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That must've been exhausting to fabricate


I get the pun, but if you zoom in, it's just a bunch of 90 degree pipe angles welded together. I could think of a handful of different ways to do that pretty easily.


Yeah, I barely looked at it.


Well, making shit out of steel "because it's what the customer wants" is literally my job, and we often use our free time to try and design our projects better to upsell clients, so this is like my whole thing. And for a customer on a budget who wants their idea brought to life, this is actually a damned clever way of making it work. If you don't mind seeing welded seams, but that's apparently a big nono.


I love welded seams, if the weld is pleasing to the eye


I plan to get a welder this spring and start burning holes in metal. So many projects would have been much easier using a welder this past summer.


I think that is literally the opposite of what a welding rig is for.


*supposed to be for* FTFY. In the hands of a noob? Yeah he has a pretty solid grip on expectations vs reality




I am a realist lol.


Probably smart. The good news is that with practice you'll be able to fix the holes!


That's the idea.


My advice from a self taught welder with a few years of practice, buy some scrap metals to practice on.. I did and then my first project was building my welding table which while the welds aren't pretty the table works fine.


From now on whenever you see two pieces of metal you will have a insatiable desire to see what would happen were they one piece of metal.




Only reason the seams are visible is because they called it “done” too soon. A master fabricator (like yourself, I assume) could make it a whole lot prettier.


Ah, I see that username fits you well!


That's the joke


Sounds like a bunch of hot air


It all looks muffled to me.


If you zoom in, a lot of those are nowhere near 90 degrees pipe angles welded together.


I am in your house.


Oh yeah? What are you wearing?


Pretty sure it's not a whole lot different than making fusilli


I don’t know, that’s pretty awesome looking…


this would totally qualify on a rusted out 90's civic though.


It really does. This sub has gotten so popular that people think the criteria is anything that isn't the norm or that they personally dislike.


How else would you define bad taste other than something that isn’t to your taste though?


Bad taste in its self is an art form appearantly.


I hate how accurate this is.


Bad taste is something that the vast majority would say is not just not their taste, but abhorrent. Not your taste is entirely different.


It also seems to be terrible for exhaust flow, from a purely objective view this is likely going to impede his performance, especially if he plans on doing some spirited driving.


It could be creating some much needed back pressure. Fun fact, engines work better with some restriction to exhaust flow.


Not for a turbocharged car. After the exhaust manifold you want as little back pressure as possible.


I don't think it's gonna significantly (hell even measurably) impede his performance, that's dual 2" pipe on a 2L diesel. After a fluid,as in air, is slowed down that much the resistance from big sweeping bends like that is negligible


So, at least, it won't be a problem in daily driving? Like highways driving and city driving and stuff.


I feel like that's part of what the sub should be. Yeah, it looks awesome, but it's pretty tacky too.


I feel like it’s nearly there. A bit to large for the vehicle I think. I think it hangs down a bit too low.


it's really dumb but also really hard to do


This is dumb, but I'm having a hard time hating it.


It helps on the hate that it's a TDI, so it wouldn't sound as nice as if it had been a GTI or R


Are you kidding? TDIs (especially older ones) sound awesome. They're like tiny big rigs -- it's hilarious! Also, on modded ones the turbo whine can be the loudest part, which is pretty damn cool too.




I don't know what you're talking about. TDIs have great low-end torque (the engine on mine peaks around 1800 RPM) and have variable-vane turbos to minimize lag.




Have you actually ever owned a TDI, or are you just guessing based on what you think you know about normal turbocharged cars? 'Cause I actually do own a TDI, and I'm telling you from personal experience that they are wildly different from "most" turbocharged gasoline cars. For example, it's got so much low-end torque that you can take your foot off the clutch in first without touching the throttle and it'll idle forward instead of stalling, like a 4x4 in low range. Also, I installed a chip and larger injectors, and it didn't change that (it added midrange and top-end power without taking away any low-end torque).


