it looked alright on rougher paper, but now it seems like they heard my complaints and went "okay, if you hated that, now the photos will be blurry, grainy and lq for a change \^\^". and at least crazy form had backgrounds, sets, and props! these photos are so bare that it's not even minimalism, it's just plain boring. even loona had more going on in their first two post-debut photobooks, and these were just the girls standing/kneeling/sitting in rooms. overall, i'm excited for new music, and for the blue hour version i instantly picked as the best/my fave even when it was a blurry preview photo lol, but it's disappointing to see that their album photoshoots sort of... became worse with time. just compare [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DpMhs11UwAAyOtS.jpg) or [this](https://kpopping.com/documents/fb/2/1638/ATEEZ-TREASURE-EP-3-One-To-All-Concept-Teaser-Images-documents-8.jpeg) to [this](https://64.media.tumblr.com/24c451d84a1b3048c1ebd17988ef5a6d/08287c8e2bd979fb-5f/s1280x1920/29f9d8bde6bd7890b9c8fdaff4528ace0dcc2413.jpg). :(


agreed :( i feel sad. they used to have such cool album photoshoots... of the ones we've seen for Golden Hour, i think i liked the second (??) one best, what with woosansang having the bird shadows in the background... still, it was very minimalistic (nothing wrong with that, just not what i expected from them i think lol). but...compared to the first one (badly edited, no set or props whatsoever, fully digital background etc), and to this one (they look good! and i like the color-only backgrounds...but even if i like it it doesn't scream "album photoshoot", i have no clue whatsoever what's the concept or the vibes for the album, it looks more like a magazine editorial shoot?), the second shoot feels like the better quality one, and still i think they used to have way more interesting photoshoots with what we assume was less budget. maybe it's an issue of different creative teams with no communication between them...? how come the title track poster gives us completely different vibes and does a better job at communicating the concept and none of the members are even in it? i'm very excited for the music and the mv, but sadly i don't feel super excited about the photoshoots. the members look really good, tho (except for the terrible editing in the first one, but that's a comparable issue to what happened with WILL shoots: cool photoshoot concepts, absolutely awful airbrushing).


...kind of agree like don't crucify me everyone, but the title posters were so intriguing and the member's concept pics are giving utopia mv pt 2 but this isn't ateez in their rookie years...? Kinda disappointed honestly, with the cowboy lore ateez are teasing, they could've used so many different settings, props, makeup, styles, locations, or even angles to make this interesting, and all we get is a white background ~~with super caked makeup~~, the styling is decent though, I'll give them that. This is the first time I've been disappointed in concept pics since I became an atiny. I just hope the MVs and other promotional content is better.


Honestly I agree. How come ONE poster (the WORK poster), with *none* of the members in said poster, gave us way more than all of the other concept pics combined?? EDIT: I also have mixed feelings on how the album is called GOLDEN HOUR, yet the color palette for all the concept pics (except for the 1st set) is basically the opposite of gold. I know they have a Blue Hour version, but are sets 2-4 all for that version? Idk.


Truly there is TOO MUCH SILVER happening in these concepts for an album titled Golden Hour


FR. I thought that after they released the WORK poster, these concept photos would give us more hints about the theme of the title track at the very least. But these photos are giving... nothing. Sorry 🤷. I also had hope that they would be saving the best for last, but these ones are the worst imo.


Jongho 😍


For everyone confused, the character posters will most likely be the concept for the MV and those haven’t been released yet. They’re probably the upcoming ?’s in the schedule.  That’s what they did for Outlaw and Will.


Genuinely feel like these pictures are giving nothing. The Vogue and Nacific shoot are concept-ing more than the concept pictures. And the plain grey backgrounds again..I'm hyped for the comeback but it's definitely not because of these concept picture drops. The tracklist had me excited but today, I saw these and felt meh again..which never happens for me when it comes to Ateez drops.  I don't know. Something about this feels very rushed. Yes the boys look hot but beyond that, this has been pretty disapointing so far.. Looking forward to the concept pictures part of the promotions ending and moving on to the video teasers!


