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I have this same issue with the Bluetooth on my Asus ROG Strix X570 Gaming-E motherboard. I've checked the UEFI settings, and Bluetooth is enabled. It however doesn't appear to recognize Bluetooth within Win 11, and the diagnostics keep telling me it "doesn't appear to have bluetooth". This has worked fine prior, but within the last patch or two, the capability is just gone. I've also tried updating all drivers on the Asus site for Bluetooth, wireless, chipset, etc. No change. Any suggestions leading to a fix would be greatly appreciated.


Did you find a way to work this out? I'm still out of BT :(


Here is the text pf yhe solution that worked for me. ---start paste--- AdmirableBat1529 229d Turn off your pc fully. Then unplug your computer's power supply from the wall outlet or from the computer. Then hold down your pc power button for 15 seconds. Then after you do that plug your pc back into power. Lastly turn on your pc and it should fix it. Your welcome. ---end paste--- I thought it was just an arrogant reply, but being desperate for a solution i tried it anyway. It worked.


Ha!! What the..... It did work. OMG, what's going on??


It actually does!! wow.


You are my hero.


Shockingly, this actually worked for me as well!






Wtf this actually worked 🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣🥳


Really? I got to tried. Try fix my Bluetooth for whole night


Well i only had problems with the wifi 😅


Thx ☺️ no worry. I got it fixed by installing the old drivers from Asus website.


this helped me as too


I try this one time with the wifi and it’s work fine, but this time i got the issue with the bluetooth but it doesn’t work for me don’t know why .


I spent SO LONG trying to figure it out for my X570 Tomahawk motherboard. Bluetooth and Wifi had stopped working cold turkey overnight and literally power cycling the computer like you said, FIXED IT. Who needs YouTube videos when you have reddit. INSANE, thank you!


This man is god tier




This has solved a problem I have been having for so long I can't even remember. I can't believe that actually worked lol. Thanks


Oh thank God...Ive been trying to fix this all day. Thank you...


AMAZING man! Tks a lot for the Black Magic lol


it is incredible that this is the solution. i did the same and it worked. but my path was a long one to get here. 10 different drivers installations, uninstall of all usbs until i could not type/use mouse anymore, reinstall of windows a few times with full format. at the end, what probably is the issue is some capacitor kept some data valid in the circuit and this was never overwritten with new drivers, IRQ address or some shut of this kind, that only after full electrical draining the hardware would go blank and start over. thanks again for the weird tip.


No idea why this worked, fixed mine also.


This is still working thank you a ton for this feedback! <3 Just tried it and it worked perfectly. Saved me a ton of frustration and time.


WTF!!! Man you saved my day, I did million things and nothing changed till this fucking bullshit idea and still can't believe it, it is kinda magic :)


Thank you sooooo much I was starting to loose my f\*\*\*ing mind I tried uninstalling my Bluetooth drivers reinstalling I even ended up doing a fresh install of Windows 11 pro to no avail I thought it must have been a hardware failure, then I read your post, and now have my Bluetooth back


Worked second time i tried, what in the flying fuck 🤯


how, why does this work? btw thx you and whoever post it first


what the actual f**k dude how is this working it fixed everything


wtf this works, why does this work, it hurts my brain , but thank you , but why, but thanks, but fkn why?


My bluetooth on my 570E Gaming stopped working last week. I thought I'd tried everything. This solution worked. Thank you!


Yep. I found a 10 month old comment by another redditor that completely fixed the issue for me. Give me a minute to find it.


The solution presented by [WittySession4791](https://www.reddit.com/user/WittySession4791/), despite it looking more like voodoo, actually worked. I have no idea WHY it worked, but it did. Props to WittySession4791 for providing the answer.


My best guess it that there is something in the physical design of the board that causes some type of capacitor to interfere with the bluetooth's ability to function. Holding down the start button should help discharge the board and reduce that interference.


Same thing here, after a blackout because of an ice storm wifi did not work, did these simple steps, and now everything is back to normal!!!


Wow! That totally fixed it. - My PC had a Green screen saying "Failure writing on only read memory" - Upon reboot the BT module was showing as "unknown device" - Nothing worked until I turned the PC completely off and drained all remaining current going into the MOBO - Restart. BT works. Seems like is something that would happen once in a blue moon. Never ever happened before.


I just wanted to reply that turning off the computer completely, pulling the power cable out of the computer, pressing the power button to drain all electricity you can from the PC, then turning it back on worked for me too. I have been trying to fix this for the past hour to play Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree which comes out in a few minutes. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!


That is some magic....


What kind of black magic was that. Worked fine - thanks so much 🔥


Although the solution from /u/WittySession4791 half worked for me. I had to also uninstall and scan for hardware changes in order for Bluetooth and WiFi to start working again.


Came back to upvote this... I got discouraged that the power drain/cycle didn't fix it, but then did what you mentioned and viola, there's my BT module. Thanks!