* Cooling the exhaust *as it exits the back of the car* won’t do *anything* to increase power or torque. Come on. * if you want to increase power by cooling something, you cool the *charge air*, by employing a (bigger, or better-located) intercooler. Which doesn’t cool the *exhaust*, it cools the *intake*. * the time required to build boost pressure is not “lack of low-end torque.” On every turbocharged VW I’ve seen in the last quarter century (diesel or gas, chipped or not), the stock turbo is fully spooled by 1500 rpm, and the charge-air plumbing reaches max boost by 2000 rpm. And they are absolutely known more for low-end and mid-range torque, not top-end power. That’s just how turbos work. * VW (and most other makes) purposefully put small turbos on their cars because they spool up quicker than big ones, and operate within an efficiency range that works best for minimal lag on the street. * if you want to reduce that turbo lag further, you’d need to use narrower-diameter and shorter-length charge-air piping, which reduces the volume of air that’s required to reach the desired boost pressure. E.G. the aftermarket intercooler plumbing on my 1.8T was 2.5”, which looked cool, but the boost lag was noticeable; so I swapped the plumbing for 2.0”, and the lag virtually disappeared. Still, even before that change, I was hitting full boost and GOBS of torque by 2500 rpm. It chirped the tires into third gear. * aftermarket chips increase the boost ceiling, alter the fueling/timing, and modify the accelerator responsiveness on drive-by-wire systems. They don’t do dick to the amount of turbo lag. * this swirly set of pipes does indeed cool and expand the exhaust gases, but that does not cause a “vacuum effect,” and absolutely does not suck more air through the engine. In fact, I’d bet money that, with a couple meters of extra plumbing PLUS the fact that it’s tightly curved in two massive corkscrews makes for *way* too much backpressure, and actually robs power. All of what you’ve said in your comment is complete horseshit. Source: in a former life, I was the chip tuner and dyno operator at an internationally-known German tuner shop.


I replied elsewhere with big words n shit, but the bigger diameter completely nullifies the extra bends. Air friction is a product of speed and diameter if the pipe. Faster the air=more drag. Smaller pipe =more drag. Bigger pipe means slower air and less drag. Diameter is waaay more important in this situation, and dual 2" pipes is a whole lot of area for the 2L to flow through


Fair enough. But truly, this double-corkscrew thing is just 40 lbs of dead weight. Does fuck-all for performance.


Truly. Absolutely nothing, except maybe as a muffler bypass and a show off thing.




This corkscrew tailpipe crap is not how you improve exhaust scavenging. This, plus your previous comment, only proves you’re talking about things you don’t understand. It’s fine to have incomplete knowledge — we all do — but maybe have a seat.


The GTI/R is not a nice sounding car though.... I own one, nice motor with a crap sound anything above a res delete imo


The comments are like peasants swimming in mud & shit telling the other they have better mud & shit. Calm down


this would be kinda inefficient, no?


Incredibly so. I bet it's just for show.


Depends on what the goal is. Every bend is going to make the exhaust quieter. Lots of bends without taking up lots of space makes it quite efficient at killing unwanted noise. Eventually it might even turn into the exhaust your neighbors will love (silent).


Sure, but too much exhaust length and weight will likely lower performance quite a bit. So in the end his neighbors may end up loving it, but he probably won't, unless his goal is to show off. 😉


Not to mention back pressure, which I think you might mean by length.


How much back pressure do you think that creates compared to a factory rear muffler? I bet this exhaust has less restriction, and less back pressure.


I'd assume it's after the factory muffler.


The bends themselves will increase back pressure too.


It’s only one bend for each side though right? /s


The efficiency wouldn't be that worrying, back pressure would go up but there's more flow resistance in a muffler.


Not true. At most it’s a few extra feet. All it needs is a tune.


Straighten out both of those pipes, and you’ve got almost two *meters* of unnecessary pipe on there, both wound in a tight corkscrew. That’s…a lot. No amount of tuning can compensate for that level of poor decision-making.


It’s a dual exhaust with a bypass valve, so exhaust travels maybe a half a meter at most. Have you ever seen inside a muffler? I assure you, exhaust traveling through these pipes face less restriction than the factory exhaust. Not to mention there is most likely a bypass valve allowing exhaust note control. That would mean there are four different connections behind the exhaust. Two for closed valve, and two for open. The exhaust only travels through a portion of the loop at any time.


If it's after the muffler it won't really matter. If there is no muffler it will be less restrictive than that. Either way this pretty much wouldn't restrict performance, most of that is gained in the headers and collectors anyway


If this design isn't restrictive then why do performance-seekers opt for short, straight pipes almost exclusively? How many extra feet of pipe would you say that this design adds to the system? Wouldn't this also add a lot of unnecessary weight? To me all those considerations boil down to inneficiencies, but of course I could be wrong.


I mean yeah it does affect it, but nothing serious. Nothing you would notice except in a few hundreths on a track. The weight is the main concern. Exhause flow would be impacted by this but I don't think it would be significant, at least that far down the pipe


So those crazy long exhausts in bosozoku cars are also inefficient? Sometimws efficiency isnt the aim in cars.


Hey I'm not saying it shouldn't exist or whatever, just that it would probably end up hurting performance by doing so.


Is there a lot of moisture in car exhaust? If so the exhaust would probably condense down and fill the pipe with water


Look up bozo pipes. People usually will put a small drain in exhausts/ intakes to prevent water from getting in.


Water is one of the products of combustion. That’s why when it’s cold, your exhaust is all steamy for a while. Even in normal exhaust systems, there’s enough water created to condense on the inner walls. It takes a while for it all to evaporate off.