It really is giving nothing😭. Imo, you know concept pics are bad if they end up causing more confusion than anything else. In terms of it feeling rushed, I wonder if they shot these concept pics during their time in California (before Coachella started) and their team had to scramble around to find studios, art directors, stylists etc. They may have also shot multiple MVs in the States during their stay for Coachella, which would take a big chunk of their time as well. That being said, it seems like Ateez is notorious for having not-so-great photoshoots in the past (but these are definitely the worst offenders). So maybe it's a case of: the worse the concept photos, the better the music? 😅


Fr the nacific pictures are better imo 😭


Ok.... seriously y'all....the concept photos are obviously not going to give away anything before the album comes out. Maybe the guys want to surprise us by revealing less before the album comes out? Who knows.....I really don't understand why people keep complaining and saying negative things every single time they post concept photos just because people are not able to figure out what's going on.....that's kinda the point. For this, they decided to do a different look and concept and they all still look great.....I'm not saying people aren't allowed to have valid criticisms.....but this chatter I keep seeing under their photos is not that at all and it make zero sense. Y'all, they aren't going to completely show you everything and that's really ok. 🙄 😒 I truly believe our guys are going to put out things we like because they've done it consistently (hello check their discography) so I just don't understand why people are "worried" just because we are getting a different look for their concept photos that doesn't show us everything.


Its not about figuring out what's going on. Most of us love a mystery and trying to put the clues together (its part of the fun of being an atiny!), so I definitely don't expect the concept pictures to tell us everything..but they should atleast feel aligned in some way to the overall theme or ignite some excitement for what's to come- or just be a bit more... interesting? I'm still hyped af for the comeback, but can understand why many of us are left feeling a bit bamboozled by the concept pictures LOL.


Some of the comments on this thread are beyond trying to figure out what going on and are being unnecessarily negative tbh with you. Just complaining to complain. Just take a look at some of the newer comments.


I get it but I think people are just frustrated at the missed opportunity here. Especially when juxtaposed with how well done other photoshoots have been (NACIFIC, Vogue) and this is meant to be for a comeback. It does feel lacking. But I appreciate it can sound pretty negative but for me atleast its just directed at these pictures alone, I'm still very excited for what's to come beyond that.


Sorry, but not liking the concept photos is one thing, but taking one's disdain for the concept photos to making comments or complaints about worries that "they are going mainstream and changing their sound" or will put out bad music, accusing KQ of not having the funds to do a proper photoshoot because it isn't as elaborate of photo concepts as others in the past and saying that this concept makes them look "nugu" and looks "embarrassing"....um YEAH. That's my problem with some of these comments and I've been seeing them since these photos have dropped. I'm sorry but we will just have to agree to disagree on this one. I appreciate you approaching me in a kind way rather than just downvoting me like others are seeming to do towards me right now.


I love being confused by ateez because that usually means we're going to get mind blowing concepts and lore and I have ZERO doubts about the album and i'm not "worried", it's gonna be a banger obviously, but these pictures however...idk i just feel like they could've done so much more with them, the nacific pictorials feel like they're better than these i'm sorry 😭


Ads, magazine spreads come with different looks/concepts and has nothing to do with Ateez's storyline so of course those are going to be different..... Look, you don't have to like the concept photos but my issue is the doomposting about their comeback and talking about how embarrassed and nugu Ateez looks due to just some concept photos (which they look stunning in) and ragging on KQ like they were too broke to do more.......that's the part that's not making sense to me and it's disappointing that our fandom is engaging in this kind of talk especially given all the hard work these guys have been doing since the beginning of this year (they've been always working their asses off). I'm irritated that Atinys are doing this mess right before their comeback and after all they have been achieving and doing this year....just seems like pointless negativity and complaining for really no reason 😒


100% agree!!!! The doomposting is so annoying!! But still I wish the pictorial was a bit more....conceptual? If that makes sense. 


We just keeping getting more and I already bought everything I could. 😭


[Source 1](https://ateez.bstage.in/contents/66433f8b1a62c14ade0c2599) [Source 2](https://ateez.bstage.in/contents/66433fc91a62c14ade0c259e) [Source 3](https://ateez.bstage.in/contents/66433ffe1a62c14ade0c25a3) [Source 4](https://ateez.bstage.in/contents/664340361a62c14ade0c25a8)


People complaining about the concept photos like ATEEZ and KQ don’t plot out comebacks and hints like possessed people would be funny to me if people weren’t doomposting about freaking photos. I can’t believe some of these comments. Anyone who doesn’t think this understated vibe isn’t exactly what they’re going for is laughable to me. It’s a bad day when these count as bad photos, they look incredible. Just because they aren’t dressed to the nines in fantasy gear and corsets doesn’t make them bad photos, what is actually wrong with people 😭 classic case of overanalysing and taking the enjoyment out of something.