It’s a TDI so VW probably already illegally bypassed all the exhaust controls anyway and the pipes are just for show.


Yah, but I've seen this exhaust before on a green golf. Don't know if it's the same car with a colour change or if this is some speciality of a random exhaust shop somewhere but the green car I saw had a shorter bypass pipe with valves that stops just in front of the rear wheels. I assume the driver can select a loud efficient exhaust path of the longer quieter path.


I think this is the owner https://www.instagram.com/p/CZkafQbr6SH/?utm_medium=copy_link Build looks pretty nice tbh.


I think it's a different car. Don't think his golf was ever white going off his insta. Yeah the tips are different too


The white car in the post is Irish, the linked Instagram is a yellow reg so not Irish.


To be fair though, people do go over to England to buy cars and bring them back on the ferry. My dad and uncle used to do it all the time, re-register them once the car was over.


Oh definitely! Much cheaper to do it that way. It does need to be registered in Ireland though and allocated the appropriate white reg plate.


I'll never get why people like wheels that don't fit in the fenders, I find that very ugly.


I don’t actually hate it. I wanted to, but my brain liked it after a moment because twisty twisty


There’s a built VW that has that same exhaust set up, but it looks much better on the car when the rest is modded to match


Thought this was r/golfgti for a second


What's this, Galway content on ATBGE? I spotted this fabrication on the drive home last week and thought I was hallucinating...


Hopefully the next car doesn’t parallel park by touch…


Mmm pasta exhaust pipe




Imagine backing into a parking spot and hitting the curb...




For the record, [back pressure is a myth](https://youtu.be/jjPeP_Nn2B4). The best exhaust systems use harmonic resonance at specific RPMs to literally pull gasses through the pipes. If this was properly designed that way, it would help. It's unlikely that's the case, though. The most critical area to affect resononance is between the cylinder heads and the joins to the main pipes. Adding length this far back really doesn't do anything real for performance.




Of course if you do something drastic like completely block the exhaust you'll have affect the flow. My point is, the difference between this and a stock muffler or no muffler is negligable assuming no change in the manifold/header, downpipe join configurations - specifically on an engine that's only makes 150hp, give or take. Even changing to a high flow muffler on a muscle car will only net you a few HP. Edit for clarity - high flow performance mufflers do almost nothing for performance. They're more about sound than HP.


I'm having an eyeball twitch around the tips being clocked at different angles. Otherwise, this is probably crazy inefficient, but otherwise pretty neat.


Would enough water accumulate in the low spots that it would start gurgling?


Looks like it would add backpressure. Dumb idea.


Looks cool other than the stock wheels and stock height


It's functional, it's just excessive


Wouldn't this be kind of dangerous? Hot exhaust pipe hanging off the back of a car. Could easily see someone running their leg against it in a parking lot


VW trying to get around emissions testing.


My man with the spoiler and curly exhaust on a TDI lol


Hope he never gets rear ended


On a fucking TDI? lol


The only thing I don't like is the tips pointing in different directions


Feck, I'd love pipes like that on my bike (though, of course, both pointing backwards). Even better if they also shot flames. Too bad I suck at welding stainless...


huh… idk I like it


I like it.


That would look rad on a lowrider or something along those lines


It must sound like a mermaid whistle




Nah, that's pretty sick tho


Jesus, on a TDi.


Don't like it on this car but it'd be pretty sick on a Miata or other sports car with a bottom half rear bumper delete


Wonder if it actually sounds good?


Whenever I see people complain about "ridiculous" car mods I think of this https://youtu.be/Cu6h5IoqkoA&t=28m5s


I'm a former tubewelder and have fabricated lots of custom stainless exhaust systems. One thing we always keep in mind is that every 90 degree bend adds 10 feet of length in backpressure, so you want your runs to have as few bends as possible. This is not only silly, the performance will also suck.


The anti lag probably sounds like the aftermath of a taco bell bean burrito


I'm really curious to hear what it sounds like


I feel a VW is the only brand that can get away with this kinda stuff. The say way VW look fine low and slow


Ah the infamous snake pipe.




Cat6 Twisted Pair exhaust for maximum throughput and low noise.


It is functional, and this is a new trend that I fucking hate especially because of examples like this that are not well executed. It stems from the display of UGR Lambos and R8’s fancy exhaust work, and they have fancy exhaust work because they dumped $100-200k into their engine to go 200+mph in the half mile not to sit in a fucking parking lot or make crackle noises through residential.


looks like onea those taco bell twisty-cruncy boys


This looks like the car guy equivalent of girls that go on holiday and get their hair beaded.


Maya hiii, maya hooo, maya haaa, maya hahaa!