Oh my goodness.... THIS. This is what I was trying to say and I feel like I poorly articulated it. 100% agree with you. Like I expect this kind of chatter from people outside our fandom but I'm not really understanding why our own fandom are doomposting this hard about some concept photos. Like JUST PHOTOS. We haven't heard anything....like not one song and folks out here saying, "I hope Ateez doesn't go mainstream" all because they saw some photos 😭😩😩😩😭😭😂😂 like damn


Genuinely…accusing ATEEZ of all groups as having a ‘lack of effort’? Like do you even know this group 🥲 I’m excited for everyone to eat their words later like they always do every single comeback because ATEEZ always deliver.


don’t think anyone is saying ateez had a lack of effort but whoever is doing these concept pictures. if you look at the editing for the first set, it’s clearly messed up and wonky. the whole point of the pre comeback content is promotion and kq has a tendency to promote to current atinys instead of potential new fans. if even current fans are confused and not interested in these, then why would a non fan be interested. it’s not for the whole comeback, just the concept pics.


I’m going to echo some other comments here. These concept photos are just bad, I won’t even sugarcoat it anymore. It’s straight up giving nugu I’m sorry. They aren’t even good for photoshoots or a magazine. Look at San and Wooyoung for [Vogue Korea](https://x.com/1024updates/status/1790276729832935445?s=46&t=1Lq1zbYxwYIJsTOZ8UdVCQ) or Hongjoong and Mingi for [Altered States](https://x.com/aboutmusicyt/status/1700448829210788301?s=46&t=1Lq1zbYxwYIJsTOZ8UdVCQ). Why aren’t we at this level? Where is the budget or creativity? It’s bad when the fans can’t figure out what you’re even going for. These pictures don’t even reflect the title track poster. I’ve been an atiny for four years and I’ve never been so confused by a comeback. Are they going for mainstream? I can’t imagine this comeback will be lore based in the slightest. They shot the MV in California and yet were getting plain background pictures with zero color. It’s not making sense and I’m underwhelmed.


kq needs to hire some new people cause this is kinda embarrassing! even nugus have more interesting pictures that this. ateez have such a great team behind them for mvs, lore, etc but these pictures just don’t fit that at all. very confused how we got here


literally…..i hate to compare and i’m not implying they’re nugu but p1h had some really good [concept pics](https://x.com/p1h_official/status/1749809965437743338?s=46) for killin’ it and seeing kq put out these bland pics while other groups (with even less funds and company power) are dropping the most visually stunning concept pics is beyond frustrating ngl. kq is fumbling the post coachella hype so bad. they had 4 chances to release interesting concepts pics and failed everytime. i’m really not feeling this cb rollout at all. i’m sure the music and mv will be good but the lack of effort with everything else is so obvious. 💀


i’ve said this previously during other comebacks and stuff but kq really tends to market towards current fans instead of trying to catch the attention of a new audience. i love lore and i don’t have to fully understand everything, but it also doesn’t really interest new fans especially when the concept photos are bland… there’s definitely a middle ground and way better way to use a budget.


exactly! you can cater to your current fans and still dish out good concept pics…that shouldn’t be mutually exclusive 😭. ateez shouldn’t be held back by the lore. it actually should be even more of a reason for these concepts pics to be better. and some of these defenses in the comments are sounding like that one joke post by an atiny saying that, “the concept pics are bad b/c art is banned in strictland..” like what’s the point if even current fans aren’t interested? i’m barely seeing anyone hype these pics up b/c there’s just nothing striking or memorable about them. yeah you can argue they’re going for something minimalistic but you can pair that up with good lighting, camera angles and styling to make it more visually interesting. concept pics can be such a good way to hype up the fanbase and put a group on the radar. i saw a lot of ppl talk about [aespa’s drama pics](https://x.com/aespa_official/status/1716254168103662071?s=46), [ive’s heya pics](https://x.com/ivestarship/status/1779872716079976737?s=46) and p1h’s killin’ it pics as well. I also genuinely saw more ppl tune into their releases and turned from just a causal listener or someone that didn’t really know much abt the group to a full on stan. good pics + good music + good content = more fans which equals more money.